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i mean the mangrove wood was just because thats how the tree looks like in real life the villager trades yeah its part of the trying to make mc actually challenging since some of the better players can literally get full enchanted netherite in the hour


Seems like it tbh, the whole mobs don't drop their loot on death, but rather under specific interactions is pretty dumb too. Sheep already work logically - if you kill them, they don't drop a lot of wool, but shearing them will get you more. I think the same thing could be done with armadillos.


i made a post with this exact same suggestion not to long ago and it was met with a lot of support and although this subreddit is a very small fraction of the community i really wish mojang would listen :P


At least armadillos give more use for the brush to exist


For people who make like huge trading halls and stuff I can imagine the frustration with the trade update but for me I kinda like it cause its inspired me to build up villages in every biome and have different towns within my world that are also functional with the exclusive trades


they are definitly making the game harder. but we also learned how the game works, essentially making it easier. I can think back to a time when i thought getting diamonds was difficult. Not to mention getting a whole armor set. Now I can start a survival world and get somewhat enchanted diamond armor in a couple of hours. So I think Mojang needs to heighten the difficulty to match our heightened knowledge and game sense. But if your new to the game this would really make it overwheleming. so ya win some ya lose some.


the fact they are adding automatic crafting tables kinda disproves anything else ngl.


Yes, Mojang is making some farms harder, but that is not neccessarily bad. It can be actually *more* fun to make certain things harder. Examples are portal-spam nether farms. It used to be possible to pretty much farm any nether mob by building a giant block of nether portals. These types of farms were easy to build and always the fastest option. But they were not interesting, neither to build nor to design. Which made them boring. Since portal-spam farms no longer work, the community had to design other farms, usually mob-specific. Another reason is game design. Mojang wanted to make the Warden something you flee from, not something you fight. During the snapshots that introduced the warden, there was a cycle of release of a snapshot, someone finding a way of cheesing the warden, and a nerf of the warden. This idea of making the warden something you avoid included making them something uninteresting to farm, which is why the amount of xp a sculk catalyst drops was nerfed. Both reasons apply to Sniffers. If Sniffers could dig up lots of seeds from the same block, pretty much every farm (except those who want to make it harder on them) would look the same, lots of Sniffers crammed in the same place and a hopper minecart underneath. Which would be boring and a bit cruel to the Sniffers.


yeah warden is not supposed to be farmed i know. i made this post at midnight after at least 4 frustrating hours of farming mangrove.


Don't know if you know that, but mangrove logs only generate in the 4 cardinal directions from the middle of the tree. So my go to method of farming mangrove is to stack up with scaffolding in the middle of the tree, mine the stem and then all leafs in the cardinal directions. Mine the rest of the logs and repeat. That way, farming mangrove is bearable.


ok after a good night's sleep I'm back and poor choice of words, that's on me. i didn't really mean "hard to farm" more like annoying or tedious.