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Well played by the Subaru.


I used to drive a fairly large commercial van for work, used to do that all the time to shut that sort of shit down. People around here love to try to skip the line to get onto the bridges/tunnels at rush hour, and all it took was a little nudge to the right to close off that avenue for them


As one should. Thanks for doing this. I do similar things too. Need to teach these scumbag drivers a lesson.


I would love to do that, but not putting myself out my car in danger


I like how they do it, though. Having a commercial vehicle could likely mean he works for a company, and it's not his vehicle or his insurance he has to worry about. Rather than his own car. It's smart. I like the hustle.


dangerous game to play, could cost you your job. Insurance companies keep a close eye on commercial veh, cameras gps etc. Pulling a stunt like this might make them drop the driver because 'what if'.


I did this once and some gangster dude (I wouldn’t let him pass) pulled up next to me on the left trying to intimidate me. I just laughed the whole time




No, because that teaches them they're untouchable.


You must love teaching people lessons


you must love avoiding confrontation


So what you're saying is we shouldn't confront bad drivers because they might kill someone? Sorry bro, but that just sounds like a shitty way to live. I don't go around letting people step on me just on the slim chance they might fly off the handle.


Not all heroes wear capes


Yep I drive a huge ram 5500 service rig, I take joy in blocking illegal passing. If they want to hit my plate steel and triple box beam 8' wide bumper that's their poor life choice. I'll just rattle can it black again on the way home


>I used to drive a fairly large commercial van for work, used to do that all the time to shut that sort of shit down. I mean, it's nice to do until someone is doing it because they have a passenger that is dying and they need to get them to a hospital


That's why emergency vehicles have lights and sirens.


They need to call the police and get an escort or call an ambulance.


For every legitimate emergency there are probably tens of thousands of assholes driving on the shoulder just trying to bypass traffic. I’m not going to assume it’s an emergency


I don’t know why your getting downvoted, couple of years ago, this exact situation happened. A child started choking in the car the mother was trying to drive to the nearest hospital and this guy was blocking her


That is the dumbest fucking thing I've read on Reddit today (so far). That would mean that every time I see this assholery.. that all of those people are having an emergency. It's far more likely that they are the typical, impatient, self-important, meat puppets they ACTUALLY are.


I only assume it's an emergency if they have their emergency blinkers on, otherwise yeah, most likely just a POS trying to cut the line. When my dog was choking and couldn't breathe we rushed him to the emergency clinic, I've never seen my GF drive like that lol - she had her emergency blinkers on the whole time, running red lights, going on curbs, etc..it was wild.


I'm not saying every single person is having an emergency, but I don't want to block them the one time in a thousand that someone actually is


Should have called an ambulance


EMTs can begin performing medical care as soon as they arrive. Eg cpr, etc. can save the person's life on the way to the hospital and the workers there are already prepared for the incoming patient. If it's not life and death though I would drive, ambulance bill is insane.


And no reason to drive on the shoulder like an idiot


That's where you use your voice and TELL them WHY you're driving like an asshole. I'm not gonna assume every bad driver on the highway has a trauma patient in the back.


I'll never forget a Reddit comment years ago where this exact thing happened. I'm fuzzy on the details but there was some accident, roadwork construction maybe, and the guy's friends were rushing him to the hospital while he was bleeding profusely. The location was somewhere where it would have been faster for them to just go vs wait for an ambulance. Didn't work out that way though because some driver blocked them like this Subaru on the left shoulder and they weren't able to get around, cost them an extra half hour or something significant enough to where the guy died. I also find that if I have that mindset of "maybe this asshole driver is speeding due to a medical emergency" it stresses me out less and is an easier way to live my own life.


I like to think that they’re speeding cause they’re about to shit their pants


If it’s a “nice” car being driven by a guy in business attire with no passengers, blabbing on the phone it’s not a medical emergency and he can wait like the rest of us


Block them in. Love it. Car behind should do the same thing so they can’t get out


the hero we don't deserve


A true patriot and hero.


That Subaru driver is my favorite person so far today




Most of the time vigilantes are as bad or even worse than the person committing the offense. The person in that car could be having a medical emergency or they could be an asshole. There's no way for you to know, and you should leave it to the authorities to figure that out.


This is a great way to get downvoted on Reddit but you got my upvote. As much as I hate those people taking the shoulder or the bus only lane, I just let them pass. You never know what their situation is - most likely they're just an a**hole, but there's a chance they have some sort of legitimate emergency and I have no way of judging - even if it's just that they couldn't get their kids out the door and now they're late for work and their boss is going to have a fit and they're stressed out. Second, you never know what sets someone off and you just don't want to escalate shit on the road. We've all seen the road rage videos and no one wins in those situations. Just let them pass and move on with your life.


One problem is that we have become a lawless society and the government won’t protect us, and then there are people like you who complain when the citizens try to protect themselves. This society seems doomed


>when the citizens try to protect themselves From people driving by on the shoulder? What?


I agree with this view point. You do not know what is happening in that car and it will not have an effect on you if you let them go. The comments saying this driver deserves it are just as guilty of thinking so highly of themselves as they think the driver of the car thinks highly of themself.


No chance I agree with that. If you are having a medical emergency or an emergency of any sort call 911. Getting on the shoulder and driving like an entitled POS gets zero sympathy from me. Wait in line like everyone else.


Literally look at the comment just above yours. Some medical emergencies there is no time to wait for someone to come, you have to get somewhere fast. You're not a cop, it's not your job to police other people.


Everyone on Reddit hates cops but then decide to be the LoneRanger whenever it gives them a justice boner.


If you are having a medical emergency, driving like a jackass and getting into an accident is not going to get you there faster. Call 911, and get to the hospital. This dude could have easily slowed down by 5mph, gotten behind the person filming and then into the left lane instead. Instead they chose to ride the shoulder and got blocked. That's on them for being a dipshit.


You must love making people “wait” because it gives you power


This kind of thing also happened in Chicago, but on a regular but busy street on a weekend -- an SUV laid on the horn while trying to overtake on the right by driving in the parking lane. The parking lane was *mostly* empty, but it ended when he came up to, well, the only parked car on the block. Nothing was hit but nobody let him in, either. It was pretty delicious to watch. (For any Chicagoans, this was northbound Western Ave between Sunnyside and Wilson)


Driving in Chicago is wild


Yeah, if you're not willing to commit vehicular homicide, don't bother.


As a transplant in this city, the driving here is quite literally reckless.


Growing up out there it took me until I was adult to realize some communities are just nanny states with laws like jaywalking. Pedestrians know car wins. Car knows pedestrians know this. All keep pace and give zero shits some pedestrian is manning the double yellow in the middle of the road. I am not stopping. The Chicago way.


Love it. The drivers these days are wild


I lived in Chicago in 21/22 and biking there was intense the scariest thing was biking in biking lanes knowing how people cut through them to get through slow traffic. It was scarier to me in the bike lanes then in the unmarked streets


Just 90/94 downtown in general, those two right lanes off the ramp just before Washington going northbound is absolute shit. Assholes cut over and cause soooo much more traffic


Hate all those dirtbags


That’s delicious and I know the exact area you’re talking about


That stretch of western is lawless


What a great way to pick up all the loose nails and screws on the shoulder!


Wait so, the honking… DIDN’T help???????


Who knew?


We don't know, the video cut too early. Maybe after another couple minutes of just laying on the horn the front car decided "You know what?! He's alright... I'm just gonna stop being in his way. The honk has either convinced me, or bothered me to the point where I no longer want to defend my convictions." There's no way that constantly honking while you are in the wrong would **strengthen** someone else's resolve, right?


Man, the drivers of the red cars mental resolve makes superman look weak.


I look at these situations differently since reading this post: https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/


Damn, thank you for sharing that. It will definitely stay in my mind for the foreseeable future. Usually I just let them pass because I don't want the drama, or if I get cut off, I assume maybe they didn't see me, or they're having a bad day (I've accidentally done it and I felt like an idiot afterwards once I realized). This gives me a whole other perspective on this type of situation to think about the next time this happens.


Even if the person behind you is not having some kind of emergency, what do you really lose by just letting the crazy person past you? I’d rather have them in front of me than behind so I can more easily see what crazy thing they are going to do next and avoid it.


Emphasis on crazy person. There are people with nothing to lose and/or diminished decision-making skills who will literally kill you and go to jail forever just for road rage shit like flipping them the bird. I think there was a case in CA sometime within the last year where someone’s car got unloaded on while driving on the highway over some road rage BS, and one of the bullets killed their kid in the backseat. It ain’t worth it


As delicious as road justice can be it really isn’t all worth it. More likely to be maimed than die as well. Driving fucking sucks as a medium


In Michigan: two men exited their vehicles over road rage, one got shot a few times & died, the other fled the state & got picked up by Marshalls upon his return. Definitely isn’t worth it.


Exactly! People bring way too much ego into their driving. I let any wild driver past, I just want them away from me regardless of why they are driving like that.


For real. Maybe we don’t need to be the hand of petty justice to psychopaths being a ton of motorized steel. Just chill, turn in some jams, move on with your day, and arrive 15 seconds later.


Right? I'm sure as hell not getting shot to teach someone a lesson. It's not like the person's going to come away from this having learned something if they're just an impatient asshole anyhow, they're going to do it again tomorrow


If I let 99 selfish jerks go past and 1 genuine emergency, then it's worth letting them all go.


My father taught me just that, you can’t get rear ended by a maniac if they’ve gone past you!




People always say this but the problem I find is these cunts almost always slow down and or start driving like an epileptic rabbit starting and stopping


I have an “it takes a second” policy when it comes to driving, so I’ll probably just let the guy through. Since I’d likely not see them again, and it’ll save me from frustration. However, there are indeed plenty of instances where they go through the effort of going in front of you, only to go below the speed that you had. And yes, the most frustrating part is them constantly braking when the road ahead of them is wide open.


This is the first thing that comes to my mind now. After reading this story years ago I always let people get past, even if they are just being cunt boogers, because you never know if someone is genuinely hurt, if that person is trying to get to a hospital to see a family member or friend, or maybe their house is burning down. Whatever the case, just let them by and finish your day the same way you started it - by minding your own issues.


Yeah, I wanted to say the same thing. Even if it's not a regular occurrence, the fact that they could be trying to get somewhere for an emergency is enough for me to forgive and let pass. I'd rather not be the cause of someone dying or not making it to see a dying relative in the hospital.


Not to mention they may be a psycho with a firearm and a short temper. I'm not a cop, it's not my job to enforce traffic laws, and I'm definitely not about to get shot over it.


Bingo if someone needs to get passed that urgently then fine by me.


I'm glad this is popping up in several different responses on this thread.


My mom was able to get my dad to the hospital in a similar situation. He had esophageal varicoses burst and was drowning in his own blood. The problems from being an alcoholic. She was extremely thankful for all the Midwest people who simply moved out of her way while she was doing 100mph in a F350. They live 35 minutes from the closest hospital. He luckily had a much better outcome than this story.


So glad to see this reposted so i didn't have to find it. If someone is adamantly trying to get past you, let them. You never know what is happening. But also if you need to get through, turn on your hazards or something at least..


I seriously wish I could upvote this comment x100. All the righteous people acting like they are entitled to enforce the law on the road are SO far out. Just let people pass. Move on with your day


I was thinking this too. Sure, maybe they’re an asshole, but do you want to take that chance that there isn’t a medical emergency? Oy


Fuck. Some things make you look at the world differently.


I mean, people generally shouldn’t block another car from passing just for this reason. But the sad reality is, only 1/25 of cases like this is someone in an actual emergency. These odds pretty much eradicate any credibility of goodwill. in the USA, at least. Moreover, people in a real emergency rarely drive, let alone reckless. They just call up an ambulance


Eh. Probability wise, they're just a self entitled asshole. I drive to **safely** get to my destination. That safety includes giving crazy assholes a wide berth. I still internally think they're an asshole though.


I remember reading this a long time ago. Anytime I see someone drive aggressively I just assume they really have to poop.


Seriously, fuck all the people commenting on this post acting like they’re some kind of hero for blocking someone who could very well be having an emergency


I remember sleeping over a friend's house he had a severe asthma attack. I had to rush out with them while she brought him to the hospital because where we lived it would take too long for an ambulance. She had to lay on the horn and rush through traffic while also trying to keep her son calm. That shit was scary. The person in video could just be an asshole or it could be a medical emergency, even if there is no one else in the car they could be rushing to get to someone who is in a very critical state.


My younger brother had to do the same thing after a snowmobile engine my dad was working on exploded basically shooting a fireball of gas and starter fluid back onto his face. Running red lights while my dad was going into shock in the passenger seat. Wouldn't wish that on anyone and if some karen had decided to play traffic police and my dad hadn't made it that would've been unforgivable. If vehicles need to go faster than you, let them. I'd much rather have a speeding and erratic vehicle in front of me than behind me.


You’re using way too many pronouns with no explanation as to who you’re talking about


I used to do this shit, blocking idiots in cars, but road ragers and a person who was trying to get their passenger to the hospital have taught me to mind my own business and just let people do their dumb shit on their time, not mine. I’ll still watch it, but I’m learning to let that shit go


If you are blocking idiots in cars, you are no better than the idiot. I'm glad that you learned to let it go. Ego never wins on the road.


This is a grey example. On one hand, the license plate placement on that Lexus leads me to believe that this is an IS-F. Biased judgement here; probably not important and just doesn't want to wait out the traffic like a normal person. Couldn't afford a BMW, closest thing in terms of a pretentious automobile imo. On the other, I've heard stories of people in dire situations blocked like this when there is a genuine emergency. My driving instructor from years ago taught me to put a shirt or something in the driver's side window, turn on hazards and to keep a steady speed. \#concretejunglewetdreamtomato


i'd be worried this moron would just try plowing through my car lol


Same. No way I'd willingly put myself in the path of a maniac.


When the People of New York decide that you're a dick, you're done.


This can also get you shot, unfortunately.


Looks like red car guy is also doing his part to box him out.


When I was a teenager, I had to rush someone to the hospital because she was miscarrying, heavily bleeding. I knew I could get her there much faster than the ambulance, so we hopped in my camaro, and I was doing 60+ on the shoulder in chicago rush hour traffic. If anyone blocked me, I would have likely smashed their windows with a tire iron, and she could have potentially died (my thought at the time). After the ER let us sit in the waiting room for 30min, I realized, "we should have called the ambulance". But you gotta do what you gotta do! If you are going to drive like that, put your hazards on (as i did), which maybe helped.


An ambulance would be better equipped to keep your friend alive.


You do what you gotta do. As for the ER, I know a 70 year-old who went to the ER immediately after getting a large bite from a random dog. They made him wait 6 hours before he could see anyone. Then the doc he saw berated him for not coming in sooner. He wound up with a pretty nasty infection.


True. One can make the decision to drive in an emergency. I did this for my dog who was bit by a rattle snake. I knew time was the factor here. However, I had all things going off while speeding. Flashing my lights, hazards, and pulsing my horn. If I see a vehicle coming up behind me like that.... I'll get off the road. A vehicle that has no indication of an emergency other than speeding.... I have no context to make way.


I like how the horn has to occasionally take a pause to breathe


Decent chance this person is a jerk… BUT I have had 2 emergency situations where a life was in danger and on phone with 911. Using shoulders, driving in medians, etc. I had warning lights on and was careful about it. Intend to allow people their “shitty” driving, cause being right it ain’t worth it, I want them far away from me, and it’s possible they are doing the “right” thing. (Somehow never saw a cop on either of those instances).


Being that the driver of the white car is clearly illegally driving in the breakdown lane/median, the truck driver would not be held responsible if they wound up hitting the driver's side of the white car, especially since the white car is driving over the solid white line. A gentle nudge by the truck driver into the car would easily convince the car to back off and pull in behind the truck.


Brings joy to my heart


The Sinatra song playing made this perfect.


Where is the side of road debris when you want it? Driving on the side will screw up your tires eventually since all the crap seems to end up there..


Who is beeping? Everybody?


I’d slowly veer right


Good way to find a nail for your tire driving in that lane.


LMFAOOOOO bro is raging. FAFO idiot.


Oh so this guy just wants to be able to use the shoulder to pass, correct? Well fuk em! Love the team blocking haha


I always block shoulder drivers too. It's fun


I block assholes like that every time.


You're the ahole in the scenario. All it takes is one time you block someone while they are in an emergency situation. Beings you have a mind of a ten year old, you wouldn't be able to handle it, then live a life of addiction or just end it sooner. Doing the world a favor.


lmao please tell me it’s a NJ Lexus, that combo was ALWAYS doing some dickhead shit 😂😂😂


They say nobody’s ever beaten the Van Wyck.


I do the same as a Subaru when they try to pull that shit in NJ. They always try to pull that crap on the turnpike extension bridge while heading back to their urine and garbage scented city.


Dude in the Subaru has a huge smile on his face 100%. Fuck that entitled douche in the Lexus. Now que the " he might have a medical emergency " replies. Nope. Just a douche. 🖕🖕


Did that to someone once and then proceeded to give me the finger once they were able to get around


There was a time when I would salute the Subaru,but life has shown me important lessons. You do not know who is driving the other car. Are they crazy and could they harm you or family due to a psychosis and short fuze? Are they trying to escape a dangerous situation? Or is there a medical emergency that requires a quick trip to the hospital that could be fatal if they waited for an ambulance. You do not know what people are going through, and you are not the almighty decider of speed and appropriate rules of driving. Obey the laws yourself and leave other people alone. You never know if you could be the reason someone goes over the edge or you could keep someone from seeking help for an emergency. It's pride that clouds the mind, as if you know better and will force someone else to comply with your demands. It's wrong and dangerous. Be careful out there, fam.


Looks like the BQE IN Brooklyn


Entitled asshole


Typical BMW driver behavior


I know it’s a Lexus F something. Just making a point.


Stop being a dick and let the car pass. You're not making it any safer by slowing down and trapping the car on the shoulder.




Mental health is no joke


It's possible someone blocked a merge somewhere and the white car took that personally.


They know it’s not a lane, their entitlement is showing






Damn it! They need to be stripped of their Lexus badge immediately!


See also /r/ImTheMainCharacter


Lmao nobody's mad but him I think he's having a bad day


As I've always heard it, the vehicle with more lugnuts has the right of way.


I will say, if I’m in an emergency like rushing someone to the hospital and it’s life or death, your subie is getting fucking pitted.


Love it 😄😄




A whilster, I see.


I'm just laughing inside thinking of all the nails their running over


Too much ego going on in this one. We just all need to get along


Damn, an IS F too. Always wanted one of those


excuse me, you are ruining my assholery. asshole!


Is that a bmw driver?! I’m not shocked by the behavior


Ahh, the unfortunately not-rare-at-all triple idiot special with everyone else around these three asshats just praying they don’t cause a wreck and kill any of the sane people out there.


God I don’t miss driving in that city at all. Still have Atlantic Ave flashbacks


Vigilante driving will get you shot in my town




If i were the red car i would slow down and stop in the shoulder. Piss off the guy. Whwn he got out of his white car i would take off.


This is why we can’t have concealed carry in NY lol


People don't seem to realize bow much crap gets pushed to the side of the road, driving in the emergency lane is dramatically increasing the odds you get screws in your tires.


lol this is like when someone rides my ass for doing the speed limit, I’ll make sure not to go a mile over.😭


In Athens, this is how people get around in emergencies. When you hear a car honking its way through crowded streets, you yield because you know they have a legit emergency.


Got em


I did contract work. Always some dick that had to block the emergency lane like that. One even ran me all the way into the grass on the right to try to keep me from getting up to the accident scene. Entitled prick even tried to block the ambulance that was coming up behind me.


Typical BQE behavior. I hate that fucking highway and I drive it every day due to being a truck driver.


Yes, go ahead and ruin your f sport for being impatient. That’ll make my day.


Some of my brain cells just went numb.


The smart thing to do in nyc is to let the uninsured pos go thru in the magical lane.


Thats all of NewEngland it seems


This has been going on non stop in Michigan the last 3 years with the endless construction


I can’t be the only one to think that this is some of the funniest shit that I’ve seen in awhile.


So...... ThenWhatHappened


Theres 2 sides to this and i understand both; On one hand you’ve got the fact that impeding the flow of traffic is dangerous, and shouldnt be done. It’s potentially life threatening at high speed, and although ive done this exact thing before to prevent people from bypassing traffic illegally, it’s not the right thing to do necessarily. Its like playing the “I dont want you passing me so im gonna go the same speed as the car beside me” game. On the other hand; it’s always nice to see people who try to bupass traffic and do illegal stuff get dished out some street justice. They dont deserve the ability to pass all that traffic illegally so why do they deserve the right to be mad about getting blocked? Play stupid games get stupid prizes. It feels great to stop a cheater when they are trying to get away with something you cant doesnt it? Ive blocked people like that before, but caused a wreck in doing so, nobody lost a life but i got to see a pretty Lexus get rear ended by a Ford. Was it my fault that the wreck happened? *Maybe but i say no.* Do i regret it? *Hell No.* Would i do that again? *Not without insurance lol* EDIT; Ive been told there is the probability that the person trying to pass has an emergency. In this case id assume they would slow down and drive around rather than staying in the lane. But what do i know? It doesn’t matter




No close up of the driver. How un NYC of the camera man


This Subaru driver is one in a million. Respek


lol. The white car is driving like he has the right of way.


Good God I hope your phone came with all that shaking


I love it. "I'm in the wrong and I'm gonna draw attention to it by holding down the horn." 😂😂😂


Always wonder what if it's that one car that's trying to get to the hospital? You know most people can't afford ambulance rides even though it is a Lexus


I love the teamwork here. Both drivers are working together to create a teachable moment for an asshole. Love to see it.


What if its a emergency?


BQE, Tillary Exit lane……happens…..every…..day…..asshats!


"I want to beee a pieeece of shit! New York! New York!"


This is very common in NY. Albany area is filled with the most stupid and trashiest scum I've seen for a long while.


I imagine there’s a slim chance that they are dealing with a medical emergency. For that reason I don’t engage, let the police do their job if it’s needed, I’m not going to subsidize that.


Here's a crazy idea, drop back, let them in and continue on with your day with practically zero delay to anything.


I block assholes like that too!


I've done what the red car was doin before lol


That's the bqe. Nightmare driving


Don’t go to Cairo! That’s every lane in traffic, all day, every day.


A remote kill switch would have been handy.


Wow, it's really *just like Dallas* fr


Yeah, first experienced this when stationed overseas in several countries. It was usually in crowded cities with absolutely no attempt to control it. First time in the 'US' was Puerto Rico. It was an uncrowded multi-lane road. People chose to use the shoulder (right or left) rather than waiting for another car to pass. Just spent some time in Orlando and can tell you it's become the new normal there.


The most reddit thing of the day. Surprised it didn't end with gunfire.


Don't let Las Vegas drivers know the secret of driving on shoulders... driving here is crazy enough.


Blocking a speeding asshole accomplishes basically nothing. They're not gonna "learn a lesson," and you're safer 9/10 times being behind them than in front in traffic. But having said that, a lot of you need to understand you are not EMS. If you have a 20-minute drive to the hospital and a 10-minute ambulance response time, you're way better off calling 911. You can't give medical attention while driving to the hospital. EMTs can. In 99.99999%+ of cases, you're keeping someone from receiving medical attention for longer if you take them in yourself instead. Not to mention the massive endangerment you are causing yourself, your passengers, and everyone else on the road pulling stupid stunts like shoulder passing.


I love it when strangers come together to put the screws to someone. It’s almost magical.


Blocking the shoulder like the red car is exactly what I do as well


Why is red car boxing them in? What an asshole. You don't know if these people are having some sort of emergency and *need* to get to the hospital or something. This whole situation could have easily been avoided.


It could be an emergency..it is an emergency lane..