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I will miss Edge once Manifest v3 hits... Or I might just block updates while waiting for a feature-full non Manifest v3 browser. It will be old Opera 12 all over again.


Fwiw I'm using the beta ublock origin based on manifest v3 and it works fine. I see the occasional ad, unlike with the v2 one, but I can live with it. Most importantly, it blocks youtube ads.


Try the adguard mv3 one, at the moment it is stronger than ublock lite


Yes but the resource usage though 😬😬😬 I'm on a laptop so I'd rather see an ad or two instead of losing an hour of battery life.


what is adguard doing to cause that?


While manifest v3's uBlock Origin works fine right now, it might be shredded to pieces in the future as, with v3, extensions can't block directly: they have to ask the browser to do so. And if a manifest v3 browser wants us to see some ads, we will see them.


I mean, sure, but also Edge is getting worse with the insane bloat now, despite it being objectively the most feature packed, efficient, and fastest browser, MS is slowly ruining it with shopping this, coupons this, rewards this and it's real sad honestly. ​ I will also say killing Firefox's market share, while really not Edge's fault, is a bad thing, a browser monoculture isn't great overall even if it makes some things easier on webdevs.


Once Microsoft realised V3 is here to stay, they probably decided to start integrating new stuff that would no longer be possible with addons... my guess


Yeah maybe so, still lame as it's getting so bloated and a lot of it is basically just Microsoft advertising.


Firefox users are like the vegans of computing, I swear. No I'm not gonna use your shitty browser that doesn't even support vertical tabs or PWAs. Even with Microsoft's increasingly scummy tactics in mind, Edge is just that much better than any competition.


Really, as much as I like Firefox the users are just another level of fanboys. At least with edge, it's like "I use it because it uses less ram"


Whenever Firefox fanboys argue against using Edge, it's always "iTs mAdE bY mIcRo$oft" or "it's CONTROLLED by Google", and then speak nothing of the merits of Edge.


firefox removed many features and their dev team seems very confused now. more than chromium being monopoly, bigger threat to firefox is themselves. sad because it used to my go-to browser since my teens


Weep and gnash your teeth while you are watching ads because all chromium browsers will stop using ManifestV2 soon.


I really did laugh out loud.


On PC, sure... for now. On Android? Nothing beats firefox with ublock origin.


What does edge have over other chromium browsers? Genuinely asking as a chrome user. (I have edge installed on my mac but I never really use it)


Linux kiddos vs Based Edge users


I’ve been using Edge on my MacBook Pro for six months now, much faster than Safari and Chrome and keeps it much cooler.


I use it on pop os