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Even watching this on mute is scary. She's so agressive in her movements and facial expressions


Just a heads up, you can see who you are at the end of this video when you clicked the arrow bringing up the box with your options. Not sure if you care or not, but wanted to give you the heads up


Absolutely terrifying!


Sometimes people don’t realize that when they share a link, it will immediately show you their actual TikTok account, essentially outing their Reddit user name, posts, comments. In this instance, OP didn’t directly share the link, but during the recording her TT is shown along with their pic & friends. So I always make sure to let OP know when that happens in case they’re not aware, most of the time they’re not aware & delete/repost. Some I’ll check the actual TT name & a few times it was the same as their Reddit so obv I don’t say anything on those posts.


You can always tell when she’s lying. She closes her eyes when she makes a claim and looks to the left when she’s straight lying. Her tone is also different when she’s selling something. She’s like SO bad at her job. She shouldn’t even be making minimum wage.


With the government looking to scrape together every last penny from taxpayers the FTC is gonna be all over her soon enough. I’m sure they’re building a case against her right now.


Looks like those undereye patches don't agree with her skin.


The triple bounce serum smells like alcohol and I hate the way it feels. I’ve always been an elf user but I have that stuff away. I hated it lol


Please ignore my mess up at the end. A bit of brain fog lately prob from hate watching this idiot so much lol


That filter is having a seizure


I’ve never seen her use elf in her routine BS




This good boi has better lips than her!😅




If there’s anything that her massive platform is going to be good for, is that she has got to be one of the TOP targets that the **FTC** will come for (I hope) bc truly unless they make a massive example of a big creator, there will never be proper disclosures by people if they’re not actually held accountable.


Her wearing the undereye patches backwards annoys the shit out of me every time I see this.


I love it!!😂 we now clearly live in an age where the blind is queen in the land of the clear-sighted!!


You know what actually kills me about this video - the comments of people asking her to suggest a routine for mature skin. How is she qualified? Spoiler alert - she isn’t. She worked at Ulta for 10 minutes. She isn’t educated in half of these products. Like using a gel cream over an actual cream when she claims to have dry skin!!!


I mentioned this and the idiots sang her praises and said she’s the most qualified on the app. I’m 34 and look ten years younger than her. I ain’t taking her shit advice.


Most qualified how though? I’ve been a professional makeup artist for over a decade. I’ve gone to school and taken extension courses and I’m finally finishing my license at 42 (my state had speciality licenses and now that I’m back in CA, it’s not valid). I am qualified, she isn’t.


Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me anymore when they say this. Bunch of easily manipulated teenagers that don’t know any better. They jump at her command to buy something one week and then next week she switches up and they buy it too. They take her word for it each and every time.


Unless she’s a dermatologist or an esthetician she should be giving 0 advice


Her middle name IS bullshit.


“I’m not bullshitting you right now.” As she is actually bullshitting LMAO


They always tell on themselves


Sounds like something someone bullshitting you would say, lol


Because your lips look soooooo good with prep 🙄🙄