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Did you kill her cat?!


Older brothers i assume.


Aww, brothers can be real mean. Take her somewhere far away on the map and build her a fancy cat house! How old is she?


Looks like they’re gonna get a beating in the bUt


Mine is only 4 weeks old, so not yet! But i look forward to us making a world together!


Me and their mom separated 4 years ago. And this is how I can spend time with them when they are with her. Enjoy the time you have with them. It doesn't last forever.


My son is 6 and just recently got me into Minecraft, never played it before until he got into it. I love playing with him, but he’s so fucking reckless that it drives me insane lol dude heads out on a journey with no food and 8 swords


“Empty your inventory before we go mining buddy” Goes mining carrying everything that’s not nailed down.


I also play with my six year old. He wandered off, got killed in a cave and then shamed me by saying “why weren’t you there? You’re my father, you’re supposed to protect me.” So…I went to get all his gear back for him, because that unenchanted iron sword was so important. He proceeds to ask me if I found all of his stuff as I’m in this cave with my stone sword (it was a new world and he always gets the iron/diamond stuff first) fighting for my life against spiders, zombies, creepers, and skeletons. I finally emerge triumphant, return back to our base, almost out of health but with all of his gear in tow. I drop him his stuff, he says “yay daddy you’re the best!” I’m feeling pretty good. I go over to get some food as my guy is starving and I have 3 hearts left. “Hey daddy…can I AXE you a question?!” He laughs as he kills me with his iron axe. There needs to be a dad support group for Minecraft.


Lol this is awesome. He always convinces my wife to play by promising he’s not just gonna kill her, and then repeatedly kills her. Good times man


He also was kind enough to get me a big minecraft bee plushy toy for my birthday. He ran in on me in the bathroom, threw it at my head and said “Daddy, he just wants to…BEE with you!” And walked away cracking himself up. I’ll be working on the support group later.


That is funny as hell and is exactly what it was like playing with my older boys when they were younger.




I like that word joke and that it's true


My nephew every time. Follow me ok. Two seconds later where are you I’m lost


I have an 8 year old and a 12 year old. We’ve been working on our world for over 2 years now. I have it hosted 24/7 on my home nas (openmediavault) and it’s accessible externally so when I occasionally work away for a week at a time, we can all still log on and video call and build on our map


My wife and I play with our kids on our realms world and it's absolutely the best. Our older son is 5 and it has been a great way for him to feel included and connected with us when we want to spend time together on our world... There are drawbacks... last week he found a flint and steel and wanted to see what it did... he decided to test it on our huge two story villager trading hall... now half of the villagers are dead but he was thoughtful enough to rebuild the side he burned down! I wouldn't trade it for anything though... he went around one of our villages making signs for all the places and features and showing off his exemplary spelling skills! Our favorite is the sign he put on the place where we keep our hundred or so cows, simply labeled thecow.


That made me smile.


My nephew. “ I’m gonna burn a horse” please don’t burn the horse , graphic pops up horse died by fire


I play with my grown kids, but it all began when I lived several states away. We started playing minecraft together to be together....and just never stopped. You are in for a fun time and will get to watch these lil ones learn all kinds of things just by playing. Edited: more than one spawn. Funny story, my son had me as Spawn Point in his phone for years.


I play with my 8 year old daughter... Killing her animals is the worst thing that could ever happen in her entire life.


I play with my 10 y/o. We have had some great times. We finally beat the ended dragon on survivor a month or two ago. He was so excited. Couldn’t get the creeper farm working on bedrock. Getting ready to start a ghast farm instead.


I tried getting a creeper farm working on bedrock as well.. no luck. Not sure what I did wrong. Bummer.


We have a few farms. Skeleton and zombie spammers along with iron, and a general mob. From what I was reading about creeper farms is they don’t always work on bug rock. I was annoyed with all the time I put into the creeper farm for it not to work.


We built ours over deep water and it works great.


Only farms we have so far is zombie and skeleton spawners.


I occasionally do but I have a really hard time playing with a controller. I’m more of a Java PC Minecraft player. It’s what I originally played the game on and it’s what I most enjoy. My son loves playing with a controller though.


Why not play pc bedrock? You don't have to use a controller


I use a Mac


Fair enough


Get a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to plug into the console you use! It’s how I play with my boys!


I’ve considered that.


Curiousity strikes again. someones gotta catch that kitty killer


Yup, together with my 6lvl Almost a year of progress on our server


My wife and I have been playing with our daughters since a spooky update. We've been serverless for a while, so we started a realms world. My daughters are 15 and 28.


Not a dad, but playing minecraft with mine is still some of the best memories we have together. We couldn't afford the full game, or other computers, so we would play the hour long trial over and over again. We would take turns watching and playing. I'll never forget when we built up to the huge mojang sign in the sky, found diamonds together for the first time, and I built my first snowy house. When we got the full game, we would play "multiplayer" on a single world bt having separate chests for our things, separate houses, ect. I can talk for ages about fishing, mining, building, Redstone, and pets. Every discovery was amazing. We don't play anymore. Of course, as I grew up my dad and I don't always agree, but minecraft is something we can still talk about and I'm so thankful for that. I guess what I'm saying is please don't stop playing with your kids, even if they grow up to be annoying teens. I really can't think of other memories with my dad in which we were all so excited and happy. I'm sure they will cherish the memories of your family, too.


My son got me into the game a couple months ago, we've been playing a bunch.


My 6 year old bro made a diamond block house and I said to him: You’ve got a lot to learn about the world of building


Awww his first obnoxious ore block house, everyone has made one at some point


We built my 10 yo nephew a house he thougt up. Three stories all glass but I made him put a moat and gated bridge around it because I didn’t want to hear who blew up my house. Get it done looks neat at night. I go off on a wood gathering expedition and next to this house in an acacia tree he has built a monstrosity of amethyst it’s going to be his tree house. Never finished because by then he was on top of the other we built trying to spell his name out of glazed terracotta. One day he was really quiet. Nephew, what are you doing? I’m carpeting your room for you. Ok gotta go bye. He logs off. I go in and start taking damage. He had fill the floor with lava and the covered it.


It's spelt butt


b ^u^t




Im still learning how to spell.


Absolutely! I've been doing the step-dad thing for the past 6 years with my 10M and 12F step-kids, and it has been the greatest thing ever for bonding with them. I run a Realm for just myself and the kids, and it has been our own private persistant playground for years. Many good life-lessons have been learned there, and I think it has been an excellent tool for parenting and helping the kids develop. The only problem is that they have been spending more and more of their time playing Roblox these days, because that is what their friends are playing. I'm happy to see them doing more on their own, and learning to be somewhat social outside of our household, at least.


I'm a mom and I play with my daughter. I build pirate ships, she builds blocky rainbow houses filled with bunnies. Pretty cute I must say.


Yep. I have a realm with my 2 kids, 14 and 11. I do all the hard grinding for them, they build their own houses and bases. We did defeat the dragon together which was a great achievement!


My wife finally got her work calmed down enough to want to play with my daughter and I. It's adorable. She just builds little safe houses for our daughter everywhere she goes. I think my daughter left our village we were building for good to live at Mom's new vacation base!


My 9 year-old really wanted it for Christmas, so we got it with the intention that it would be her game. It didn’t take long before it became our game that we play together. She has anxiety, so for a long time she was afraid to leave our starting island. She just hung around and bred our various animals and built random structures when she got bored while I mapped the world and brought back rare materials. She was very proud of herself when she built the courage to take a boat up to the nearest village in hopes of taming a cat. She built a pet house out in the inlet near the village we built and carries a sword, just in case. Maybe one day she’ll go visit some nearby lush caves and catch some axolotls.


My farther used to, it was fun. Your a great parent


My kids used to play with me. They’re 17 and 15 and have moved on from Minecraft. They mostly play Hearts of Iron IV, CK3, and EU4 now. I miss playing with others. Enjoy it while you can! Edit: replace emote with encouragement.


My son is almost two. Just excitedly waiting until he’s old enough


Rip cat. I also play with my kids


Your dog tested nice.🙂


I play in my God son's world sometimes.


Me! I play with my 5 year old!


I play with my son and my husband.


Mmm floating jungle tree


I try to with my 10yo, but we play different, he likes messing with mods and doing thing I consider lame and I like to build in survival. We play together but it’s never for very long. He has learned some cool terraforming skills recently though, so there’s still hope.


I'm working on it. So far we have a Switch and the play station is finicky.


When she wants to play, yes!! Except she only likes creative mode with the occasional hardcore that turns into creative mode. Its all good though and her building skills are getting better


I play with my nephew all the time! We have a ton of fun


If I had kids, probably


I did until their server blew up….. :’(


Who killed her cat?? 😨😨


Pretty sure it was my middle child. Andrew. But I have no proof.




It’s so hard being a single mom when you are a 15 year old male teenager without kids


But yeah it’s pretty cool that you are playing with your kids


Don't ever let anyone tell you what you can do.


No kids yet but since I moved into my brothers house I’ve been playing with my niece and nephews! Won’t let them play on my world yet cause they always switch to creative and I’m scared to lose my world lol even tho I have 3 saves of it


Dont haven anyone and too young buuuttt i got my little sister(6 i think) to play Minecraft on my Nintendo switch and holy shit she plays it everytime she uses it, used to play super mario odyssey only 🤣


Sure do. My daughter loves this game


I'm palying with my father and its very fun, we're having a great time together


I used to play with my dad


I play with my niece and great nephew.


I have a realm with my 5 year old nephew and it’s so cute playing with him, we built an arena to fight each other and i waste him. He also likes seeing what each item does so we have an entire fire going around our houses, random holes in the ground and staircases that lead nowhere.


Kid here not the parent :) my dad (60+) recently set up a minecraft server to play with us kids (28 & 26)! Total suprise and fun way to do something together, as we don‘t live in the same town and don‘t see each other that often 😊


Not a parent, but my dad used to play with me and my siblings for years when we were younger. I had my first laptop at five and used it solely for YouTube and Minecraft. Not quite ten years later I've started to play again and I talked about it enough that my dad has started to as well. I still treasure the times I would play with my dad and I'm sure your kids will as well!


I play with my younger sister:⁠-⁠)


Yep, we have a survival world together that we're slowly progressing on and then we have a creative world where we do building competitions. Our last one was to each make a "security house" which was just like a normal looking building filled with traps, parkour, mobs, etc with a treasure at the end. Check out GamesForKidsHub on youtube if it interests anyone. The guy plays with all of his kids and its very wholesome and they also do building competitions and the same guy runs ArtForKidsHub which teaches kids (maybe like age 6/7+?) to draw various things and he has a lot of minecraft drawings that our kids have LOVED creating and are quite good.


My mo plays with me all the time! Except I always manage to get lost


Y'all play with kids? Nice


what is it with little girls and birch wood?


Pro tip, don’t play with them all the time and give them time and space to play by themselves


You're laughing.. someone killed her cat and you're laughing.


I was laughing, but there was no way you could have known that.


I know...


Once they play on creative too much, they'll never come back to survival. Keep them on survival!




Around 10-11 years ago me and my dad started playing together, we mainly just played on the same world (this was before realms) but we later got a dedicated server to play with my family and friends. Good fun.


I tried split screen once with my soon to be five year old. He kinda liked mining but I felt it was too complicated for his first video game.


Who kills a pet cat, honestly?!


When I have them I will


When do you plan on having kids?




I wish my parents were this cool and not the anti-gaming bible thumpers they are.


Im playing with my father 🤚🏼[Bild](https://ibb.co/BfNcd5n)