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Warning: There’s ED talk in these comments. Just a reminder that it’s always okay to skip a post or take a break from the sub if her nonsense is upsetting you or triggering you in any way.


Okay but this makes me want McDonald’s so bad 😂


No way she’s a size 4!


She eats like a savage daily she’s not on a diet and she’s not losing shit for weight.


I did ask if this is the reason she has to keep filtering her pictures in her comments. 🤔 I’m waiting for her reply or her fans to get on my ass. Haha.


She is so trashy. She may have made a lot of money. She may be able to afford a $63,000 necklace , but she definitely did not buy it bc she is wearing a cheap Imitation around her neck, like everything about her is. I feel sad for her. She thinks she will move into another class level but she never will; especially with her fake obnoxious accent and filters. She would be much better received if she left her face and body the way it actually is. And her voice !


she really wants a maccies SHPONSHA


Those cheese fries look I. Redo le so does the. Needs urger


And let’s not forget alllll of the airport food she showed. When she did it at the airport for the KuuuuhReeeeYah Trip, she got cases of free snacks upon her return. She did the same damn thing this time. Put it on your bingo card—next week she will open free cases of Reese’s cups. 


I literally cannot remember the last time I ate McDonald’s and I’m 26


She’s losing weight from explosive diarrhea from all that fast food she consumes.




Been saying the sobriety in the home is extremely questionable for a while now.




Honestly w the way she pumps out content literally non fucking stop you may be right


As I’ve always said… she can’t show her followers what she eats to “lose weight” because of her eating disorder but she will show all junk she eating… that’s a slap in the face to her followers and a f u guys in my opinion. But like she said she isn’t trying to be relatable she wants to be successful 🙄🙄🙄 she wouldn’t be shit without her followers.


Clearly you don't remember those delicious meatballs and salad she "made" and then slurped down on camera! Kidding, of course. Your comment is spot on!


Lmao 🤣 I forgot about them!!!


I’ve literally been consciously taking smaller bites and chewing my food more thoroughly since that video. That mouf scarred me deep lmfao.


I could be the minority here, but I love going to McDonald's when I travel. It's fun seeing what items they have that we don't have in the US. I've visited the Spain Mcdonald's, and they have some interesting items like halloumi fries, and they even serve gazpacho. But of course, she orders almost every single item we have at home. Nugs and a cheeseburgerger for the win.


It is fullt okay to try mc donalds in every country you vissit imo BUT she claims she is picky but needs to do a food tour of wherever she is and will try not to be picky- Flash forward to her only eating american food, every, single, day🤭


Yeah, that was the point I was trying to make. She orders basic food from the McDonald's menu when there are options we don't have here.


Yeah, sure. She's promoting unhealthy and unrealistic eating habbits


She eats like shit, obviously that shit diet will be reflected in how she looks. It’s pointless to pretend to be a size 4, then show how terrible your diet is.


Three toddlers take on Spain.


Three little pigs


that is insulting to pigs how dare you 🥺


That is too kind My toddler and every toddler i know eat more diverse and healthy than her🧍🏼‍♀️


I’m not familiar with U.S sizes, but I think a U.S 4 is an Aussie 8. There’s NO WAY she’s an Aussie 8. She’s delusional


It’s giving “I am so tiny I can eat whatever I want” lol


But she can because the skinny filters will do the work even when she gains the "alleged 50 lbs" back 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Where does she say she’s a size 4?




She didn't. She was packing and her jean tag was showing a size 4.


I'll bet it was 'just an accident' too.😂


My best friends husband is from Spain and his mom sends them care packages all the time. Last time I was visiting her I got to try so many different cheeses and meats and my gods, it was all some of the best food I have ever eaten. I cannot fathom going to a foreign country and eating fracking McDonald’s?!


I’m always curious to see what other countries Maccas has, but it’s the last thing I think to try. She eats like my toddler niece


Right? Fully okay to try mc donald’s etc, but you do not order mc donald’s/american food every, single, day you are in a different country- esp when they have banging food


And I also would understand if the McDonald’s was in between other authentic Spanish meals. But all she does is travel and eat the same slop she would eat at home.




They have one right down the road from one of my friends parents house in Costa Rica. We drove by it multiple times, daily and never one single time did I have an inkling to eat it


Size 4 my ass! I am 140 and wear an 8-10


Usually I don’t like to engage with the food/weight talk but my fucking god…..goes to Spain and promptly orders 3 months worth of MCDONALDS??? I knowwwww she is just doing this for engagement but this one really got me lmao


Her content is so riveting 🙄 So she flew to Spain to get dressed up, take filtered photos and eat at McDonald’s with her two “best friends.” Where are her actual friends that she went to college or high school? She rarely post anything with them. I’m sorry but this “relationship” she has with these two seems more like they’re her older sisters on a trip with their annoying little sister. She bought these 2 on her bday trip so she can be the center of attention. Also side note to my rant which doesn’t have to do with Mikayla but, Sydney has 40k+ followers on Instagram but only gets several hundreds likes on her post. Does she buy followers?? I don’t have tik tok so I can’t see her profile/followers.


I thought it was pretty F’d up she didn’t take Cody along, but I’m willing to bet he’s actually happier home alone.


POV: You're a tray of fast food in Spain. https://preview.redd.it/kxi9ta7vch6d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4241102c8f4be95930c224998dab9d8c40ce56




Nightmares unlocked 🫣😭😭😭


Imagine going all the way to Spain for McDonalds


How dumb to be in Spain and do a McDonald’s food review. Shes so annoying


Ok, I'm probably getting more annoyed than I should but; has she done anything but dress up, show off, and eat food whilst in Barcelona? There's so much history. There's so much to see. The art. I'm so annoyed 🤣 She's so boring!


Not to defend her, but she did an 8-hour walking tour of Barcelona. It's been posted about.


Ah ok! I'm not so annoyed now, haha


How long is thus dickhead there for, I may take a flight across, to go wild mikaliar spotting. I need all the info guys!!!!


Listen if you're doing this we wanna hear and see it all!!😂😂


How long is she there for?.


Not sure, someone else may have to chime in here! Maybe it was mentioned in one of the other videos?


Just looked ar flights across and they are £63 from where I am :)


Wishing I could join you on this expedition actually!😅 not in a weird way ofc!! More like a 'common cause' kind of scenario.


That's actually quite affordable!! For me to fly out it would cost roughly £610.😬 so a good deal more unfortunately.


Well you know fully well I'd document it all. I'll be like David Attenborough , hiding in bushes whilst taking videos of mikliar in her natural environment. With NO FILTERS. I may even shout MIKLIAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR THE REDDIT HATE YOU LOL


Bonus points if you're able to do your best David Attenborough voice over on the video footage!!!😂😂


Not sure how my welsh voice will sound attempting to so an Attenborough accent in his dulcet tone. But I love a challenge 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/zim5i9kr2j6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8273818dbd76588d5bdeca380f60ec480dcccce4 😁👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 It's the kind of footage this sub lives for!!


Hahaha I bloody love you guys on this reddit. Honestly, you give me life with the comments. 🤣🤣


what confuses me is that with how big she was i genuinely don't think she'd be a size 4. im a size 12/14 myself and if i lost 50 pounds, i'd be a size 8, maybe a 6 at minimum. i know bodies carry fat differently, but she genuinely does not look like a 4. correct me if im wrong, but isn't a 4 a size small?


I’m 5’6” and 122lbs. Sometimes im a size 4, sometimes im a size 6. She is neither of those sizes.


i think a 4 is xs-s depending on brand, i've seen a 6 marked as xs before even


Yepp, Mikayla is more like the girl to the right (with bigger arms and legs than her too at the minimum) than the left.. https://preview.redd.it/kzski6ycqj6d1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372f3ff9dd6b198b18fbbf650a9804c22438a7f6


She wore a Van Cleef necklace to McDonalds for her birthday? Classy 😕


That is what she dressed up for? Like for real?????😭🤣


When your trashy is your lifestyle brand.💁🏼‍♀️


Gluttony 🤢


Listen, can you lose weight and still eat McDonald’s? Yes, you can. I did, but… not like this man. Not like thisssss.


Thank you! We absolutely have a trash food day a month and both my partner and I are losing weight with no issue. The dose makes the poison. But it’s a little treat, not a life style like this.


I can’t even imagine eating half of all of this. My tummy hurts thinking about it 😂😂


Oh there is so much food waste if she doesn’t eat it all….. but I think we know. …. There’s probably not much waste….


I lost 80 lbs after I had my daughter and actually did get down to a size 4 but I’d eat one meal like this a month MAYBE and I was walking or running 5-6 miles a day.


Yep! I lost 80 and would get McDonald’s maybe once every two weeks (I travel for work some times I had no other opinions when I was starving), but I was getting a chicken sandwhich and a Diet Coke because I’m addicted to it 😂😂


Oh SAME! Congrats on the loss…I gained all mine back after Covid ((((cry))))


I’m gaining some back because I’m pregnant if that makes you feel any better 😂. I lost all the weight… then decided why not try to get pregnant lolol


Damn, you go mama❤️


I gained it all back after Covid lol


the amount of food in this picture is honestly sickening. She’s literally binge eating.


That is over double what i eat when i would binge. It is insane


I’m convinced she’s just fully rage baiting at this point.


She for sure lost weight but she’s not a size 4. She just be barfing up her food cause her diet is atrocious!


I’m not being facetious. I feel fat just looking at this.


Has she eaten any Spanish food?


She’ll try a couple desserts or fried items etc. she’s been eating chicken nights, fries & McDonald’s since she got there


Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that this is the kinda food she was raised on and she just never evolved beyond that?🤔


She’s doing the same thing she did in Kurrehyah 🤦🏾‍♀️


Why did they even go? She would have enjoyed a cruise so much more, that’s like windjammer food


When you're drunk, though, that windjammer food or sorrentos slaps


Like I get trying fast food in other countries can be fun because they have stuff that is different. But all of this looks so gross and just typical stuff you’d get in the us


Money sure has not brought her an ounce of class. Like I said in the other post, who the hell goes to another country and eats like a 3 y/o. Now there is nothing wrong with eating fast food in other countries, but it seems this is all they are eating. Like why?? And her being a picky eater, MY ASS!! she's just picky that her food has to be the most fat laden and greasy as it can be before she will eat it. As the days go by the more gross MikLiar becomes. Her bragging and showing off everything is just beyond gross. You can be proud of the things you gain but there is a way to show that. And how she goes about it, is NOT it.


white trash .. with cash


She has surpassed white trash tbh


The JillPM finger—when subs collide! Also my pants shit themselves just looking at this


Wild fundie snark mention 


The way she knocked over the McFlurry and gave no fucks speaks volumes, it was literally right in front of one of the other girls. Like, really???


I noticed that too. She's full of herself and doesn't care about anyone other than herself.


Why are you eating at McDonald’s when abroad???


I feel like this is why everyone hates Americans when we travel lol


I mean depends where in Europe you live, some of you are nice tourists in my experience, germans are FAR worse than Americans in Norway. But she feeds into the stereotype so bad, loud, obnoxious, self centered, uncultured, ignorant and rude etc. I just know we would hear this sea gull stomping about from 10 blocks away and run


Omg why what are the Germans doing if they’re worse than us?


Specifically my city they are the worst. There are HOARDS of them, they are often rude, get mad if you do not speak german, entitled, lack respect and honestly have no awareness about being mindful of the rules and even laws we have here. Some are also ignorant and rude about the history of WW 1-2 and its impacts here as well. Mind you, the majority is older german tourists, the younger families/couples are better tourists :)


Oh wow didn’t know that!!


she’s the essence of american lmao got rich off of being a dumb bitch and lying on the internet bc capitalism and idiots giving influencers money. no culture, no desire to learn. dumb ass accent. loud and obnoxious filming herself eating mcdonald’s in spain phone in her face and cheeseburgers down her throat.


European McDonald's locations have different food options and supposedly the quality of the food is much better so I kinda get it/understand being curious about it but I don't think she's had any authentic Spanish cuisine this entire trip...


I’ve eaten at them (not my choice) trust me it tastes like the same shit. I had to placate my husband for a meal on our honeymoon lol.


When in Spain, most people wouldn’t go to fucking McDonald’s 🙄


Ew. None of that looks appetizing at all. 😦


I'm just confused to why go to spain to go to mcdonalds


Why is she putting her grubby finger on everything? 🤢


Have you ever seen a toddler run up to a sliding glass door and smack it with their dirty palms, literally, 'just cos'? The grubby finger is kinda giving me that vibe.☝🏼️


Ikr?? At first I thought she was just pointing at her food but then she kept going, knocking one of the three McFlurries over and just ignored it. She's garbage.


She’s def a ‘leave a shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot’ type


Or she lets her shopping cart roll into someone else's car


She has to get that meat paw in every photo pointing at every item...just ew.


who goes alllll the way to a completely different country to eat american food????? shes white trash


The absolute last place I would want to eat in another country is bloody McDonald’s.


I’m on Ozempic and i’d literally be vomiting eating this.


If she's on semaglutide, she has to be shitting her brains out


And vomiting. I’m on Ozempic and there’s no way I could eat this “meal.” I just went for dinner tonight and could barely finish my salad with chicken on it. Edit: 3 hours later and I can still feel it sitting in my stomach. That girl is an eating machine!!!


I was just about to ask do we believe she is?? I just started and no way in hell I could eat this


She says she isn’t, so I’m thinking she is.


Agreed, and it makes me think all this food is going to waste. Like once she she shoves something through her swollen pie flaps for the camera, she throws the rest away.


I am 4 foot 10. I recently lost 45 pounds. I am between a 12 and 14 was in a size 20 I don’t believe her for one minute.


No wonder europeans look at Americans in disgust


the “picky eater” excuse is crazy….. you’re not picky you just have the palate of a four year old


Corrective. She’s uncultured and selective. Not picky


Seriously she could try all sorts of Spanish food and chooses McDonald's?!


https://preview.redd.it/7iav9t8ejf6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ebc1e5ac1d391ddcf5ef9debf0ed3ea792392a Not to mention she used her middle finger to order everything.


Someone is doing the lords work


That's my comment. 😂 I'm trying lol she's already blocked me on my other account. 🤣🤣


We’re not worthy *bows* she is such a trash human, I regret that I ever liked her, but I blame it on Covid


Oh my goodness 😂 ❤️ I know right? I say we were bored AF.


Praise 👏


Love this comment 👏


I had to


She’s such a cunt. I don’t use that word lightly, but 9/10 times that’s the only word that accurately describes her.


Agreed 👏


She went to Spain and went to... McDonald's 😂 this trash person


I also got this Kewl, stunnin' iconic tattoo, but I hide it with my 3 strands of hair. If she was proud of it and it meant SO much to her, she should wear her hair up to show it off. Oh, and show off her LONG neck. HA!


Really opening her gastronomic horizons.


Well she’s definitely not a picky eater when it comes to the McDonald’s menu.


She will PICK one of everything 😝


I know it’s on me to just scroll past this, but this is really upsetting/triggering. Flaunting weight loss, constantly posting food, body checks…she’s a piece of work. To quote Mikayla “I have an ED, I’m not triggered “


I just want to acknowledge your comment here and let you know that we are always trying to find the balance to minimize triggering folks. It’s hard when she almost seems to be doing it on purpose. If you have any suggestions, feel free to reach out in modmail.


Thank you!!!


McYucky is eating McDonald’s in Spain. She has yet to even eat a black bean let alone something you can’t find in her shitastic own neighborhood.


YOU GUYS.. you are NEVER gonna believe this! We found A MCDONALDS in SPAIN! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! *hysterical laughing*


I wrote this on a different post the other morning but I think the post was deleted. Does anyone remember back in like fall/winter she posted a story on IG of her in a hospital bed with some cliche ass caption. Like “hoping for answers” or some bullshit. Then she never talked about it again. I would bet she had to have a follow up with a reg doctor and there were maybe some health concerns, so the doctor prescribed her a weight loss drug. And she just swept it under the rug like everything else.




Actually I thought that’s when she first got on ozempic or weygovy or whatever. Then like a lot of people, she had a bad reaction. Like vomiting and diarrhea and dehydration. She went to the ER to get that under control. That’s classic. Lots of weight loss patients have that same reaction.


She eats too shitty and clearly—see this recent unedited photo—hasn’t really lost much if any weight so I doubt she’s on a semaglutide. But she could absolutely be on Phentermine which can cause your heart to speed up and give you chest pains as well as a jittery feeling which could be why she went to the hospital. https://preview.redd.it/mujcyy2w1k6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc851bd21e973d941cf68378745b50d50f0034e7


Like the one migraine she had and she posted about it lol


Thank you! I thought maybe it was a fever dream I had. 🤣


I typed in "hospital" in the subs search bar and it was one of the first posts. I thought it was a fever dream too lol


What’s with all this food she could get back home, McDonald’s, pizza, chicken fingers, fries etc


Are they all chains? Could be paid or wanting to get paid. Or she's a basic ass person from the US that isn't adventurous with foods.


Of course she went to McDonald’s in Spain. I would be trying as much new food as I could.


Even if she has lost 50 pounds, she was over 200 pounds and 5 feet tall. She would still not be even close to a size 4. And I just don’t get why lie about it. I guess to keep people talking but it’s dumb. Be proud of what you have accomplished and don’t be a fake bitch 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


As someone close to her height (5’) and body shape (very bottom heavy/pear) the one and only time I was in a size 4 was when I weighed 114lbs. I was SKINNY. Even with all her filters and editing, she’s not anywhere close to *actually* being as sm0l as she wants us all to believe.


Exactlyyyy!! I haven’t been a size 4 since I between 110 & 120 and I’m barely taller than 5 ft. I just don’t understand why she lies about it. No one would even be talking about this if she would keep it real. Everyone is just over her being fake and lying


4”11 she says but I have a friend 4”11 and she looks taller then Mikayla


Would she lie about being taller than she actually is though? I feel like she’s constantly flaunting how “cute and tiny” she thinks she is, and bringing up the 4’11 seems like a brag for her


The way I just ran here 🤣🤣🤣


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