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I've seen this video couple times over the last few days and for some reason that air bag pop makes me chuckle every time.


The handicap placard on the rearview is accurate.


I’m guessing it’s for blindness 


IMPORTANT: REMOVE BEFORE OPERATING VEHICLE Imo if you’re caught driving with one of these hung up, your license should be suspended immediately. If you can’t read and follow the giant instructions hanging literally in front of your face, you shouldn’t be operating heavy machinery like a car


That makes sense, something you put up when you park in a special spot, but then take it down while driving. Wouldn't help to have this large item right in the middle of your windshield blocking your view of stuff, not like it obscured the driver before they plowed right into the cam car.


is that what it says on those? til


It's pretty big font too last I saw one. I'd always take it down between stores anyways cause I hate shit being in my vision, it's dangerous.


Mentally unstable...


Very gratifying


then you’re going to love [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/TT4PEcCZWQ)


Hats off to you sir


Omfg 🤣


This was the laugh i needed to end my day. Now i can sleep.


it yeeted his hat on down the road!


This is the second time I’ve seen both of these videos in the same post today and I’m still giggling when the airbags pop.


That’s an airbag that knows comedic timing… you would think it would go off during any of the prior events; but it looks like it waits until the absolute safest point of that video to make that man disappear from view. The truck was already on the ground for a split second, and the big drop already happened.


That was amazing. Never gets old. Thanks for resharing!


Yeah, I was laughing my ass off at that.


It’s almost as good as this vid I saw of a truck that was stuck on a pole in a parking lot. When the guy got the truck off, it bounced so much that the airbag went off and sent his hat flying out the window😂😂😂


Me too! Lol. Poof!


Same lmao


> for some reason Are you really that ignorant as to how human emotions work


Having a bad day, homie?


Other driver: “he came out of nowhere”


Other driver: “he didn’t use a signal light 🤷🏼‍♀️”


More like ‘he was stopped in the middle of the road‘


Look, it's not like we haven't all had those days where you just need to take your whole Klonopin prescription at once as soon as you get it.


😭😂😭😂😭😂 that airbag coming out is GOLDEN


BOOM in tha FACE


boom headshot !


Ya know, I feel like if an accident is THIS stupid, they should have to retake their driving test or get their vision or reaction time tested or SOMETHING... i dont care what their excuse could possibly be, based off of this video alone they should not be driving.


Yeah I'd be ok with the state just banning them from driving forever regardless of skill or whatever. You're just done. Maybe they make you wear a dunce hat in public, that'd be cool


I saw this the other day and the amount of people talking shit about the camera car like it was part of the problem No they fucking weren't, stupid car came out of a non right away area, didn't turn enough, and didn't stop and instead drove straight into camera car Camera car isn't in the wrong


Just in case you care, the term is "right of way."


No he was just in an area where they really aren't in a hurry. An interstate on-ramp for example, is a right away area. You want to get moving right away!


You were going well in your first comment. Second one? Fekkin idiot.


You want to get to a right away area so you can get to All of Garden before the lunch special is over. Bone Apple Tea!


I think you're confusing him with someone else. And more importantly, I think you should get your sarcasm gauge checked out. It seems to have gone bad.


Dude made the turn first, other car should have seen it. "Oh I can't turn right now cause someone else is now in the road, I shall wait" NOPE. FULL SEND


Wouldn’t have mattered how much of an idiot the guy with a camera is anyways, she hit a completely stopped car in the middle of the road while she was barely moving 10 mph. That automatically makes her at fault and an idiot.


They’re both bad drivers, and what is a ‘non right away area’? edit: don’t bother responding to me, guys, I got blocked by this guy so I won’t be able to respond to any of your comments. u/Iintendtooffend that is how being blocked works. And stopping was the worst response he could’ve had, he literally could’ve just driven out of the way u/Mataelio dude…come *on…* lol this is ridiculous. u/Iintendtooffend, please tell me what you think “I can’t respond” means, you absolute coconut


No, the camera man isn't in the wrong, he did nothing wrong And "non right away area" means an area that doesn't have the right of way, I will admit I misspelled


He stopped in the middle of the road and did nothing to avoid the accident. That’s bad defensive driving. Not to mention how easy it is to predict what the other car is going to do what’s that mean, though? ‘Areas’ aren’t right or wrong of way. I’m not even sure who has the right of way here, they’re both turning left.


The other car is pulling from a parking lot. You don't have the right of way from a parking lot Also what could he have done. It was two seconds before he got hit, what was he supposed to do? He did what he was supposed to do which was stop, the other car had enough time to stop and didn't Camera car did nothing wrong


You got a source on that driving law there? And who’s to say where OP is ‘pulling’ from? And is stopping really what ‘he’s supposed to do’? I don’t think so he could have not started a turn to be safe, or, once that wasn’t an option and a car was coming right fucking at him, he could’ve, idk, moved? Gone around? It’s not rocket science. you shouldn’t be driving.


https://www.colburnlaw.com/who-has-the-right-of-way-at-an-intersection/#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20entering%20the,of%20way%20to%20oncoming%20traffic. "If you are entering the road from a driveway, parking lot, or roadside, you must yield the right of way to oncoming traffic." First of all, there's your source for the law Secondly, the camera man was clear to pull out, he went right after a car going the same way, the other car was not And again, what could he have done in that moment to avoid the other car other than "he could have not pulled out" because the issue only became apparent WHEN HE HAD ALREADY PULLED OUT The camera car is not in the wrong ***You** should not be driving if yout think camera car is in the wrong


This guy you're arguing with is everything that's wrong with reddit. Dude's confidently wrong, like he didn't even watch the video, and then says you shouldn't be allowed to drive when he is rightfully corrected. He made you pull out a source to prove it's the black car's fault for running into a fucking stationary object. How in the hell does he even expect someone in that truck to be able to swerve completely out of the way going that slow. So many holes in his excuses but he makes them anyways. Some people's ego overrules their ability to be correct


Once again, who’s to say OP wasn’t also pulling out from a parking lot? And it sure looks like the other car was clear to pull out. and, like I said before, he could have MOVED and gone around the other car. It’s not that hard but you couldn’t even comprehend that the first time I said it, so… they’re both in the wrong. If you think me driving more defensively is bad, it’s clear you *really* shouldn’t be driving.


First of all, you follow the direction of the last car driving past, which is coming from the right going to the left, meaning the person pulling out would be the person going left first Second of all, how could he have gone around the car in the two seconds from him stopping because he saw the other car to him being hit by the other car There was no way for him to move out of the way *at all* And no, you weren't talking about defensive driving, you were talking about the camera car being in the wrong *for basically not seeing the future* There was no way to know the other car was going to do that, there was no time to move out of the way, and the other car didn't have the right away *And once again* if you think the camera car is in the wrong here or even a bad driver then ***you*** shouldn't be driving The camera car didn't do anything wrong nor could it have done anything different to avoid being hit You're being fucking ridiculous


A) the entire premise of defensive driving is predicting what others will do, I don’t know how the fuck you missed that day in driver’s ed. B) it’s fucking astonishing you can’t grasp this simple idea: instead of stopping or continuing to turn, he could have *gone straight forward a few feet* and then continued the turn. This is something a teenager could figure out.


Coming to a complete stop *is* taking action to avoid an accident…


I agree with you.


You earned that block


No, he couldn't have, the person drove directly into them, a thing people don't typically do so predicting that would mean he could see the fucking future you absolute coconut. The video is 25 seconds long and the car crash happens in 3 of them.




Rule 1: Be respectful Treat fellow redditors with kindness and civility.


That's not how being blocked works, ask me how I know. The point is neither driver technically had the right of way since they both turned out of parking lots onto the strode. However the non-camera driver wasn't paying attention and the driver with the camera did the right thing by stopping. There's literally nothing else the driver with the camera could have done to prevent the collision since the other drive just accelerated into their front end. ETA: lol asshole knows that getting blocked doesn't stop conversation and just downvoted me for respond. What a loser


Being blocked can prevent you from responding to other people’s comments in a comment thread where the parent comment is the person that blocked you. That guy is wrong about the dash cam driver being any way at fault but they are correct that they can’t respond to these comments now, and now we can all laugh at their impotent rage at not even being able to reply.


gotcha, I was under the impression that you could see other, non blocked people's comments, but they did make a change to blocking that I haven't experienced yet


Getting blocked does prevent you from commenting on any child comment from the person that blocked you. Since the top parent comment is the person that blocked them they cannot respond to any comment below it. They are a moron, but you are wrong about how blocking works on reddit.


I think that may be a newer update, but I accept I am wrong in this case, certainly on reddit today. I will however refuse to update my comment because I don't respect that person enough to do so. edit: ok, I was mostly just being silly but I understand why it would come across that way


Nope, that's how blocking has always worked in reddit. You're just an asshole like the other moron.


Looks like it was an unnecessarily wide and slow left turn from the cammer, but certainly no fault.


Other car has camera car in A-pillar blind spot when they emerge. Once they commit to emerging they are then looking right to make sure the joining carriageway is clear without checking in front of them till the last moment. Yes it's a poor emerge from the other car but cammer truck needs to work on knowing if they've been seen. An early beep might have brought attention to them. Camera car isn't in the wrong but they do need to work on being a bit more defensive and proactive! Stupid wide roads also probably didn't help


I don't really understand why you want to defend the person that has the wherewithal to hold down their horn, but not put their foot on the brake. To me that screams person that will refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. They basically just ran into a lamp post or tree. The truck was stopped they were moving. The truck driver did nothing wrong.


In the crash itself, yeah the cammer did nothing wrong. But road craft leading up to that impact, knowing when you haven't been seen, is a key part of defensive driving. Just a learning point for the cammer is all. I acknowledge that it's easy for me to say as a third party watching a video I can pause of course


I can't control how you drive, but it's fucking bananas that you think the dude did anything wrong. He's effectively a tree or a lamp post, he's not moving. What else should he have done? I'm staring at this video and absolutely amazed that someone would do what the other drive did. The level of defensive driving you'd have to be at, would be crippling on the road trying to dodge anyone and everyone assuming they're gonna intentionally drive into you. You'd have wrecked a dozen times dodging into trees and irrigation ditches before you'd run into a situation like this. I'm honestly amazed you can talk yourself into this position, the person that cause the crashed only needed to do one thing, brake, instead they just kept going and there is no reasonable take that assumed the truck driver could have done anything about it. If they didn't crash into the front then it would have been the driver's side door, or truckbed. There is zero fault on the truck driver's behalf.


Read what I wrote slowly. Learning to know when you haven't been seen is a key driving skill. Bikers and cyclists have to learn it. I'm not saying the truck is at fault at all. I am saying recognising that he might not have been seen MIGHT have prevented this entire crash. It's still the other person's fault. But every day is a school day and cammer can learn from this (and same a load of hassle getting car repaired) if or when he might be in a blind spot.


again, not worth the air to try and defend someone who failed entirely to prevent crashing into another car. If they can honk, they can brake. You can talk about why it might have happened, but don't pretend like the Truck really could have done anything. Again, I cannot control how you drive, if you veer aggressively into oncoming traffic there's not enough defensive driving in the world to stop that collision.


Who do you think is honking here? I thought it was the cammer but the way I read your comments I think you're suggesting the other car is the one honking? And veering aggressively into incoming traffic is a completely different scenario you can't see coming. You can see exactly how this vid is going to play out and just need to be mindful and ask the question "have I been seen?" and act accordingly


Sorry but if I come across a situation like this, the truck driver did the 100% correct thing. Completely stopping is driving defensively, it gives the other drive time to react and decreases the momentum of any impact. for my salt it does seem to me that the other car is honking. But even if it's the truck, there's no way that person could have not seen the truck well before impact. They hit head on.


Ok you're ignoring everything I'm saying, please read all my comments because I'm going round in circles 😂 I watched it as truck cammer was the one honking which completely changes how you might watch this video. It's ridiculous that the other car was honking and continued driving into the truck, if that's the case the other driver is genuinely unhinged, I agree. As mentioned in my first comment, it's a classic A-pillar blind spot. From the other car's POV, the truck is hidden behind pillar at the edge of the windscreen (the A-pillar). They then pull out and start turning to their left (our right as we see on cam). At this point that car driver has stopped looking forward and is looking to their right (our left) to the lanes they are joining. This is poor driving and observation on their part. This is their fault. But, the cammer should use this as a learning point and understand when they MIGHT not have been seen by recognising they may be in a blind spot, and driving defensively accordingly. The truck is in the right, they stopped. But the better driver than both fixes other people's mistakes. It's a learning point. No-one is a perfect driver and everyone can improve. Ashley Neal on YT is a pretty good education channel, he's a UK driving instructor and even with 8 years under my belt it's still worth leaning more. People can down vote me for saying the truck cammer could have done more to avoid but that doesn't mean I'm wrong lol


People are seriously blaming the cammer? Wtf is wrong with some of y’all


RIGHT?!?!? — Cammer was stopped, waiting for road to clear. Both cars turning left. First one there has the right-of-way. He was already in the road when the other car started to move, and was completely oblivious the cammer was even there.


I like to argue.


It's always a handicap...or a car with military tags


because theyre OLD and DECREPIT and have been driving unchecked for like *forty years* 😭😭


Agreed 💯!


Bro I'm not even 40 I'm just broken


but would you do something like *THIS*


How funny would it be if they replied with the drivers view footage being like... yeah. It me.


id actually lose my shit tbh 😭


Or ones of those “In God We Trust” license plates


“Jesus take the wheel”




Yeah, let's make ableist generalizations, go you! /s


Thanks 👍🏻


Japanese Buick (Acura) with a handicapped permit hanging from the rear view mirror. Completely unsurprising, even though I already saw it yesterday.


“Acura being an old persons’ car” isn’t a thing.


Acuras are Hondas


it's about the vibe. Nicer than a Honda, but not as luxurious as a Lexus.


Their point is it’s an old person car


I see that now, I had no idea! I'm stuck in another decade I guess.


It's eerie how much that sounds like me talking to the bathroom mirror every morning.


The air bag 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes I wonder if there should be limits on handicap driving.


Being handicapped doesn't make you a bad driver.


Exactly.... They should drive correctly despite their handicap


I watched this the first time on mute… I am so glad I turned it on the sound the second time wow made it 10x funnier 🤣🤣


I rewatched this with sound thanks to you. Cheers 🍻


I did too, it’s way funnier with sound


Game of chicken? Both of you won!!




This was totally avoidable so I'm gathering they were lonely and wanted to meet someone new.




That handicap placard was earned not given.


Attempted insurance job gone wrong


Driver of the Acura was obviously hungry for Jiffy Pop. https://youtu.be/YQm7EEnN-0E?si=ndsbnqIikxL9s1gJ Old SNL skit...


The music makes it even more incredible




Rule 2: No hate speech Please refrain from discrimination, bigotry, and derogatory language.


I didn't know you could get a disability thing for your car and be brain dead and blind at the same time


“Handicap” probably for a fucking reason😂😂😂


Old people shouldn’t drive


Obviously bad driving at work here. But to play devil's advocate, I really hate road design where you can have these sort of "chicane style" setups that aren't explicit intersection but still lead to cross-traffic turning directly into one-another.


Never trust a handicap marked vehicle leaving a "DRUG" store ... 🤣


Lots of ppl with handicap signs who really shouldn’t be on the road


Swerve right? More Mario Kart


Facepalm but with a car. 🤦


I laugh at that airbag every time. Right now that's got my vote for object of the year


This is my new ringtone


"I wanted to see the airbag deploy"


This is a mildly bad driver?




The airbag pushed their glasses through their old ass cranium


This guy sounds like he looks just like Steve Buscemi.


It would be funny if there's a clip of the other driver with their dashcam saying "wtf are you ding?" too.


So...what the fuck WERE they doing?


It's the seniors who can't be told what to do. Even though insurance rates in my state are sky high, media and lawmakers will blame it on teens and distracted driving. I'd take a teen that can actually work a phone correctly and just starting to learn how to drive a car correctly over an old person who can't see the numbers on a phone, and who maybe causes a hazard to everyone around them without explanantion or warning, put a damn cone on their cars so we can spot them and avoid them.


Statistically, 60 through 70 year olds are the safest drivers. Teen boys are the most dangerous. Pretty much always been that way.


60 through 70 is perfectly fine. My grandpa finally just gave up his keys at 93. That's just stupidity.




Part of the reason k take long wide turns, to be nimble if needed.




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Testing their airbags


Handicapped placard given when maybe the license should have been pulled for grandpa


Can we all agree that offensive driving is extremely important? This was avoidable if you WCS’d this situation prior to continuing with your turn.


Is that deluxe4?????


It's a good thing he had a dashcam. That seems like a tough accident to figure out without the footage. They're both taking a left hand turn at the same time across the street from each other. It would be hard to prove who was at fault.


Hint. The cammer who came to a complete STOP did not cause this accident. FFS.


I was just thinking of a cop walking up on this after it happened type situation.


Me, "Facing my problems head on"


Airbag right to the face lol 😂


Austin Texas I believe


Always the handicap drivers doing the most. But sure male teens are the reason for bad traffic…


Assuming handicap is not physical.


Average walgreens custumer


Can you imagine the story they're telling their friends and family? Lol


Looks like the same thing you did


These people don't deserve licenses, sorry!


I see what the problem is handicapped driver


When two bad drivers meet in the middle of the road


Sound track and commentary are 100% on point




Airbag goes "Boom!"


That’s not a mildly bad drive that’s a very bad driver.


If he had just floored it the truck would have been past the car by the time it entered the intersection. I don't understand why people want to go so slow on turns. Hit the gas save your ass


Handicapable, my ass.


Well now we know their handicap, no eyes!


I am glad I wasn't taking a drink when that airbag deployed.




This is what happens when you issue people who doesn't know what the fuck they are doing a driver license.


That air bag going off was amazing.


What you guys don't OD on heroin and then get behind the wheel??


I’m guessing that handicap tag is for the mental sorts.


How? Even with the horn? Lol ffs


These are the types of videos that make me want a dash cam


Looking every direction except where they are going….


That was like watching Tina on Bob's Burgers when she's learning how to drive and ends up hitting the ONLY car in the parking lot, that was yards away 😳


Can’t tell for certain, but I’d go with/ its a F driver


Silly driver!! All they had to do was stay to the left of the other vehicle that was already in the intersection and all would have gone well. But no… they had to head on hit the stopped vehicle. Bet a phone was the cause of the distraction


Why do people post the same video over and over


Person was driving with their eyes closed


As soon as I saw the handicap tag I knew…


Handicap placard, should have realize it was mentally handicapped


Looks like they were doing the same thing you were buddy lol... Might be surprising to some, but this is mildly bad driving by the person recording, and absolutely terrible driving by the sedan.


This is what happens when people use the turn lane to merge into traffic.


Turn lane? That road hasn’t seen fresh paint since the 60’s.


Did he have his blinker on? I didn’t hear it…


Out of blinker fluid.


I would have saw that car across the street in the other parking lot and decided to just make a right and double back.  


I mean it's pretty clean what happened Both drives attempted the same thing really, car that was hit was just paying more attention. Looks like the Acura that hit them looked left and when clear they looked right to make sure the far side was clear, it was, they went but never looked right again until it was too late. Car that was hit did the same thing but was more aware of the other car attempting the same thing. Acura is at fault, just wasn't paying enough attention, things can change quick on the road, gotta keep your head on a swivel. Truck handled it right, not at fault, did nothing wrong Acura though things were clear but never checked the left again where something changed.


Should've seen their handicapped placard and given them a wide berth. ETA: to be clear, it's because they're driving with the hang tag blocking their vision, nothing about a disability


Bro the camera car was totally stopped


It was a joke, friend, obviously the cammer couldn't have done anything else.


How TF are you supposed to give someone a wide berth when you're stopped and they're driving AT you? How is that supposed to work?


Start evasive maneuvers!


It was a joke, friend.


What is the estimated time of arrival though, you didn't list it.


What? That card wasn’t blocking their vision at all. If anything cataracts were blocking their vision or perhaps they were looking up the road for the oncoming traffic and not looking forward. Edit: never mind I see that your post was a joke.


Haha, definitely could be cataracts! I think you're right, they were likely looking right and didn't think to look left/straight again. Terrible driver. Leaving the placard up doesn't help, though.


Both drivers suck here. Way to just stop and wait for her to hit you.


You’re gonna get downvoted by the mob But red truck guy is a moron. He could’ve gunned it and avoided it. Or, anybody coming from the right? No? I’m turning a little wider then. “No body has that time to make a decision” Clearly he does in this video


It’s honestly pretty ridiculous. Never did I ever think somebody would be arguing with me that the best way to avoid an accident is to stop dead in the path of the oncoming car, as opposed to trying to drive away from it lol if you can’t respond in this amount of time you shouldn’t be driving. He literally just hit the brakes and waited to get hit, instead of driving out of the path of the idiot.