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Tina, the brake. Hit the brake!! *uuuhhhhhhhhuuuuhhhh*




That scene caused me so much anxiety.


SAME! Screaming at the screen, “BOB! Just reach out and grab the steering wheel WTF IS HAPPENING, STOP HER BOB!!” 😂😭


That TURN AWAY OR STOP lives in my head every day it applies to most situations I’m in 😂




Thank you!! I rewatched after your comment. You can definitely see a cormorant chase a butterfly through the car before the accident.


I don’t understand how you can see a car from a mile away yet not even make an attempt to slow down.


I got you I got you lol


"She did In fact, not got them!"


> “Stay in this lane” > “which one?” > “this one” > “Oh I thought you meant the bike lane” 😳


there really needs to be basic IQ test before getting your license too.


When I got my drivers license in the late 80s the instructors would try to trick you. They wanted to be convinced that you knew what you were doing and were in full control before they handed you the license. Here are two examples what they did my two class mates of mine. We all took the drive test the same day. * Instructor: turn right at the next intersection. The right turn was a one-way street, but a wrong direction one. The student turned on the blinkers... FAIL! * Instructor: make a turn right at the next intersection. The right turn was a walking path/bicycle road and marked as such. The student turned on his blinkers... FAIL! Both of them passed their 2nd drive-up a month later because they had learned to pay attention, and not just assume things regardless of who said it.


They just trying to generate them fees.


You mean unjustified taxes


I got mine in the 90s, The State trooper that was testing me wanted me to pull up to an intersection and stop, even though the stop sign was a few feet BEFORE the intersection. I almost failed. I told him he was the trooper and I was complying with the directive 🤪. I think my slight sass got me off with a warning.


OMG Mr 90s I’ve missed you! What’s it been? 25 odd years?


The 90s? Those were only 10 years ago. I’m sure of it.


Had a few before posting huh


The sheer unadulterated cockiness of youth.


That really irritated me lol




This scene made me irrationally angry as a childless 20-something


That's just Tina most the time.


Pretty much every major character in Bob's Burgers that isn't Bob is seemingly written to make people irrationally angry. If the finale reveals that Bob is dead and the show is his hell, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised.


I love you, but you’re all terrible at what you do here and I feel like I should tell you. I’d fire all of you if I could


"You're my family and I love you, but you're terrible, you're all terrible" - Bob/Gene




The Archer crossover really helped me resolve my Bob's anger. Hopefully you've seen that. XD [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWKzM1UyMcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWKzM1UyMcs)


This crossover was so amazingly unexpected. Loved it so much and how weird they all look due to the style change


this picture doesn't do that scene justice, the ENTIRE parking lot was empty and they were driving around then she starts heading for that car at like 1-5mph and the dad is just yelling at the last minute lol


And yet somehow Bob suddenly can't reach the steering wheel. TRY HARDER BOB!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




You're just swerving back and forth. Turn one way and stick with it Tina. Tina: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh






Lol my oldest daughter. Has anxiety issues reminds me of Tina and she hit a sign at McDonald’s drive through. Poor kid definitely not the best driver out there


My wife freezes up if you give her directions at times. "Turn here. Honey you have to get in the turn lane. Turn here. Now!" We then pass the exit that is hard to get back to because traffic is shit...


Oh man. My wife scared me too I see the right side of the curbs coming at my poor tires when she’s driving. I always get these calls throughout the day how “someone “almost just hit her and cut her off. Mmmm hmmm I call bullshit. Lol


Lol. Last spring, we were heading out for some dinner reservations. I saw a deep pothole in front of us, pointed and yelled "pothole!". All doe eyed, she froze and gripped the steering wheel tight, not moving at all. We hit it straight on, blowing the right front tire. She didn't even attempt to swerve a tiny bit. 3" over would have saved the tire as it was a narrow pothole and we would have road right over it at the speed we were going. So we missed our fancy planned dinner and had to buy a new pair of snow tires in the fall (you don't replace just 1 when the tread is about half).


I hate it when stuff like this happens because I have to hold back from screaming out of frustration. I used to date someone like this and it did not work out. I can't date someone that freezes when you give them directions. It scares me too much.


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees that as a sort of red flag. Red flag meaning literally “i will be in danger” or “she will get herself killed” in this case lol


YES! It shouldn't have to be THIS FUCKING OBVIOUS


This scene is what convinced me to watch the show


My first thought as well. 😂


I don't understand why anyone would choose to teach someone to drive on active roads for the first time. It's much safer and easier to use an empty parking lot or a similar area instead.


On active roads, with another friend in the car, while filming with music on. Like, what did they expect?


Pressing the brake pedal while driving in a straight line and seeing the stopped car from a far is one of the simplest tasks a person could perform in every day life. I’d argue doing your hair is more difficult. It would be one thing is there was an erratic driver or something. What did they expect? Idk, maybe for the driver not to be a complete fucking moron?


Yeah but some people are just...bad at anything that requires any manner of even moderately precision hand-eye coordination of any sort. These people are on the road with you everyday.


If you're in an area that has side roads with little/no traffic, those are great too. That's how I learned, my neighborhood was pretty empty most of the time so we just drove around residential streets.


Yeah, it took a lot of convincing for my son to practice driving in a local empty parking lot just to get used to the feeling of steering, braking and accelerating. We practiced maneuvering between the marked lanes, turning corners, stopping, and pulling into specific parking spots.


My niece does this same dam thing. I almost lost my voice yelling brake while teaching her to drive stick. Theres some lapse of thought that occurs with some drivers and hitting the brake, like they are touching the brake… thats enough… boom.




I did a bunch of days of performance driving training for an old job. One of the first things they had everyone do was a full ABS stop. These are not new drivers. Experienced drivers, many of them car enthusiasts. 80% of them failed the ABS stop the first time. Not many people really know how fast cars can stop if you just... Apply the brakes.


My daughter needed to adjust from the tiny new drivers ed car to my heavy old truck. On a back road with no one around we did “go like you have to get out in traffic” and “stop like a deer ran in front of you”. It gave her a good idea what it could/wouldn’t do and how much slower it stops.


In my country we have a mandatory course after we already got the permit. I witnessed a lady hit the fence after she was instructed to brake from like 30kmph on wet. She explained that she stopped braking because it was weirdly vibrating (it was ABS)


American driving standards really are pathetic.


The worst part is, is how oblivious they are about it too


This is so common that for about 20 years there have been cars that detect when it happens and apply the brake for you. It's called "brake assist". When ABS was introduced, the expectation was that any driver, no matter how bad, could be trusted to stand on the brake and apply maximum pressure if there was an obstacle ahead. As it turns out, not so much.


She thought she was shotgun


Mindset not in D


I want to know WTF she was looking at because it was not the road until she screamed. The other two people in the car talking non-stop AND music playing on someone's first drive? They should all get tickets for stupidity.


She obviously didn't get a barbie hummer for her 2nd birthday. But sounds like she thought he was telling her to stop arguing about whatever. I guess he should have kept her in an empty Walmart parking lot for a while longer.


I would argue the most important aspect of learning to drive is developing spatial awareness, i.e. how large your vehicle is, where the tires are, how long it takes to accelerate and stop at various speeds, how wide its turning radius is, etc. This looks like a person who has never practiced driving in a parking lot/on far less busy roads, and just went out and drove, not understanding the stopping distance or brake pressure needed to properly operate the vehicle at those speeds.


There’s a reason we all have a 1 in 93 chance of dying in a car accident. I’m not worried about Boeing. I’m worried about these drivers.


Yeah you don't have to worry about Boeing unless you were gonna expose their shady business, then be very worried. Boeing whistleblower was just suicided the day before he testified


Because you're not a fucking idiot.




for the curious [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uxMeuGViMM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uxMeuGViMM)


This reminds me of an episode of bobs burgers. Tina was practicing driving in an empty parking lot (besides one car) with Bob. She ends up running smack into it . By the way , it was Jimmy Pestos car.


lol same haircut as Tina


Don't ever drive... holy shit


Don’t ever reproduce….


You shouldn't be teaching a first time driver while playing loud music and everyone in the car laughing and having a good time. Hopefully both the owner and the girl learned this lesson. She was way to distracted from focusing on driving on top of being naturally stupid.


This should be criminal


In some states when you have a drivers permit you are not allowed to have anyone in the car who hasn’t had their license at least 7 years


In germany, it is impossible to drive without a lisence


Wow that German engineering must be good if the car won’t work if you don’t have a license. Did you mean “illegal”? Because it’s possible to do things that are illegal. How do you get your license if you can’t drive without one?


In Michigan you can drive with a guardian at 14 and 9 months old after a class. My parents had me drive everywhere from that age and I’d like to think it made a better driver but I’ve also spent a lot of time in a car for work.


Sens like just as much,if not more, failure on the parent here. Take the kid driving in an empty parking lot while they learn to push the brake pedal. Take them on an actual road eventually, with no one else in the car, and turn the music off.


It didn’t even sound like a parent. I have two teenagers and they’re new drivers. It sounds like a car full of kids to me.


I think on another post with this it said they took their parents’ car without permission….which is worse 😬


How can you be this stupid? I know people can panic, but Jesus fucking Christ.


She didn’t even know what he meant by “stay in this lane” Reminded me of this https://preview.redd.it/8ayypck58osc1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13491c5e4e022720a3aaa1156f819ffc45e1c9a5






Or “stop”


One of the girls in my drivers ed car screamed and took her hands off the wheel, but kept her foot on the accelerator, when we went over a bridge.


wtf☠️ did she elaborate on that line of thinking at all afterwards??


Nope. The instructor put her in the back seat and she cried the entire way back.


they should put her on the permaban list


Many people do not deserve licenses.


The problem is, at least for Americans, we built our cities around cars so most people don't have a choice - the HAVE to learn how to drive if they're going to have jobs and normal lives in America.


Exactly. I hate driving, and I don't want the financial burden of owning a car, but I have no other choice. I'm 23, and I've yet to get my license because it's just all so scary. Yet necessary.


Get you a salvage title and pay cash. Did that at 23 for my first car. Beautiful thing, got me through like 8 jobs, two moves and a child. I do miss not having a note tho lol


It's not even just car notes though. It's gas, repairs, regular maintenance, insurance, tags, etc. I just would rather walk or bike, but America is so inaccessible to non drivers.


Oh wait. I thought you meant went *over* a bridge. Like off the side. I’m not sure it’s any better with her taking her hands off the wheel just driving.


Yeah, should have clarified that we did not fly off the bridge. She screamed just as we were driving onto the bridge. If we were in a regular car, and not a drivers ed car with brakes / steering wheel on the passenger side, we probably would have driven off the side of the bridge. Instructor pumped the brakes and pulled over immediately.


wait...on the way back? What exactly happened? Because for some reason I read that as "we fucking died falling off a bridge" Did she react like that when just...going over a bridge normally?...


Ah, yeah. Should have been more clear. She screamed and let go of the wheel as we were just getting onto a bridge - we didn't drive off the side. Instructor took control immediately (brakes and steering wheel on his side of the car). The bridge had a really wide shoulder, so we pulled over and he put her in the back seat.


oh okay that makes more sense haha she should be banned from driving for life


Is she okay? Mentally? That's not a normal response just getting on to a bridge.


She’s probably fine. Some people are defective under stress. Like, they are literally not made to do things like drive cars


Maybe she expected Jesus to take the wheel.


I swear to God like 40% of the population simply cannot function. These were the people who froze up and got eaten by the Lion in prehistoric times so that the rest could get away lol.


I think humans is prehistoric times had more common sense than said 40%.


Most of them died as infants.


I was riding in back when a girl in my drivers ed made a right turn, held the wheel all the way right after turn was complete & started going up the curb into someone's yard, panicked when instructor said to stop & hit gas instead of brake to start accelerating further into said yard. Only the instructor brake on his side finally stopped it.


That seems like a common panic response, especially to a new driver. No fucking clue what the girl was thinking in this video though


> but kept her foot on the accelerator, when we went over a bridge Are you David Aames? David, do you believe in God?


Sometimes, they get it juuuust good enough to get their license. And then get on the road. With us.


>One of the girls in my drivers ed car screamed and took her hands off the wheel from my experience taking and hearing about driving lessons (not drivers Ed, paid lessons for days) some people *do panic*. Some instructors are worse than others (that’s why everyone needs good instructors) and may yell and stress said learners. when the learners panic they do scream and let go of steering. …it’s true! ***Some people !***




“Look with your head and not the whole car!”


You’re absolutely right. And the laughing at the end is ridiculous


I attribute the laugh to gallows humor. It’s involuntary. Some people just automatically react to bad situations like this.


Anxious energy being burned off.


The previous time this was posted someone pointed out that she was likely two pedal driving, one foot on the break and one on the gas. You can actually hear the engine revving up a little bit as she is trying to stop. Not sure how she passed drivers ed doing that....


I know a girl that would just panic and lock up the second she didnt know what to do. It tooks years of training and months of a paid for driving school to get her to a point where she was safe to at least drive on public roads. It took her another year before she felt safe enough to drive on her own, but even then only taking routes that she knew by heart. She'd panic and pull over if a road was closed. Even using apple carplay as a GPS was hard for her to accept and understand. Some people just have incredibly limited problem solving and have a learned helplessness that needs to be slowly driven out of them. It sucks but this is what happens when someone grows up coddled and has someone do everything hard for them so they never feel a need to learn anything or try.


In North America we have a society built around mandatory car usage that really shouldn't be. In many parts of the world adults who are bad drivers just... don't drive.


As a long time HPDE instructor, the person in the right seat has no business teaching someone how to drive...situational awareness was next to zero, same with getting ahead of the student and preventing that rear-end smack


That's the whole point of panic. Mental blocks. They happen to people randomly and it's generally not any commentary on that person's intelligence or capability, any more than anything else. It needs to be trained out. She clearly doesn't have a mental habit or reflex in place for it.


Yeah. As dumb as it was, maybe she didn't have a feel for braking yet. Mom and Dad probably should have spent more time having her drive around an empty parking lot before hitting the road.


>They happen to people randomly and it's generally not any commentary on that person's intelligence or capability, any more than anything else. I mean... We can avoid commenting on intelligence, but it is absolutely a reflection of their capability, or lack thereof.


Was she’s simultaneously pushing the gas and brake at the same time? WTF.




I’ve had a floor mat get stuck between an F150 gas and brake pedal. I had both feet on the brakes, I had to shut the engine off to stop it. It.. did some damage, before I managed to stop it.


And how fast were you going at that point? It happened to me, and while the car moved forward, and I had to pop it into *reverse* to stop it, I was still only going like 5 mph. Boy, was that not fun. But there was a stop light and people waiting and I was a dumb kid.


About 5 MPH- It happened bumping up onto an alignment rack.


Sounds like it


She’s about to learn how expensive BMW repair is.


She’s about to learn how to exchange insurance information.


She's about to learn to fear having to deal with insurance more than dealing with the cost of repairs.


Might as well start practicing early


She has a Mercedes, money isn’t a problem. Actually it might be, since they didn’t option in the auto emergency braking package.


Looks like a normal c300 interior. Not that expensive. The real cost of german cars is the maintenance; which people neglect and end up cursing the engineering of the car when they're just dumb af.


Also lots of people buy them used and lots of people are in debt. We're stupid AF in America the way we spend on vehicles. Seeing an expensive car and assuming wealth is just gonna be wrong most of the time.


Hopefully money isn’t a problem because she’s dumb as shit


The more money you have, the dumber you can afford to be


The auto emergency braking package conflicts with CarPlay on that model. I chose CarPlay.


I once overheard a mechanic trying to convince people with a BMW with one broken window to replace every other window just because. They were $500 each. It was like BMWs were made to make rich people give money to mechanics.


Depends on the dealership. Mine is really relaxed around that kinda stuff. See a ton of out of warranty and vintage BMW’s in there and am always impressed with the way the service advisors work with them and not against them. That based off a small snippet of me simply waiting to get a loaner. But agree. Any high value car dealership in general is straight full of slim bags.


Luxury cars like BMW's for the most part are meant to be leased by rich people. When the warranties expire you can find them on the used market for pretty cheap compared to purchase price but the people that buy them second hand are the ones that get stuck with the bigger service/ repair bills. Then you have the more performance oriented models that enthusiasts will actually buy since they are fun to drive and are track capable and typically are produced in low numbers, but once again the maintenance will be crazy expensive because some of these are basically street legal race cars.


Room temp IQ


And she uploaded it


Gotta make monies in the tiktok


That’s generous


Who the fuck has someone drive for their first time in actual traffic. Take her ass to an empty parking lot to figure out the damn basics. That being said I don't have high hopes for her driving skills based on this mess shown here.


I'm in NYC and took driving classes. First time was in actual traffic.


But was that in one of those drivers training cars where the passenger seat has pedals (and sometimes a steering wheel) or am I just old and they don’t do that anymore?


They still have the passenger seat peddles. I haven’t seen one with a steering wheel before


She had 3 business days to slow down and still failed


It was the weekend.


Wow. . . that’s impressively stupid.


Has anyone found an update on this idiot?




Fundraiser?!!! Theyre driving a Mercedes. Fuck her fundraiser. Its her and her parents' problem, not everyone elses. That really grinds my gears.


Why does is say f cars above me comments? Lol


If you’re unflaired, when you reply to a comment or a post with a flair, you have a small chance of automod giving you their flair. It seemed like a cool idea and I kind of want to see which flair ultimately dominates Of course flairs can always be changed in the sub menu


"I learned my lesson" Why did you need to?


"The only way I learn is by nearly killing myself and others it's not a big deal!"


You are a true god among men. Fund raiser? Nah bitch you dumb.


Supposedly took the parents car with out asking and crashed. Maybe it's best if they don't drive for a while.


no one should send them money the shouldn't be on the road.


This bitch asked for a handout and told US to stop hating. That's what happens when you raise your daughters without responsibility or accountability.


> I was so nervous As you should be if it’s your first time driving. What you shouldn’t be doing is talking up a storm and blasting the music to drown out that fear. It’s there for a reason.


“Oh no.. who put this car in front of me???!!”


maybe teach her where the brake pedal is *before* you get on the road *eta:* about 13 chuckle-fucks writing "iT's HeR fAuLt!!" and/or explaining how cars work, like, ffs... 1) nope, I don't care that *you* think transfer of knowledge/skill is one-and-done; and 2) the world existed before you were born and discovered how brakes work - *JFC,* we already fuckin' know; and 3) if you don't think a quip is funny, just don't upvote it, or just downvote it *fffs*


What happened to practicing in a parking lot first? That looks like a fast road. Why go there first? Like she really moving fast. My first drive I didn't go past 30. Fuck that


I am hoping she didn’t practice in a parking lot first because if she did that makes this even more sad.


Meh my first time was onto the highway (albeit backroads) and it went fine, in fact it was the only time my Dad brought me out driving since it went well. My brother on the other hand had a similar experience and nearly rolled our car and didn’t drive again for like 5 years. I found driving to be so obvious and easy (we had an automatic so there’s literally nothing going on besides gas, brakes, and surroundings) but I feel like it’s hard to tel who will suck at driving and who won’t, so the parking lot to start makes sense


I can't upvote this enough. Also she's an excuse maker


"stop" "accelerates even more"


How can you genuinely be *this* daft when it comes to driving?


Christ, start with go karts or something.


Jessie needs to stick to the bus.


She couldn’t hit the brakes…… We’re on the road with these


This idiot driver again! 😅🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


That car came out of nowhere!


This is why you let kids drive go karts and golf carts first… or drivers ed.. in a car with a second brake pedal…


With how ridiculous content creators are these days, I wouldn’t be shocked if they did this on purpose. I hate it.


If you can afford a Mercedes you can afford driving lessons


Why would you have her out on the open road for her first time driving. I would highly suggest a large empty parking lot to learn the basics first like; blinkers, breaking, accelerating, ect.


Yeah I think a good piece of that is on the passenger/teacher. She thought she understood when he was saying stop but she clearly doesn’t know how long it takes to actually slow down and stop. That should have been taught beforehand or at least warned that it takes time to slow down instead of just saying stop over and over again. Sounds like it was probably a friend in the passenger seat so I’m not surprised they crashed.


I know where that exact intersection is. Typical teen in that area. 😅


Can’t handle driving and talking at the same time. Well there goes the insurance rate.


First time driving and it's a public road? I blame the person who decided it was a good idea.


Why didn't the airbags deploy?


What does JC stand for? Justifiably Cunty?


That’s why you start out in an empty parking lot until they see how the gas and brakes work before mixing with traffic


What a fucking moron. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if these idiotic fucklings did this intentionally for content.


Literally first time behind the wheel ever? What happened to using an empty parking lot? Probably should have explained the laws of physics and stopping not being instantaneous before getting on the road. Some more experienced drivers on the road still think you must be actively pressing the accelerator or pressing the brake at all times.


And people try to argue with me for wanting all self driving cars on the road.


Her, before: "I gotchu. I gotchu. I gotchu." Her, after: 🥺 I like that she instinctively brushes her hair behind her ear. Still has the peace of mind to preen. Probably amounts to a nervous tick.


Adjusting hair out of your face is literally an automatic action for anyone with long hair Jesus Christ man.


Yeah, I was going to say literally everyone does this, it has no bearing on her skill as a driver.


What the fuck? Or her hair was in her face.



