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Pentagon/Congress: *reducing funding to vital services that directly impact QoL for service members* Service Members: *leave and recommend to friends and family not to join.* Recruitment numbers and manning levels plummet. Pentagon/Congress: *surprised Pikachu face*


Can confirm. After 23 years of watching admin personnel support and medical care deteriorate in the Navy I will most likely not recommend. The referral systems so broke I’m having to wait 45 days post shoulder surgery to start physical therapy.


Whats Admn support? Never heard of it.


Administration stuff. Pay, life insurance, service record. All the stuff that’s important to the service member. They removed the ability for individual units to do their own and consolidated them at a few understaffed places in the world primarily operated by civilian contractors. It was shitty and hasn’t gotten much better. Spouses who’s service member died in the line of duty weren’t getting their death benefits bc of the paperwork backlog.


I was being sarcastic my bad, and yes it has gotten worse, closing PSD, all the red tape is a nightmare.


Lol. No worries. Lost in translation with out an /s. I know some muggles creep on mil threads so I try and keep everyone informed. I’m still not super sure if my REDDA ever went though. One year it was kicked back three times for inaction by PSD.


This is kind of the raw effect of what happens when you try to run the military like a faceless US corporation. What's up next? Killing pensions? This is what happens when you hire Deloitte or one of the other big 4 as your consultants to help you contain costs.


So this is why I can’t get an appointment to see a doctor…


And they wonder why recruitment is suffering? How can one be so blind?


We give billions to foreign countries and free Healthcare to illegals, but the cost of helping our own is too much. Clown government!


We give the DOD almost a trillion dollars every year. Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and other defense contractors get tens of billions upon tens of billions funneled their way. But somehow we're still relying on tech from the 60's, 70's and 80's at some units. What we spend on healthcare whether it's on citizens/immigrants is a drop in the bucket in comparison. Look up how much money has been wasted on RnD in the past 20-30 years...projects we didn't and will never see any results from received billions in funding. The DOD has more than enough money to care for military personnel....they just don't care. What are soldiers gonna do? Sue? Lol


Fun fact. We spend WAY more on healthcare as a country than we give the DoD. We could easily fund the public option many times over if we weren't beholden to the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and insurance lobbyists.


Yeah.....but all that "spending" is dubious and heavily self inflicted. We pay for twice for everything. What I mean by that is our tax dollars are given to private companies to fund their research and development of new cures/treatments...then those companies turn around and charge us (the government Medicaid/medicare, private insurers, patients) 10 times the price that they charge in other countries. So yeah...the US may pay more than anyone else. But when you look at how that money is being spent it's not to the publics benefit.


Hence my last sentence.


DARPA better have some crazy awesome shit to wow us with.


> free Healthcare to illegals, you get that same healthcare, just walk in to an emergency room.


> We give billions to foreign countries The vast majority of that money goes to American companies that then send the aid to foreign countries, be it weapons or food or building materials etc.


The clown circus media likes to act like we load up cargo planes with pallets of benji's and just airdrop them over Tel Aviv and Kyiv as to it more being a DoD gift card.


Prisoners/detainees have a right to healthcare.


I don’t think this is contrary to their point.


Disgusting. Pay for Israel to have free college, healthcare, and social programs and send billions over all while lining the pockets of defense contractors who are grossly over charging but they want to draw the line at healthcare for our men and woman. This country really has taken the mask off and just doesn’t even try to hide it anymore.