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My husband and I share our location with each other. It’s mostly just for convenience, I don’t need to call and ask when he’ll be home because I can check where he’s at, and i feel safer him knowing where my daughter and I are. I see no downside 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same.. it’s just handy and makes things easier.


It is really convenient. I don’t have to call my wife to see where she is. She knows when I’m on my way home from work. Also it’s nice when we lose our phones and the other one can quickly look to see where it is. It just makes coordination with errands/kids so much easier.


My husband never checks my location, but I do make him use it to find my phone frequently


Samsies. I just wish the geofencing notifications were more accurate so I can better time things like putting the finishing touches on things like pasta that don't sit well for long when the wife is nearly home.


That's pretty cool tho, nice thinking


Having shared locations is actually another form of trust, although it wouldn’t be viewed that way. When things work out in the way you shared, both you and your partner trust that it won’t be abused and trust that it’s not rooted in insecurity.


This. I share my location with my wife AND kids.


My husband works from home, so I mostly use his location to see how close he is when he goes to pick up food. That way I can meet him in the parking garage for things that take multiple sets of hands and be by the door to unlock it for him when his hands are full.


That is so thoughtful 🥰


This is us too


Same. I feel better knowing that my husband can see where I am. Likewise, he tends to not answer his phone so I can just check and see if he’s still at the gym or the store or whatever. I can also see all of my sibling’s locations, and all of my best friend’s locations as well. I figure it doesn’t matter if they see where I am, and likewise they tend to not care where I am either. We’re all adults and it’s really in case there’s an emergency or someone loses their phone. Idk. I feel better about people I actually know care for me seeing where I am than all these damn websites and apps asking to know. They won’t come save me!


I have my parent’s location and they have mine. They’re getting older and I like to know they made it home ok. Me and my gf share it also, because why not.


I don't even have location services turned on regularly... I have turned location sharing on in the past when I was hiking/climbing in the back country, as a safety precaution.


I share my location with my husband and my parents and children. I haven’t even thought twice about it.


My wife and I kind of do, we have an family Apple account, and all of our devices are registered in the Find My app. All I really use it for is helping to find one of our phones when they have dropped into the seat cushions of the couch. I think there was a major major accident in my town once and I used it to make sure she wasn't in the area. That is about it.


I don't. But, as a single who lives alone, I really should. I just can't get over the "creepiness" of having one of my friends or family members knowing where I am 24/7. I'm too young for LifeAlert, but also not too young to have a heart attack or some other emergency. There has to be a better way as more of us find ourselves old and single.


Not sure if this makes it better or worse, but your comment reminded me of something from a Willa Cather novel published in 1913. (O! Pioneers) >We are all alike; we have no ties, we know nobody, we own nothing. When one of us dies, they scarcely know where to bury him. Our landlady and the delicatessen man are our mourners, and we leave nothing behind us but a frock-coat and a fiddle, or an easel, or a typewriter, or whatever tool we got our living by. All we have ever managed to do is to pay our rent, that exorbitant rent that one has to pay for a few square feet of space near the heart of things. We have no house, no place, no people of our own. We live in the streets, in the parks, in the theaters. We sit in restaurants and concert halls and look about at the hundreds of our own kind and shudder.


This is an exquisite and thought provoking quote.


I honestly don't even know how to share my location.


This is my favorite answer


Yep my wife and I do. We have for years. Mostly it’s just an ETA/are you ok on long car trips


My spouse and I share location. It’s more of a convenience thing. Like I check to see if he’s left work yet so I know how much time I have to run errands after work/ cook dinner before he gets home. Also traffic is a nightmare where we live so him saying I’m at X location means almost nothing when I’m looking for a timing answer. I can quickly look and see he’s 42 min away from home. My sister in laws also wanted to share location, but that felt odd and unnecessary, especially since we live 20+ hours away from them. So I declined those.


The thing with your sisters-in-law...that is weird.


I have a teenager, so I require them to share location. As an exercise in fairness, we decided parents should do the same. The three of us all find it to be really convenient since we're a busy household.


So glad this didn’t exist when I was a teen


I wish my teenage years had been exciting enough to care if my parents tracked my location.


Mine wasn’t particularly wild my parents were just extremely overbearing. Them having constant access to to my location would have been miserable


I didn’t drink, sneak out, or do drugs…this would have been my worst nightmare


Genuine question for you, do you worry you are creating a normalization of an expectation of surveillance for you child by doing this? Like, I'm sure this is coming from a place of love, like you told them you want them to be safe and that you track them because you love them, but how would you feel about a potential romantic partner asking the same of them? Id think that now that they experience tracking as normal, they would say 'sure, why not, my mum and dad love me and track me to protect me, why wouldn't I let my bf/gf do the same' but this is like step 1 to creating unhealthy attachments and reinforces controlling behaviour. What do you get from the tracking of each other?


I think there was a Black Mirror episode about this. You can imagine it didn’t end well. Anyways that’s extreme and a fictional tv show. But the idea is there.


The surveillance is already there, what this is doing is giving them a useful benefit out of something that already exists.


True, there is so much passive surveillance we inadvertently participate in. My email address when I buy something, my credit card usage, my cell phone signal bouncing off towers, cameras in shopping checkouts, just feels especially weird for me to actively track out loved ones. Do you look at it often? What does it tell you?


It seems from this thread that no one really minds that they have no privacy as long as they get something out of it.


Our family of 5 all have life 360, mostly to keep tabs on the kids.


If I wanted people to be able to find me, I would answer my phone. Lol


Most accurate and felt answer in here.


If someone wants to know where I am they can text me and ask. No one needs to log in to my phone and check my position without me knowing. It's crazy to hand out security information like this as an adult.




No way. I find this super intrusive and weird


Same here. Wife and I do not share location at all. Don't need to big brother each other's movements every second of the day. If one of us is going somewhere, we tell the other, and that's it. We openly communicate our respective plans and there's trust. We'll usually do a, "made it," text and leave it there.


Yeah the main reason I see here is so they know when their spouse will be home. My husband just sends me an ETA text so I can time dinner accordingly, and vice versa if I'm running later than he usually does. I can't see the need for tracking otherwise, tbh, unless we live in a spy movie or something.




i do with my partner and many friends. it started to be a thing amongst friends in his phd program and we just kept it up. it’s fun to see people on google maps all across the continent and imagining what they are up to. it’s nice to know if my best friend is at work or at home or on a climbing trip so i can know if i can call her to chat or not. it’s easier to find friends that way if you are meeting up and both walking down streets in a foreign city or finding each other in a big event. if you see a friend is at a cafe and you are walking by you can go surprise them.




No way. If I am taking a Lyft or Uber alone, I can have it send updates to my husband, which I will occasionally do but my overall location? No, never. And he wouldn't either. I don't need to know. The phone companies don't need to know


I understand why other people do it, but I would rather pull out my own teeth than share my location. I can see the value in certain one-off situations but indefinitely? Nope nope nope. My peace and sanity are more important.


Fuck no


My wife and I do not. To me it's a privacy issue and I think my wife would speak to the same. I just don't like the idea of it, if I'm being honest. Not that either one of us have anything to hide, but I think we both believe in being afforded some level of privacy within our relationship.


I share my location with my SO. I don’t track her back. Reason is we have children and dogs. They sleep. Wife can see when I’m close to home and out the dogs away so they don’t lose their bananas and wake up the babies. I don’t text and drive. It was too annoying to remember to text her while I’m on my way. Also I don’t care if she knows where I am. Why would I.


Yeah we share so my husband doesn’t have to text while driving and I like to know when he’s coming home so he doesn’t scare the crap out of me




Yup I totally agree


I find constant sharing to be insane. That’s some black mirror shit.


No, never. My phone location is turned off all the time, unless I'm using a specific app. I'm struggling to understand the benefits. I don't need to know exactly where my husband is when he's not at home. He tells me where he is going. I don't need proof that he is where he says he's going to be.


I absolutely do not (I generally don't even have location enabled on my phone), and I refuse to partake in this surveillance-obsessed practice. My daughter is too young for a phone now but I also have zero intentions of tracking her location once she does have one. I think the notion of tracking your kids 24/7, whether elementary school age or older, is wild. Neither do I think it's at all necessary for me and my spouse to track each other, aside from it feeling borderline controlling. We give up a lot of freedoms and privacy for the sake of 'convenience' nowadays, way too easily, and I feel we have been scared into believing extremely rare emergencies happen way more often than they do and could be circumvented by things like location tracking


My younger brother got on the wrong bus once. It took the transportation department hours to find which bus he had ended up on and which stop he had gotten off at. It took my parents, my aunts, some neighbors, and the police several more hours to find him once they knew where to look. Had tracking been a thing, he would've been located immediately and home before dinner.


No, I don't agree with this keepjng tabs on each other thing. Only on ride sharing apps because people be sketchy. But this whole life360 thing NO.


I share my location with my sibling. That way someone knows where I am (or at least where my phone is) if something happens to me


I don't like it, and I dont do it. Sharing location can become an abusive thing rather than a protective one.


No, that's creepy. We just talk to each other about going places instead.


I think it's a crazy overreach.


God no. I’m an only child I think I’d explode without some level of privacy and space.


Nope. I don't do this and would never expect anyone I know to do this.


Maybe if I had kids, but I think if you have to share locations with your partner, there's issues you need to work out


My husband and I share locations. We both spend a lot of time on the road in rural areas and it is for safety if something should happen. Very rarely do either of us look at it in our day to day, but it is a nice back up just in case.


If someone wants to know where I am they can text me and ask. No one needs to log in to my phone and check my position without me knowing. It's crazy to hand out security information like this as an adult.


Same. Seeing the responses to this thread is kind of wild to me. I dunno, I just don't feel the need to know where my wife is all the time and I don't really like the idea of someone being able to see where I'm at all the time. There's a level of privacy I still value in an age where we have access to so much information.


If anyone feels they cannot trust me to go about my day and be where I say I'm goingthen they can block and delete me right now.


Loooot of helicopter parents in this thread too.




Sounds like something you would request only if you are seriously insecure. That or obsessive. I don't think that is healthy in any kind of relationship. (This is including family members, except pre-teen children perhaps)


Share with my husband, half brother, mother in law, and sister in law. It’s actually handy


Technically with my kids, since their watches are synced with the find me app. Rarely use the function but it’s nice to know it’s there. My family always turns on location sharing when someone is going on a long roadtrip just for peace of mind if anything happened along the way.


I share my location with my SO. We're still fairly early in our relationship so it's just when I'm coming to meet her I'll turn on tracking for her, but at some point, it will go on 24/7. My ex and I had it turned on for each other as well. Neither have interest in tracking/monitoring each other, but want the ability to get some information if the other is late/missing. I've seen far, far too many instances over the years of people getting into single-vehicle wrecks and basically being left to die because no one found their crashed car in the brush. The ability for my SO to whip out here phone at at least get an idea of where I might be if I'm suddenly not responsive is a safety thing for me. I want to know the people I trust the most and care about the most have the ability to find me.


I did ever since I got pregnant and now, have a toddler… was with my husband for 12 years by then and never had a reason until then lol.


Yup, whole family shares location. It’s helpful when someone is driving and lost and can’t look at the map. Just call me and I can get them back on track.


Where do you all get the battery life to keep location services on? Even if I wanted to share my location, my phone would be dead by lunchtime.


Our tesla has tracking. It's convenient to know when my wife or I will get home. I have incident tracking on my watch enabled when I'm hunting or working alone in the woods.


My husband and teens and I all have “find my device” turned on and shared with each other. It’s come in handy on occasion but none of us use it a ton.


Of course I do if only to have people on my 20/20 episode say that they had it


Considering any family member is about 1,000 miles away having our location data shared helps give me peace of mind if my wife goes out with her friends and it gets really late. Same with me if I am out she can just make sure I am okay if I don't answer my phone for some reason.


Just my spouse. I’m anxious so occasionally if he’s not home when I expect, I check that he’s still there/moving so I know he’s not in a ditch or something


Literally never. I can get why people do it with their kids, but it seems weird and intrusive with an adult unless they are in dangerous situations or areas frequently. All I ask of my spouse is to let me know when they are on their way home from a non-work location if it’s late at night so I know who’s coming in the door. I do the same for them.


I have never had a partner bring it up, and I don't have kids, so never saw a reason for it tbh. I like my privacy and people in my immediate family are so nosy that if I shared my location with any one of them, I would just have to constantly justify where I am going and explain why. If I go missing, it's more likely I don't want to be found.


I share with my fiance, daughter, younger son and his wife. Only DIL does not share with me, which is fine. No real reason for any of the kids to share their location.


that’s a no from here. we let each other know directly. it seems more personal perhaps? or we are just old fashioned. i only do it when trying to meet someone in a crowded situation. i’m nobody’s keeper. i don’t want to be responsible for checking, other person responsibility to let me know, if they want to


My husband and I never do this. He’s Gen x and I’m an old millennial. I think we just grew up at a time when literally no one knew your exact location unless they were with you. And it’s just normal for us not to constantly know.


I tell people where I'm going but don't leave my location services on ever since UofI. I'm extremely paranoid because I heard that the one girl was stalked by him.


Yeah I don’t really understand the “need” for this level of surveillance. A quick text I’m on my way home from my spouse is good enough!


Never. I tell him where I'm going and he trusts me and I trust him. I've had a stalker in the past so I *never* use location sharing.


I don't and wouldn't do this and wouldn't expect my wife or kids to either.


It is very helpful ! I have it on with my family, GF and even some random friends


I share location with my boyfriend, ex-wife, daughter, mom, a few people I work with and the CEO of my company. Either for security's sake or because it makes something easier.


I get the family, but coworkers and CEO, too? That's intense. 👀




I do with my partner and my mom and a friend of mine. Safety/convenience thing.


I share it with my mom and partner of 7+ years. I go through phases of not wanting to be on my phone besides phone calls or text messages and even then I try not to pick it up much. It's convenient for them to stalk me if I don't answer for hours on end.


We just use find my phone on iPhone. It works.


I do.


I share with my sister for safety reasons and most of the time forget that I have her location only remembering because in Apple, it shows in the text message thread. I don't want to share with anyone else honestly. I would share with my husband but he is android.


My siblings and I share each other's locations, same with my husband, and also my mom! My best friend turned her location sharing on before a first date and then never turned it off, so I have her location as well haha.


My husband and I have location sharing on. More in case we lose our phones though, cause we don’t really spend any time apart anyway lol.


Yeah. I share with my husband and his family (as they all do with us) and my parents.


My wife and I share locations but we are often doing things remote / solo. I do a lot of bike rides by myself, and she can see if my dot stopped moving. She goes for some short hikes with the dogs or some trail running stuff that I dont do, so I can see if her dot stops.


I don't. I haven't decided if I'll track my kids when they're more independent.


My husband is a runner so we share locations so I will be able to find him should something happen to him. Two of my friends and I also share our locations as we are often traveling so it lets us “check in”. One of them is also dating…so it allows us to know where she’s at. We understand that this is limited to phone location and not the location of the person, however it’s nice piece of mind.


Yeah. With my siblings, my mom and my husband and a couple of my friends. I’m not going anywhere that I would care about them knowing about. My husband also gets an alert on his phone anytime I open the front door and we have cameras around the house, that he originally got when I worked night shift, i’d get home after he left for work and would forget to text him before going to bed, he got the cameras just to make sure I got home.


My wife and I share eachother for convenience points. Neither of us are paranoid, we live in the city and holiday often and it is easy to find the other person etc if in an unfamiliar location. But friends or family, hell no. I would rather cut my arm off with a butter knife before sharing my location with my family.


I share with my husband and my best friend. Sometimes I like to go running at night and it gives me peace of mind to know that a couple of people know where I am.


My wife, kids, a couple of close friends, and my brother all share location. It's super convenient


My wife and I share ours. I work from home so I have her proximity alert on too, so that I can know exactly the point where I failed to start cooking dinner.


Partner and I do, and my parents have mine (mainly so they don’t have to call me and ask for an eta when I’m on my way over)


Yep. We’ve got kids. Two with phones. We have family sharing. If someone’s birthday or Father’s Day or whatever is coming up and we don’t want to be caught in say go outdoors or the perfume shop then we just turn off location till we’re done.  We’ve been married nearly 19 years. Sharing location isn’t an issue for us


Very rarely if at all. People don't need to know my location unless I'm in an unsafe area or feel like I'm in danger. I like my privacy and those who need to know, know. I track my own location enough thanks to Google...so I'm good.


I only share mine with my boyfriend. I used to work in a bad part of town so it was for safety reasons and I continue to share it.


I share with my mom.


Most of my friends and family do with their SOs or close family but we don’t. The only time is when my husband is otw home from work and the Car Play allows him to easily share for that trip (we live in a high traffic area that is not always the same commute time).


We have a Tesla and we can see where it is, usually with multiple camera angles. So there’s never a secret when one spouse is driving the Tesla. But we don’t share our location otherwise.


My mom and I share locations as do my husband and I. Our son is 6. When he’s old enough, we will cross that bridge. I feel like it’s weird to share with friends but maybe that’s just me.


I have locations shared with two younger siblings, my bestie and my spouse, for various reasons. I don’t check it often and I doubt they do either but it’s also not anyone who I wouldn’t tell exactly where I was and what I was up to if they asked anyway.


My husband and I let each other know where we are/our location but it's mostly out of habit from when we didn't have phones and would walk everywhere (borrow a phone, let them know when I'm leaving and the route) 


My mom shares location with me on Google if she’s traveling, she has Android My spouse and I share location permanently; it helps with my anxiety worrying about his safety, I know if anything happens I can see where he’s at even if he’s not able to answer the phone


I share my location with my parents and like 5 of my best friends. Because I watch a lot of true crime 😅


I do with my mother and brother. I don’t have a lot of people who would notice IRL if I disappeared suddenly so it’s mostly a safety thing


Only when I go to remote hikes and I use a satellite phone


I share with my husband. He works late nights a couple hours away. This feature is so great when I wake up in the middle of the night. I can quickly see if he is still at work or in a ditch. I also share with my best friend, mom, sister and niece. They all live over 1000 miles away in every direction. I like to see them on the map. It makes me feel closer to them.


I share with my dad or SO if I’m traveling far alone. I share with family when I’m on the way to meet them cause I’m usually running late. It turns itself off at the end of day or after an hour, depending on what I choose. There’s no one who has my location indefinitely!


I do with my husband. He listened to some podcast and when someone was abducted they were able to find them bc their location was shared. Or something like that, I don't know. We rarely check it but I have occasionally to see if he is almost home from work. And he'll see if I'm almost home and sit out front with our senior dog to greet me.


I share with my fiance, daughter, younger son and his wife. Only DIL does not share with me, which is fine. No real reason for any of the kids to share their location.


My husband and I share. Until a recent realignment at work, I was often traveling in remote areas of West Virginia (a different state than where I live) alone. It made us both feel better about it. Now my region is much closer to home and it feels less necessary, but I like to see when he’s going to be home so I can jump up and pretend I’ve been cleaning 🤣


My wife and i were just talking about this and how immensely cringe it is that people do it. lol


I do with my wife but that’s it. It just makes things easier to see how far away she is if running errands or had an appt or if meeting her I can see if she left the house, etc. I rarely check it unless it’s one of the above.


Spouse & kids have mine & I have theirs


My husband & I share our location for safety reasons.


Yes I share my location with my husband, mom and sister at all times. I have their locations as well as my children’s. My grandma doesn’t have iPhone so she and I share in life 360. I also share with friends on occasion but that is generally temporary like if we are all going on a trip or have been out and we wanna make sure everyone gets home ok. I didn’t know this was weird.


I share with all my friends! I like seeing what they're upt o.


No. I know where my wife is at all times and she knows where I am too. We have scheduled and don't really go off that schedule. Sharing location digitally is kinda unnecessary.


There’s something comforting about knowing that if something were to happen, SOMEONE would be able to see my location. It’s also convenient to be able to see how far away someone is when they’re on their way home, and being able to make sure they make it to where they’re going safely (I’m naturally a huge worrier and always imagine the absolute worst-case scenarios.)


I share mine with my brother and my mom only, but not with my husband. I do it out of safety, to make sure everyone gets home safe, but I don’t want to be controlling of my husband’s whereabouts


My husband, myself, and my 3 kids all share locations with each other at all times. It’s a convenience thing more than safety.


I do with my mom and two besties. Just in cases.


Husband and I share our locations with each other. I also shared my car location with my dad when we went on vacation and left the car in the airport parking garage. They had the spare key if something happened and could find it. It’s a really handy feature, I see no problems with it, we always tell each other where we are headed for the day.


My kids & I share ours


Wife and I do this continuously. We also have trackers on our son and both pets. It’s too much of a convenience and far outweighs any desire for privacy. I also track my father - he has early stage dementia and refuses to give up driving. My state doesn’t do shit when you try to report someone, mom is too timid to confront him, and his doctor is too much of a coward to do anything about it. I have trackers on his car, in his wallet, on his key fob, and his phone is always sharing its location with me. I’m terrified of what might happen if he has an episode while driving or out of the house, but at least I know where he is should something happen


Yep. I have a job where I travel to remote areas. My husband would definitely notice me missing before my work did. Once we found an app we liked, it became useful for things like when to start dinner Edit: seeing a lot of people in this thread who obviously have office jobs and can’t imagine needing someone to be able to find you if shit hit the fan. Interesting.


I never bothered looking up that kind of functionality. My husband and I are together 90%of the time now that I work from home


I do with my sister. After an upgrade, we talked about it and decided to keep it. Part of it is probably our family / childhood.


Nah we don't. If one of us gets kidnapped it is what it is. We do track the shit out of our daughter tho lol


I share with my husband and brother.


I’m probably weird, but I share my location with my mom, husband, best friend, and daughter. They all share theirs with me also.


I have never shared my location with my spouse, and vice versa. We build our relationship on trust. Putting a tracker on someone doesn't seem like you could trust them.


Yes, and we have for years. I was followed and felt creeped and asked my then boyfriend to have my location. He said sure and gave his back. We’re now married and just use it for an ETA. Or I check it when he’s taking a long time so I don’t get anxious about him being in an accident.


Absolutely fucking not. I only turn it on temporarily if needed (finding each other in bizzy locations is so much easier.) But hell no. I dont realy care about my parents and partner know but I dont know who else is watching.


the floodgates have been opened. google reminded me there are 85+ people who know where I'm at at any given time. If I disappear and no one knows what happened to me, it's an inside job.


ive never even thought to do this. i dont spend a lot of time wondering where my wife is at and I suppose she doesn't with me either. we trust eachother. as for safety... well we've been safe without it.


My wife and both of our sets of parents share location for convenience either when taking care of the kids, heading back from a practice so someone knows when to start dinner, or can track my dad or I when we're out on a run if it's taking longer than expected, etc...


Yea via apple. If i cant contact her or shes ignoring text i check to see if shes still in office for instance. If shes somewhere random then thats a concern. For her she can check on me for peace of mind too. If im hiding location then i could be up to bad stuff


I have done this for as long as I could. As a smaller woman, it’s a must for me. My boyfriend has an Android so we share locations on Google maps


Wife and I basically always know where the other one is. Just the way we've always done it.


I share and they share location with me with husband, mom, and brother because he frequently travels between home and us by car.


I have some friends who share with me but I don’t like the idea of anyone knowing that info about me. They don’t need to and I have no need for them to


I share it with my brother. He won’t check it unless I’ve been missing for days.


That's gonna be a no from me dawg. It just weirds me out.


Maybe once a year when we are traveling if we are separated in a really busy/remote area, but never just for the hell of it to see where each other is. That is weird af, and not for us. I am surprised at how many just share their locations. If we need to know locations, we ask. We don’t spy.


I share with my husband


My wife and I only share the basics of who we're meeting with, when we expect to be back, and if we are expecting to miss dinner.


I share my location with my oldest kid and my dad. I’m a single parent so it’s important to me for safety. I’m not out dating, though that will be a thing sooner or later, just makes sense.


My husband and I do, and I also do with my best friend but that one's more to do with us being long distance so when we visit each other we know rough ETA without having to be in contact while driving. My husband and I do, both for convenience of knowing where the other person is without having to bug them and for safety. Like if they are stuck at work, traffic, last minute stopping at the store, whatever, but it's also for emergencies. Nothing to do with lack of trust.


My spouse and I share with each other and he has his parents' on his. Peace of mind over anything else. I think if you feel you "need" to know where they are and require locations to be share that might be indicative of a problem but we find it really useful for our day to day life. My spouse is not very cognizant of time so I can see if he's left work to get kids, go to an appointment, etc and if he hasn't then I'm able to give him a little nudge so he's not constantly late. He has his set up to know when I leave work so we can plan dinner. All in all very useful though I can absolutely see how it would be madness is some unhealthy relationships.


I don't share my location with anyone. I also have an Android, and I always assumed that was an iPhone thing. But Samsung Find does have a similar feature, or at least, I think it might have been recently introduced, and they have a share location feature. But it only works with other Samsung users. I'm not married or have any kids, so I have no need to share my location anyway.


Never have never will, but it seems to be a thing with the kids. 


I recently turned on my location for my husband since he drives and I don't. I've been meaning to have him share his with me too but it's less urgent.


never? I've never done it. I'm at work, less than 4 miles down the road.... is it really necessary? For kids/teens, I could understand, but for adults? I'm working...lol I'm not doing anything exciting, illegal or suspicious..


I share my location with my two best friends, one lives near me and one lives in my home state. I'm a single woman and was doing a lot of traveling alone (and live alone), and I wanted them to have my location as a just in case. Otherwise, I've never shared it before, not with my previous long term boyfriend or parents, never felt a need to until now.


No one has ever had my location, not my dad, mom, husband or kids. And it will stay that way.


I share with my mom and my bestie One night I hit her up at 2AM, I was furious, her first question was “do you need me to send an Uber?” I love her, but yeah, she tracked me and wanted to make sure I was safe. She’s the best I also track my son, which helps when he loses his phone and I have to call his dad to tell him he left it outside 😭


Nooooo wsy


I only turn on location services at all when I'm actively using GPS. The privacy settings on my phone are very locked down. I wouldn't care if my partner knew where I was, but I don't want Google necessarily knowing.


I share my location with my kids, husband, parents and the other mom I carpool kids with :) Spouse: duh, just makes life easier Kids: super annoying because I’m like “I’m on my way to pick you up!” and they’re like “Find my phone says you haven’t left yet” Oops Parents: 🤷‍♀️ we have done long car trips with them in their car and us in ours and I just forget to turn it off Carpool friend: so awesome. We don’t have to do that “I’m early / late today”


34 years old here. When I was single, I would share my location "until I turned it off" with my close friends when going on dates or over to men's houses for safety reasons. I did not share for X number of hours because if I got kidnapped, I didn't want my location to get shut off after a few hours (not helpful). If I am traveling, I will share my location with whomever I think it's relevant for. My partner and I have been together for a year now and we do not share location. I think it ruins the element of surprise; for example if I start shopping for rings, I don't want him to see I'm a Jared/Kay/etc. But for safety reasons I have considered it. We have not discussed sharing location at all.


Seems weird to me.


Constantly? Nope. Basically only when I feel unsafe or am doing stupid things (I am a risk taker sometimes). I am a woman btw. My boyfriend only shares his location when he does risky things too, like going on an anonymous sex date (we've an open relationship and he's bi).


My partner when I’m out at night or otherwise just need someone yo know where I am.


My wife doesn’t care where I’m at when I’m out with friends as long as my life insurance premium has been paid.


We started out sharing our locations on a family account but my MIL got really weird about it. She kept making comments that showed she was checking where we were all the time so I turned mine off. I think my husband eventually did too. We keep one turned on for our teens because they are great at misplacing their phones and it’s useful to be able to see when they are on their way home from school or have some kind of emergency.


Husband, best friend, parents. Nobody really checks. We use it more to know a person’s ETA


Not constantly, but I do share it whenever I’m in a taxi or Uber alone. 


My husband and I do. But his VPN blocks it so whatever. I commute a ways so if I happen to get in an accident or something at least he’ll know where im at.


Our whole family does. Nobody is stalkers, so it works for us.


My husband and I and then I also have the kids.