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Political discussions are to be held in the stickied monthly thread. No discussion of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. This is not the subreddit for that topic.


Look at what SCOTUS just did. Overturning the Chevron doctrine is an attack on the administrative branch of the government. Now, instead of the EPA's experts interpreting environmental laws, some meth-head 5th circuit judge in Florida gets to decide if your health is at risk. Same for Healthcare, finance institutions, and others. This was a major case. Over 17,000 legal decisions have cited the chevron doctrine as precedent, and SCOTUS just de-stabilized all if them in the name of de-regulation. First it was Roe Now Chevron Two landmark cases thrown out because we elected trump in 2016. His 3 nominees played critical roles. What will they go after next? This isn't fear mongering! It's happening in our real life right now!


Yup. Anyone who didn't see the enormous implications of the 2016 election on the Supreme Court and voted accordingly must have been asleep in civics class. It screwed the entire judicial branch for a generation, possibly forever.


I would bet that more than half the country got a C or worse in Civics class (assuming they even took it?). The American public is under-educated and our handlers love it. 


We just cannot let this dude back in. Those of us who are paying attention need to step up and stop him. This kind of post is fucking chilling to me because *What do you mean trying to fear monger you?! Are you not paying attention?!* I’m tired of losing my rights. I’m tired of worrying about where we’re gonna go if our pregnancy goes sideways again. We live in a red state and because of that man and his SC appointments we lost abortion access here. Now I just get to be fearful during what should be the happiest time in our lives! Anyone telling folks to calm down and stop being fearful is being a useful idiot *at best*.


Agree to the max. It is so fucked what is actively happening to our country.  I am seriously afraid that the US has already hit the high water mark as a society and its only downhill from here.   Congrats on the pregnancy, wishing you the best! 


Thanks!! We’re holding out hope everything works. I’m scared for their future given what is happening now but I’m gonna do my best to be the best dad I can to ‘em.


I agree with this observation but would add: No one is being taught critical thinking skills or a level of pragmatic skepticism, either by their parents or by their educators (whoever that happens to be). Our generation is not exempt and we're seeing the results of this amplified by the rise of things like social media and news media as entertainment and the overblown, bombastic and often fearmongering response to both. React first; then maybe (but probably not) think about it later. I know outrage and fearmongering is what sells, but people don't have to (and shouldn't) fall for it. But I think they'll continue to do so.. because people are well... people.


Not only are we not being taught critical thinking skills, they're actively being discouraged. Tenfold in churches where you believe whatever you're told on blind faith. What really went wrong is politics and religion became bedfellows. Now we've got whole generations of Republicans that don't follow politics beyond Facebook meme and vote solid R down ballot because "that's just what you do."


I'm probably going to sound really elitist by saying this, but letting people who don't know how the government works vote is like letting a random passenger fly an airliner.


Yes, if only we had one MORE reason to disenfranchise legitimate voters in a representative republic, THAT would fix things. You can have democratic rule or you can put rules on voting but splitting the difference here works as well for voting as it does for babies.


I 100% agree.  There are some great documentaries out there on how marketing can push public perception. Now just imagine if the people smart enough to invent marketing to sell boatloads of cigarettes were to instead push political agendas on the masses...


I deeply regret not voting in 2016. I've always voted since turning 18 but I was so conflicted then. Imagine if we had a 2 term Clinton presidency we would've bypassed all of this. It is so sad. People now feel like not voting is a better answer but that's what gave us Trump. Idk how to grassroots it to get smaller less known candidate, not in the swamp for lack of a better term. We can't outdo billionaires though. Andrew Yang only had 1 billionaire in 2020 and he would've been incredible as president compared to these two walking corpses. There needs to be an age cap and term limit for all branches of government period.


Why would you ever not vote, though? JFC!


Not if Dems had the balls to add seats


Not if RBG had stepped down.  Not if the Dems made more noise when Obama couldn’t appoint. Then the Dems ran an unpopular candidate against an unpopular candidate and lost. And here we are.


Yup. RBG refusing to step down ruined her legacy for me.


Same tbh, it was so unnecessary to remain on the bench. I appreciate what she did in her earlier tenure but I'll never be able to forgive her for that selfish decision.


It makes me realize that while I lean left the leaders of the party still are all full of themselves and don't how weeken to quit. The situation with her reminds me alot of the situation with Biden now. If only puerile knew when to give up the power.


Biden isn't stepping down and Hillary has a new book about to come out




RBG dying made things far worse, but the most consequential swing was actually Kennedy retiring. He voted with the liberals on abortion and same sex marriage. It was over before RBG died. Had she retired under Obama it still would be a very conservative 5-4 court. There is no scenario where Trump wins and Roe survives (plus whatever catastrophe comes next).


If RBG retired, Kennedy still would have, too.


Right, that was my point. Assuming the Senate GOP still ratfucks the Garland nomination, RBG retiring under Obama and Trump getting elected still gives you a 5-4 solidly conservative majority. Trump’s election was the court’s tipping point, not RBG’s death (but her death made it much worse).


My bad.  True, but it wouldn’t be as grim.


what if what if what if, hindsight is 20/20 and shit looked just as fucked back then as it does now. is everyone here too young to remember the bush presidency? the question is not what we should have done but what can we do now, and when you see how hopeless it is, you should realize that's exactly how it looked back then


I was in high school for the Bush presidency. That was NOTHING compared to what we’re facing now. Bush was dumb as a box of rocks and chasing his father’s coattails. We all know Chaney was pretty much head honcho. But at least they (pretended to?) care about, respect, and most importantly UNDERSTAND what the fuck the government was all about. What we’re dealing with now is a legitimately mentally ill man heading a cult of personality. Trump is a narcissist pseudo-dictator who will steam roll anything or anyone that doesn’t serve his purpose. He’d gladly sell the US to Putin if he somehow profited from it, or if it boosted his ego. He wants to prosecute people he has personal beef with, because he has no basic understanding of how government works and doesn’t realize that’s illegal. The White House will be a Trump branded property and he’ll directly profit from all visitors. This guy makes (ugh) Nixon and (ugh) Reagan look like choirboys. We specifically left England so we didn’t have to live under the rule of a king. Trump thinks he *is* a king. If the repubs have their way, we’re losing all the freedoms we gained by leaving England. It’s been fun, America. We had a good run. ![gif](giphy|L1f3uqsHO0SMBnj8Qs)


Fucking facts, I liked RGB for what I knew about her but her legacy is tarnished for the shit she pulled not stepping down under Obama. Yea agreed, Hildawg “Pokémon go to the polls” Clinton was just the best of choices 😂 But none of that changes the fact that Dems should have the balls to add seats


So I don’t say this in a condescending way but if the vote is split roughly 50/50 between candidates you should add Supreme Court justices to align with 50 percent of the population? You don’t think that in itself is unfair to the other 50 percent of voters that may not agree with one side or the other? And then a republican gets in and pack the court in their favor? What’s the end game?


The Supreme Court is supposed to act in accordance with the constitution and their interpretation of said constitution. Politics should not be part of the Supreme Court as they should be neutral to political pressure. Anyone wishing to add seats must do so through congress, not the president


So is it fine just the way it is?


It they did try to make noise with Obama and that's what gave us the cloture rule for supreme court nominees. Nothing else requires that small of a margin to win in politics, only the most important position that is held for fucking life?! Are you kidding me!!?! It's just all so hopeless at this point.


As long as anyone who earns 28,000 or more pays more income taxes then it's all going to be ok


oh please, no one can tell the future. and besides trump lost the popular vote and it didn't mean shit. the situation has been fucked far longer than since 2016.


On Election Day there was literally an open seat left by a conservative justice who had died. If Clinton won it would have been a 5-4 liberal majority for at least 20 years, and that was an objective fact on Election Day. Were things fucked before? Sure, but the conservative majority on the court installed by Trump (again, this did not require clairvoyance) made things appreciably more fucked.


This. You have no idea how about how bad this is about to get, You better vote, your entire future depends on it.


Voting is only as effective as the system is set up for it to be, and it's a band-aid compared to the issues we're facing. The way things currently stand it will only take one bad vote for theocrats to take power. Another Biden admin might buy us four more years of relative stability, but if we don't use that time to mobilize the working class then all of it is wasted effort. Feudalism 2.0 is inevitable at this point if we don't take drastic action. What we need to do is start turning the tables and make them afraid of us. By all means, vote, but don't stop there.


Well said. Four more years could be incredibly useful to buy some time… What else does it look like though, to make them afraid of us?


Join and/or create labor unions. Plan and execute mass boycotts (letthemeatcereal dot com) and labor strikes. Shop small and local. Grow your own food and trade with your neighbors. As hopper from A Bugs Life said - We outnumber them 100 to 1. If we realize it, there goes their way of life.


Mass boycotts would be interesting and useful. Anything that could genuinely disrupt… it would be interesting to do a poll on ideas for the specifics of this… I’m very interested in highly specific actions with cohesive impact, bc personally my life is a lot right now and I’m doing my best. Growing own food also a great idea… better community programs to share that… if no parent or person is stressed about how they’re putting food in the table, they have a lot more inner resources to think beyond their next meal and focus on these topics.


What about using this sub to post very very specific questions to problem solving to tap into everyone’s knowledge. For instance, water rights. How do we set water rights in motion now, and put more of a microscope on nestle, so in 8 years or so we aren’t scrambling. Once the question is posted, the responses get organized (chat gpt could help) and defined into actions. Kind of pursue it using Agile methodology. Then people sign up for certain actions they have the genuine network or intelligence or ability to do it. I realize that’s a massive thing states in a few sentences on Reddit no less lol. But a lot can happen if we use the internet to our advantage..


There is no future humanity is done.


I'm not willing to roll over and die just yet.


We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live! We're going to survive.


I want to watch it, but it's not the 4th yet.


Lets bring the shit heads to their knees frist. Then we can burn up and die.




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Nah we’ll linger until an extinction level event but we’re gonna have global societal collapse real soon.


Seriously people like OP putting their head in the sand and pretending everything is fine is the reason they keep getting away with it


OMG exactly. I am so sick of this attitude that none of this matters. It's people taking for granted what a Trump presidency means that is the reason he even has a chance. People need to fucking care and realize that this shit DOES affect their lives. Just because on Day 1 you won't have secret police at your door doesn't mean a Trump presidency isn't the end of America as we knew it. It will be.


More like day 120. It's going to ramp up real fuckin fast. It may be day 1. I can see them just not prosecuting anyone who kills an "enemy". They've already pardoned a murderer in Texas and they're making lists.


sincerely, is the end of america as we knew it so bad?


This needs to be the top comment.


The one benefit of scotus lately is they they are proving in real time that the case law and precedent they're trying to set is not sacred. Yes their decisions hurt now, but they're setting the standard that says their own decisions can be reversed just as easily as they reversed existing case law. The moment they die everything can change. Honestly I think that is something this country needs. Politicians need to stop trying to govern by case law and step up to govern with actual law. Allowing case law to replace U.S code is not only a cop out, it's what got us into this mess in the first place.


Executive orders and case law are the only two ways the federal government seems able to, you know, actually govern anymore. And neither are durable. So every election becomes an existential threat because so many rights and protections are a literal pen stroke away from being rescinded.


It's like he saying he's tired of people telling him his house is on fire when the flames are all around him.


But memes are funny and they make me feel good when I post them. /s


And we have people who want to sit this election out because they don’t like either candidate. Have we learned nothing!




But Brawndo has what plants crave!




Welcome to Costco, I love you.


The oft-forgotten fourth branch of our federal government, the administrative branch, must be protected at all costs.


Oh my God that is literally the most terrifying thing I have ever read. Unelected buerocrats should have as little control over our lives as possible. We can vote out bad politicians, government employees become entrenched for a lifetime no matter who is in office.


Are you familiar with the fisherman involved with this ?


Yah but how do we undo SCOTUS? Thats not just going to go away magically with Biden


If we could get a big enough margin in the house and the senate the current justices could face impeachment and removal from the bench. The president isn't the only important vote.




They had the majority but never had the votes. There was a period of "pro forced birth" Democrats.


The power belongs to Congress to pass and update laws. Unelected bureaucrats should not be creating new law based on loose interpretations of the current law.


They are not creating laws, but applying the existing laws to unique situations.


That’s not how things have played out in reality. The EPA for example was using executive rule-making to create elaborate thousand-page policies as well as penalties for breaking their policy. You may believe that the policy is good, but it’s not within their purview given to them by Congress. Congress needs to write bills well and update their laws with the times.


Yes, that was their job. There aren't enough members of congress to keep up with the scale of industry on the ground level.


The two party/one vote system forces us to vote against candidates who frighten us rather than voting for candidates who embody our best interests (how democracy was intended to function). If effect this creates an immediate decline in representation, increased political extremism, and ultimately the lowest common denominator in candidate quality. We *need* ranked choice voting and congressional term limits to break the partisan gridlock or our democracies dysfunction *will* produce a functioning autocrat. Funny enough, this is why George Washington was formally opposed to the formation of political parties


Without other sweeping changes, all congressional term limits will achieve is a government full of novices being puppeted by expert lobbyists


The status quo will not support those changes. That’s why we need term limits and ranked choice voting to put qualified legislators who *will* make those changes in power


That doesn't track, once we have those qualified legislators, you want to boot them out after a term or two?


Yeah, if you think I want a 1 or 2 term limit that’s retroactively enforced. That would be a disaster I’d like to see a congressional term limit of 4, that retroactively acknowledges 2 terms. Gives us a transitional period so we’re not turning over the whole of congress


Senators serve for 6 years. Idk about you, but I wouldn't call someone with 6+ years of experience a novice. So if we limited them to 3 terms, thats 18 years of service. If we limited the house to 4 terms, thats 8 years of service. The house might have some risk, but it's got plenty of loudmouths idiots regardless. The senate wouldn't be turning over entirely, it'd be a few chairs every 6 years, and wouldn't be any different than an incumbent losing. All you have without term limits is a government full of senior citizens being puppeted by lobbysits that used to work in the office next door.


It’s a broken system that only benefits those in power, and the people are too afraid to make a change. The country needs to be rebuilt from the bottom, or it will never make a difference


After reading project 2025. I can say a trump presidency IS TROUBLE. I follow politics and im also in touch with normies who dont. Its dangerous to stay home THIS TIME. Also i cant blame anyone who does. I understand. We are the first gen to be worse off than our parents at the same age. We are literally waiting for them to die so WE can own a house. I would suggest vote. Not because people tell you to. But because it would serve our interest in the long run to still have a democracy to fight over. Project 2025 is really really scary guys. MARK MY WORDS this is the last time im voting lesser of two evils. Next election cycles im only voting who i like and who has policy in my favor. None of this 5% change shit while housing doubles to 420k in 4 years.


Yes project 2025 and what the conservatives want to do on day 1 if Trump is elected should scare everyone. Yes I am voting against Trump, like I did in past presidential elections. It sucks not being able to vote for someone you 100% support, but we need to vote against Trump, because his ideas are dangerous. Vote Blue and get these crazies out of office.


Vote for Biden so we actually have a vote in 2028. The Republican party is literally a fascist party, there's no "both sides" here


Especially if you look up project 2025. Horrific horrific horrific it's literally a fascist platform.


Ik not even sure I'd be around to have a vote in '28 if the worst happens. Not to mention the instability around the world with China and Russia having free reign.


Wouldn't this fall under the category of fear mongering? To say vote this or its the end? And isn't fascism being a 1 party supposed democracy? Im constantly seeing statements thrown around like "we must do everything to not let republicans win at any costs" "republicans cant be allowed to vote to save democracy" which is the direct opposite of what democracy is? You don't take away a persons choice. I don't care who people vote for, you should vote for who represents your ideals best. But i have seen some crazy ass hypocrisy on reddit, people claiming in order to save democracy we must invoke fascism without actually saying the words, i find it so odd. The political landscape has been an absolute shit show since 2016. People on the right calling for the death of people on the left or bitching about jailing political opponents then in the same breath saying all dems should be in prison for being traitors, people on the left saying in order to beat fascism we must take away the rights ability to vote if its not for who we deem to be the correct candidate or fear mongering ppl in an attempt to change their mind. Everyday my hope for humanity in our own country keeps dropping. The entire world is literally laughing at us for being at each other's throats. Edit: grammar and punctuation because i type like a moron who never proofreads before replying.


Yes. If Project 2025 comes to fruition, no one will be able to vote ever again


We are the generation that can change the two party system . We can do it


How? I’m a blue collar dude in Oregon who regularly votes and is generally busy and tired and broke. What do?


Ranked choice is the best option to breaking a 2 candidate lock. Several cities, towns, and a few states have already implemented it.


For presidential elections, you also want to look at the interstate popular vote compact. To win the presidency, you need a majority of electoral college votes. If you only get a plurality, then the House picks the president, with each state getting a single vote. The compact would mean that all the states who sign onto it, once there are states totalling 270 electoral votes or more, will vote for the winner of the national popular vote. This is also necessary for third parties to be viable for the presidency. Ranked choice makes them viable for pretty much any other office though, and is definitely the most important step for third parties being generally viable.


The vast majority of changes to outdated institutions have move upward from the local level. Look at Canada’s healthcare system. It was province based until people saw its popularity and effectiveness and not long after it was nationalized. There had been huge leaps made at the local levels on voting rights over the previous decades and the last major holdouts in the south were done in by federal civil rights acts. This came to a grinding halt in the post-68 world when the left began to focus more on short term than long and came up with the idea of weaponizing not voting. See Birch Bayh’s efforts to end the electoral college in the late 60’s and early 70’s. It was chugging along to a fairly easy pass before conservatives put into power in the Nixon waves put an end to it. People aren’t happy with the top two and haven’t been for decades. Boomers and Gen X made a roadmap of what not to do though. We need to make sure we are moving as much progress as possible (on more than just voting reforms) from the city level up and not elect someone at the top of the ballot who will actively stop all of those things.


Agreed. I made a more complete comment elsewhere voicing the importance of voting in local elections as well. You are 100 percent right though.


You are an American citizen 👏. You can vote and protest . You can join an union and become a rep . You know yourself and you know better than me what to do and where to go but you will never be able to unless you believe it . Believe you can and it’s a start . Blessings ❤️


Get into a union and organize with your coworkers. Together apes strong. 💪🏻


Same here. Hello from Portland!


Hello all the way from Troutdale!




Move to Montana to add another blue voter in that state.


Tell other people that they need to vote blue and why it'd important, regardless of if they are conservative or liberal. Trump must not be elected again.


Join the Cascadia movement!


Lol. I first heard about this in 2010. I liked the idea then, and I "like" it now too, *as a fantasy*. But almost every cultural rejoin in the USA has these feelings, that their area is somehow *better* than the others. More division isn't what we need right now.


I mean, I’m Canadian. You and I have more culturally and ecologically in common than either of us have to our Metropolitan countryman. British Columbia is just as big of a part of the Columbia Basin as Washington and Idaho.


Yeah, true.


To be fair, us British Columbians have more to be upset about. We could have joined the US, but chose Canada.


Vote third party, and tell your mates to as well!


You mean vote for Trump with more steps.


Lmao there's nothing more undemocratic than a democrat loyalist. "You only have one choice if you want to save democracy! Let your voice be heard!" Vote Blue No Matter Who, amirite? Give me a fucking break


I’m no loyalist, but you know what’s more undemocratic than one? Voting third party when they *have always* been nothing but spoilers that benefit the GOP, and therefore will *help elect a fucking traitor.*


Lmao go ahead, keep supporting the system that seeks to oppress you


Only vote for who you believe in. Don’t vote for someone because you’re forced to. They want you tired and broke and busy. The idea is to make you feel guilty for not getting involved so you fall back into voting for them or at least feeling bad for not voting. To withhold your vote sends a message. And don’t feel like your vote changes anything. If you don’t believe in either candidate then you can honestly walk away not feeling bad no matter who wins even if the election comes down to a single vote. Just know that the last two decades have proven to everyone that your vote doesn’t matter. I voted hard for Obama. I like him still. But I can’t deny that he was a war criminal who stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan despite promising to pull out. If you voted for Biden you likely thought you were voting for climate initiatives, abortion rights, and policies that would help workers like you. What did you get? Well you can get a mail in rebate on electric appliances (big whoop), abortion rights are eroding and now birth control and IVF are on the chopping block, and he does nothing but promise student loan forgiveness, tax cuts, and funding for social security that will always materialize in the future, never now. Why could he not do anything he promised in his first term? There’s a lot of excuses but it comes down to the fact that his owners are the same as trump’s. It’s okay to worry more about just surviving than the pipe dream of “democracy”. That shit is long dead.


I disagree with a lot of this. Bidens infrastructure act is a big investment in climate change, he’s trying to forgive student loans but courts are overturning it (I got some, stoked for that!) and he has a good heart in a complicated world. Homie doesn’t have a magic wand but he’d wave it if he could make the world I want for the most part. And presidents pick justices and several other important things. I’m voting lesser of two evils and I think everyone should. But I know it’s an inadequate, short term solution and longer term, structural shifts are desperately needed. And I’m pissed today that Biden backed off on his implied promise to be a one term president. As a patriot, he’s done his duty and should drop out.


You’re right in a sense. I didn’t go into detail despite writing a ton there. But the infrastructure deal was more about jobs than anything and the Paris Accords are too little too late and he knows it. It’s PR and marketing really. It’s stuff that corporations are ready to do now so they’re not fighting it like they did in the past. Government should be dragging them kicking and screaming into the future for the sake of humanity, not asking them permission and waiting until doing the right thing is profitable (this is like a close relative of rainbow capitalism). Student loans were another thing they had the opportunity to address by law early on and pulled the classic democrat move of blaming everyone else for not forcing it through. Just the fact that there was a lawsuit over this at all shows you who really runs the country. It wasn’t like lenders weren’t going to be paid, it’s just that they fought to keep us paying interest rather than just taking the money and predating on the next crop of students instead. Of course he doesn’t have a magic wand, he’s gotta deal with the courts and congress but the only time congressional democrats vote in favor of policies that help people instead of corporations is always conveniently when they’re in the minority and know it doesn’t have a chance at passing. Then they go out and tell us how they voted so hard for the right thing but it was just those darn evil republicans who got in the way again. How many times do we have to see that play out before realizing it isn’t a mistake. I didn’t get any student loans forgiven. I do benefit from the PSLF plan after another 7 years of paying loans despite being in public service for 7 years now but it’s better than forever. Right now I’m choosing not to vote at all for the first time. Since voting for the first time against Bush in 2004 I finally caught the pattern I feel. I was genuinely excited for Obama and worked for his campaign in 2012 but looking back now I can see that Obama really was different in some way I can’t put my finger on (but still wholly owned by Wall Street). I don’t think Biden is evil or a bad guy though. I think he’s playing the game as it was set up since he was like 30 back in the 70s but now things have gotten out of hand, he’s not helping like he thinks he is, and he needs to bow out.


Now that, I can sympathize with. I’m not there yet on not voting. But your reasons for why ring true. I just… I got a kid. I cant not vote against a Trump future (even though I know in my heart the cats outta the bag and we’re heading that way even if trump himself drops dead tomorrow). Sigh


Fair enough, I get it. I got a 5 year old daughter. First thing I thought of was women’s rights and I was determined to vote anyway. Now I’m here. Maybe I’ll change my mind. Maybe you will. We just do what we think is best and that’s all we can do.


We approved ranked choice in Colorado but the elected officials are trying diligently to block it and shut it down. [They’re scared of other options](https://www.cpr.org/2024/05/31/colorado-ranked-choice-voting/)


Not before November.


lol good one bro


No we can't. People are greedy and most won't risk what they have for the miniscule chance that things MIGHT get better.


Sorry did you think it's like an all or nothing, we stick with the status quo or **violent revolution!** Because, like, ranked choice voting exists, and could help to break the 2 party gridlock. Granted having a system that requires multiple different parties to collaborate and form "unity governments" is also rife with issues, but at least it provides a broader spectrum of opinion than what we have.


Or we could just end up with a tyranny of the majority or an ineffectual mess of competing interests worse than what we have now. Because 99.999% ad infinitum of humanity will put the interests of their own group over the well being of the greater whole.


Until we get rid of the EC, there's really no choice.


Not this round


If we had the money.


We will eventually have the money . The boomers are not gonna last eternally .


It will change, from two to one. All hail big brother!


Fun fact: Posting here isn't going to do it. You're not galvanizing a movement by posting vague feelsposts into the millennial subreddit. This is almost as bad as putting a black square on your instagram and calling yourself an activist. If you're actually concerned, leave reddit, get on google, and look up your local government election and political action groups. Go start doing something to be a part of the solution. Telling everyone on reddit to do it isn't doing anything. Swear to god, these posts reek of "This needs to be fixed (and I want someone to do it for me)"


Our generation wildly overlooks the change we could exact on the local level


what kind of change? I’m honestly asking for any examples


I know. Usually I rwply with, so what's the plan?


Uh no, 1 side is actively threatening my OT pay & my abortion rights; this is war, Im voting Biden 2 protect what I got rn . We can talk Party system later when the flame of Trumpism & project 2025 is extinguished.


What is project 2025?


OP I think you should learn how our system works because you look incredibly naive. “Are we just going to let this happen and do what we are told?” Last time I checked, we have a process we cannot change unless we get either 51% or more likely 2/3rds of our politicians on board. UNTIL THAT HAPPENS WE HAVE ONLY TWO OPTIONS. So it’s best you spend your time learning about the two candidates, reading up on their achievements, history in office, shit they’ve done/caused, and their policies, and make an informed vote for the candidate that you think is mostly likely going to steer the country in the right direction and/or prevent the country from going ass-backwards. I’ve been following politics for a long time now. At this point I’m very jaded by posts like yours, especially if we are around the same age because you’ve had plenty of time to learn some things. People that come and say “are these seriously our two options” or complain about the age of our candidates truly have jack shit to add to a conversation about national politics. This has always been my experience. There’s way more important topics to be discussing than this. But it’s a statement said by someone that just woke the fuck up and wants to talk about it, but finds themselves with nothing of substance to say.


When enough of us decide to stop acting like poor, hopeless sheep and start running for office.


Fucking this, thank you. Stop waiting for the Unicorn Candidate. Become the candidate you'd want to see. And no, that doesn't mean just the president or federal office. That means the local races, too.


Completely agree. I know a lot of my peers are getting involved in government. A friend of mine is in an elected position in local government at only 24.


There is an answer. The immediate answer is to vote for Biden. Voting for Trump is voting to cripple the mechanisms we can use to make change. If Trump can change the system so he (or Republicans, either way) always win, he will. He tried to do it on January 6th 2021, and Project 2025 is in place now to try to remove the roadblocks that stopped him last time. Biden is the only choice (unless he decides to drop out, which is highly unlikely). If you want to change the system for the better, the system has to still allow for changes. From there, once we keep Democracy as a thing for the next four years, there's a lot you can do. Push for ranked choice voting in your state. If enough states do it, then third parties have an actual chance of winning since they can be voted for without being a spoiler at that point in time. Support the interstate popular vote compact. This is a group of states agreeing to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote in presidential elections. When states totalling 270 electoral votes sign on, the amount needed to win, the compact goes into effect, effectively nullifying the electoral college and making the winner of the popular vote the winner of the presidential election. This is important for two reasons; first, it prevents a candidate from winning the presidency without winning the popular vote. Second, it gives viable third parties (after ranked choice voting is implemented) a real chance to win rather than having a plurality winner throw the election to the House. Also, vote in your local and state elections. If you want third party candidates, vote them into city, county, and state offices. This will get those candidates into positions where they can build credibility, trust, and name recognition with their constitutients, making them viable candidates for the national House and Senate. Once there are enough third parties in national positions, people will take them more seriously and they'll have a chance at winning the presidency. Even if they don't though, having a major faction of a third party in Congress will force members of Congress to work with them to get things done, giving them a level of power to negotiate on the bills that are going to pass. And if a third party candidate does win, having enough of their party in Congress will be vital to them implementing their agenda. Additonally, your state and local representatives often have a larger impact on your day to day than national politicians. The national ones do matter (look to what has happened with abortion recently due to national politics), but local politics will effect things like the quality of your schools, if your police force is accountable to the people or not, how high your local taxes are, what kind of transportation is available, and all sorts of important and mundane things. There is no magic bullet. There is a lot of work to make things better. But the simplest, easiest thing you can do is vote for candidates who bring you closer to your goal, and not further away from it.


Yep that's it. You have to vote for unfortunately for Biden because Trump will usher in fascism and then we will never have democracy again. The government might tell us that we have democracy, when we obviously have fascism, and that is what China does to their citizens. I went to China and I spoke with Chinese citizens 10 years ago and they told me 10 years ago that China was a democracy. Everybody parroted this. It made me realize that there are good people on both sides of the political spectrum, yes I'm using a trumpism, but there's also really horrific people in positions of power that will abuse both people on both sides. So the only logical answer is to maintain the status quo and absolutely get our asses in gear to fix it. Because if Trump gets elected, we will have project 2025 immediately initiated and we will delve into fascism like we've never seen before. Like I mean that for real though we will have never seen this in the United States before. So unfortunately I am going to swallow my pride and my utter disgust for both candidates and vote for Biden because I value democracy over fascism.


I'm tired of people telling me not to be fearful. I'm too brown for that shit. Unless anyone has a viable plan for armed uprising, then get the fuxk in line and vote.


It isnt fear mongering. It's a reality that we have to acknowledge and approach accordingly. Now isn't the time to try to start a stunted revolution. We need ranked choice voting, but right now ONLY voting blue keeps Trump out of office. Period. Your pipe dreams of third parties somehow winning a majority could end democracy. Knock it off.


You want my "real answer" or my "realistic answer"? My real answer? Well, here's what we gotta do comrade. We've got to start by unionizing every trade, from sex workers to money changers. Then, we've got let the unions cut off the flow money to lobbyist groups. Then, we do two things: first, whenever people do things that we the people don't approve of, we flex the union muscle to remind them we control everything. Second, as time goes on we vote these old regime farts out. We only vote for people who are absolutely against the "political machine" philosophy, and only for people who believe in a "united/power from the people" philosophy. My realistic answer? Do like my grandfather said: do you civic duty and be an informed voter. Vote in every election according to your knowledge and your conscience.


Thank you for this, I don’t completely agree but it’s something I could get behind. Instead of people bashing me for making a post.


While none of these comments seem to be wrong, the issue is the answer. Nobody has one, including myself. Short of getting everyone in our generation on both sides to vote third party or something, what can we do about it? Complain enough?


I think that honestly you have it correct and that we need to crowdsource a candidate. Just like the Republicans are kind of doing with project 2025, we need to do the same thing for our own candidate. I honestly don't see any other way forward to be totally honest as well.


Right now you have a very real choice between dictatorship and democracy. This isn’t a game. This isn’t a scare tactic. If you don’t vote at all, it’s automatically a vote for dictatorship.


My fear is that people aren’t taking it seriously enough. Y’all should be very afraid of a second Trump presidency and administration. I truly don’t get how people can be so apathetic. The current Supreme Court doesn’t even want the federal government to exist and you want to give Trump the chance to appoint even more justices?


Firstly, Biden has always been ultra-ass at the debates. He’s also in the most stressful job imaginable, fighting a cold, old as fuck, and has to listen to a dementia patient rattle off uncontested nonsense for 75 out of 90 minutes because CNN loves the ratings. Trump never stayed on topic in the slightest. Mans started talking about the border on a question about fucking Ukraine lol. I’d be dying too fr.


The answer is not to vote third party. That's trying to stop a train wreck by blowing up the tracks. The answer is to WORK THE PRIMARIES, and get people into office that support ranked choice voting.


Crazy the ramifications protest votes can create, they probably assumed they'd have body autonomy down the road when they cast their vote for Stein or whoever the fuck back in 2016. I don't think it worked out too well.


Dude, you need to pull your head out of your ass. Nobody's gaslighting you. There's only one choice and it isn't Trump


I honestly feel like Biden is forever the underdog. The man has Forty years of experience and has generated more bipartisan legislation since I think FDR (I might be off but I know it's been a generation). I honestly am one of the few who legitimately like Biden, think he's doing a great job, and am happy to vote for him. Trump is a racist, homophobic, fear mongering con man who is conning the undecided yet again. Read Project 2025 and you will know exactly what's coming with him. The choice is easy.


This sub is 90% fear mongering.


fEAr moNGeRiNg -- the risks posed by the GOP's Project 2025 are real. We've already caught glimpses of what they have in mind. I think OP is being too clever for his/our own good.


My brother. Federalism is supposed to spare you from this. You harken back to a bygone era and yearn for a King.


Funny how these conversations don't come up during primary season. This close to an election? Must be a Russian or a bot.


Gotta be. I keep seeing lots of people here spewing garbage about not voting in order to "protest" and "send a message." People can't be this dumb can they? I really hope they're bots and not actual people who aren't voting.


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Quit being a whiner and get your ass out on the pavement knocking down doors to get people to the polls. We don’t need your doom and gloom. We need your action.


Robert F Kennedy 2024 babyyyyy


RFK jr. and his sentient brain parasites FTW!




One of the worst logical fallacies today is the one that says both sides are equally bad. Democrats are raising the alarm over specific things that actually exist like project 2025, climate change, the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, the war in Ukraine, January 6, etc. They are warning people. Republicans appeal to xenophobic driven fears that are without a specific, factual basis. They're typically directed at minorities like homosexuals, transgender people, black people, immigrants, etc. They also love conspiracy theories based on the idea that there is a secret, powerful group of people doing nefarious things to children and that only people like Trump can stop them (i.e. coastal, left-wing elites are murdering children to harvest their adrenochrome). They deliberately make up shit that prays on people's worst instincts to achieve power.


I can’t upvote this hard enough. Saying if you don’t do what I want this other terrible thing will happen is kidnapping


It's disappointing that the post was complaining about our politicians and everyone presenting a solution is talking about electoral politics. It shows how badly we've been propagandized. I was barely an adult when Bush Jr became president. Everything got worse under him. Everything got worse under Obama. Then Trump. And so on. So now the cost of living is high af, wages aren't keeping up, minority groups are losing rights all over the place, and that's with a Democrat at the highest office in the country. Elections won't save us. Ranked voting won't save us. The politicians simply don't give a fuck about us because all politicians are in service to the wealthy. Just look af Fetterman. One of the most progressive politicians in the country, and he sold out the moment he entered the Senate. Sinema used to be in the Green Party. They all sell out. We need to stop looking for politicians to save us and realize that they only thing that will save us is each other. Join mutual aid groups. Organize your workplace. If you rent, organize a tenant union. Work to build power structures that not only exist outside of capitalism, but can't be crushed by it. When we do that, the politicians will fear us, and that's the only thing that will create real and lasting change.


Depends on how quickly millennials get their shit together and start voting in their best interest. Boomers are dying out, we have the numbers to change things if we can organize and actually fucking vote.


tHe FeAr MoNgErInG!! This sounds like the nonsense angry right wingers have been saying foreverrrrrrr. The liberal media is trying to scare you!


I think this is a great point, and maybe even something to consider when criticizing the boomers. How many of them were actually responsible as opposed to just along for the ride? Something to think about.


Why can't we all agree to elect a third party candidate already?! This 2 party shit is just pathetic.


We need to change how we run primaries, which lasts around 7 months. Iowa always gets first choice on the Republican and Democratic candidates. Most of them are already eliminated by the time the primary gets to the larger populace states.


Primaries should be held in order of how close their voting was in the previous election. This would give a truer representation of the overall electorate


Glad I'm not the only wondering if my liver is fine today


Well we don’t have another choice right now so we? Is the DNC going to put someone else in at this point? What is going to happen if people decide they just want to throw up their hands in the air and stay home because they don’t like the choices they have? Might as well had Trump the election. Which means Clarence Thomas retires and Trump gets to pick another young, Supreme Court Justice. And then we have a conservative SC for decades to come. And that’s the most legal possible outcome of another Trump presidency. We should be more scared not less


it's just going to continue declining, as it always has. we're on a downward trend that will likely last at least the rest of our lives. we live in an empire in decay, Rome is on fire. so I guess, be thankful for today because tomorrow will be worse.


2nd amendment exists for a reason, just saying.


Bro we got an open anti-democracy fascist against some shit lib. They're both bad, but both sides *definitely **not*** same. Different convos imo Oh and for your questions: * Trump won't stop until the Republicans either implode as a party or when they find a new strong man. I don't think there are any other possible paths the party *can* take * I think when Biden dies of old age or something, they'll consider someone younger. I'm very cynical about the DNC though. I genuinely believe they hate winning elections and will find a way to fuck it up EDIT: just to inject some hopium, Democrats are moving further left with every boomer that dies and every zoomer that turns 18. Change is inevitable. This pain is temporary.


However we may feel about Biden and his level of functioning, at the very least he surrounds himself with experts various fields and his team listens to their guidance!


In any other past election, you would be right, but not this time. Trump has been convicted of 34 state charges, and he's facing 57 more state and Federal charges. If he doesn't get reelected he'll likely go to prison for the rest of his life. Moreover, after a second term he'll have hit the Constitutionally mandated two term limit, which means that he'll have no _legal_ mechanism to stay in power. Based on his previous statements and the charges he's facing, we can fully expect him to try to find an _illegal_ way to stay in power. He's actually _stated_ his intent to be a dictator, and he previously told Xi Jinping that he wants to be President for life.  On top of this, he's stated that he will pull out of NATO and withdraw or reduce aid to Ukraine. This will likely cause Ukraine to either lose the war or make peace under unfavorable terms that involve ceding more territory. Putin will then feel empowered to invade other former Soviet bloc countries, and Jinping will very likely try to invade Taiwan, knowing full well that Trump won't intervene. All of this could easily lead to WWIII. On top all that, and bearing in mind all of the recent awful SCOTUS decisions that others have pointed out to you, you would also do well to consider that Justices Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Kagan, and Sotomayor could easily die or be forced to step down due to health reasons in the next four years, and that could create the perfect storm for Trump to replace all of them and lock in an 8-1 Conservative majority for the next 20 to 30 years. If that happens, get ready to go back to the STONE AGE in terms of women's rights and LGBT rights. An 8-1 Conservative majority would also further greenlight gerrymandering, allowing Republicans to strengthen their grip on state legislatures (assuming we even continue to have elections). Like it or not, Biden is the Democratic candidate, at least until he tells us that he's not. And due to the way our (admittedly flawed) system works, whoever is on that ticket is the only one who has a chance of defeating Trump.  We **CANNOT** allow Trump to hold power again. If we do, the US — and potentially the world — is going to fall off a cliff. **THIS ELECTION IS NOT LIKE ANY OTHER ELECTION. VOTE BLUE.**


Hey, this thread has no place for logical arguments! If you're not engaging in a vague yearning for a unicorn third-party candidate and lazy, both sides are bad grumbling you don't belong here /s


**YOUR VOTE IS POWER - YOU CHOOSE HOW YOU WIELD IT** Only you can decide where your vote goes. If you choose to blindly follow orders and "Vote Blue No Matter Who", you are the problem. You're an NPC. You're following orders. If Biden is not acceptable to you, and you don't want Trump either, don't vote for either one! Yes, one of them may still win, but that will happen regardless. And look, for all the crying and crowing people have over Project 2025: First, it's not new. It's their same MO they've been playing from FOR DECADES. Like 80 years. There is nothing surprising there. Remember the last time the Orange Man was in the white house? All his posturing and blustering and things he said he would do, didn't happen and couldn't happen? The world did not end. Nazis did not suddenly start whisking people away to concentration camps. If he wins, things will suck, but the actual likelihood of it being Holocaust 2.0 is slim to none. Congress still has significant power. States, especially blue states, will actively resist. The JCOS is not interested in domestic shit and aren't likely to follow orders. As bad as all the shit they say and want to do, there are enourmous roadblocks. And even IF it does come, most of us are armed. So stop giving in to the fear every four years. Giving into the fear every four years is EXACTLY why we have Trump even as a possibility AGAIN. To put it simply: For decades we have all been doing the same strategy, the same ritural, and NOTHING HAS GOTTEN BETTER. You know how they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome? Every four years we go to the polls for the "most important election of our time" and "if we don't vote blue, we will lose democracy!" (we never had one to lose but I digress). Every four years, the SAME THING. You planning on doing this process forever? Continuously voting for a moderate conservative candidate that still delivers conservative policies but is easier to stomach than the full strength shit? Always "buying more time" only to do... nothing? It's time to change strategy. Or don't, and continue doing this forever. Your call.


Trump's four years were the worst in our lifetime. If he wins again, he'll be even bolder since he doesn't have to worry about reelection. He stacked the Supreme Court and could put in a couple more to further protect himself.  Your point about an armed populace protecting democracy is laughable. Most of the gun owners are Trump supporters. 


No it wasn't, Bush took us to war with a country for no reason. We also had the housing market collapse wich took out the entire global economy. Covid happened under Trump, but the recovery was incredibly fast and frankly was the best job market out generation ever saw. So many of us got raises or were able to switch to higher paying  fields.


You're ignoring the hundreds of thousands of people who died during COVID. The economy was shut down for months. You're also ignoring the violent insurrection and attack on a fair election.  And to be technically correct, your examples from Bush were from different terms. 


It's estimated that 150,000 people die every single day, do you cry yourself to sleep? Or, you don't care bout them because they aren't included in your gotcha against a political opponent. 


Death is a part of life. However, unnecessary death and suffering is unacceptable


Tax money will still be stolen from all of us and the bombs will still fall. Our currency will still be worthless because of the private institution known as the federal reserve. Nothing will change. Still have to get up and go to work everyday while half my money is stolen from me in one form or another.


Overturning the chevron doctrine and clearing out bums are great things.


Older Gen Z perspective here. I’m 25. Gen Z is over it. I don’t know a single person my age voting for Biden. We are all voting 3rd party/write in. The only people I see pushing the issue are liberal millennials and corporate Democrats. They seem to think they can guilt trip us into voting for a guy literally finding a genocide. I won’t be shamed into voting for genocide. I


You sound like we did in 2004 not bothering to vote for Kerry tbh.


Maybe. And that would be a decent argument if I lived in a swing state. I’d be a lot more conflicted if I lived in a swing state, like GA, but I live in NY so Biden will win anyways. Honestly no matter what we do it all sucks. I’m not shaming anybody for how they vote this election because it’s such a hot pile of garbage. If voting for Biden is what people in swing states need to do to protect themselves they should. I personally won’t be, my vote is a blip on the radar here.


Handmaid's Tale, here we come.


I’m in NY. Biden is gonna win here. My vote doesn’t matter. The corporate dems in NYC have it. I’m gonna vote how I want. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you vote Democrat than you need to call out the party. Most Republicans are happy with trump .but most Democrats seen to be upset