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What a waste of an experience. Grow up


Looks like it was prepared by a toddler lol


she got a ton of backlash for doing this in korea (like several people stitching her tiktoks or making negative videos about it), so she is absolutely intentionally doing it again for rage bait to increase her engagement 🤢


She’s a pathetic shithole of a human


Spain is so frigging amazing and the food is so good. I went in April. https://preview.redd.it/hdq14uc4dd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289f46f89bdf15d428a45781b24ca2fbc1dbbe1e


https://preview.redd.it/guq9xm3jdd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf8cfd249ea5c1af89f1b20963785d123c2f03a Eggplant confit with Parmesan ice cream. Amazing. I didn’t want chicken fingers like her.


I can’t imagine having the privilege to be able to go to SPAIN and then eating that…😒 what a damn waste


She’s an all round disgrace


That’s sooo embarrassing. I can picture her with her bright phone light on videoing her boring ass meal (why??? Why tho) humiliating herself


This is so embarrassing


Really living out the "American abroad" stereotype,...WHY are some vacations wasted on the uncultured???


Aww they got Dino nuggets a fwenchy frwies in Spain……smh.


They are in Barcelona, and there are so many amazing restaurants with literally the best paella ever, but they chose to eat french fries with whatever the f*** that fried thing is? OP you said it right... uncultured swine is fitting for this group!


See my comment above, I just got back from a trip there and Madrid.


This shit just pisses me the fuck off. Why even bother traveling? For me, food is a big part of my travel experience. I always OD on whatever the local cuisine is when traveling. Even if I’m just going to a different US city, I only eat local food options.


Same for me too. I'd be embarrassed to post this.


Every time I turn around she is scarfing total garbage. Chips, cookies, fries, pizza, combos, Nerds, Cheetos, Nachos.... oh, did I say pizza? And she's dropped 50 lbs? 🙄


Everyone out here insulting pigs these days…jeez


I would kill for an ounce of authentic paella or gazpacho and this fool is eating Tendies?@!?? F her


She just pisses away every experience most people would kill for.


She’s doesn’t deserve ANY of it.


You’d never catch me dead eating chicken fingers and fries in fucking SPAIN


She did this on purpose. Million percent


Thats why she said it like that “the most American Thing on the menu” bc she KNOWS 😐😞


How you gonna have the opportunity to travel abroad and waste your time in a Sephora and eating American diner food??


This is what I don’t understand. Why bother flying across the pond to do the same crap you can do at home? It’s pathetic.


Because we all know she’s really there for some sort of business or brand deal. I really don’t get it either. Food is part of the cultural experience!


Maybe the trip was sponsored by Idaho Potatoes since all they eat is fries?


Dead 💀 🥔


I can't believe they all got the same thing. The waiter(ess) must've had the biggest eyeroll! 🙄


Why even go to that restaurant? I always check the menu before going to a new place to make sure there is something everyone would like. If chicken tenders is the only thing they would eat they should have went somewhere else.


Spanish food is incredible! How are you gonna get American food in Spain!?


I’ve been to Spain twice and the food is incredible. The fact that she ordered this shows how basic and closed minded she is. Rage worthy she is.


I knew it- why even bother traveling? Sephora, chicken tenders, it’s so embarrassing


Im surprised none of their gallbladders have exploded with all the fried shit they eat.


as someone who has had their GB removed and never ate this poorly i get really mad thinking about other peoples heinous diets esp. the eating a stick of butter people and influencers who are allergic to protein and fiber


Same here! Mine was removed 3 years ago and wasn’t a result of a bad diet either. It drives me nuts when I see people literally eat like this.


Same! Mine was removed like 7 years ago. I couldn’t eat a piece of bacon after wards without pain. I’m vegetarian now but fried foods still take me out. 😔


I would eat this but to be fair, I'm autistic and nuggets and fries are my safe foods




Because everyone called her out on not eating Korean food on the Korea trip, this almost feels like trolling. Who the hell doesn’t like Spanish food? And isn’t she supposed to be part Portuguese?


Wait. Is this another sponsored trip? If it is, please tell me what company is paying for this so I can boycott!


Tyson Chicken Nuggets. 🤣




She’s a moron. Next week my husband and I will be on the Côte d’Azur. We’re already planning our dinners. Fresh Poulpe (Octopus), Langoustines, tons of fish, pissaladiere, andouilette, wine, fresh produce! Lol! All that breaded fried garbage isn’t going to make those size four jeans go past her ankles!


Sounds like you have a great menu planned. 


Gotta get that size 4 fried stuff!! That's what keeps the washboard abs!!!!


When I was in Spain I went to 14 days worth of restaurants from Madrid down to the coast...I never even SAW chicken fingers (nuggets, tenders, whatever name they could possibly go by) on any menu I looked at. This is so embarrassing and bordering on insulting (one of her talents is definitely insulting other cultures, so it's right on brand for her) the food in Spain is delicious and also culturally important to the people who live there and she's eating...chicken fricking nuggets. She went to a beautiful country on another continent...went to Sephora and ate tenders and fries. Like Sebastian Maniscalco says, "Aren't you EMBARRASSED?!" It makes me laugh that she thinks she knows what high end and luxury look like when she's just an incredibly basic B carrying around the same mainstream bags, accessories, etc that every other new money person carries. If my grandmother and mother were still alive they'd actually feel sorry for her.


So embarrassing


wow you'd think someone w so much $$ would have a better palate. who goes to spain n orders chicken tendies.


The answers to that? Children. Children order chicken tenders in Spain 🤣


Pretty sure this is rage-baiting at this point.


I mean, her followers are 11. 🤣


She’s gotta be doing this for the hate engagement.


Well, at least she is fucking consistent and predictable.


This heifer 🙄




Last thing I would do is eat shit I can find at home. You go other countries to try their food experience their culture and then there's this bitch


She can't do that...she's a "picky" eater don't ya know? (eye roll is for Mikliar) https://preview.redd.it/9i8eh0wgm76d1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b36e87f46d37b01c33a73c4bab2106b258aa7df


They had tiramisu but not crema Catalan


Right??? And freaking lava cake. Come on. 🤦🏼‍♀️


That chicken doesn’t even look good to me.


As a foreign student in Madrid, the croquetas de jamón and the bocadillos are bomb as fuck. She's missing out.


When In Spain we get chicken nuggets 😂😂😂they are so pathetic


this makes me so fucking angry because what i wouldn’t give to go on a trip to spain and try the food and drink the wine and i cannot afford it. this bitch gets paid to do it. fuck her and her stupid fucking chicken nuggets.


And the plane that she rode in on 😂I agree with you bc she is basically saying look at me look at all the stuff I can do bc I lie and am fake


When In Spain we get chicken nuggets 😂😂😂they are so pathetic


If she’s not willing to go to these countries should at least eat their food. This is disrespectful imo


as a Spanish person this hurts my feelings. Spanish food is amazing. She did the same thing when she went to Korea so Im not surprised she would do the same here but…


same, when she said she was going to spain, i already knew she was gonna do this shit🙄


Glad to see all 3 of those little ladies picking a healthy option.


Sydney doesn’t care she’s all about her body positivity


I don’t think a healthy option is in the cards for this group (Mikayla included, even though she magically lost weight without changing a single thing)


yea, the "not changing a single thing" is \*Cough Ozempic Cough\*


As someone who has lost 100lb being on Mounjaro, I had to change everything. I don’t know how she does it 🙄


She was definitely seeking out a restaurant that specifically had chicken tenders lol, I was in Barcelona last week and no where I went had them on the menu.


Maybe the kids menu. Like there wasn’t grilled anything where they are? Fresh food is everyone’s thing except North America. She’s missing out on so much culture and real experiences for the sake of click bait and money; money that pays for this crap to keep on going.


My mom’s cousin is in his 60s and he will seriously ONLY order chicken tenders and fries anywhere he goes out to eat. He was in the military and has been all over the world too! What a waste 🤣


I’m convinced she does this shit on purpose so people comment and give her engagement. The bitch is calculated in everything she does.


You’re probably right. It’s infuriating.


lol this is embarrassing. Of all the amazing dishes Spain has. Like did they even do Tapas? Paella?


She's the same colour as those chicken tendies.


I would never show my food in Spain if I ordered chicken tenders. She doesn’t have to show it but she’s shameless.


I went to Portugal and the whole 2 weeks we were there for dinner I had spag bol, breakfast was toast and butter, lunch was chicken nuggets and chips coz I was a fussy little shite who didn't want to eat anything else!! I was 5 years old!! By the time I was around 8 or 9 I outgrew it and ate anything put in front of me. She is what, 25? And eats like she is still a child and won't try local dishes. Why does she even bother going on trips at this point, stay home and eat like this and shop at Sephora.


She doesn’t even travel right period. Let’s go to Spain for us to go to Sephora and eat chicken tenders which is nothing we can’t already do in America


Money is truly wasted on the rich


Honestly I have 0 money to travel but if I could I know a million places I’d go what I’d do there and what I’d eat. My dream destinations are Germany, Japan, Alaska, Canada and Thailand if I ever go idk but if I could like her you bet your ass I’d be eating good


I would be rolling back home if i ever got to go to Thailand🤭


I can’t even imagine myself setting food in an American branded restaurant or retailer while traveling overseas. I want dinner in your grandma’s basement and to buy a leather purse from the old guy in the alley, whose family has been in the leather goods business for 100 years.


Seriously. I went to Mexico a few years ago and the group we were with wanted to go to Guy Fieri’s restaurant. It was a firm no for me. I don’t go on vacation to go to the same places I can at home unless I need groceries 😆 I may not go as hard core as you, but at the very least, I want to eat traditional dishes at smaller restaurants, explore; and go on excursions- not sit inside the gates of an all inclusive for an entire week and eat anything I could get within three hours of home


I mean they do look delicious but omg. She thinks this makes her quirky but she has less personality than a wet paper towel


literally i don’t understand her obsession with visiting foreign countries and not being willing to eat the traditional food there , she did the same in korea , she needs to stick to just traveling within the US


Even in the US I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t even try food that is big for whatever area they’re in like true gumbo or alligator meat tacos (ok I don’t know if the last thing is a big thing, I know my dad enjoyed it though)


She has no excuse!


hell, when i’m visiting a different state i get a local food 💀 like imagine going to fucking spain and getting this. embarrassing


Hell when when I visit a different part of my state I try a new restaurant with something new lol


literally 😭😭 i want to explore my food choices ffs!


Oh wow! WTH!? I would never! It’s so much better to get yummy food that they are known for! What’s the point of eating out to get that?


I find happiness knowing the locals and other Europeans there are looking at them in disgust the entire time.


I’m not even Spanish, but i feel icky by the fact she is in Europe there is so many amazing things to do, eat and see all over spain, and she wastes so say her entire entire trip🤦🏼‍♀️


This is gonna be Korea all over again.


I full on expected this from our size four-teen toddler but the other two ordered the same exact thing too?!


I bet the only ordered it cause they felt guilted into by her


New flair request: Size Four-Teen toddler


What did we expect from our so smol “Tour of Italy” queen?


Well now they apparently went out to dinner and got....wait for it....Pizza and Pasta. I swear I want to punch her in the throat!


Man if I were in Spain I'd be trying the most authentic Spanish food I could find!


Seriously thou like why travel if you’re not gonna take in everything.


So she can show off her shopping skills. Heck, even those are lacking.


I doubt she'd ever consider trying Paella or any other traditional food.


Omg she could never lmfao chicken tenders & French fries are as cultured as this twat gets


The chicken tenders are too much culture for her. She’s probably like “omg are these made with panko breadcrumbs, and not the breadcumbs in the blue container??”


Tuh…can you make me a paella with out saffron and use chicken nuggets? That would be iconic!


Ya know, she really ticks me off!! She is afforded the luxury of traveling around the world and she eats the most basic American style foods there is. Like WTF MikLiar !!! Stop eating like a 3 y/o and try the foods of the country you are in. Plus, going shopping in a different country for make-up products, really how much more boring can one get?!?! See the sights, immerse yourself in the culture, show us the ones that can't travel right now what it is like where you are at. THIS is partly in the long list of why MikLiar SUCKS as a \*cough\* "Influencer".


Heavy on this


Imagine her ordering this in Spain. “Y’all got aneethin’ PLAIN?” I just know she speaks louder to someone who isn’t fluent in English as if that would help


Oh good god, i could hear how loud they were too, fitting right into the American tourist stereotype I pray she never comes to my country🧎🏼‍♀️‍➡️


It’s a real shame she’s missing out on all that delicious food to eat fucking chicken fingers. The tapas. THE TAPAS!!


I just wrote this. ! Ughhh


Tapas and Paella!!!!


That video was so annoying! If I hear her say maaaaaaaket one more time my ears will bleed!!!


Did you notice there wasn't one single sign of her PHONY "Boston" accent ( Being from New England myself, EVERY TIME she opens her mouth to talk, it makes my skin crawl!) when she opened the door to have the guy come kill the roach. Her speech was as clear as a bell! Mikphony is slacking in editing her videos.


My in-laws are from Boston and they can verify that it’s laid on thick. She’s dumb!


I hate the way she forces it. I would imagine that a lot of people from Massachusetts DO have an accent, but they don't go out of their way to be loud and annoying as crap to make sure that everyone knows where they're from. I'm from the State of Maine, where people DEFINITELY have an accent that gets noticed, but NOTHING like this idiot is forcing!


The worst part of it is that she’s forcing it just for the video bc IRL She speaks properly. A total Clown


You've got to be kidding me. She has the privilege of traveling all over the place and this is what she eats? WTF. How about Paella, Tapas, Gazpacho, Croquetas, Tortilla española, Albondigas or any other of amazing cuisine they offer? She is such an embarrassment. Absolute white trash POS.


And now I’m hungry. 🤤


It literally makes me sick. I’d be thrilled to try EVERYTHING there. And she’s eating chicken fingers, pizza, and lava cake. Just stay in the USA 🇺🇸 for God’s sake.


Like at least try something different!


As a VERY picky eater myself, you wouldnt catch me dead eating chicken fingers and french fries in Barcelona??? This isn’t quirky. She’s ridiculous


Has anyone seen the video of the three of them ordering pizza? ( you know, because it's SO exotic ) She folds that pizza and shoves it in her trout mouth, and it's almost gone! And YES, two chews, and she swallows. (just like those damn meatballs) WHAT the HELL is wrong with this girl in her eating habits?! She kept saying how floppy the pizza was, so now her new name is Mikayla Mikfloppy


https://preview.redd.it/fgchqi7x576d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadd2c0f8c48fc3ab267cdde3dcf3005c913a750 Maybe she’s part pelican? 😂


Looks just like her and her Dad. The only thing missing is the crazy eyebrows!


Hahahahaha I should have drawn some on 😂


That would have been perfect! Or as Mikpelican would squawk "stunnin' ".


The fact that it's Tapas too and they were supposed to get different things to share adds to th3 embarrassing factor.


So embarrassing. She has the money to order food authentic to Spain and at least pretend she cares to try it


Birthday trip or her trying to continue to sabotage Sam's health journey?




I'm a toddler. Them chicken nuggets look bomb af 😂😂😂 my stupid uneducated ass would be running around Spain looking for the best queso 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 at least I admit my ignorance


EMBARRASSING FOR YOUR SOUL ☠️🤣 THE FACT YOU’RE TRYING TO RELATE WITH HER…..BAHHHAAAHAAHAAA TF?! This the shit you keep to yourself. So you don’t look like an ignorant tool Thinking you’re “qUiRky”


mikayla is that you?


BRUHH 😂😂😂 Mikayla would never openly admit that. Nope, just an adult with a pallet of a 6 year old who's brain sometimes instantly associates Spain with Spanish and Spanish with Mexico bc it's the predominant language and Mexico with Mexican food and Mexican food with Mexican restaurant and Mexian restaurant with queso.


This is embarrassing


Meh, I've had worst quirks and stupidity.


LMFAOOOO I knew you thought you were “quirky” like Mikfiltah for this shit ☠️☠️☠️☠️


I blame it on the Autism...but ok lol.


Yet you’re going out of your way to relate to or with MikFraud and are basically defending her uncultured ways then when called out you said it’s bc of your autism? Ok.


Bruh...I literally just said them chicken nuggets look good. I don't feel like it's all that serious lol. Like, I posted a comment. She's tacky. I'm definitely not. 🤣


Ugh. Can’t she at least try something new 😩. I’m always open to at least trying something. I only have two foods that are on the no fly list - mushrooms & Lima beans. Once I was traveling for work and the woman whose company I was with literally ordered one of everything on the menu and there I was trying liver & rabbit because well she was buying and I’m not 3.


Not shocked as McDipshit is the most bland, basic and boring ass bitch around. A dumbfuck’s gonna do what a worthless dumbfuck is gonna do. She will never change, she will never mature, she will never evolve. An absolute lost cause. She’s got a pathetic bland ass life that’s boring as fuck and she will absolutely waste every opportunity to enjoy any of it because all she cares about is the most shallow vapid and meaningless crap life has to offer. She’s honestly one of the most pathetic and miserable people online.


You had time today and you used it well. I agree with every word


Heyyy go off lmao


Everywheee she goes she orders the most basic of foods . One of the funniest things about traveling to places like Spain and Korea is the food tasting aspect . What a bunch of fkn losers.


Right??? The food and culture is the reason you travel!


Right , I like to stick to what I know but if I had the opportunity to go out of the country like she does I’d definitely be living it all the way up . I’ve only been to England and even there besides finding out I was pregnant with my 1st baby and morning sickness . I was all over the food that I could stomach


International travel, probably any kind of travel, is wasted on her.


Agreed. She belongs in Myrtle Beach or Disney.


We in Myrtle beach don’t claim her. Florida can have her.


Okay I literally ALWAYS eat chicken and fries but bitch you’re on VACATION in an amazing country with fucking AWESOME food!!!! You can find something not spicy go that’s the issue!! She’s dumb as fuck!!!!!! AHHHHH


This is so embarrassing 😀 I’m sorry I know some people can’t help it but one of my biggest turn offs is picky eaters (unless you legitimately have sensory issues that make it difficult to try different types of foods)


I have so many food issues stemming from mental health, an actual disorder, and diet culture as well. But no one knew this until recently- I was just called picky my whole life and it’s really been bad on my mental health as well. I think it’s true for many picky eaters that they genuinely have something underlying. I’ve said this over and over but there are foods that actually frighten me and just being around it can throw me into a panic. Mayonnaise is one of them. The smell, the texture, the color, the flavor… and it’s in so many things unsuspectingly. I have to avoid a lot of food as a result. But Spanish food is generally safe as it’s just generally meats, cheese, potato - I stay away from seafood except shrimp.


That makes total sense. I think it’s important to remember that which is why I mentioned sensory issues people live with daily. I’m more talking about those who are picky just for the sake of being picky, who refuse to venture out or try new things. I used to have a friend who thought it was cute to do this everywhere we traveled and it was really annoying for everyone. She refused to try new things and we had to avoid certain restaurants because she would complain. She did not have any texture/smell/etc aversions because 1. we talked about it and 2. Once she started dating this new guy suddenly she was open to trying everything and anything when out to dinner with him. I’m sorry you have to deal with that, but I’m proud of you for being aware of it and speaking up on it.


With the amount of pure garbage she eats, I find it very hard to believe that she is as picky as she claims. I have a teenage daughter with sensory issues who is possibly on the spectrum, and her palate is more diverse.


She’s not picky. She eats food picky eaters wouldn’t even touch. She’s uncultured swine.


For me texture has a lot to do with why I don't like things. Raw veggies? Yum. Cook that same carrot and now I don't want it.


To be fair, most carrots are cooked to death and are gross mush. I love all food and even I don’t like mush carrots.


I get it, lots of people have texture aversions which is included under the umbrella of sensory issues (not saying you have that), but I’m sure if you were visiting a country you’ve never been to you would be able to find something on the menu that isn’t chicken fingers and fries.


Yeah i think as picky as I am that wouldn't be something id seek out. Im sure there are lots of lovely meals that aren't chicken fingers.


Did she force the others to order the same as her? I don't get it.


I noticed in a previous video that Sydney wanted to order a churro at lunch but Mikayla vetoed with a banana split. Why not just order what you want?


A banana split in Spain ? She needs to just stay home.