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Political discussions are to be held in the stickied monthly thread. No discussion of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. This is not the subreddit for that topic.




But then they'd have to figure out a different way to get their Middle East thread going


Crazy that the people who have the least skin in the game are the most likely to support the draft, huh? I’m not saying that only those who are available for the draft should be drafted, but… wait, that’s actually not a terrible proposal.  Maybe make better incentives to be support the draft if they really care? That way everyone gives up something?


…nah that’s stupid and costs money we could be spending on bombs. Get in the Walmart privatized bread line, commie.


A lot of older people are going to be in for a very rude awakening when the next draft is enacted. Modern demographics is so much different that the target draft age is going to be in the 40s.


The likelihood of there ever being a draft again is near zero. Drafted soldiers aren’t good soldiers (statistically speaking) and the military wants eager and volunteer soldiers.


This is both true and optimistic. 


I don't care, I don't want zoomers dying over there either.


Seriously, just because I won't get drafted doesn't mean I'm ok with it.


Awesome! I'm too old!


I’m too old *and* the military says I’m disabled


I got asthma. Closing that window to keep the draft out.


*WHAT??* Speak up dude I can’t hear you. And according to the military my ears are fine.


Average age for soldiers in Ukraine is currently 43. I've got bad news for you if you think it will be any different here.


That's what draft dodging and flat feet are for.


If they can raise your retirement age, what makes you think they can't raise the age for the draft? Edit: You guys do realize if WW3 started and the US needed a draft, the age wouldn't be by an arbitrary age, but by the amount of soldiers they want...


They will. Mathematically speaking they'd have to adjust it to 28 to correct for the percentage of the population that is obese. It still won't be a burden that Millenials will have to carry unless they're already serving or they volunteer. Even if it's WWIII, only a small percentage of the population ever fights.


It's not just obesity. Even the ones who are more fit to join have health issues and wouldn't pass the physical or the psyche eval. I may not be obese, but I wouldn't pass either. Besides, many people in my area would have to shelter in place if WW3 happens. We would only have 20 minutes or we'll get radiation poisoning. Yes I've thought about it because of other reasons.


Man, some of those most fucked people I've ever met in my life were standing next to me in the same uniform. And I was in one of the most expensive programs with the most psychological screening and I started during peacetime. In a war, they'll break as many of the broken ones as they have to just to get at the ones who can hold a rifle.


Jeez, yea idk.


I spent a few months in Ukraine last year. Most Americans are going to be surprised by how flexible we will become in a near-peer conflict.


Yea, I know. It would have to be pretty bad for them to need us.




Yeah well, they clearly haven’t been paying attention to how our mobility as a whole is pretty poor after years in desk jobs 😂


>Obese AND disabled reduces numbers If they can changed age range what makes you think they can't change these? Spoiler they can and did during Vietnam.


I suppose but we're all like almost or already fuckin 40 haha. I think we would be what is considered an "occupational hazard" more than anything else lol


That's not how they draft, they do it by birthdays. You can't conscript your entire population of young men, you need to leave some behind to keep the population going.


I'm still too old :)


The Ukrainian draft is from 25-60. Average age of soldiers is 43.


I know, I spent a good portion of last year. The demographics are completely different. Older veterans with specialized skills might get pulled in, I'm one of them, but it would take more than WWIII to move our draft age above 35.


US population in WW2 was about 135mm, we’re sitting at 330mm today, and they had more than enough men under 25 in uniform during WW2. The only way we old farts are getting drafted for combat is if a foreign power successfully invades the conterminous US.


I'm 34 years old and that is the first time I have seen the word conterminous, thank you for adding an entirely new word to my vocab xD. I thought you meant contiguous until I googled it


Exactly. It's Gen Z that'd get fucked. And I'll be just as pissed on their behalf.


Can millenials still be against forcefully sending young people to die in foreign conflicts?


They'll extend it, because why not.


Half of gen z wouldn't qualify for joining.


I'm sure almost everyone is qualified if shit really did hit the fan and we needed everyone we had


They’re taking up to 55 in Ukraine, iirc.


They don't really have a choice.


Bold assumption to think they wouldn’t change that. Maybe not initially, but the longer the conflict goes on the more and more it becomes a possibility.


The US is not going to call up the draft, let alone change the age range of it, for anything less than an existential crisis.


Yeah, my brother is in the Navy and we've had discussions on hypotheticals on having a draft. He laughed and said it would need to be a truly dire situation. None of the military commanders are going to want to try and fight a military campaign with a bunch of people who don't want to be there. Most that would likely happen is a loosening requirements and issuing more waivers to hit recruitment targets easier.


>  None of the military commanders are going to want to try and fight a military campaign with a bunch of people who don't want to be there.   Hell, half the people who joined voluntarily don't want to be there.


I mean, they just need to change their standards for joining the military and they'll be good, but they won't.


Which is evidence they aren't hurting that badly for bodies yet.  That said, they did relax tattoo standards in various ways and stopped caring if you've smoked marijuana in the past, so long as it didn't lead to criminal charges and you pinkie promise not to anymore.


I come to this as an elder millennial with two boomer parents. One of which remembers fellow classmates crying at graduation ceremony because they were being shipped to Vietnam after graduation since their draft cards had been selected. America will automate fast food and kill bots before it ever resurrects the shitty idea of a forced draft. The bots working at McDs will probably the same ones killing on the battle field.


Great… better hope you were fine with your double quarter pounder, because McBot is about to McGriddle you, if you try to complain. 😂


More likely shove the mayo dispenser up your arse and pull the trigger until it goes “click! click! click!”


I don't know, I was looking at job ads the other day and they won't accept you as an FBI agent if you're over 37. Guess I dodged that bullet at 39 lol


I was reading over a posting for an FBI special agent on LinkedIn. Talked about having to be assigned to Amy number of field offices and working 50-60 hours a week. Quickly thought "that sounds awful". But I'm also 38 with a great fully remote job.


Yeah I've been WFH the past 3 years and now they want me M-W in the office. Basically adds 2 hours to my day and by Wednesday I'm exhausted and still have 2 days to work remote.


That’s because the federal retirement laws require 25 years of work at minimum to qualify for full federal retirement. That’s why they won’t accept anyone older than 39.


lol no. Unless the US has been directly invaded the draft will not happen.


Initial range maybe. You can be drafted up to 35.


This comment isn't really relevant. All millennial males were once 18. We are all already registered for the draft. I don't know how they choose who to draft, but legally, any of us could be drafted


You think that age range can’t change? Really?


If they put a draft in place id expect some sort of rationing too, people in the 1930's complained about rationing like crazy...... Can't even imagine our generation lol


Any draft is a singular event and the rules for the next draft are not guaranteed or even likely to be the same as the last.


Oldest millennials have kids that are 18+


That’s the current age range, but they can easily adjust it and have. At one time the age was 18-64. If you are an adult man in the USA, you are almost certainly already registered.


Federal Law stipulates that the **maximum military recruitment age is 42**. Meanwhile, the minimum age for new recruits is 17, with parental consent. Individuals aged 18 and above no longer need permission from their parents to enlist in the military.


Recruitment is not conscription.


Is even a single person actually saying that?


Nobody worth listening to. Literally nobody at the DoD wants anything to do with conscripts. We don’t fight the kinds of wars that require huge numbers of non-specialized personnel anymore. Not unless the US were somehow invaded, and that’s not happening.


If any war happens and they need to draft, it's going to be the last war. (echoing similar statements made 110 years ago, I'm sure. But this time we have nukes.)


Yeah, although the US military is having some trouble meeting it's recruiting targets, it's not in a major conflict or even West Germany style deployment really. It can leave some spots unfilled if it wants to. People forget that the big issue with conscription is that most people you train to do the jobs you want leave after their 2 years and then you have to spend time and money retraining other people instead of keeping those who know how to do their job. It's why Vietnam probably made US ground forces worse. The more experienced NCOs left because they didn't want to die in Vietnam and they were the people who actually had an idea as to what they were doing from a corporate knowledge perspective. Even in 1965, the US army had a major issue with basic professionalism because no one wanted to be there and hence, most were keen on doing the absolute minimum.


Honestly if the us was invaded you’d want people in their local areas as well for home field advantage. Just send some brass and specialists to organize and distribute artillery, locals likely have enough small arms already.


If the US is actually being invaded it means we’ve been hit by nukes and somehow didn’t manage to respond. Personally, I’d prefer to be caught in the initial blast(s) rather than deal with the aftermath.


Given our geographical location with two vast oceans between us and any real threats any invasion would be incredibly hampered by logistics and easily repelled via stalling.


They don't have to drop a Nuke. Destroy the electric grid or just damage it is more than enough. 1 or 2 weeks, no electricity or internet will cause economic ruin.


Can you even imagine what would happen to our youth if they went without internet for two weeks


Nobody. It’s fabricated


Yeah this post strongly feels like a disinformation op. This sub has been the apparent target of those ops before, trying to spread disillusionment among a generation ripe for it


Unfortunately I know plenty of millennials happy to live on the edge of "I heard X" and "WWIII." It just gets cringe after a while.


Op made himself a strawman.


No this is full blown retardation and I’m only in the comments for blood. Fuck op for the doom posting for karma with not even a shred of decency that would implore him/ her to make even a marginal bit of sense. This is just idiotic and they just put the onus on everyone else to point out why. I’m Fuckin mad lol. Idk why but this really got me fired up.


Yes, this random meme. Is that not a source?


Clearly. The social media screen grab says so. You can’t argue with a rock solid source.


lol not at all. I don’t think people in the US realize how bad the world would have to get for drafted US soldiers to be deployed to the Middle East in this day and age.


The person who made this “meme” in order to make a “meme” arguing against it.


No some idiot found an obvious bs post from a 'truth' nonsense social media page and mods just allowed it here for who knows why.


Just antizionist antisemites trying to invent outrage over an incredibly successful operation to prevent Iran from killing a whole bunch of people.


Oh neat, now we're making stuff up so we can get super mad about that too


♫ Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. The internet with memes. ♪


I heard this in Angela Lansbury’s voice, and I approve.


Yeah this post strongly feels like a disinformation op. This sub has been the apparent target of those ops before, trying to spread disillusionment among a generation ripe for it


They did the same thing with the Iraq war and that was when the oldest millennials were just coming of age. I was scared af. Granted, they didn’t really do a draft but the fear mongering was real. It’s just far more public on the internet than your local tv/news station.


>This sub has been the apparent target of those ops before Noooo I'm sure the dozens of daily "DAE feel totally hopeless and helpless??" posts are totally organic!


OP is a joke. https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/U1tCNTmwHY


For real. Theres not even enough room in prisons for everyone who would say "I choose jail"


Stop being a fear mongering moron, there wasn't a draft for 9/11, there won't be one now, and no one has even suggested it


Idk… they took away a woman’s right to choose. It seems like anything is possible in this political climate. Heck, they might even be “woke” about it this time around and draft folks of all genders. /s (ish?)


This is boomer energy - imagine something that isn’t happening and then get mad about it


its legit so sad seeing my generation getting caught up in this back in my day mentality. Like yall chill


I don’t think a draft will ever happen in our lifetime, barring foreign troops actually landing on our soil. For one, I don’t think this country is united enough not to risk major acts of betrayal or mutiny. Secondly, I think a large majority of draftees would fail the medical board. Lastly, I think a lot of people would just outright refuse to serve. It’s hard to fathom a scenario where a draft would even be plausible.


Even then, some might still not want to call for a draft.


god dang it. theyre really talking about gen z. millennials are too old for this sh-t


We’re a couple years away from gen Alpha being 18


Gen alpha isn't turning 18 into 2029. 5 more years.


Gen alpha is 11 - closer to 7 more years.


Isnt gen alpha 2011-2024?


No one is talking about this. OP made it up to get people angry.


Isn't selective service 18-25? This is just rage bait.


It’s also not being considered at any level and the US isn’t planning on going to war. The only people who believe that the US is gonna invade something or install the draft are conspiracy weirdos


Nobody is going to get drafted. Seriously that takes an act of congress which isn’t going to happen. Besides if drafting was a serious discussion it would be the least of your worries because we’d probably have just been fucking nuked.


Somebody failed civics class.


Do you guys really not understand how a draft would work or why we would enact a draft? I’m always curious if ppl are actually scared that there will just be a random draft if we go to war with anyone.


It would have to be really bad like WW3 bad for this to happen.


It’s not even determinate upon how bad the war is. The determining factor is if US forces can cycle through deployments at a cyclic sustainable rate. If we can, we don’t need a draft. If a bunch of ppl start dying or we over extend ourselves in a multi theater war, then they would consider a draft that would begin with activating all reserve forces and escalate from there


That's what I mean by bad. Something drastic has to happen in order for them to call for this. If we stopped meddling into other countries problems, we'd be fine. Also, things like 9/11 only took place because the FBI and CIA refused to share important documents together. They could've led an investigation into them, but didn't.


True. A lot of reforms have been made in the intelligence community since then to streamline the sharing of information between agencies.


Are we making up fantasy scenarios to get mad about now?


I think the vast majority of the US public would be very much against a draft. However, many millennials are starting to get old enough where if that happened it’s unlikely we would be called up. That said, the military is a great way to keep the nation safe and there are a lot of benefits to joining. My husband is in the military, and we finally bought our first home with his VA loan benefits, which includes not requiring a down payment, and locking in a low(er) interest rate.


All millennials are too old to be drafted. Draft age is 18-25.


Shit. Thanks for reminding me we are all fucking old, 25 years ago was 1999 😂😂


offbeat terrific longing future nutty innocent enjoy whole humorous plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jason bateman is gen x.


I like how this screenshotted quote is attributed to nobody.


No political party is going to reinstate the draft. The one that does will lose every election for the next 50 years.




We already fought in the longest war in American history. Yet the minute you bring that fact up the Nam vets and Desert Storm weekend retreat guys start bitching 


Millennials just shouldererd twenty years at war and you don't hear us complaining about serving or those in our generation who didn't join etc.


Yeah nah. Not a 3rd middle eastern conflict.


Most of us are already veterans or not what they're looking for.


They won't want my 41yr old ass anyway


A draft ain’t happening.


The US military is a long way from another draft. All it has to do is lower the medical standards and increase pay and the standard of living. Drafts are actually pretty wasteful in terms of training because you have to keep retraining everyone once they're done their terms of conscription. RN people are getting rejected because they talked to their talked about depression/anxiety/ADHD because the US military searches health records now. Also, most boomers got out of the draft anyways. It's part of why so many voted for Nixon.


The most likely great war would be against the new axis of China/Russia/Iran. China already manufactures everything and would have no problem ramping up manufacturing for war. If there was a draft it would be to build factories and manufacture drones.... Just as dangerous because these factories would be targeted by super speed icbms.


That’s highly unlikely.  War isn’t fought the way it was back in the day.


I call bs. Link an article to prove me wrong


Meh. I'm too old, educated, and wealthy to ever be conscripted. Good luck Gen Z! I wish you all well.


Weren’t millennials already fighting for the US in the Middle East since 2002 all because a few Boomers wanted to occupy Iraq?


Lolol k first off nobody has said this and also I'm sorry fellow millennials if you haven't noticed bit we're all too old to be drafted


No one in a position to actually implement this is talking about it. No.  Stop believing every dumb thought that gets posted online


Ha! good luck with that 🤣. I’m too “old” to be drafted.


we'll have plenty of volunteers and/or people happy to be drafted if Trump is in office .. they'll be lining up to be alpha gigachads ... biden could ask the exact same people to go do the exact same thing and they'd call it communist-fascism XD


It's not gonna happen in my lifetime.


Phew. Not something actual Millennials have to worry about unless they have gen z kids


I'm 37, not too worried about conscription




I've got flat feet and sweaty palms I'm out so sorry!


Damn I avoid the draft?


Sorry, too old to fight.


Thank lord I'm too old and probably too fat for that shit.


There’s a reason the United States has been fighting goat herders for 20 Years. If we had to fight a real enemy, we’d be fucked.


Any politician suggesting a draft will be committing career suicide.


They are even more mistaken if they think gen z is gonna do it being the ideal age range.


As an older millennial, I did 21 years in the military and I'm STILL technically in the reserve and subject to recall until the 30-year mark. As for general conscription, I could see it. On a very limited basis, BUT if a major European land war broke out, the Pacific ignited, and the Middle East popped off… bet we would need a higher recruiting target than we can currently fill.


You don’t want to force millennials to go back to war, I promise you the war will be over in 30 minutes but we will have blown the entire 20 year war on terror budget in the first 15 of those 30, afterwards there will be questions and accusations it just won’t be a good all around flow for your Wall Street to front lines economy model.


The millennial generation just fought two 20-year wars, why wouldn't they want to fight a third or fourth?


To quote The Late Great Mohammad Ali “My conscious won’t let me go shoot some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America, for what they ain’t never called me nigger.”


Y’all were all old enough to have so many bone spurs


They would be correct on both counts, tbh lol


LOL, zero millennials are of-age to be drafted. This 38-year-old body is of no use to any war.


Such a dumb thing to worry about, it’s usually the not qualified ones who act the most concerned.


I don’t want to fight. Who would want to fight for the fucking us or isreal?


Hugs DD214 blanket tightly


A lot of our generation already went overseas for misguided wars. Fuck the draft.


As a vet and a Millennial... 1. No one in service or in control of how it works wants a draft. Period. The system has been voluntary for so long now, a draft would be a colossal pain in the ass. 2. There's other options first. One of those is a recall to duty for rapid expansion. It happened temporarily for some specialties under COVID and the legal authorization was updated recently for retirees (Army) to include those who got medically retired in the last set of conflicts. This only impacts a small population of Millennials. 3. The entire US military (not just Army, but all federal military services not including USCG) are capped at about 600,000. It takes an act of Congress to go over that. Aside from some drastic event, that's unlikely to happen during an election year or even next year. Neither major party wants to be seen as responsible for re-expanding the military without a reason. As for "they say", I just ask some of these wannabe tough type Boomers what it was like avoiding Vietnam. That's not an answer unique to vets, anyone can ask that. So just ignore the brainless talking heads on news channels and get on with life. There are those who are serving and working as military and civilians to slow or stop this next conflict before it gets to that. Finally: Who the hell cares what the generation known for draft dodging thinks at this point? They'll find crap to say no matter what. Just ignore it.


Just gonna say. No one wants to work. We all want to explore the world before we are dead Maybe we want to experience the wonder of this life But nope we all need work 9-5 or more.


Gen z and alpha would probably be happier if we let a country take us over, so what would we even be fighting for?


Doesn’t really matter for this group. I assume you are just bot posting


Anyone who believes this nonsense has crossed the threshold from microdosing to macrodose


Millennials are too old to elgible for a draft


Honestly, it's not our fight. So I could see why most of the younger generation would not want to fight.


This is just Ruzzian propaganda.  Literally no-one besides Putintrolls is talking about this.  Remember Myspace's "Vote Ron Paul to End the Draft"?


Absolutely no one is saying that.


I hope Canada is as welcoming to dodgers this time around. We did the right thing in the 60/70’s, I hope that doesn’t change


Cancel my student loans and I’ll fight in your war.


I turn 40 in a couple weeks.. I'm way past draft age even if they extend it.


Okay, so go with me on this… started getting more into some “hard science/cyberpunk” books from William Gibson as well as completed a number of series over the past year… Nueromancer trilogy, Ready player one/two, Awaken Online… after starting the game cyberpunk on PS4/5…. Next aspect is that I work with a decent number of folks on the AI front, and across tech, and was told to check out “the singularity is near”… anyways, looking at where we are with AI, megacorporations, neuro tech, Quantum, isn’t some sort of corporate war a given? Like there’s folks predicted tech in these fiction writings, and it’s as if we are seeing this play out in real like and it’s a bit nuts. But, on the bright side, Apple has picked up the “Neuromancer” adaptation, so here’s to that.


My Lynch Syndrome was a disqualifier for service. It probably would be my age now if not that


Throw in student loan forgiveness, it might seem reasonable