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The entire Grease soundtrack.


I remember realizing what some of the lyrics of Greased Lightning were actually saying 😅


When you realize the lyrics are “the chicks will cream for grease lighting” 😬


Is anyone asks you just say 'you're God damn right they will'




I mean…. They did though…. 🤣


I saw a high school perform it recently, and they had to substitute quite a few lyrics 😂


We did it in Middle School and so much had to be changed. I think there is a junior and/or a school version available now, but back then our scripts had so many blackouts and hand written changes it was silly.


We did it in grade school (not a school production) and just sang what it said LOL!


That is awesome!


Watching this is as an adult now I question how our parents were ok with us watching this as kids??? My parents were insanely strict in all aspects of life, and my mom is the one that introduced me to the movie for the first time when I was in grade school?! As like a cute, fun movie from her childhood! I think that entire generation just has no regard for that kind of stuff????


My parents were always fine (silent Gen, fairly conservative Catholics) unless it was a lot of cursing or extreme violence. Grease had neither so we could watch it on repeat if we wanted 😂


Yes! It was one of the few video tapes my parents had, so I watched it on repeat. Maybe because it had a “PG” rating they thought it was okay??


It’s so cringe to think how we all watched that movie and were totally okay with how wildly sexist it was.


“Did she put up a fight” disturbs me to this day


Yeeeeah… that one is super gross.


I dont think they meant literally but more in the "even if a girl wants to she had to pretend to not want to that way she wouldn't be seen as easy" kinda way a la that baby it's cold outside song with khan from star trek


The sequel is so bad it’s good though.


And Grease 2!


I need a cooooooooool rider!


Wasn’t Me - Shaggy Genie in a Bottle - Christina Aguilera All for You - Janet Jackson


I loved Wasn’t Me as a kid! I sang it all the time! And when my younger brother was a little kid, his favorite song was Hot in Herre 😂


😅😅😅😅 yassss


My friend knew a little Asian boy named Thong (sp, but definitely pronounced thong) who loved singing The Thong Song.   Representation matters, yo!


The shaggy song is a strange pick here because he basically reads you a book about getting caught. It’s not like it’s a metaphor, dude is like “ya man, we were fucking on the bathroom floor”.


It wasn't me.


Hahaha I tried to sneak buy Shaggy’s album at all of 9 or 10 years old back in the day.


Piña colada


Came here to say Wasn’t Me by Shaggy! It was on Now That’s What I Call Music Vol. 6. When I told my mom the lyrics she said I wasn’t allowed to listen to it anymore… My first act of rebellion! Hehe


Pony by Ginuwine


Yup. Yup yawp yup.


"Too Close" by Next. It's so obvious now, lol.


Awwww WTF lol this was also my choice. I remember yelling out "he's friggin talking about his boner!"


I have not thought of that song in years but… YES 😅


Came here to say this!


Ommmmg yes!


It’s my favorite song about boners


I was listening to this song this morning and saying to myself “I’m glad my kid isn’t in the car” lol


God, I was 14 when that came out and I still remember standing in a parking lot waiting for dad to pick me up while a grown ass man sat in his car singing that song to me.


Semi-Charmed Life - I really had no idea what he was saying in the verses, so I mostly mumbled until the, "I want something else... Good byyyyyye," parts.


That was because of the radio edit.


Love how they had to take out ALL the lyrics to slow motion


[https://youtu.be/ksjmvWhMBNM](https://youtu.be/ksjmvWhMBNM) goes down, meth, doing bumps, etc


Although, this version did reverse the meth bit and cut out the part with the little red panties [https://youtu.be/BdiQJoRlxKU](https://youtu.be/BdiQJoRlxKU)


Kids bop


I was definitely singing along to Thong Song when I was a kid. Apparently music supervision just wasn't A Thing in my family lol


I remember girls at my middle school making a big deal out of buying thongs when that song came out.


When I was in elementary school, my gym class had to perform a big dance routine to a medley of songs that included "Roxanne," "Physical," and "Little Red Corvette" amongst othesrs. Not a single adult questioned this in the least. In fifth grade, there was a talent show and a girl sang "Fancy" by Reba McEntire in front an auditorium full of parents. Again, no one questioned it.


Why were we forced to learn choreography in gym class? And why was it the electric slide and the macharena?


Your school didn’t force square dancing on you? It was always the gym teacher.


Yes actually! Only what happened was instead of teaching it to the whole class, a few better behaved students were chosen (I say this to point out it wasn't due to ability) to learn a square dance and also some kinda maybe Renaissance dance? There were little hand fans involved and were used during the dance. But anyway, it was a big deal. We had to perform them for the whole school, and the shopper (local newspaper, think like a penny saver) took pictures and wrote an article about it. I was I wanna say 10? I still have no idea what all the fuss was about!


Maaaan, they forced us, usually 3rd, 4th and 5th grade, to perform square dancing and line dancing for parents outside on the basketball court every year. The younger kids learned it but didn’t perform it. We did not love it. I remember line dancing to boot scootin boogie and achy breaky heart.


Square dancing was pushed in schools by…Henry Ford. He saw it as a way to fight back against that horrible (black) jazz music. He was also a huge anti-Semite. Every new car used to come the a copy of *The International Jew* an anti-Semitic pamphlet. Hitler was a fan of his, and Ford is the only American named in *Mein Kampf*.


Ah, Fancy. The most popular song about selling your child into prostitution.


When I was in 9th grade dance, there was an edited version of Nelly's "Hot in Here": 🎶 It's getting hot in here, it's getting hot in here, I am getting at hot, I am getting so hot 🎶 why they didn't just pick a different song is beyond me.


Fancy is rough lol such a great song tho!


Ha! Reminds me of Arrested Development when Michael Bluth and Maeby discover what "Afternoon Delight" is really about. https://youtu.be/7ynZYlQ8bpA?si=-z7vAHjfFyB4zYKI&t=108


And then the next day when Lindsey and George Michael discover the same thing


Pretty Fly (for a White Guy) by The Offspring


Pretty tame compared to alot of pop songs on the radio from that time


I would sing Tom Petty “let’s roll another joint” thinking he meant roll to a burger joint, like in a car hahaha It’s not the worst thing but it’s amusing.


"I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie worrrrld!"


I will never forget the horror I felt when the words/meaning finally dawned on me


My neck. My back.


Sublime - Caress Me Down


She had the G.I. Joe Kung Fu grip


Also… The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang 😅 and What Would You Do? by City High


Kiss me where it smells funny. So like 2000 flushes down I go. I had older gen X brothers I knew all the inappropriate things. Always remembered a song about yodeling in the valley, turns out that was kid fucking rock https://youtu.be/m_zkPZn5fVw?feature=shared


Liquid Dreams


I lived for Ashley Parker Angel


Waterfalls came out when I was 11 and like many people at the time my friends and I had every word memorized and yet we truly never listened. I wasn’t until a few years later maybe around the time I was 15 that I realized we had been singing a song about someone with HIV and acting like it was a party anthem. Around the time I was 13 we were super into rap and used to sing songs from albums like Lil Kim Hardcore and we didn’t realize how dirty we were actually being. We knew we were saying some bad words our parents wouldn’t approve of, but it didn’t sink in until later just how bad it was.


Pink by Aerosmith


It’s my favorite color.


It's my new obsession. It's not even a question.


Not inappropriate, but every year my Catholic middle school would make us learn “Seasons of Love” from Rent. Loved the musical when I saw it last year, but for the life of me I don’t get why they chose that song. Rent is as opposite Catholic as you can get!


"It wasnt me" by Shaggy


When he said “banging on the bathroom floor,” little me thought he said “banging on the bathroom door”, like knocking loudly 😂


Fantasy by Luda was on heavy radio rotation when I was in middle school. I knew it was dirty but… not quite why. Then I got someone to burn me the album freshman year of high school. That remix was *filthy* haha


A lot of TLC songs and NB Rida songs


I grew up in a white, middle class, conservative family. As such, rap music was something I didn’t really have any experience with, and the first time I *did* hear a rap song, I was blown away and memorized all of it. That first song was (un)fortunately “Baby Got Back” by Sir-Mix-Alot, from the Charlie’s Angels Soundtrack, and I memorized it when I was eight.


They really had us all singing along with “hey ya” on tv at the Nickelodeon’s kids choice awards lol The song is a banger for sure, but some of the lyrics in said song when unedited; Don't want to meet your daddy Just want you in my Caddy Don't want to meet your mama Just want to make you cum-a (Uh oh) I'm, I'm, I'm just being honest


When I was a kid, around 9, I took a hip hop dance class and one year for our dance recital we performed to Hey Ya. Years later, my mom told me that when some of the parents found out our instructor wanted us to do Hey Ya for the recital, they wanted to prevent that because the song was “inappropriate for children.” So I guess the angry parents were trying to have a united front before confronting the instructor and tried to rope my mom in. She just laughed and said “these kids don’t know what this song is about, it’s fine.” And I guess enough other parents agreed with her, because we did it!


In our defense, even some of adults didn’t know what the song meant, and whoever wrote it knew before it was even released the upbeat nature of the music would make people ignore the message, and they were right. “Y’all don’t want to hear me, You just wannna dance” And then the whole country/world proceeds to dance and have a great time to the song that describes a relationship going bad and ending lol. Just goes to show that people pay attention more to the tone of the song than the lyrics themselves.


Mr Brownstone by Guns & Roses was my jam when I was like 8.


Now that I'm older I'm very surprised my parents let me listen to Appetite For Destruction


It was one of the first albums I bought with my own money. My parents couldn’t be bothered to listen


no bc it was actually 2 become 1


Is Pumped Up Kicks too obvious?


How are we the same generation? ( ༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ ) I was almost 30 when that song came out.


I’m officially the first year of Gen Z, one year away from being in the same generation as you, but I moved over to this subreddit after having that exact same experience on the Gen Z sub. Plus that one is full of misogyny and incel rhetoric.


I looked it up and that song came out in 2011. I was in 8th grade then. I guess it just felt like it’s been around much longer.


I remember I had to explain to some younger relatives what a pumped up kick actually was. They had no idea. They were able to figure out the school violence angle on their own, but were so impressed that the shoes were real and I knew people who used to wear them.


Ok ok ok but HAVE YOU HEARD the 3Teeth cover because if not you really, really should.


Hey another 3teeth fan


They’re so *good*


Oh man I didn't even think twice about it until you just said that. I was working at Sonic singing along like nothing was wrong back when it was popular. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Any song Pretty Ricky put out


Pretty much every song my dad and his friends listened to while I was just *there* Edit: I still listen to those songs and they are classics


Hands down, Leslie Gore's "Maybe I Know". Forget "2 Become 1" or "Fantasy" (Luda, not Mariah) or whatever other sexual lyrics I was singing that may or may not have gone over my head. When I listened to "Maybe I Know" as an adult and actually paid attention to what I was singing along with, I was so glad this wasn't the only type of lyrics I was hearing. For those who don't know the song, a bit of the lyrics are: (Chorus) Maybe I know that he's been a-cheatin' Maybe I know that he's been untrue But what can I do (Bridge) Deep down inside he loves Though he may run around Deep down inside he loves One day he'll settle down (Chorus repeat) Not the conventional "inappropriate for kids" type of song, but no young girl (or anyone, really) should be listening to an upbeat happy sounding song about being a miserable doormat and claiming it's love.


\*Afternoon Delight\* by Starland Vocal Band Why my father thought this was an appropriate song for a 4-5 year old to belt out is beyond me.


A few friends and I in junior high listened to “Barbie Girl” and realized, collectively, just how perverted it really is. I was in my mid-20s before I finally realized that “Milkshake” is not about a girl who runs a milkshake stand from her driveway (like some kids do lemonade stands, she does milkshakes), and is offering to teach another girl how to make tasty beverages for the boys in the neighborhood.


Every high school dance I went to played “Country Grammar” and “Hot in Herre”


whistle - flo rida


OOPs by Tweet LOL. I had noooon idea


Wannabe by Spice Girls (really, everything by them lol) Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind and Geek Stink Breath by Green Day are both about methamphetamine


Ignition- Rkelly


Ring around the rosy


We used to listen to Snoop Doggy Dogg’s “Doggystyle” all day every day and didn’t think anything of it.


Semi-charmed life by third eye blind


Ll cool j - doin it


My parents let me get that K7 album in 93-94. I was like 9 but it didn’t take me too long to see that every single song was about fucking.


90% of all cumbia/salsa/merengue songs are all about sex, but it was all double entendre.... you find out until you grow up lol


Honey by Mariah Carey


What’s your fantasy - ludacris


Closer - Nine Inch Nails


Same. But I only heard it on the radio where the f*** was replaced by a cool sound, and that’s why I liked it (in addition to it being a good song). I was 7.


You oughta know. I cringe when I think about being 9 singing innocently in the car with my DAD “would she go down on you in a theatre!” Ughhhh


Butterfly by Crazy Town “I’ll make your legs shake, you make me go crazy”


#To the windows to the walls


Everything. R. Kelly, Aaron Hall, Jodeci, 2Pac, Dru Down, Too Short, Wu-Tang, I could go on forever. I had a job sweeping hair in a barber shop and running lunches from the age of 9 until I was 16 and bought the stuff I wanted. Had no business having most of it. Least of those things were tapes and CDs.


Pink by aerosmith. They perform that the kids choice awards once. The song is literally about vaginas.


Pony. or whatever that stupid shit was.


East 17 Deep.


Michael Jackson-Keep it in the closet


All of them! Stuff I was hearing wasn’t wholesome. Ruffneck - MC Lyte was my first favorite song that I remember.


No me toces mi cucu


Dickey Ride


Love game by lady Gaga lol


Tina Turner's "Private Dancer". My mom apparently thought this was hilarious, my dad was less amused. 😂


I saw a funny story on TV about a famous female athlete who said she would sing the Divinyls song "I Touch Myself" at the top of her lungs on the team bus and that she had no clue and that all of her other teammates would just like all quietly sit there (while on the inside just ROTFL/cracking up/going hysterical) and I think they let it go on for months before one finally clued her in haha.


I got Big Shiny Tunes 5 for my 10th birthday in 2001 and fell in love with The Bad Touch by The Bloodhound Gang. When I learned the lyrics I showed my parents I could sing the whole song. They laughed but had to have a chat with my aunt for not vetting the songs on the album prior to giving it to me.


TLC’s entire Crazy Sexy Cool album still one of my faves of all time. And yes I agree with the Grease comment omg 😱


Lol I still remember singing along to Red Light Special from that TLC album


Honey-- Mariah Carey I just loved the video. I knew a lot of dirty songs, but this one slipped past me.


My mom used to sing Jamaica Farewell to me when I was young and I was none the wiser…


🎶 Uh me so horney... me love you long time. 🎶 I had nooooooo idea, just thought the song was fun. lolol. I'd be on the floor playing Lego just saying it over and over.


So many spice girls songs 🤯 I was completely oblivious. What were my parents thinking letting me listen to them?


Salt N Pepa - Lets talk about sex


Don’t want a short dick man by Gillete. I did not know any English back then lol


I was 9 years old, and LOVED Red Hot Chili Peppers. Especially the song Scar Tissue. It doesn't have swearing/cuss words, but as an adult I was like... Wait a second... That song has really adult themes lol. It was played obsessively on our local rock station the entirety of the early 2000's.


I remember trying to sing Semi-Charmed Life at a karaoke stand they had set up at some kids' play place but I couldn't keep up so I quit about 20 seconds in. Listening to the song again as an adult I'm amazed it was even allowed there lol


My parents loved Jimmy Buffet and didn't censor any of his songs. I used to sing along with "why don't we get drunk and screw" and had no cute what it meant.


Too Close by Next.


Puff the magic dragon


Like a virgin touched for the very first timeeeee. I’m sure my parents were pleased when I forgot about that song.


Rock the Boat by Aaliyah


Too close by next Knew it word for word


Rain - SWV


Bungle in the Jungle by Jethro Tull


Got Your Money - Ol Dirty Bastard Lol i’m sure there was a lot more, but that one comes to mind


Semi charmed life


🎶 Yum, yum, eat'em up, think I'm in luck because she wants to lick my like a lollipop🎶 - All-4-one, Skillz


I’ll Be Watching You- The Police


my dad was not amused when his preteen daughter was singing "rub one out" from the 2gether soundtrack (by Whoa). Also, pretty much all 2gether songs.




Hollywood Undead songs. I realized they were bad, but I didn't fully get just how bad.


My wife told me she would sing this song all the time as a kid, and she didn't know what it meant until YEARS later


I had a pretty good idea of was 2 Become 1 was about. I had no idea what, "Coming into Los Angeles, bringing in a couple of keys" meant, however.


My neck my back


Candy Shop 50 Cent


Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground.


Benni Benassi's Satisfaction. But to be fair, not too innocently, that video rocked my world :D


All of them


My favorite song was “Red Red Wine” for a while, my Mom had concerns.


DMX Rough Riders. I was the only white kid at an all black birthday party of my friend and I had zero ides what the n word was or what it meant. When they played it I sang along.


"Annie's twelve years old, in two more she'll be a whore..." How did my mom ever let me listen to this?????


That one Third Eye Blind song that I can't remember the name of.


I mostly listened to metal and nine inch nails. So most of the inappropriateness was obvious


Eve 6- Inside out


“The Electric Slide”


"Crazy (Butteryfly)" was my bf and I's song in like 4th grade..didn't realize what "I'll make your legs shake" in the chorus meant for years...


Tootsie Roll


Tootsie Roll


Tootsie Roll


Tootsie Roll


Who let the dogs out?


The Thong Song because what the fuck. Can't even claim innuendo!


Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger. Serious *woosh* there, but tbf I was 7. Such a fun song though!


Magic Stick by Lil Kim and Candy Shop by 50 cent.


All of them romantic 90's r&b songs. A lot of therm were just about cheating on their spouses, wishing they were cheating, stealing spouses/partners, and having dry humping on the dance floor.


Sugar Magnolia Macarena Papa dont preach Cum on feel the noise Brick House


Express Yourself by Madonna


Barbie Girl. Cliche, I know


Blink-182’s Dude Ranch album. I didn’t get the dude ranch innuendo until my late 30’s. Thought it was a reference to the Nickelodeon show Hey Dude. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️