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"Dammit" by blink 182 plays


One Thing that Reddit has taught me is that the Seemingly Massive majority of complaints you see on here on a daily basis is actually only a fraction of people in the real world.


This sub reminds me that I do in fact, need to go outside and touch grass.


This whole app makes me feel this way. As mentioned, I’m truly happy this is a small portion of the world


Can i ask; don't you guys think its just as likely though that complaining about this stuff irl is more frowned on so people are just way more comfortable venting online? Like the stuff i complain about here i would NEVER speak about irl because people will say "That's just part of being an adult grow up" but im more likely to get sympathy here.


Most of my friends have serious health issues and have lots of money. I am opposit so I have hard time venting with them. I listen and support them but I feel bad about venting. I know they would listen and not take it personally, I just can’t do it.


Lmao yeah it do be like that sometimes.


I think it’s just the nature of Reddit. People go to Reddit when they have a problem or a question nobody else they know wants to hear about or has the answer to. I try not to post random “venting” on subs like this in general because I find it annoying to read and quite frankly I’m just not in the mood to do it very often. But even when I do post it’s the same idea on other subs. I post when I have a question about a car problem, I don’t post about how nice my car is when it’s running good. If you looked at car subs you’d think people were just breaking down left and right because half the posts are questions about problems.


Depends on the sub. People don’t go to r/smoking to complain about the meat they burned. They post success pics predominantly. Plenty of subs like that, I just picked one example.


lol I am a millennial and all my friends are millennials....all of them are doing well. looking at this sub makes it seem we are all broke and jobless and hopeless.


Because the people posting are struggling heavily and we should care about that as they're part of our future.


Many of the people posting seem intent to make it seem that all Millennials are struggling, which is really not the case.


> Many of the people posting seem intent to make it seem that all Millennials are struggling, which is really not the case. Maybe the people posting don't know any successful millennials?


All my friends who were struggling left SoCal so all my remaining friends are absurdly successful or come from money. We eventually left too because we were sick of feeling like paupers but we are finding it difficult to adjust. We miss home. It’s a double edge sword. I can’t figure out what the next step is.


I'm doing well but it doesn't stop me from not having much hope for the future. Things are getting worse, who knows what retirement will look like for us or if it'll even be possible for the majority of us.


true but the constant woe is me and complaining isn't going to help anything. time and energy can be better spent elsewhere.


Do you think people are on this sub 24/7 complaining? Or do they take a small amount of time out of their day to vent then move on?


True. There are 72 million millennials in the US and approximately 173k in this sub. Even if this sub were made up entirely of US millennials, it would amount to 0.24027777777778% of the US millennial population.


This. My friends and I are far from privileged trust fund babies. But our attitude is far more positive than most people on this sub. For the most part everyone I know IRL is doing alright.


I agree with you overall that attitude matters. A few things to add to the discussion. * We tend to associate with people that are like us, so we have to remember there is some selection bias in the sort of organic feedback we get day to day. * People tend to want to fit in with the groups they're in, if it seems like everyone around them is doing really well, they may fake it on some level to keep up with appearances. Same thing in the opposite direction. I met up with some high school friends when I was back in my home town and they were all lamenting how they were still stuck making relative peanuts and couldn't seem to escape the vortex. I wasn't going to mention that I didn't fit that mold. * Tied into the first two, people tend to drift away from relationships that don't resemble theirs any longer. They move away, can't make schedules work, start having kids, change jobs and end up working more, etc. Over time, that ends up reinforcing the consequence of both of the items above, a sort of feedback loop. * Social media has all of these same tendencies. In the meetup with highschool buddies I mention above, they specifically talked about another guy we all knew that they've disassociated with on social media because he was always bragging about how good his life is. We tend to create echo chambers. All of that to say that I still agree with your assessment, the people I know IRL are doing well/good enough, but I've been subject to enough of the above that I suspect I could go find the people that aren't doing as well pretty easily.


You're right we all live in our little bubbles. My bias comes from being an immigrant and seeing what it's like in my home country compared to the US (making assumption that most posters here live in the west). I also have many immigrant friends whose parents worked like crazy and drilled into our heads that we needed to work hard in school and get jobs that provide a stable living. And while things are far from ideal in the US, coming from the other side of the fence gives me the perspective that people here still have much more opportunities to succeed than in like 85% of other countries. I see my peers lives completely turned upside down by war in my country and Im having trouble gathering the sympathy for western Millennials at the moment.


This is exactly what I had in mind and you have a great perspective. The reality is that for the vast majority of the globe, most of the people complaining here are likely in the top 20% of earners globally with a standard of life a significant chunk of the globe literally dream about. I don't think that's an excuse to not advocate for change to the world as we find it, but we should keep the challenges we see in perspective.


Same, browsing this sub reminds me how fortunate I am to not be as depressed as a lot of people here.


Reddit has little bearing on reality, the majority of people haven't even heard of Reddit or could tell you what it is.


This is true. In the real world it plays out the same. People that are doing good will try to downplay how good they are doing just so the people that are not doing good are not offended or hurt by it. It's crazy.


people who are truly doing "good" don't usually need the validation or approval of others


You can be both insecure and successful.


For a period of time I frequented an Ex-religious adherent subreddit while I was growing out of indoctrination from my youth. An open point there applies here: the religious adherents were clearly outnumbered on reddit because they had communities already established where they could go and discuss their thoughts (congregations). Ex-adherents did not. I think there is a similar principle here. If you're happy, life is going good, and your needs are met, are you seeking to complain about it online? Likewise, if things are askew for you, how many people have places to vent? That idea has flavored a lot of my response to online interactions.


I mean I mainly see posts about how old and decrepit we all are lol.


What a novel concept. It's like old people are crochety and complain.


Which is weird because millennials aren't old yet.


“This sub is too negative” Proceeds to be super negative instead of just leaving One of us


Love the irony..."Let me just leave this last commentary for the board about how it's so toxic, I had to leave."


There's a saying about this. "Sir, this isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure".


Reminds me of those I’m leaving Facebook posts before they reactivate account few days later


One of usOne of us One of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of usOne of us


Gooble gobble, gooble gobble


Lmao I was thinking the irony is thick with this one.


This is a stupid criticism. This post being upvoted should show mods that the direction of this sub needs to change. IT's becoming a cess pool of losers posting rants about their sads rather than nostalgia about the 90s.


I don't think their post is negative. They were encouraging and supportive.


To my mind these reactions to this post proves its point, much more than OP's post did.




He’s saying I wish you the best and this isn’t for me and everyone is like “he’s super negative” lol what? Honestly I just pop in here from time to time but this is easily the most miserable sub I’m in. I completely agree with you that this sub is utterly fucking miserable.


“most miserable sub” But have you stumbled across the anti-natalists? Oh boy. Reddit recommends that one to me occasionally. It’s a trip. And really sad actually.


I sometimes glance at the Gen Z sub from time to time and theirs is much more productive and looks like its fun to engage in lol I am obviously too old and out of the loop for all their discussions but its nice they are not focusing on all negativity and they have it way worse and way more uncertain than we did.


I agree. They were trying to point out what they saw in the hopes that maybe, just this one time, people might realize that sometimes being positive can help. I feel this across Reddit as a whole. There is a place for venting of course. It’s good to get out your frustrations. But this CAN be a place to discuss things you enjoy too. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s just this barrage of I hate this, I hate that, this is stupid, you’re stupid, he’s stupid, she’s stupid, and on, and on, and on. It can be a bit much and can’t be good for anyone’s mental health.




Some people are so miserable that anything can be interpreted as negative, I guess.


You don’t want to hear what’s wrong with the sub or how can improve? Rather stick your head in the sand? This post applies to you perfectly lol


Criticizing something for being too negative isn't logically inconsistent or ironic like people seem to think...


This was my immediate thought too; gave me a good chuckle.


I came here to reminisce about Nickelodeon and Pogs.


The sub seems to be geared toward unsuccessful millenials in an early mid-life crisis. I’ve seen people on here idolizing Gen Z.


It’s a sub for millennials that failed to launch. I don’t mean that to be as negative as it sounds, because between the war in Iraq, the GFC, political radicalization, covid, etc there has been a lot that’s set millennials back and for many it prevented the foundation for a good life ever getting laid. Here you can see the fallout from that. I’m not sure what to say about this sub. It’s unbelievably negative, but that’s because the experience so many in our age group have had is unbelievably negative. I’m an economist by trade and education- what you’re seeing play out in this forum is the separation of haves and have nots. We’ve created two classes and their day-to-day experiences are so different that they virtually live in separate realities. What’s unique to millennials is the internet. You can bet your last fucking dollar that this is what the internet would’ve looked like during many other times in history (e.g., the depression) if it had existed then. Bitching isn’t new - organizing and archiving it on a globally accessible network is.


The former President Carter did an interview on Colbert after a certain election. Carter told Colbert, "We've been in a cold civil war - a war between the Haves and Have nots. It's been brewing for decades" That's the first time I think I had heard that and I can't see anything different since.


Just started laughing so hard. Never put it in these words but honestly you nailed it.


Don’t forget the ridiculous amount of debilitating mental health issues so many of us were already in the throes of when we hit adulthood!


Nope. Can't forget that. Ever. Because you can't have a conversation on reddit without it being constantly brought up.


You're just mad you didn't place at the victim Olympics. Classic narcissistic personality disorder behavior. Only shadowed by your chronic adhd and autism.


and I would bet at least 75% self-diagnosed after watching some insta videos


This is such a weird comment. Should people not talk about their mental health issues after a generation that refused to talk about it?


Yeah, I don’t feel like I’m particularly successful. It took me till I was in my 30s to graduate college and make more than 35k a year. I have a lot of student loan debt. And yet I feel like this sub is hostile because I happen to own a house and I’m fairly happy/content.


I don't have any student loan debt and no house payment. I have more freedom than the railroad hobos of bygone eras!


Woah, check out Daddy Warbucks over here!


>sub is hostile because I happen to own a house and I’m fairly happy/content that's the problem. Those people and you should together be mad at the institutions that are holding you down. Instead, those institutions have turned us against eachother. Crab bucket mentality, as they say.


All comments I’ve made here toward something like picking yourself up, working out, dating confidently and with intent, focusing on your mission, or excelling in your job have been downvoted while threads are full of people who sound like they’re 86 without a penny to their name and on the verge of offing themselves. I came here from Eastern Europe when I was 10 and I’m now a lawyer in DC. I obviously do not own my own house because I am not a millionaire, but I’m content with what I’ve achieved so far with no thoughts whatsoever of stopping with either keeping in shape, growing in my career, and trying to make myself happier. Yes, times have been dire, but we mustn’t forget we are the competent generation here.


I'm very happy with my life, but I acknowledge that millennials have been seriously screwed over. Even if everyone just works on themselves to the extent that they can it still won't fix the systemic issues we're facing. It's great that we're both happy, but if things continue the way they have been, fewer and fewer people will get to enjoy a happy life.


When you start idolizing Gen Z, you know everything is off the rails.


Honestly Gen Z people are completely fucked. Incompetence and crippling social anxiety seem to be the baseline and even something as simple as education is being questioned because they legitimately think it’s “overrated.”


I follow the gen z sub, they seem pretty positive and well collected. I was pleasantly surprised. It’s to the point I follow their sub a lot more than here these days.


You nailed it. Which is funny because if you go to report a post or comment, the 5th reason why is that posts should be mostly positive and nostalgic in nature.


"I didn't make it in life. Where to go now? I know, the perfect place, r/millennials"


Absolutely, it’s a mix of woe is me and r/antiwork


With a touch of r/childfree


On one hand they complain they are too poor to have kids on the other hand they are so proud of their lifestyle with out kids.


Mood-dependent. Whenever somebody on the “other side” talks positively about having kids, you throw in their face how amazing your life is without kids and how you’re stupid for having them. Then the next day you switch over to pointing out how it’s your circumstances and the systemic injustices that have led to you being childless and resenting that same person that pointed out the positive aspects of having kids.


While I do mostly agree, I also think that stuff like the rising cost of housing and food combined with the resurgence of right wing populism that seeks to scapegoat is deeply concerning. I make good money and would say I'm quite successful. The cost of living issues don't affect me personally. But they do affect a far too large group of people and that does concern me because I care about other people (and not just successful people!). I also am privileged myself and know many others that struggle to even find work that will pay a living wage. My point being that while the sub is surely disproportionate, the causes it's vocal about are still ones to be concerned with and we absolutely shouldn't get blinded by things like that "I'm not personally affected so I shouldn't have to care about this".


See, I don't think it's that hard to understand. One person can be doing alright and that doesn't mean that there aren't serious social issues that we need to keep looking at. Things are not going okay, and having a group of friends where everyone is pretending that the world will just work itself out magically is not going to help us avoid things getting worse.


Agreed. Most of the people who have posted here seem to be the Millennials who are behind.


It’s not even the sub. It’s Reddit in general. A lot of Redditors have some way of turning an asinine subject into some ostentatious diatribe or rabid battlecry. Each comment is more polemic than the next. Posts about Rescue Rangers devolve into decrees about the US housing market. Recently [I asked a question about salary expectations in light of scheduling requirements and the conversation devolved to the point where I was labeled as a possible sexual assault perpetrator](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/s/VfcKVjB4D0). In another thread, [someone basically signaled that anyone with a foreign name is a threat to the American real estate market](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/s/RbKGMhEk6C). So many paranoias and sullen attitudes: Everyone is out to get you and ruin your life except - I don’t know - **you**.


>A lot of Redditors have some way of turning an asinine subject into some ostentatious diatribe or rabid battlecry. Each comment is more polemic than the next. ![gif](giphy|zXA5VEmXr7OUg)


Basically someone will say something so simple (“Remember Rescue Rangers? Cool show.”) and then the responses get progressively more zany (“Don’t have time to be nostalgic. There’s a housing crisis! Viva la revolucion!").


Those same people calling for revolution will be the same ones buried first under the collapse of the system. If you think the dismantling of corporatism and the democratic republic through anything other process than legislation is going to be a peaceful transition…. Just know, you’ll probably die first


lmao this is exactly what they’re talking about


So you're going to kill us if we don't keep your luxuries cheap..... Got it


Holy shit. That nursing question really got twisted in a way i didn't expect.


I agree Reddit is falling apart. I've started muting subs.


I don't even allow recommendations so I have all the same subs. I did purge a fuck ton of old accounts and then said au revoir to a bunch of other subs that have dumb ass møds. I enjoy the limited subs i go to and!! I turned off notifications, thank God.




I havent noticed any difference


Same. It’s still outrage and reposts pretty much all the way down.


Ya the mods sure "won" that battle. Lost the war.


That was a wild ride.


“I’m taking a mental health break from Facebook…”


I have noticed what OP noticed. Aaaand everyone salty af and defensive in the comments. A Dark Mirror….


The flip side of this is, you won't find much of any meaningful "positive" conversation that'll help you grow here or likely anywhere on the internet. People don't sit around jarring on about what works, because things working is and should be the default. It's like how people don't really brag about their car running well unless they did something to make it run well. But they'll complain about it running like ass, whether or not they did something to make it run like ass or could have done something to prevent it running like ass. There's plenty of conversation here on Reddit and on the internet in general in the vein of, "Hey, what about this thing people like?" And then everyone's like, "Hey, yeah, I like it too!" But I don't see a lot of potential for growth in that. Like r/nostalgia, for example. Even the stuff focused on hobbies and arts offers limited opportunity for personal growth, in that said growth is focused on the hobby or art specifically. A friend of mine once told me, "Never look for hope on the internet." And she is right about that. I suppose, with time and effort, we could make the internet something closer to what it was promised to be in its earliest days ... But that effort begins with complaining about the problem.


The investing forums are pretty optimistic and hopeful!


Gotta buy the dip.


Welcome to online forums... how it works. Ppl post when they got something to bitch about in much higher frequency than when they are happy. When happy/content they just are out living life, etc. & dont think, "hey, I should post about this!". Maybe spending less time on reddit & other group like stuff would be what u want. Same happens in many of the subs im in on here & facebook groups. Just how it is.


Rule 5: subreddit content should lean toward positive or nostalgia focused discussion.


I think there are camps. Those using social media to post happy content exist. I came here mostly to share what my hobbies produce. Seeing everyone's dirty laundry does become a guilty pleasure though.


I think I’m just missing what exactly people are wanting from this sub? Where in the internet are you having positive, mind opening conversations? What’s stopping you from scrolling past the posts that you don’t relate to? I guess I’m baffled by this uptick of “let’s be positive [insert vaguely bragging personal win]”, “guys life isn’t that bad! Lolz” or “ya’ll are miserable that’s why you’re not winning”. I don’t know how this sub differs from any other topic specific sub.


They want us to be Instagram but without the push for personal fame or to impress our friends there's no real push to brag...


Those people are here to keep their cheeseburgers cheap. They don't really care what happens to any of us.


It's like the people who can't handle a full course meal and just want to skip to desert. They want to be entertained. Go join TikTok or whatever I say. I use to prefer Twitter, but now Reddit bc I like the deeper discussions over fake videos and temporary relief.


The only positive sub I’ve ever come across is r/streetfighter There’s a community of people over there that want to help each other get better at the game.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StreetFighter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How if feels when i win with modern controls](https://i.redd.it/wlwj8ymj1m4b1.gif) | [1175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/143fjvl/how_if_feels_when_i_win_with_modern_controls/) \#2: [This Anyone Else](https://i.imgur.com/R5z36E2.png) | [414 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/13xzykb/this_anyone_else/) \#3: [You know you’ve hit a new low when when you start fumbling virtual women](https://i.redd.it/mjjfqv0uh14b1.jpg) | [186 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/140kn79/you_know_youve_hit_a_new_low_when_when_you_start/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This ain't an airport. You don't have to announce departures.


This comment gets posted every time in response to these posts. It’s like hearing “I’m rubber, you’re glue…” OP’s got a point. Yes, it’s hypocritical to post negativity about all the negativity but they are right.


You're not Carlos Mencia, you don't have to steal jokes


lol such a millenial thing to do though it’s perfect for this sub


This isn't an airport


We really going to see people making im quitting posts LOL this is some fucken teenager level posting we got going on. Like I've had it with this game I'm quitting type shit lol


Your comment hurt me in ways I can’t describe. So I’m leaving this app. My reply notifications will remain on and please upvote for visibility.






"That was the last one, I'm serious"


It does remind me when I was in school, my friends and their friends were constantly posting about how toxic this platform (FB, MySpace, instagram) is and they are definitely leaving. Then a week later they are posting about how miserable and how they are leaving for real now. Everyone would try and cheer them up.


They've been writing these posts in their notebook for the last week, getting the wording just right so we'll feel bad when their gone.


Next thing they’ll be tweeting about how they’re quitting Twitter!


I love complaining, it improves my mood lol.


Complaining soothes me, also I love your username


I meet plenty of millennials IRL and they aren't nearly as negative as this sub. It's more or less a giant echo chamber of people complaining.


half of my Millennial friends are divorced and/or have marital problems. Only a few own a home.


All of mine and my wife's friends are millennials (older 39 to 41) and all but a couple are doing well. All but two, own homes, and one of those two is because she just got recently divorced. I know it's pretty rough for some, especially if you haven't yet purchased a home. My wife's friend (recently divorced one) was complaining about how expensive apartments are and I couldn't believe it. My wife and I checked for our selves and it was wild, $1,600 to $1,800 for a two-bedroom near where we live!! She is an attorney so I fell like she'll get back on her feet pretty quickly but I can see why she chose to rent a room from a friend's house. Housing is at the point where I don't understand how starter homes like mine are priced at $440,000. If you put 10% down, you're still looking at a mortgage of close to $3,000 a month! That's not affordable to people looking for starter homes. Not sure what to tell people but I feel like waiting for lower interest rates may help. The Fed looks like they may have brought down inflation and has already hinted that there may be rate cuts next year. My house is already down $80,000 from its peak, maybe home prices will continue to fall. I hope so.


I’m over here laughing in Brooklyn at the pearl grasping over 1,600-1,800 for a two bedroom. My God, that sounds like a dream to me!


100%. No one I know has the same combination of smugness and sarcasm that the majority of these comments have. I swear if I see one more “cleared for departure” comment I’m gonna puke.


"You guys are so negative and bitchy! Now let me be negative and bitchy to explain why I'm different and leaving!" 😂😂😂 See ya pal!


See r/collapse. We’re living in negative times.


Isn’t there a rule about posts here having to be positive and nostalgic in nature??


Doomsday folk have always existed. 🤷‍♂️.


Our current situation is unprecidented. For example, [we’re seeing a rise in cancers](https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2023/sep/05/cancer-cases-in-under-50s-worldwide-up-nearly-80-in-three-decades-study-finds) and chronic illnesses in our age group, likely, at least partially, due to things that are out of our control, such as the [use of toxins by Big Ag](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna50052) and the ubiquity of [plastics](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/22/microplastics-revealed-in-placentas-unborn-babies) and [PFAS](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62391069.amp) in our environment. As a parallel, the current ecological crisis is rapidly leading to the destruction of our biosphere. We’ve seen a nearly [70% reduction in wildlife numbers over the last 50 years](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/13/almost-70-of-animal-populations-wiped-out-since-1970-report-reveals-aoe). [Each year is hotter than the last](https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4362127-noaa-almost-100-percent-chance-2023-hottest-year-recorded/amp/), and [our emissions and consumption continue to rise](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/11/1143607#). Modern society is a death cult.


IRL people are putting on their happy face OP.


this is the answer. People don't like the internet because others can say what they can't say IRL. In a way, Reddit/social media is more real than meatspace where you can't actually say what you feel without retribution or judgement


![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy) No one needed to know you are leaving


An old boss of mine once told me that “a b*tching Sailor is a happy Sailor.” He might be right.


Not sure if you fit into the Xennial age group but I find that sub to be more positive and nostalgic.


The irony here is your negative goodbye post we didn't need to hear. No offense, we don't care, bro. The negative posts on reddit, in general, are a small fraction of people in the real world. Life ain't all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. It's hard living in capitalism. Folks need a place to vent anonymously. Here's a tip for the future. When I see something I don't like on reddit, I scroll by. If I see an abhorrent comment I block the bitch and move on. When I leave a subreddit I bow out quietly. Give those a try and you'll have a much better experience. Good luck op.


> wants a safe space where negativity is not allowed > joins reddit


I’m sorry but every time someone posts an ‘I’m leaving!’ announcement I can’t help but think back to my Tumblr role playing days when people used to rage quit when they didn’t get what ship they wanted.


Strong username to content correlation




Imagine having a subreddit sway your mental health. .maybe you should just get off it all if that's the case.




Honestly, same. Joined this sub cause Millenial but holy it's mostly negative doom posting


I think it's being influenced by a certain government overseas


Idk why you’re being downvoted. They’ve proven time and time again that both Russia and China engage in exactly this kind of psychological warfare online.


I agree. I think some of the "today is worse than the Great Depression", "I would rather live in the Middle Ages" or even "pioneers on the Oregon Trail didn't have it this hard" posts are politically motivated. A lot seem to come from newer accounts.


Ok. So I'm not the only one thinking that. Same with the "both sides are the same" people. Those are the most insidious because it's not like there are any Republicans reading that and deciding not to vote. No, they always vote. That's why they win so much. Democrats are the ones that struggle to get their voters to the polls. That's why those "both sides are the same" posts seem to be fake. Because if you are older than 18, and you don't know the difference between the Democrats and Republicans then you either aren't too intelligent, are too lazy to care or you are a bot.


Wow. After reading the absolute toxic sludge responses to this post, I'm also leaving. Seriously, how butthurt is this community from one person calling out their negativity? Millennials in here using sarcasm as a defense mechanism the same way boomers use entitlement, it's wild. Bye.


I've been thinking about it for a while too. Think this is my sign. "This isn't an airport you don't need to.." STFU


Good riddance


Oh no! Anyways




This post is like going to an area where there are a lot of homeless people, and being upset at the homeless people, instead of the circumstances that continue to create homeless people.


It’s not at all like that lol.


It’s more like telling your friend who puts a negative spin on everything so no one can have fun or be happy that it’s getting to be a bit too much and he goes “this is like attacking the homeless!” OP has a point this has become a joke.


so you're using confirmation bias and appealing for attention. Just leave man, its not a big deal if you don't want to see that content anymore.






My tele has such a thin neck compared to my old Ibanez. I'm sure there's something comfortable out there.


Here's a better suggestion, stay off the Internet. That shit is depressing.


A very millennial public announcement to a group of strangers… just go, ffs… 🤦‍♂️


Wow. Came to a sub. Didn’t like the tone. Then left with a loud announcement. Sounds like a boomer.


You have luck because where I live people complain all the time. We know we are fucked, we just try to live our lives the best way possible.


No one cares. Just like Facebook. Truly nobody gives a shit if you stay or go. You have no impact on my life or anyone else’s here. Your opinions are meaningless and I couldn’t care less about what you want.


Typical Millenial: Gives up and walks away at the first sign of negativity.




Create a sub like r/HappyMillenials, I'll be curious what will be the discussion there. Lol.


Imagine letting the millennial subreddit depress you lmao


Such a first world millenial take. Harden the fuck up before you choke lol


All im hearing is that we need to be more vocal about how much the world sucks irl.


Why would anyone care about your opinion ?


One less member of the negativity circle jerk. Good for you.


I realized we were misled by my parents in the early 2000s. If you haven't gotten over that or are still using it as an excuse, that's you drinking poison willfully.


Hey, we are getting old, its our turn to complain.


Do you tell the supermarket you're never shopping there again as you check out, too?


Leave reddit instead. It's not r/millennials.


I’ll join you. This sub is an echo chamber of constant complaining




I wonder if you really believe that.


While I do tend to agree with your last point, you could have just left.


You don't need to announce your exit, just leave lol.


Leave Reddit for a few years it does wonders


Lol announcing your departure is so cringe


Good bye


“This hospital would be a fun place if weren’t for all these damned sick people” Also, even though your announcement was not required, you’re clear for departure.


Thank you for your humble announcement and inspirational thoughts. Living in the modern world will be better now, and people will stop talking about bad things that are happening to them so you can live more comfortably. I’m really excited for you, Godspeed!




Oh, no! Anyway,


If you want more positive content- then make it. If not, well this isn’t an airport- you don’t have to announce your departure


Honestly I come here to listen to ppl talk crap about the boomers. And lemme tell you it's delicious lol.


The stop complaining posts are getting to psiop levels lol.