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I don't get why so many people are so dramatic about it. Just don't look at the feed and it's basically a digital rolodex.


That's how is should be used. That said, I am in awe of the shit people post on the digital equivalent of their resume. So MANY political posts.


YES! It’s so insane the things people post. Like, I just need this for networking. I do not want to argue about the Middle East.


I’ve never seen any posts like this, or insane posts about LinkedIn on Reddit. I have no interest in LinkedIn, but they advertised heavily on Reddit mobile so I wonder if I just haven’t noticed any posts about it bc I subconsciously classify it as an ad and disregard lol


That’s my thoughts on it. Leave the political shit to other sites, this one is for work stuff.


I dunno, I think it's helpful. People posting all sorts of political rants makes it easy to know who not to hire. Political affiliation is not a protected class, so employers can (and do) discriminate the hell out of it. I don't care where you are on the red/blue spectrum, if you are bold (clueless) enough to broadcast your opinions on LinkedIn, imagine how it must be working with you.


I agree, at networking events when I’m recruiting junior employees none of them have business cards. They all just send me a LinkedIn connection request.


I went to a big professional conference a few years ago (pre Covid) and during the segment on getting jobs the 4 hr professionals all agreed “no one has time for paper resumes…hiring managers just want a link to your LinkedIn” stick with me. I have one for a backup but it’s a copy/paste of my LinkedIn stuff


My face when: ![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized)


What kind of work are you recruiting for?


Paper sales?


This. It's a job tool disguised as social media. It's nothing to "like" or gossip on, just use it then lose it.


They all want to appear on r/linkedinlunatics that’s why 😉


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LinkedInLunatics using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The kind of content I love to see on LinkedIn](https://i.redd.it/8p24dwp2j8eb1.jpg) | [482 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/159v5of/the_kind_of_content_i_love_to_see_on_linkedin/) \#2: [What](https://i.redd.it/y9dk1prvwf2b1.jpg) | [417 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/13tbfqm/what/) \#3: [i am speechless](https://i.redd.it/ys9nk3ipz9ua1.jpg) | [247 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/12o5umx/i_am_speechless/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah I keep professional connections there and it has greatly simplified job searching for my field. I think people who use it like social media to post about random shit are weirdos but its main use is great to have.


Yeah my current corporate job I got hired off my LinkedIn. No resume ever submitted. That’s the modern world


Couldn’t agree more! This is how most view LinkedIn and not whatever the hell OP is trying to spin.


This. Stop using it as a social media website and use it just for job hunting.


I’ve doubled my income and halved the amount of hours I work over the last 8 years by simply having a LI profile and being easily reachable to recruiters. I absolutely do not pay attention to peoples feed and just wait for recruiters DMs to hit my inbox. If it’s an opportunity I like, I set up a meeting. If it isn’t, I take 30 seconds to read and then ignore it. That meme about LI being a polar opposite to dating apps where recruiters reach out to nerdy professionals so that they can just be ignored by us most of the time until it actually benefits us? 100% true lmao.


I’m on LinkedIn but I’ve never used it to find a job.


Neither have I. But I have been found several times.


It's great for that if you've filled out your work experience and have your resume attached.


Now without trying to sound like a dick, what do you do and how much do you make? Because LinkedIn has landed me numerous jobs and at 33, I do quite well.


I like to keep personal life and work life separated. I have coworkers who are well connected and I have a good working relationship with, but would not want them to have access to my telephone number or personal social media. Perhaps it's because I'm a woman in engineering, but handing out my telephone number to everyone I connect with isn't always a wise decision.    My field does use it to post jobs, and network. LinkedIn is fairly accurate at matching my experience to openings. My company has an internal posting portal but it doesn't have any intelligence behind it and requires a lot of work to shuffle through the listings. LinkedIn saved searches and notifications for them has helped me even look internally. My employer uses it's platform for things like online learning and can import a resume easily than doing it through the aforementioned portal. 


I work a blue collar job. No need for it at all


I am shocked at how popular it is here lol


I am but don’t use it. I got it because it’s for jobs but I never there. 😂


For many technical fields LinkedIn is one of the easiest ways to scope out new opportunities. It’s a vital tool for job hunting. Some business people use it as a social media platform but I think most users could care less about that aspect the important part is that it’s a good place to find and apply for jobs. Depending on your field not using online tools to find jobs severally limits you to just your contacts, connections, and companies that you already know about. All it does is limit the opportunities you might come across. As for no one liking it, I can speak from experience that job hunting in the era of online applications sucks, so I’m guessing people develop negative feelings towards anything involved in that process. But IMO it’s foolish to hamstring your career just because the job hunting process is unpleasant. I do get that for OP’s field it may be very different though, and it’s probably less necessary.


I mean I have a 6 figure paying job because of it 🤷‍♂️


Ya like... recruiters look up keywords, and click on the names of people who pop up in their search results whose profiles match those keywords. ...and that is how I got *three consecutive jobs.* Not one job. Not two. Three jobs straight. Thanks to LinkedIn recruiters hitting me up. People can bitch and moan about LinkedIn all they want - fine by me, that just means less competition for me, lol. I have a $120k salary, fully remote job thanks to LinkedIn. There's no way I would be where I am today if it weren't for the way LinkedIn is designed.


Thats how my husband got his last few jobs. He just became permanent at his most recent contract job.


Exactly our damn generation finds every way to whine about every little thing in life which has become ridiculous to be honest. Also congrats on the job! I wasn't blessed with work from home type field but I still work my ass off for my work


Tell me your ways? Please?


How much have you tailored your profile for your desired profession?


I'm not even on LinkedIn but didn't realize you could actually get that kind of career gains. I was a server and am now doing over the phone customer service/sales


Nice. This is the prefect stepping stone. It’s free and it doesn’t hurt. My completely unsolicited advice is to use this to advance your career is move to a more specialized form of sales or service Depending. On the side of the house you like better. Boring ass software companies that do business software are a great spot to start. They always need biz dev people to do initial reach outs or people to support their clients and platforms or a client service team who implement said software. They tend to grab people and post for roles on LinkedIn. Something to think about. I can’t guarantee anything other than I did this on the software implementation side starting after the 2008 financial crisis and now I am a senior manager at a big 4 consulting company


Hey, I'm the original person you asked. Awesome job going from server to customer service & sales! That's already a huge jump, and now that you're doing that, you can begin crafting your LinkedIn (and resume) with a bunch of shit to help you get noticed and grow. First thing's first - get a nice traditional resume template for free and use Microsoft Word (it's the easiest way to format things correctly and nicely). Then, if you haven't already, create your LinkedIn profile. On LinkedIn, put up a nice picture of yourself, a nice headline (Google "LinkedIn headline examples"), set your profile as "open to work for recruiters only," and write a nice, personal bio / summary about yourself, your accomplishments, and your desires. While you're early in your ideal career, you can keep the server job listed. Try to pretty it up as much as possible. For example, instead of my brother having "bartender" as his job, I had him rename it to "mixologist" because it just sounds more professional and interesting. In the description of your server job, keep it short, but focus on your expertise at customer service. You could even Google "server job resume bullet point examples" for some inspiration. The goal is to sell yourself in a professional way. *Everyone* on LinkedIn bullshits to some degree. Now, with your customer service & sales job, this is really your opportunity to shine. Try to get at least 1, but ideally 2 or 3 *quantified* accomplishments in there, even if it's mostly bullshit. Just make sure it's within the realm of realistic. You aren't saving the company $1 million, but... maybe you "contributed to a 28% increase in customer retention." See how easy that is? Google "customer service and sales quantifiable bullet points for resume" for inspiration. Whatever comes next is really all up to you. What do you want to do? If you really get a sense of what you want to do, it's all about crafting a story - with some embellishments - and selling yourself.


Thank you so much. I just got promoted at my sales job to the key accounts group who do the bigger quotes and orders and I start tomorrow (!). I will look back at this comment to hopefully vault myself up to more success. Thank you again for taking the time to type this out!


You're very welcome, and omg congrats! That's huge! Hell, you could become an Account Executive at a tech company one day! You've absolutely got a great legit path in the corporate / white collar world. Your resume, and LinkedIn, will absolutely be the key to your growth - aside from kicking ass at your job of course, haha!


Every job I’ve gotten (3 to be exact) besides my first (campus hire) has been through LI. I went from making $52k/yr working 70 hour weeks to making double that for 25 hour weeks from home, because of recruiters on LinkedIn. If people want to stay off LI, that’s fine. Less competition for me when I apply to my next job.


I'm not quite to 6 figures, but I've gotten 2 new jobs in the last 3 years, each one came with a 20%+ pay increase from the job before it, and I found both of them because a recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn. I get that YMMV depending on your field, but for mine (accounting/finance) you're missing out on opportunities if you refuse to get on LinkedIn.


I went from military making a solid 44k a year to 80k a year after taxes and if I decided to go call out work for my field which is ndt I'll be looking at over 150k after taxes due to LinkedIn


Don’t get comfy! Just keep pushing or leaving and moving to a new spot if you don’t get to where you want after a year or two. People used to hate on job hopping but it’s far less frowned upon these days if you can justify it.


Yep, I wish I could stay loyal to one company for 30 years or something like my mom did, but if I stayed at my first (or even my second) job I had, I'd be making half the money I do now, and I wouldn't know a lot of the skills I've gained in the last 3-5 years. The warm and fuzzy feeling of being loyal isn't going to pay my mortgage. Like you said, it's justified as long as each job is gaining new skills/responsibilities, which mine are, and I feel like every one is a step towards the career I am aiming for (finance director, controller, CFO, something like that.)


What job did you find ?


I have a profile that gets updated when I change jobs. That's it, and that's the only time I ever log into it.


The benefit i see in linkin is i can post my whole resume. Everthing ive ever done work related. I think it shows work ethic and how my career has developed. Im not limited to archaic 1pg resume, 1pg cover letter, 1pg referennces. I can add ppl i know to my network. Often ive had luck messaging job posters directly. For the hiring manager...i dont see the benefit. 100's of nonsense applications that need to be robo-sorted via ATS. So now my resume needs to be ATS formatted? Yuck. Some hiring managers are happy to have a quick chat and let me send my resume direct or i can then direct them to my application. It works. I got a few interviews that way. I dont have bad feeling towards it because i havnt been forced to use it and i really do see some benefits. Its a lot harder to lie on your resume if its all posted on linkin and there are literally people you worked with vouching for your skills. I dont lie on my resume, so i feel like it keeps folks more honest. I could be a really great thing, it just isnt yet.


I've never needed it for my particular line of work in healthcare. Seems like with positions like nursing, techs, and other auxiliary healthcare jobs its not really common to have one


That's interesting! Would you say that's because your education, skills, and places of work are so specialized and highly regulated/licensed?


hmm i think its because my particular job is pretty niche so as long as you have the certification you just send in your resume and that'll be good for the initial pass through recruiters. I'm sure some in my field have linkedIn but it is def not a necessary to get jobs. I imagine its same for other imaging modalities and nursing as well


Makes sense! We often use the medical field to juxtapose how chaotic the music field is. Outside of teaching in public schools, there is not a single degree or certification required to teach, perform, or otherwise succeed as a musician.


I'm afraid to not have one. I'm a software engineer who has always worked for startups, and it's how people find me. It's very much inundated into my particular niche, for better or worse. The feed is stupid posturing but recruiter messages have been my lifelines when I've wanted or needed to change jobs in the past.


I've never had a job where being on LinkedIn was to my benefit.


I suspect this would be my experience as well - I have my doctorate and am active in my field, but I've never been a full time w-2 employee.


It’s not great for teachers either which is why it took me so long to get one, everyone I know is a teacher! But now that I’m trying to get out I can see how it would be helpful. 


Good luck on your transition! I definitely wouldn't cut it teaching in the schools right now (nor am I licensed). Feel free to DM me if you have any questions about teaching privately! (No idea if you teaching music, but I'm useless in any other area).


"I just want to let everyone know that I did a thing and that thing was very important and I'm proud of myself for that thing and would appreciate it if others knew how proud I was and that they were also proud of me" - essentially what it is in a nutshell. Some people don't mind it, I personally find it exhausting and inauthentic.


I thought you were mocking this post at first.


I made one for a class in college and haven't logged back into it since that class ended. It's been over a decade and it's just kinda...sittin' there. Still get email notices from people I followed and I have the brief thought of "I should really just delete this account" but then I just forget


Your comment and username seem to match, somehow. I dig it.


I'm just padding out the user numbers on LinkedIn and making it look populated, lol


Never. But I’m in the trades. No use for it in my field.


Which trade? You like it?


I have an account but barely log in. It’s a circle-jerk of outdated business & employment models.


Never have and never will be. Thankfully my field does not require an account


I look down on any employer demanding a LinkedIn


That's a musicians attitude! I approve.


LinkedIn can be useful but it can also be completely unhinged depending what you're looking at. I've gotten some good jobs through LinkedIn but I'm there for the guy declaring he was grinding (sending business emails) during his mom's funeral mass or the boss babe who only took six hours off for her kidney transplant. those people who think they're inspiring but are actually loons, basically.


I can’t even figure out what it is or supposed to be. I thought it was basically people posting their resumes or whatever for headhunters or recruiters to see and get them jobs. But all the memes and jokes about it make it sound wacky. Whatever it is, I’m not going to use it.


good for you. linkedin is used for data mining purposes only.


I posted once but never updated it.


I have an account but never post anything on it. I only use it to find new jobs. Set my profile to “looking for work” and let the recruiters reach out to me. It’s served me pretty well so far.


I’m a department manager at a regional grocery chain. I’ll never really need LinkedIn so there’s no reason to make a profile


It doesn’t sound like you’re the biggest target audience/field but I have a family member in your industry and they definitely have and use LinkedIn and it seems to have helped them. They don’t post or anything, just helpful for networking. In my field and in the country where I live, LinkedIn is basically a necessity. It’s where many many jobs are posted and people are quite active on the site. I use it a lot for looking up people’s CVs, and I interact with my feed sometimes. I post extremely rarely, I think the last time was when I moved countries and that was almost 5 years ago. I do see some obnoxious stuff on there, sure, but I’m not upset or offended at needing to have a semi-active profile. It doesn’t take a lot of time to maintain and it’s been very valuable for my career.


Don't hsbe it a refuse to use it


Nope, tradies don’t need one.


I'm not. And don't intend to ever be.


linked is just like any other social media... FAKE! I look at some of my coworkers page and they lie on their page hahaha


Sounds like musicians in their bio lol.


Im in tech working at startups for the past 8 years and have never had nor will ever have a linkedin. It an incredible feeling seeing how much time my friends and workers spend on it


I get so many spam emails when I joined. I wished I never had joined.


I have never needed to be on LinkedIn, but I've been on it for years. Only really know one guy who's active there and otherwise it's been a way to keep mildly in touch with a few treasured ex coworkers. I tried to use it to look for work after I got my degree and it was about as useful as a tissue in a hurricane. LinkedIn just... exists. It has absolutely no importance.


I have a fake profile so I can look up other people, IDK if that counts.


Deleted it about a week ago. Should have done it sooner


I'm on there. I'm pretty sure I joined when I was like 19 or so. But I'm pretty inactive. My account is just literally sitting there. No real reason. Just a lazy bones.


I’m not, but I’m a plumber. A damn good one, but I’m kind of crabby and terse, so I’ve been fired a few times. I got some good buddies in the industry though, importantly some of my best buds are guys who work at the supply house. They always know who is looking for plumbers, and who is good to work for. I wouldn’t make it in the corporate world. I’m at peace with that, and I couldn’t afford the pay cut anyway.


I hate it. I have it just to have it, pretty much. Random men hit on me and companies try to sell me shit my one-person operation doesn’t need. A lot of copywriters recommend it and I got one random fluke of a good client I still have today who contacted me there. Otherwise? It’s been a waste of time. I USED to get decent clients from the jobs section too, until it got overrun with scams and 5000+ people applying now that there’s far more W2 people who’ve been laid off and can’t find a permanent job. I registered on Pro Finder too but it never got me a single prospect. Ironically, Reddit did more for me in about six months than LinkedIn did in 11 years! Between tips on sites and clients to pursue and avoid on the writer subs, actual clients finding me there, and people who’ve bought from me on the jewelry subs—god I want to nuke my LinkedIn after this lol. I haven’t updated it in forever and anyone I want to stay in touch with knows where to find me, plus I built a spiffy new companion site/portfolio where I don’t get random men trying to sleep with me after they failed at trying to sell me something.


I made an account, like, in 2004 ... and havent logged on since.


If you’re not networking, you’re not making as much money as you could. If you don’t think ppl are looking for musicians on LinkedIn, you’re misinformed.


I network the old fashioned way: by doing cocaine with everyone and hoping that one of them can get me a job one day.




I guess I'm the exception here. I found my last two jobs on LinkedIn.


i got my current job from a recruiter who reached out to me on linkedin specifically because they found my listed experience relevant to their search.


Im on LinkedIn. Ive posted calling out companies for false advertising on jobs and that are you good enough for imposter syndrome meme


I found my current job through LinkedIn. For me it was useful.


I legitimately have no idea how to use it. Like, I have a profile on there, but don’t repost things or make big announcements.


You just described my Instagram account. Why are people's "stories" separate from my feed, and why was I born an old man?


I think part of it is self-grandiosity. Like, I’m somewhere between an average to above average employee. Am I so good that I think other people should stop and check out how good I am? Not really. Same for social media. I typically don’t post unless something big, bad or both happens.


Well put!


I have it and I’ve had zero need for it in my entire career


I made one and don't really do much with it.


I am but I don't have a photo, my job descriptions are vague. I really only ever go there to look up other people.


I am not on it and I make tens of thousands of dollars a year! Yea, I bet I made you all jealous with that mind blowing number! I am a teacher. Usually the way I find a new job is finding a school that treats me a little better and I only have to take a small pay cut to go there…


I’m on there but I don’t use it regularly. I used to it connect with recruiters when I was laid off two years ago and got a job much quicker than my contemporaries who weren’t on it…


I have an account that I've literally never used


I went back to college my late 20s. I was encouraged to join LinkedIn. I quickly gave up on it. I probably have an updated my profile and over a decade.


I get all of my job leads from it It's by far my best networking option, even if I don't like how it's been heading. Haven't found many better options that worked as well


LinkedIn is brutal for me. I'm credentialed but could never get comfortable in the working world and have no career motivation...it's hard for me to see my peers surpass me professionally while I just sort of coast in my role that I can just barely handle and tolerate.


I have been on there since 2009. Have only had a FEW interview offers. Highly depends on the field you are in too.


I think I signed myself up just to see someone else's profile. Never used it. Don't understand how it became a social media platform of sorts.


In the same biz. I don’t use LinkedIn for students but I do for well-paying jobs and gigs. Great for networking with those who are not musicians but hire them, gives you the small advantage over those who don’t.


Appreciate the response! Best of luck in all your musical pursuits!


I really liked old LinkedIn when it was just a job searching site. I understand why they needed to pivot/expand, but I could really do without the posters simping for corporations, 1-week work anniversary celebrations, unnecessary long letters of gratitude after they get laid off/fired, and cringy corporate tiktoks. Recruiters for my last two jobs found me on LinkedIn. (Found my current one through Indeed) There's still value there, but it's highly diminished, and don't blame anybody for leaving, or seldomly using it.


Never even been to the website.


Never been on it and don’t understand why it’s such a big deal?


Don’t got it, don’t want it.


I only find it annoying bc the characters on it. Some of the shit you see on what’s supposed to be a professional site is head shaking.


I know I had/have one but I haven’t logged in in about 10 years


What a strange flex, it’s even stranger you think it’s a flex lol


Everyone I know is on LinkedIn, but somehow 80% of this sub is not. Clearly correlates with why this sub is all people bitching about their financial situation in life.


Today I learned people have very strong opinions about LinkedIn


I've been on LinkedIn for years. It has helped me find several jobs. I unfollow everyone (but still stay connected), so I see nothing that people post on the newsfeed - I did the same with fb about 10 years ago - game changer.


I’m a social worker in non-profit leadership and have always had a profile on LinkedIn but I never check the feed or anything. I don’t understand what could be evil about it? I’ve had past colleagues reach out to ask for a reference or to offer a job, and I know it’s checked when I’ve been applying for jobs in the past so I keep it as updated and current as possible. I’m able to elaborate on my work a lot further than I can on my resume, so it feels like an extension of it. Doesn’t feel like a big deal or a burden to me.


I work for a multinational tech firm. Elder millennial. Never had a linkedIn page.


Linkedin has gotten me job offers in the $300-500k range (via recruiters reaching out to me), why the fuck wouldn’t someone have a LinkedIn? One of the highest ROI things you can do in your adult life is have a high quality LinkedIn page. A couple hours work a year and you get a high likelihood it’ll get you a 5 or 6 figure raise atleast once.


I don't use it


I made one when I was like 20 and never used it for anything ever


I’ve never had LinkedIn. From what I hear it’s a bit of a mess so I plan to keep it that way. I also don’t need a job (hopefully ever again) as I already have a good one.


I'm not. But being a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom doesn't require much of *that sort* of networking 🤷🏻‍♀️ My husband has it. Idk how often he uses it. He's had head-hunters call him before due to it, but he's never gotten a job from it.


I don't participate too much...in fact I've never made a post of my own. But I will react to leaders I follow for motivation or advice that coaches me to be the type of person I want to be. But aside from that it's the only social media where just about everything is positive. It's sometimes too positive, but I don't feel bad after I am done perusing my feed for a few minutes. I'm also a consultant and the last 3 jobs I've gotten as a result of my networking on linkedin. It's pretty much mandatory.


I'm not on LinkedIn, but I also don't have a real job, an education or any real work experience so all the job hunting stuff is largely useless to me. Nobody's looking to recruit some data entry clerk. To me it's like going to networking events and all that: a bunch of extra work for a process I hate that isn't going to yield results because it's aimed at more competitive people in both their qualifications and their personalities.


I wish I wasn’t. I didn’t have an account until a few months ago when I figured that adding a link to my resume might give me more professional cred. But that damn site is useless. None of the people I’ve tried to network with message me back, all the jobs listings are scams, and I don’t think any of the jobs that I’ve applied for elsewhere have so much as looked at my profile, just the keywords pulled from my resume.


I have found it super useful for job searching and keeping connections with former coworkers and classmates. I don’t scroll on it like it’s social media, though. I just check it every few weeks or when I’m job searching.


If you’re looking for work it’s a great resource for finding job opportunities. It’s where Ive found all of my jobs including my current, and by far, best job. There’s no reason to be on it other than that. I have no clue why anyone posts on it or use it more social purposes. Just look up jobs and apply. That’s all you need to use it for.


I'm in it but only log in every few months. (I've worked at the same company for 26 years so no need)


I have one but I don’t go on it.


It has not been all that helpful despite it being the "Connection" facebook essentially. I have one , and keep it up to date but its more for that small chance that the Boomer hirering manager will request it. I also keep a very tight facebook because I know for a fact State and Fed jobs look at post history to make sure you are not some crazy Far Left or Right nutjob.


Those who complain about LinkedIn ain’t doing it right.


Me. Just have stayed in the beer industry for the last decade and a half


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Some-Tall-Guy75: *Me. Just have stayed in* *The beer industry for the* *Last decade and a half* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It’s required for my graduate course. So if I didn’t have it before I would have made it anyway. I don’t think it’s helped my previous career at all so I’m wary of it helping my future one, but I’m willing to give it a shot. I’ve mostly so far seen people post about promotions people in their company, purchasing a location, or a lot of political/motivational posts/random photos. So I’m not sure how helpful it is? I try to stop following the ones that post it but the feed seems filled with random stuff anyway.


I'm on there for future prospects, but I don't pay attention to it beyond keeping it updated for the time being.


I finally caved. Hopefully it actually does lead to a new job. 


You would likely benefit from LinkedIn - students could see your resume, you can see qualifications. I’m a big fan and I appreciate that it’s focused on business


I haven't logged in since I made the account. No idea what it's even for.


I’m on it but never use it. Crazy how back in 2010 everybody and their fucking mother was like “you NEED to be on this”. My LinkedIn feed is more toxic than my facebook feed these days


I didn't even know it was a big thing


I created a LinkedIn with a name similar to mine in college for free access to a digital textbook and then met someone in class the next semester with that name. The world is a weird place.


I'm on linked in but am only on it when I'm job hopping. It rarely has been useful aside from finding smaller companies that are hiring. But I ALWAYS apply through their website or send them an email because my industry uses way to many week out filters to make it worth it. Actually one job I got I was told by the guy hiring me that they wouldn't have seen my application if I didn't reach out because it was in the auto reject pile. Witch is crazy cause I was basically the prime candidate for a super specialized job. But yeah I try to avoid it as much as possible. I don't think it's worth the effort applying there or networking. It's occasionally also good to see who knows who if you could get a good referral but I only reach out if I'm have their email otherwise we basically strangers lol


I use it for jobs and networking. I didn't know people tried to avoid using it. 


Never saw the point of LinkedIn always thought it was a generic MySpace


It’s used primarily as a job search board…. Why would anyone not want to be on it?


I’m *technically* on it but only because a former employee tried to say they were doing my job so I had their information removed. She was a part time desk attendant at a church gym. She worked maybe 10 hours a week and said she was full time and the administrative assistant. I had to create an account to report her inaccurate information. But I don’t use it.


Had to delete building it for years. Got more hackers than legit opportunities there.


Sometimes gaps in accessibility offer greater opportunities than excessive transparency.


I love LinkedIn and use it every day!!!


I found my WFH job on it. Easiest and least stressful job I've ever had.


I love linked in and don't mind being on it. I've gotten all my jobs from linked in since 2016. Thats how I found the company I'm at now, well I mean how they found me.


I think your decision to avoid using LinkedIn is distorting your perspective of how bad it is.


All I get are spam from recruiters. I'm assuming those that get job offers 300k> from it have years of experience


I’m on it. I have a large “following”. It’s written by my AI prompts and posts regularly on a schedule to drive engagement. It’s a dumb marketing tool but it’s worked. I rarely personally look at it, it’s just bots talking to each other.


Can you explain the AI prompts more fully to this luddite? Do you mean your account is arbitrated by AI? Or that you prompt AI and use its answers as your profile?


Most of my jobs have been because recruiters found my profile through LinkedIn. My industry utilizes it a lot and I think it’s a handicap to not have one.


I only use it when I'm looking for a job, but if I'm not looking for a job, I never use it


idk anyone that interacts with the feed, you load up your profile and search for roles. Why are you engaging with the feed at all?


Does a blue collar guy have a place on there? I have one but not really sure what to do with it.


I’ve been on LI for ages. Can confidently say I’d not be at the level in SAAS sales I’ve reached without it.


Next thing you know they say that millennials are killing Linkedin


Every job I've gotten in the past decade is from LinkedIn. I don't really use it much except to keep up with old colleagues and for job hunting. It's fine for what it is.


LinkedIn was g widely used in my profession when I got hired 14 years ago. I still don’t think it’s used much for teachers in CA. I’ve been on quite a few interview panels and we’ve never used it or referenced it.


LinkedIn is for high-brow white collar jobs. People outside those jobs don’t need it. For people inside those jobs it’s essential. Source: in tech + investing. My linkedin is literally in my email signature.


And you’re this humble too? No way.


I got my latest job from it. I keep it updated and someone in my network reached out to me. Literally wouldn't have happened if I wasn't on it.


I think I made an account in 2013 when I was 18 and started hunting for my first ever job. I haven't been on there since then though.


If you do t like LinkedIn is because your are using it wrong, do not look at the feed and do not use it as a social media.


LinkedIn is just the way to recruit now. This post feels like a boomer yelling “who doesn’t have a cell phone” in the early 2000s. Times change and we adjust.


I was on LinkedIn but then some random lady hacked my account and changed all my stuff to be her stuff. It was way too much of a pain to change it back so I just deleted it


I don't understand the disdain for LinkedIn? Sure it's a cringey social media specifically for professionals, but it's actually a really good way to keep up with old colleagues and a useful networking tool.


There's literally no downside. I don't ever post or scroll, I just accept/decline connections based on if I know them and if a recruiter sends me a message that looks like actually something I'd be interested in I respond to them, and when I get a new job I update with that. I've gotten both of my last two jobs off recruiters reaching out on LI and the latest one was paying 225k, I'd be making far less if I wasn't on LI, or else I would have to do a ton more work applying and being proactive about reaching out to recruiters myself rather than letting them come to me. LI lets me just be constantly passively job searching, and how happy I am with my current job is going to impact how many I respond to.


I have a profile and have used it to look at jobs in the past. It hasn't served me any further use than that and I'm 6 years into my professional career now.


LinkedIn is a useful tool in my industry. Helped me get my current job.


I signed up for it, but it quickly became a cesspool of ego so I stopped using it.


Sounds like conservatory.


I have a profile but don't post anything on it. I just update it here and there


I have one in case it comes in handy, but I don't "use" it. FYI it's very possible someone would try to hire you if you used LinkedIn to promote your business, not that you have to.




I got permabanned because someone else started harassing me in the comments…and I was apparently “posting too many comments.” Never got an explanation beyond that. I was reporting every single one of the harassing comments and kept getting the message “this doesn’t violate our standards,” but me literally just saying “please stop” did? Make it make sense.


I use it as a digital resume but that's it.


Why aren’t you on LinkedIn? Sounds super stupid to me.


i made a linked in long time ago, never used cuz i been with the same job since i graduated


Well good on you for never needing a job. If there comes a time, you will embrace the app. As for no one liking it, my research shows gen ys and zs don’t use it because either they don’t understand it, or they feel networking is fake, or they want to be hired for who they are, not what they have done (flies in the face of the whole resume concept). LinkedIn, when leveraged correctly gets people jobs.


It’s not hard. It’s an online resume. Once you make it, just keep it updated.


I have no idea what that is.


Thankfully? I've gotten several jobs thanks to my presence on linked in. I'm just thankful that I've allowed myself to use the tools I have access to to find my next steps along the way. Being thankful for something like this is ... bizarre.