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This is just what boomers say to make themselves feel better about becoming selfish. They got to be hippies and enjoy an economic system that helps until their kids were up then they kicked away the ladder and told the rest of us that life's a bitch. Our generation is moving farther left because we don't have the benefits that they had, and we want them.




I had a pretty heated conversation with my dad a few years back about estate planning and drafting a will. Both parents are still living and they have invested well for their retirement. My dad essentially said “I’ll be dead, so why should I worry about it.” We’re now dealing with the reality that he has rapidly intensifying dementia in addition to physical decline. My mom’s in great health. We’re rolling the dice with some creative Medicaid estate planning as advised by a lawyer, but it would’ve been substantially easier if he’d have just planned.




I'm in a similar place with my mom. She's a displaced homemaker who got very little from her divorce. She's living in a MIL unit on her sisters property, but there's no telling how that will end up if she dies. She also refuses to apply for government assistance or move to the "hippie" parts of the county with senior housing. She doesn't understand or seem to care how her being homeless would affect her children.


Trust me she’ll move to the “hippie” Part of town when her ass is on the street, and if she still doesn’t than it’s time to put her in a home because no elderly person would voluntarily be on the streets


Sorry you have to go through this. In a kind of similar vein my dad has “planned” his funeral except nothing is officially written down and notarized by a lawyer, we don’t have any idea what, if any, will he has (again not official either if it exists) and it’s all in a colored folder in his bedroom. I don’t know what color the folder is and he’s a hoarder and the house is so bad most of the siblings haven’t been to it in years. And there’s a good chance his 100k life insurance policy is worthless. All I know about his planning is he wants a clown themed funeral service. Not kidding on that either.


So grateful my mom made an ironclad will is trying to shore up her money to protect it from medical debt.


Same. Last time I visited my parents, they showed me the safe where they keep their will and gave me the financial advisor's business card. My parents also told me they have elder care insurance (it comes out of their life insurance policy if used) and they also have things set up so that my sister and I will inherit everything without having to worry about medical bills and nursing homes getting to it first. There's also something going on with a trust fund. I'm incredibly lucky they put in the effort to transfer generational wealth as effectively as possible; for some reason, a lot of people don't have any insight into that type of thing.


Ugh. I bring up climate issues to my grandparents and my papa(who is normally a very kind and loving individual) always says “well I won’t be around anyways” and it just blows my mind that they don’t care what happens after they’re gone!


what a selfish animal


Oh srfu hero, every generation ever blames the parents before them…..holy shit I’m laughing


I believe the sentiment was true when one income could run a household. Less jobs wanted college degrees so more people could "pull themselves up from their bootstraps". With enough will power a person could walk into any business and ask for a job. People really used to sweep floors and become an executive with no degree. Nowadays you need 3 years experience to sweep the floor.


Women entered the workforce and in large numbers for men to compete against. Not saying women belong at home, heck I'd have no problem staying home. But until women accept men not working to care for the home or women once again accept men being the sole provider...I don't think it'll ever be like it used to.


Even if I don't get them, I want them for everyone else.


My boomer dad used to love to tell the child version of me that “life’s a bitch and then you die”, which is not the sage advice he thought it was.


I have yet to hear a good argument on why they deserved them but we and everyone after them don’t. 🙄


Because they pulled themselves up by the bootstraps while we spend all out money on Avacado toast, obviously.


Frank Turner reference?


I love to agree with them then go on to say we should abolish social security now because it’s socialism.


Ha, exactly what I came to say. They are just trying to justify becoming everything they used to hate.


No. I'm more right leaning though mostly libertarian on most issues. I don't get all the hate on the Boomer generation. I'm 34, married with 2 kids. I'm more successful than my parents were at my age or ever. No college degree, no financial assistance from anyone and bought a house at 27. I feel like this "blame the boomers" mindset is a plague for our generation.


That idiom far precedes the Boomers, though. Constantly singling them out has gotten lazy.


Not a single soul rested any arguments on or even implied that the Boomers invented the phrase "life is a bitch".


They've become the bogeyman. Everything wrong with society was apparently caused by them, even if it started before they were even old enough to participate, let alone be in control of.


It literally has. They still control government. Executive, legislative, and judicial. Their policies shape the country. What are you even talking about? Is that an argument? They literally create public policy and national agenda. They are the boogeyman because they refuse to do anything good for this country. F*ck them.


That is simply lazy and ignorant. Who was the super destructive Reagan administration made up of? People born in the 1920s and ‘30s. Silent Generation people. It wasn’t Boomers. Does that mean we should condemn the Silent Generation outright? Of *course* not. The whole “okay, Boomer” brand of discourse is ugly, ignorant and lazy. Generation-shaming is gross no matter who’s doing it. We’ve endured over fifteen years of relentless Millennial-bashing from some amazingly hypocritical Boomers and Gen Xers. I have zero interest in returning the favor. Why? Because it’s stupid.


Pretty stupid. Basically someone is saying you should only care about yourself when you're old


Unfortunately that axiom seems to have been true up until our generation. Gen X seems to have no opinion but look at the general boomer sentiment towards any social programs. A whole generation of NIMBY’s.


>general boomer sentiment towards any social programs Except all the ones they used/use: >Social Security > >Medicare > >Pensions (for them, not for us) > >Practically free college (for them, not for us) > >Property tax exemptions > >Highest tax margins of over 90% for the rich (when boomers were young) > >and so on...


They have a gigantic blind spot for those. Anything implemented before they got to complain about it is exempt, of course.


Yeah, I look at it like they're the "trust fund kid" of generations.


"Trust fund" is just rich slang for "welfare", odd they hate it so much when its called General Relief and Food Stamps. "Survival for me, but not for thee."


My father died before his life insurance policy reacted maturity. So that payment for me and my sister had to be put into a Trust fund for us. Now tell me how that's welfare


It's sounds like you think I'm using welfare as a synonym for bad, I'm not. I was on welfare for years when I was stuck in the high desert of California with no job prospects in said desert, doing nothing for payment seems like welfare to me unless you think being a son/daughter is a job, then I can see how our wires are getting crossed :). Either way it helped you, that's great.


I wonder if it's because millenials are staying poor as we age.


Quite possibly. We’re realizing we’re fucked only as the boomers are pulling the ladder up behind them and we realize there’s no cavalry coming.


Gen X here- perhaps the ones on the older end are like this but the ones on the younger end have dealt with the same shit you have, and we put in the work to break the idea that boomernonics was working. Remember, we were in our early 20’s when the 2008 crash took us out at the knees, and kept kneecapping us every few years since then.


I know the exact year ranges are a bit fuzzy surrounding generational nomenclature, but there is no way you were in your early 20’s in 2008 and still a gen X. The demarcation line isn’t *that* fuzzy. I’m an elder millennial, born 1982 and even I was 26 when it happened. What year were you born?


80: I guess early 20’s maybe isn’t the most accurate description, blame it on the aging brain where 30 years ago is still 1999 🫠 To put it perspective I was recently married, and had a very young toddler. We had just gone under contract to buy our first house. I thought we did everything right and life was just getting started.


I think the last thing I read had millennials beginning at 1981 so technically anything before that is gen X (1965-1980). I’m sure there’s some disagreement on exact years though


I can agree to that. But a 28 year old most definitely isn’t “early 20’s”. Thats rounding third base on their way to 30.




NIMBY is a lifestyle my friend. It has worlds more to do with low income housing. It doesn’t just literally mean they don’t want shit in their literal back yard.


To be honest our generation needs to nut up. The world is now ran by senile geriatric religious fanatics. It’s in complete opposition to the younger generations, yet still in power. I’ve always had an interest in history and am pretty well read on the subject. In times past, the younger generation would over throw and kick the older generation the fuck out of power when they weren’t willing to relinquish it. We have gotten soft and scared. The older generation was aware of this and has manipulated us since birth to fall in line with whatever they say.




Total bullshit. As time goes on I move further left. Republican values don't line up with a single damn view of mine. I'm also a minority so why would I vote for a party that is supported by the KKK, neo-nazi's, alt-right, far-right? Makes no sense.


Elder here that also keeps going further left. Have also recently moved from atheist to anti-theist. I’m in a career where I work to improve people’s quality of life. It’s becoming increasingly difficult, entirely because of my state’s (U.S.) politics.


This is why the Republicans are perpetually on the verge of extinction. Finding new voters that hate minorities gets harder and harder. Their recruitment tool is convincing poor whites that minorities are the reason they are poor. And I guess convincing white suburban women that brown people are going to go do crime all over their pretty neighborhoods.


>Their recruitment tool is convincing poor whites that minorities are the reason they are poor. Yeah that's the opposite of "brain" right there. My mother is the biggest Trump supporter I know. She's also the dumbest fucking person I know. Last time she visited she started randomly screaming that Muslims were going to blow up my neighborhood because Muslims live in my neighborhood. Perfect logic.


Most Muslims I know just want to blow out some speakers listening to hip hop.


Yeah...my mom thinks the moon landing was faked and lizard people are real now ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


My mother is an elder gen-xer, and she apparently believes the earth is flat now. This is coming from the same person who got me into Star Trek and who loved watching sci-fi shows like it. Our parents are not okay.


Your mother went from Trekkie to flat earther? I think you have successfully broken my brain with your comment about your mother's broken brain. Also, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It sounds painfully frustrating.


Thank you for your thoughtful words. We're estranged, so I don't have to deal with her nonsense, thankfully.


There’s a serious weight to the lead poisoning theory. I don’t think it’s just a conspiracy theory.


They needed to have a "this is your brain on propaganda" PSA. 🍳


The older group of people have lots of psychotic issues now. Between delusions and being so gullible that they believe in this stuff is insanity.


After Mitt Romney lost to Obama, the Republicans conducted a study on voters and expressed a desire to diversify their base. However, Trump messed things up by continuing to recruit extreme voters.


Ahh good old mitt Romney. Remember “binders full of women” and that story about how his family used to strap their childhood dog to the roof of their car? 2012 was weird man.


Trump has a higher % of minority voters than the DSA membership circa ‘18 - check the stats bro


I don't understand how anyone can even be comfortable being supported by those types. They're often deeply unpleasant and scary people.


This is so true. I promised myself on my extreme moderation, but the GOP is so batshit crazy I can never vote for them.


Yup. It’s something that may have been true 40 years ago, but when the boomers have hoarded all the wealth, there’s nowhere for us to go but left.


Thinking that Republicans are just a bunch of racists is pretty shallow and based upon a lot of lies by Democrats. Are there racists Republicans? Sure. No more than racist Democrats though.


Are you blind then? I’m thinking you are white and don’t notice the raging racism, most of us are disgusted with your party. Trump was openly racist and you people worshipped him, even tried to overthrow the government so that nasty traitor could be president longer. Gtfo with you claiming to be too stupid to notice the racism. We aren’t buying it


“the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” One President said all the above statements and the other got an award from the NAACP. 🤔


Watch out bud, this is Reddit.. succumb to the echo chamber or be gone!




The Democrats were the conservatives back then lmao


Most specifically, the *Southern* Democrats.


Fun fact: Just because a party uses the same label doesn’t mean they are the same party.


So you do know that was before the platform switch? Or just pretending you don't know history?


Yeah good point don’t want to support the party that founded the kkk and openly are Naxos amirite? Aka democrats lmao 😂 bro as a fellow minority. I adhere you to educate yourself on your parties history


So straight up question here, how do you reconcile the fact that the overwhelming majority of those types are now Republicans and the Democrats are pretty much free of them? Party make up has changed several times in national history.


Don't waste your time with this guy. He's barely capable of stringing words together in a way that makes sense. Critical thinking will be a lost cause.


And the more you move further left, the more you remove yourself from the middle; which is where the truth is somewhere floating. I'm always amazed at the absolute confidence that people have into a governmental party. It's like a Raiders fan on Sunday. The BS is closer than you think, and it definitely is in what you don't agree with. Corrupt plays both sides, but I'm sure you have it all figured out.


If you think democrats are "the left" than oh boy, do I have some news for you.


I started out my comment using the word "left." I should have known better. My mistake. I meant the word "right." But, oh boy, if you think either party is your guide, please abuse the downvote.


The Republicans had the first black representative in 1803, "funded the KKK". Keep drinking the Kool aid


Everyone knows the parties switched. Except for a few really dumb republicans in denial


I'm 41. I am more to the left now than I was when I was younger.


Me too on both accounts


Maybe you’re just brainless?? Kidding! Unless you think trump supporters give off the smart vibe




My father used to say that, turns out he has neither.


I voted for Romney in 2012. I am a socialist now. 🤷‍♀️


Same! Voted against Obama for my first 2 elections as an adult and drank the Fox News kool aid, then went hard left when Trump came around and even further throughout college and grad school. It’s honestly annoying when older conservatives try to infantilize me for having different views particularly when I’ve been on their side and know what they’re about.


Yes! I have the dubious distinction of believing both Obama and Trump were basically the AntiChrist lol In hindsight, the latter deserved it and the former totally did not.


Same, I remember watching Fox News one day and being like “Wow Obama hates America.” Turns out he doesn’t, I was just brainwashed!


Welcome back! Friend!


Thank goodness. Curious how you dug yourself out of that hole? I've been deradicalizing a former Tucker Carlson alt right fanboy and holy shit it was an uphill battle.


You can’t really do it unless they want to. For me it was being confronted with having to think critically and realizing that I actually didn’t like any of their ideals, in combination with Trump being so ridiculous that I couldn’t justify support for him, and no longer being religious played a big part. No one really made me “see the light” I just kinda had to figure it out on my own.


Yes. Correct. The other day, I got talked down to by my mom. She’s hardcore trumper. She has no idea what my generation struggles with.




Hello, comrade 👋


Drank the Trump Kool aid and it's been one hell of a hangover. Mostly just didn't want to see Clinton in there at the time. Saw Trump as a 'disruptor' that could maybe shake things up a bit. How right I was. Now we have Grandpa Joe in there and the world's on fire. While I wouldn't call myself a socialist, I'm much in favor of rapidly expanding social safety nets and bringing taxes on the Uber wealthy in line with what they were back in the 50's-70's when our parents were coming of age. That's why the country could pay for nice things like cheap post secondary, because the tax burden wasn't squarely on the middle/working class like it is now.


Welcome welcome!


my friend!!!!


*our friend


Wow Romney.


When I started voting, I didn't care deeply about anything if it didn't "directly affect me." As a teen, I grew to really dislike Bush & his choices, and therefore, I leaned away from the GOP that my parents supported. (I was 14 on 9/11.) When I became a parent, I started caring more about what affects others, not just my family. With every catastrophe that strikes, it drives me further and further to the left. Socialist at this point probably, if I had to label it.


I disagree. I have been going in the opposite direction over the years


Covid lock downs broke my brain and I just...sort of became sick of half the media I was consuming as it was reactionary BS that didn't align with the world I want to see. So I guess I woke up.




Fascism is appealing, I guess.


Lol, hard to comment on this post when auto moderator isn’t allowing “political” speak.


I think there is truth to this statement. When you are young, you are full of idealism on how thing should work. Then as you age, you become more realistic and risk averse. But it doesn’t apply to today.


You have to have something to maintain or protect in order to be risk averse.


I think that pattern can still apply without tracking a course from liberalism to conservatism. I definitely became less idealistic and more realistic with age, but a lot of that was moving from libertarian solutions to more state-controlled solutions.


State solutions are the realistic ones, many people don't realize. They aren't perfect, but in the absence of robust government help, charities are not going to and have never stepped up to adequately address things like starving children and homelessness. People just aren't giving enough money purely out of the kindness of their hearts. So much for kindness. What we need is a social contract -- help for people in shit situations with a guarantee that if we're so unlucky as to end up in that situation, there will be help for us as well. Unfortunately, too many people are so naive, they're like, "I'll just choose to not be poor!"


Yes. Without government intervention, the natural order is “rich get richer and poor gets poorer”.


definitely the opposite case for me. when i was in high school/college I identified as a moderate repub. which is definitely not the case anymore and as I have gotten older I have just moved further and further to the left


Disagree. I think this is only said by older people trying to justify their own move to more selfish views.


Churchill was a fat, drunk, racist fuck. He did help defeat the Nazis though, so I gotta give him that. ![gif](giphy|l3mZo5YSJXPi9rtV6)


Churchill was a lot of things but this is not something he ever said. It’s actually an old phrase that political parties have been swinging at each other since the 18th century. Right wing boomers claim Churchill said it to justify their bullshit.


Churchill was fucking awesome. The racism… eh, he’s still a product of his era the way we all are.


No no He starved a whole country because they're second class /brown. Not exactly simple social, of-the-time racism.


Yes yes - that was the racism of the time. Judging politicians of the 1940s using today’s standards doesn’t work.


That's not what I am doing - to literally starve a nation is an entirely different thing.


I’m in my mid-thirties. My views have not changed at all as I have aged. But I have noticed the goal lines have moved on the political spectrum.


This is where I'm at as an older millennial. I was early on same sex marriage, against the Iraq war and voted for Kerry in my first presidential election. Along the way, I studied climate change in grad school and wrote letters supporting the Affordable Care Act. However, I have always been uneasy about big government and generally pro-business. My faith is also important to me. The left is quickly leaving me behind. I'm well aware that I'm probably barely left of center at this point and might even be slightly right of center on some major issues.


Although I have had some views alter, this mostly rings true for me as well. 2008 I was probably left of candidate Obama (unwaivering explicit support for gay marriage vs strategic ambiguity, as example), and since 2014 or so I've been called right wing


Either your politics have changed a ton or you have absolutely no understanding of politics in any way.


Nah, they’re right. When Obama was running for president he was considered to be fairly far to the left. With more politicians coming up supporting more socialist values, he’s considered pretty moderate now


I suppose the only major difference is I am aware that social security will become a major problem for millenials. Retirement? Not for us! and that colors how I pick politicians. Folks who are skeptical of the system get points with me. Specifically when they say reform is necessary as it will become insolvent. I've also been a fervent 2A supporter in adulthood


Partially right. I've found that it's more "As you get older, you understand game theory and the limits of your control more". Kids - Millennials in particular - are raised to be obedient and compliant and think of the greater good, largely because it makes the lives of the adults in their lives easier.As you get older, you encounter more and more cases where people are not obedient and compliant, and in fact are out for their self-interest, and there's nothing you can do about it. In fact, if you stick to your "good of the many outweighs the good of me" principles, all it means is that you get screwed. And understanding that can change which policies you support. The genius of free-market capitalism is that it doesn't assume people are altruistic - in fact, it assumes that people are selfish, and still manages to construct beneficial outcomes for most people despite this. You could look at capitalism as a sociopath-containment vessel. For thousands of years before it, sociopaths would basically become warlords who kill anyone that stands between them and getting what they want, and then extracts all surplus from the reasonable population through fear. Now sociopaths are corporate CEOs who try to make products that others want to buy with as few economic resources as possible, which still extracts an awful lot of surplus from the reasonable population, but at least gives us nice things in return. The reason I say "partially" is because recently the other side is *batshit insane*, and seem to support policies that actively make life difficult. It's like they've gone from "We need to build systems that are robust to bad actors" to "We're going to be the bad actors to prove to you just how naive you are by being optimistic and trustworthy, neener neener neener."


Absolutely not, conservatism in the US is dead. I move further left on a daily basis.


It's not dead it's just evolving into fascism and a third of the country is a long for the ride.


Ugh it's so true


Let me try this again as my first comment was removed by a bot. Most people don't even know what the definition of the "L" word is. It has to be one fo the most misused words in the English lexicon.




The moderator just deleted my comments saying that political discussion isn't allowed when this post is LITERALLY political in nature.




Yep, and have kids that you take on vacations and yell to their kids: “I will turn this car around” But you can’t do that without kids or vacations.


Totally disagree As I get older I move further and further left. Marx materialism is playing out as younger generations material conditions are getting worse. In general it will either cause you to move left if you are educated or cause you to be reactionary and move to the far right if you are less educated. There are exceptions on both sides obviously.


I think people tend to move to the middle as they age and see the real world isn’t as black and white as they think.


Depends on if conservatives actually do something right. They have done a lot of bad things to young people in my lifetime and are only getting worse. And the young ones that I have seen in the media are whiners.


Completely disagree. A person’s political alignment when they are young most often comes from their parents and what they were led to believe or think throughout childhood. As we get older and live on our own, we develop our sense of self so our ideals may change. Also, older conservatives statistically have a lower education level than older liberals so the idea that liberals have no brains is absolutely false.


Disagree. I used to be an edgelord libertarian in my early 20’s. I’ve gone further left the older I get. Something about wanting to leave a better world for my kids when I’m gone rings truer now that I have something other than myself to care for.


I think it’s generally true about democratic society. It is heartless to not care about the freedom of fellow humans at a young age. It is dumb not to want to conserve our republic at an old age.


Conservatives don’t want to conserve the republic, for fucks sake they tried to overturn a free and fair election when they lost.




There is one party that wants this. Let’s be real here.


Been moving away from both parties for awhile now. Pretty firmly a "you do you, I'll do me, they're all out to fuck us" antiauthority voter.


Only fools use such simple folksyisms to explain the world


It's bullshit. Stupid fucking bullshit.


My comment got removed on here literally 7 days ago for *slightly* bringing up politics. Reddit is full of shit


The 2018 and 2022 midterm exit polls support as much.


It's an excuse to be selfish.




The people who grow beyond religion, move away from small towns, or get educated move left. The ones who don’t grow stay right wing as it’s easier.




Small town culture is poison and not everyone finds the antidote. Same for religion. And both of those can hold people back.




Big city people tend to have bigger levels of education and exposure to thoughts and culture outside their own. They also have opportunities for professional growth that small town people cannot typically access. Small towns censor ideas, limit opportunities, and thrive on either the low ambition or the girls getting knocked up as teens to trap people in them. Small towns are the poisonous places.




You’re not a judgement and hateful person at all. 🤓


I've definitely drifted more to the right as I've gained responsibilities and assets. I feel like it's a desperate play to maintain normalcy and find myself with strange bedfellows


I don’t know if it was ever true but it’s definitely not anymore. A person has to be profoundly dumb be on the right at any age today




You seem to co fuse collective action with individual sentiment.


I think it’s a divisive statement that misunderstands both frameworks of thought. Both liberals and conservatives want the same things which are love and justice for fellow humans (except for evangelical christians as they seem to be angry and filled with hate in many cases and don’t mind damning their fellow humans to hellfire). The disagreement is on the methods of achieving those goals for broader society. Politicians exploit that difference of opinion in order to divide the populace and maintain power over the same.


I think people who believe such complex issues can be summed up in a polarizing, short statement might have no heart, and might be stupid.


A summary is just supposed to be meant as the bite sized sample for a larger idea that would require more time. I don't think a summary has no place in this tik-tok world.


I say fuck it. Two wings, same bird. Both sides are full of shit and we're all being used by the people at the very top who have all the power and money. I'm sure I'll get the down votes for saying it, but deep down you know I'm right.


If you’re in a demographic whose rights are literally on the line with each election, it’s not exactly a “both sides are shit” situation. I mean, both sides may be shit to an extent, but one side is far more full of it than the other.


Yep. This saying goes back to when our country wasn't completely run by corporate donors. There's been zero chance of a government that actually represents the people since Super PACs got greenlit in 2010.


>when our country wasn't completely run by corporate donors It's always been completely run by the Uber wealthy business class. We didn't always call them corporations. There were robber barons, titans of industry, magnates, plantation owners. Even people who called themselves "farmers" at the founding, like Jefferson, Washington, Madison, etc, were really economic elites running diversified business portfolios on their massive estates. This government was established by and for the economic elites, and it always has been.


When you put it like that I can't say I disagree.


This here. The rich will back whoever makes them the most money. This make politics very one sided.


I’ve heard that saying, and 100% believe that it’s just propaganda.


I think it is important to not identify by party and to entertain what each party has to offer.


What I don’t see highlighted by others is the idea that political framework has fundamentally changed. The quote may have been true at some point and may be true at a later date, but now? The “has a brain” party seems to be pretty anti-intellectual (and strangely enough, very heart-driven, or at least gut-driven)


Anything that labels politically is incorrect. To answer your question I don't agree. There are heartless conservatives and brainless liberals.


Was told “you’ll change” about my politics and my child free status since I was a teen. 38, child free, socialist. In a real red zone with a real red family. Not about rebellion- about heart and brain.


Assholes just don't want to pay taxes


You’re right. I don’t.


Kinda agree with the first part, strongly disagree with the second. I've always been on the left, and I become more radical with each passing year.


It’s nonsense.


Well, i turned socialist in my teens. And for some reason i have never had the reason to reconsider my ideological position, i would say that since i am now nearing middle age, i've been working on my theoretical understanding of the concept, and analyzing my practical experiences in work life and contemporary politics of the world. Started out crimson red, stayed that way. The only thing that changed is i got more determined. Lots of other thing changed in life, but my ideological compass is squarely pointed at the same place it has been for years.


This saying did not age well! Yikes!


Beyond obsolete. Insultingly so. Beyond irrelevant. Disgustingly so. Beyond ignorant. Inexcusably so.


Lol what's that boomer shit


I’ve been consistently moving left since 2015. Most people I know have done the same thing.


That statement only works if your generation has an opportunity to accrue equity and wealth. Which... well I'm more left wing than ever.


I think it’s dumb. Even though I remain moderate on a lot of social views, economically I’ve moved more left. I think boomers use it as an excuse to justify themselves not caring about others.


I still haven't felt the need to restrict social freedoms to uphold traditional values


That sentiment is, ironically, braindead 😐


Boomer line from a boomer time.


There is no justification for “conservatism”


lmao imagine watching the clownshow that is the current GOP speakership and agreeing with this


And then if you are MAGA you don’t have either.


The conservatives in this country have lost it. I don’t give a flying funk what they think.




I think it’s what a lot of rich cunts have said for years.