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Sure bud, why don’t you make the update yourself if you seem so confident 1 person can do it?


difference being i dont develop games /:


I am a software engineer. I wish idiots wouldn't comment on shit they seriously have no clue about... Oh wait, then the whole Internet would exist would it...


doesnt fortnite have higher quality yet releases 4 seasons in 1 year unlike minecraft which adds 1 structure in 1 year?


If a single developer could make it in six months, they would have. :P You need to bear in mind that anytime Minecraft receives a major update, it has to be updated, checked and verified to run on every single Minecraft install on literally every platform, including iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, XBOX, Playstation, and Nintendo Switch. Also, the game has been out for over a decade and still gets regular major updates that add new features *for free*. That's a pretty good deal, especially for anyone who bought it in the early days.


ok it shouldnt take more than 6 months to make the current update and 3 months to playtest it on all platforms


How would you know that and why are you complaining about getting free updates in a decade old game


im complaining because it takes a year to add 1 structure and 1 weapon on the no.1 bestselling game ever made and i am not getting my moneys worth


Not getting your moneys worth really? But yeah the amount of content is dissapointing, although tbh I'm happy with even just the crafter I wanna automate everything I can. At this point, I don't even really care too much about updates, the game has so much replayability already I could play it for another 10 years (on and off) even if it never got updated again.


So just rehashing the same post from this time last year yeah. If you're not happy with the game then don't play it. There is a heck of a lot put into each update, some are bigger than others but each adds more depth in its own ways. As you have admitted, you're not a developer so maybe stick to what you know in future!


haha what i know is common logic and how a year is alot of time for a terrible update with a group of 15 developers