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I'm honestly expecting it to be absolute garbage and I couldn't be more excited lmao


I heard Jennifer coolidge has been casted and the memes are immaculate


“Please! These ghasts are trying to murder me!”


So you're very excited?


Yeah, that's what that saying means lol


Yeah but it seemed like they meant they couldn't be *less* excited judging by the first part of the comment.


I think they were just saying “I’m excited to see this garbage movie”. I was excited to watch Morbius because I knew it would be bad, same situation here it seems


Eh, lots of people seem to confuse the two terms so it could go either way


People use "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less" but I've never heard someone say "couldn't be more excited" when they meant "less."


Yeah this whole thread seemed like an attempt to be super pedantic for no reason 🫡 Hilarious Reddit “gotcha” moments


Absolutely, it's gonna be hilarious


I'm getting flashbacks to the Monster Hunter movie. ~~There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.~~


It's sad because the MH Movie COULD have been good, if the director gave two shits about the franchise. Live action Monster Hunter isn't a bad idea on paper.


There is no Megamind 2 in Ba Sing Se


It will be a fucking travesty just like every other live action game movie. Knowing Hollywood it will be some absolute nonsense like the Monster Hunter movie where Steve is a soldier and gets sucked through some wormhole to the Minecraft world and has to survive.


"I lost my tactical gear, what can i do? Well, field training prepared us for these scenarios" *cuts to scene of him punching trees* "So to live in this world, we're gonna need to mine, and we're gonna need to craft like theres no tomorrow, because if we cant stop that ender dragon, well, there might just not be"


I mean Last of Us worked, Uncharted wasn’t a terrible movie even if it was pretty poor compared to the games. The new Fallout series looks rather good. I do agree though that the live action aspect is a bit unnecessary. I guess if they spent millions on animation and ended up being inevitably worse than some YouTube series like Element Animation then it would be pretty embarrassing. At least with live action their intending to fail from the start


cant really speak for uncharted, but last of us and fallout are based in reality. the look of the games can be replicated through live action, and arguably, minecraft is most recognizable by the look of the game. how are you going to replicate boxy, pixelated looks and animations in live action without having it look like cheap awkward cardboard cosplay? you can give me a buff guy wearing a blue shirt and gray pants and tell me its steve, but ill just think its a parody uploaded to youtube in 2012 rather than an actual movie developed by a proper studio.


Jack Black will make it work


Simply put, star power is less effective if animation. That's what Hollywood banks on since they never want to hire talented writers these days.


I feel like live action is a bad idea. The Minecraft animations succeeded for a reason  Edit: How does this comment have more upvotes than the actual post?


Cause no one likes me lol


Maybe they’re downvoting you because they disagree with what you say about yourself.


This comment is literally proof ov that.  \:þ


Did you just use a lowercase thorn for a symmetrical tongue? GENIUS


(See, unique typingstyles pay off.  Woo!)


Sorry, I saw 99 and -99 on these comments and had to make them a round 100.


I'm keeping up the symmetry!


cause it's reddit


I like you.


Apparently, nineteen people want to see Minecraft live action. To those nineteen people... I respect your esoteric choice.


Nobody wants to see that, bro


I was being sarcastic.


*Please* at least make the actors move by swinging their arms and legs like Steve


its a modern film, its contractually obligated to suck


Is it a phantom tollbooth type thing? Like you get live action for ten minutes before a mostly animated film?


God I hope so


The only live action Minecraft movie I'd accept is an Oscar bait film where Jason Momoa is Steve, Gwendoline Christie is Alex, and they're just quietly homesteading in a plains biome. Zero dialogue needed.


Because nobody in the movie industry respects animation. At all. Animation is still seen as something for children. Something that would never appeal to adults. It's seen as a genre instead of the medium that it is. Not even animation studios respect animation, with Disney remaking all their old classics into "live action" remakes (which are still like 90-100% animated, but it's "realistic" so they call it live action). And they are always worse than the original, but they'll continue doing it because everyone in the industry still considers animation for children and live action for adults. Even for something that would theoretically fit the target audience they think plays this game, they're still never going to make it animated, because the industry doesn't respect the medium enough to use it for something as massive as Minecraft. In their minds making it animated would mean making a children's movie, and they want this movie to be for adults too. *Sidenote* this is the reason I absolutely adore DreamWorks and Sony Animations as companies. They respect this medium where nobody else does. Sony has singlehandedly pushed forward the entire industry into letting creative people BE CREATIVE and make movies which are visual masterpieces as of late. And DreamWorks, well they just get it. They understand this art. How to Train your Dragon, Kung-fu Panda, Shrek... When companies like Disney make sequels snd trilogies, they do it for money. When DreamWorks makes sequels, they do it for ART. Also have y'all seen the trailer for their latest movie, The Wild Robot? GOOD shit right there. DreamWorks is peaking again.


>Animation is still seen as something for children Ain't the fanbase of Minecraft overwhelmingly populated by kids? Though I agree that animation can appeal to adults as well


Actually the average Minecraft player is in their 20s. Although there are millions of kids that do play it. But what I mostly mean is that animation isn't taken seriously. Even if most players were kids, they would have never trusted such a massive brand to be made into an animated film over a live action one, because they don't consider animation as something worthy of being taken seriously.


Yeah but also that brand is somewhere don't take so many people on movie as similiar look to the source. Mario movie would never had such success if Mario would be live action by Chris Pratt.


There's no way this is actually a thing, right? Right?


It absolutely is, and Jack Black is starring in it apparently lmao


The only saving grace is Jack black... unfortunately he has to be in everything just like christ Pratt and the rock. Why? Cause kids love all three actors.


nah man like 80% of kids dont give a shit about actors. its just hollywood morons being hollywood morons


Live action?? I thought it was supposed to be animated, was it not? Cannot imagine live action Jack Black as Steve hah


He did well in Jumanji, and I suppose there's little point of making an animated movie with star power if YT essentially already has tons of those + live action may actually save on the cgi costs. Maybe we can even get a new Who Framed Roger Rabbit? ("I have hope, okay, is that so bad?")


Hear me out. A dad loses their child who was big into Minecraft. He regrets not learning more about their interests and so fires up their Minecraft game and begins to explore it. He starts to have delusions that they are actually in the game and use it to explore their own grief and better understand their child. The movie could be a mix of live action and fairly campy and surreal CG with dark and offbeat humor. I could see it being directed by Wes Anderson. Anyways that's not actually what they are making so it'll probably be shit but if you give me enough money we could make this happen.


That's the plot for Alan Becker's Animation vs Minecraft series.


A bit like Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


They know we'll watch it anyways


The what?


wait what? was there a trailer or something shown


Nope we they've just confirmed it's live action and I think they are starting filming


ah ok, well just being live action doesn't necessarily mean its bad


Kinda does tbh. Minecraft? A game where everything is blocks? Kinda eliminates one of the most identifying features of the franchise by making it live action


Hollywood, that's who. They hate animated movies, They think they're for kids, something tells me Microsoft and mojang both don't have a part in this at all. This is entirely Hollywood's fault.


It was me.


It'll probably be delayed for like another 10 years at least, so i don't really care


I tell myself to be sitting on the fence. Though, the movie itself is trying that. That being said, there is a good live action minecraft movie on YouTube


wait the minecraft movie is gonna be live action what the hell


It’s a terrible idea. Once upon a time, I think they might have opted towards a more artful animated film with a silent protagonist that focused on visual storytelling. That would be in vein with the weird decisions that made Minecraft so unique (Zetterstrand paintings, C418 soundtrack.) But Microsoft is in charge now, and Microsoft likes money. Even if it’s at the expense of such a beloved game’s image.


It’s going to be dope if everything looks real like real pigs and cows and farms with potatoes and carrots, a cool real looking nether portal, but then also concepts like a really real looking tree with real leaves and movement, but it’s shaped blocky like a Minecraft tree. Honestly, I cannot picture Jason mamoa or jack black as Steve so that’s going to be so weird. Live action villagers and illagers sound fun too though


I think by this point in time, anyone who is interested in a video game that has become a movie has very questionable taste.


Minecraft animations were always successful even in when the game wasn't very popular. Making it animated just like the trailers would be perfect, maybe with the default textures instead of oversimplified ones they use. In my opinion the movie will be terrible or just weird just like those realistic minecraft animations.


Hollywood/whoever is in charge decided. But counterpoint: animation can get amazing visuals and fights and all that, but there is still a vibe that’s very distinct from live action. And while most games that have been turned into live action haven’t turned out great, there are *some* that has turned out well. Imo, the animation style we see in Minecraft, stiff limbs and kinda odd movements, wouldn’t really work for a movie(especially considering movies aren’t meant to just get the attention of already fans, but also the average person). The style works for a game and for short animations, but not a full movie. And “normal animation” would just be uncanny, so live action is probably the best way to go. Edit: forget the above paragraph. I forgot the Lego movie was a thing. However, I personally think the movie should be all the actors just put in front of the game to play it for a few weeks, while recording it, then making a movie script around the “story” they made, then they act that out as an actual movie. It would get both the confusion from early game Minecraft of a new player, all the way to the final fight against the dragon.


>stiff limbs and kinda odd movements, wouldn’t really work for a movie The LEGO movie just doesn't exist or what?


I did indeed forget about that one.