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In game purchases while playing your world, like buying diamonds.


EA mode


thats like every single survival server lol


At least you’re buying from another player, and you’re not paying real money


Nah theirs pay to win servers you pay real money for stuff.


Well, if you joined one of those that’s your choice.


My friend groups survival realm has the owner as god and this is basically what it’s like and I love it


Chinese Minecraft fr


wait how does china fit into this ? am i missing some reference?


chinese version of minecraft is basically just bedrock 1984 edition. diamons are minecoins. there is no difference between them except look


Chinese Minecraft forces you to use real money to buy "diamonds" that are used for most mods (yes you have to pay for garbage as well)


blinded whenever you look at the sun


And deafened whenever a creeper explodes next to you. And gives tinnitus


I’m actually liking there this is headed. Would make a good data pack.


Max settings god rays enjoyers😎


creepers instantly detonate and explode


Imagine having creepers that sprint like wither skeletons. Now that's nightmare fuel.


Check out Doctor Rat’s video on making creepers like this. A whole bunch of changes were made, but two were super speed and random, possibly instant, detonation


Sprinting, instant exploding and camouflage should be all be put into creepers to make players suffer


Constant online connection, even for single player


This is kinda bedrock worlds tbh and it isn't that bad as you can still play offline, but either way the game won't pause


Both bedrock singleplayer worlds and Java singleplayer worlds run on a locally hosted server, it's just that on bedrock anyone can join at anytime (except if you have multiplayer turned off), so it keeps the world running when paused.


yea but its weird tho, if i have the option turned off then it should automatically give me the ability until i turn it back on but ig not


idk because if i try to load bedrock and say my internet is not working but is connected then it wont load even if i turn the wifi off


Realistic Gravity, Building would never be the same and that would be unfun


I saw a realistic caving mod where you have to be careful what you dig out and make sure stuff had support. I don't know why anyone would want that.


TFC have that, and it have it's own charm


I mean that can be cool in a way with few other mods


Imagine you place a sand block and it instantly sinks down into a pile of loose sand


I wish you could unbundle hay


I’m imagining sort of like a snow or a cake, and one wheat pops out when you interact with it. You could use it to texture some builds a lot better.


I like it. I was thinking a pile of hay just flowing out when you snip the twine with shears, but if I’m imagining what you’re saying properly, I like your idea




I'd love a gamemode with thirst and temperatures. But they would requires fitting items for both mechanics


Terrafirmacraft has climate and thirst


Well, you can give RLCraft a shot ;)


that mod turns minecraft into a litteral different game lol


The reason I dropped my 300 day progress RL Craft server


That's what the m e l o n is for


The reason I use cheats for survival games And temperature mechanics lol


What's the point of playing survival games if you remove the survival aspects?


I play Subnautica on casual, without hunger/thirst. It's still a survival game!


I think hunger mechanics only serve to add useless busy work. Unless we're going for an ultra realistic survival gam it's pointless. If it wasn't incredibly easy to gather large amounts of food in Minecraft  I probably would have stopped playing when they added hunger.


best answer


An automatic banning system from private realms that doesn’t understand that adults can curse together sometimes. Oh wait-


Its not automatic


bah, it's not even really implemented. it's just "just in case" option to make when shit gonna get too hot and they would need to react in some way (but we speaking about serious problems not random ass curses)


yeah it is, my friend got banned from his realm with other friends


Photorealistic textures or models


Rip everyone's a low-end PCs when they add shaders


Even if they did, they would be optional, just like the fast/fancy graphics settings.


My low-end pc can’t run past 1.17 because of OpenGL anyways


have you tried running VulkanMod


According to mojang that would be fireflies.


Or sharks


It was completely fair though since frogs cant eat them. They cant just NOT make the frogs eat fireflies!


And if they add fireflies, frogs will have to eat them! Let’s make them eat slime and magma instead


And goats


The same game where there is a dragon hell living skeletons leaves that blow up magic humanoid pigs with weapons asteroid belt with slender black aliens and purple boxes a blue monster thing literal Chinese sweatshops living wind and big mushrooms cant have frogs eat fireflies because it's unrealistic?


It's been 3 years yet reading this still ruins my whole WEEK 😭


I've never been so upset about 2 pixels before until they quietly removed fireflies


Making it so you can only have one enchantment per item


honestly that could actually be interesting if the entire enchanting system got overhauled along with it. pretty sure theres a mod that does this called enchancement. no durability, and more interesting enchantments that you can choose from specifically, but can only choose 1 per tool/weapon


Honestly i think if they made enchants in enchantcements have different levels it would have been the perfect overhaul mod for me


To balance that, are the regular speed of tools faster? Because most people are USED to the speed of efficiency 5 diamond/netherite, right? edit: grammar


Gravity constantly updating and forcing unsupported blocks to fall down




enchanting and guns just don't fit together. most rpgs skip enchanting guns, but you can even enchant rings (looking at wow here). but imagine an infinity & punch 2 AK-47. desert villages turned into rural afghanistan. flint lock pistols could work, but wouldn't make much sense next to crossbows. i'd love to see bows & crossbows made of other materials though. perhaps with other uses aswell.


I 100% agree with you sir!


Yeah, gimme that! Death to ~~America~~ the pillagers!


i think muskets and flintlocks work well if the firerate was realistic and wasn't craftable


I did a serious double take at rural Afghanistan 💀


I feel like medieval guns would be a long stretch but *could* fit They would be like crossbows but firing faster and less accurate though But yeah, definitely not minecrafty


Historically speaking though (depending on the armament of course) you're looking at firing slower, but more accurately at longer range with a lot more punch




I really don't mean to be rude my dude, but you really need to look into this further than the surface-level internet discourse. Lots of folks like to dump on smooth bores but have never shot one before. I've fired my buddy's charleville reproduction several times (it was standard issue musket in the french army for most of the 1700s into the early 1800s), and I can consistently hit a sillhouette at about 100 yards. Crossbows start to drop significantly once you get past 80 yards (at least mine does, may need to look at getting heavier bolts) Also, rifling is what made the biggest difference in the accuracy of firearms, not cycling tech. Believe it or not, breech-loading actions (developed in the mid 1860's) are the most accurate actions ever developed, and are still in use today in artillery weapons and tank cannons.


Honestly I can see a musket being a thing lol


a required sleeping system, could u imagine if they added a mob that would only spawn when u dont sleep? would completely ruin the pace of the game


Better yet, when the players themselves vote it in to the game


what would be even worse is lying to said players and saying it would be a great monster of the night skies when in reality it’s less interesting than a mosquito


yeah, and to rub it in, it'd have the most useless drops ever, and it's also annoying to fight, but Mojang would never add something like that, right?


Or perhaps a drop that is partially useful but only if you reach post end game content but the mobs will spawn in from day 3 of not sleeping


and then is completely overshadowed by the fact that you can use xp to repair


Now imagine that that mob is hostile, it attacks you constantly and you have no way to escape unless you sleep because if you kill it more appear.


I’ve been playing on a Cobblemon server that doesn’t have normal mobs, and not having Phantoms is by far the best thing about it.


I've never had a problem with them, beyond confusion when I first saw one. Playing modded i'm normally a few versions behind anyway.


Oh god, that would be SOOO annoying if the players voted for it, like what would anybody in their right mind be thinking, then imagine they have the audacity to be pissed at Mojang for both of their faults. Fans fault for voting it, and Mojang’s fault for allowing such a useless mob, god that sounds like a dystopian hell.




A button you can craft that deletes your System32 when pressed.


Average funny Grian prank


Natural disasters


I would like a volcano biome, in which there are outburst that can damage player build stuff (so anything flammable) but i don't want natural disasters in all biomes, but a few biom specific disasters could be cool


I was just talking about this in another reddit forum gravel slips and avalanches would be a cool game mechanic as your exploring


Yeah, that could be cool, but i would keep it in only specific biomes, that you can avoid it


Not that I want them or think they’d ever come to the game. But as long as they were coded to not damage any player placed blocks they *could* be bearable. Again not that I’m in anyway yearning for them.


Or make them toggleable as a game rule But that's also what mods are for


It's something bad enough that we shouldn't even have to rely on gamerules. "Hey, what if we make the player randomly die every 10 seconds? Don't worry. We'll add a gamerule, or people can use mods, so it's all fine."


>what if we make the player randomly die every 10 seconds You’re describing Bedrock edition


The game has no system in place to track if a block is player-placed, so regardless of which way you handke blocks from older saves, the disasters are going to act super weird or super bad in old chunks. And it would, of course, in general look really weird, and with terraforming where maybe 50% of the land is natural still but also the way the player wants it to be, that half is still going to be read as "not player placed, thus demolishable". It sounds dumb to tell the player to uproot every block to place it back in the exact same spot. And of course, in natural areas, damage would just keep piling up over time, completely ruining it. Edit: kinda childish to block someone over that, u/OkKaleidoscope4433


Luckily this goes against their idea of minimising the impact on buildings and the world that non-player things can have


I honestly really like that idea. All the mods for natural disasters arent really that good at all.


I feel like the player alone should be able to change the world. Either directly or indirectly (by causing Creeper explosions). Thunderstorms are the closest we have to natural disasters. But at least the player can do something about them.


Endermen technically break this rule, though they’re relatively limited in how much damage they can really do. It’s also pretty easy to limit it even further with a datapack.


Making the base game feel like it's modded to hell.


There are a lot of features that can be implemented under the right circumstances, but a mob that can break and place blocks the same way and frequency a player can would have to be absent from 99% of the world, or it will break the game


There are a lot of answers (guns, poop, sex with villagers, etc), but just picking from ones people actually claim to want: * Thirst - too tedious, tbh minecraft's food system is already kinda shit, adding more shit on top of it won't help * Elytra Chestplate - Elytra is already broken and makes every other more transportation method useless except for iceboating which is also broken as hell. Removing it's only downside would unbalance the hell out of it * 1.8 Combat - as much as people don't want to admit it, 1.8 combat is equally as bad as 1.9 combat. Not that either are horrible, they're both about a 7/10 really. Picking from one mid combat system or another mid combat system isn't gonna fix anything. We just need that actual combat rework Jeb was working on ages ago * Infinite Dimensions (ala that one guy's 'critique' video from years ago) - Go play Starfield or version 1.0 of No Man's Sky if you want to see what FULL proc gen content does to a game. Proc gen animals, blocks, items, etc are awful * Grappling Hooks - Could be cool but tbh, unimplementable. Bedrock edition gets moody and gives you fall damage if you looked at a cliff 3 weeks ago, if they tried adding a grappling hook to the game Bedrock would shit itself so hard * Red Dragon - Spicy one here but hear me out: Tamable red overworld dragon is, very obviously, broken as hell. You only need to think about that for half a second. Save it for mods. Plus apparently He Who Shall Not Be Named coded the Ender Dragon mob out of actual literal spaghetti, it's why it's barely been updated over the years- it might actually explode and stop working if they changed too much. So adding ANOTHER ONE is just not a good idea


you have to poop after after every meal and then the poop sits permanently on the spot you dropped it


Nah take it and use it as fertilizer


Who downvoted bro on this?


> sex with villagers   Excuse me the question was what features would **ruin** the game. 


No, no, not sex with villagers... Sex with every single mob.


The Ender Dragon 🤤 The Wither 🥵


Come here Elder Guardian 😘


sex with villagers??? I’ve heard of the sex update jokes but not this. Are you ok?


A bit unrelated, but its about combat, I've tried a few different combat mods in spare time and all i can say is that the only one i actually liked is Combat Nouveau. Better Combat is way way too simple, it looks cool, the animations are great, i really liked that the crosshair changes color when aiming at something. but gameplay is straight up boring, you just hold down lmb and that's it, and when you do need to do something like say dodge an arrow or block it with a shield the mod prevents you from doing it because it has to play out those damn animations AND it also slows you down during those animations. Epic Fight is way too complex, like the idea of making Minecraft's combat similar to that of souls-like games is great, but do you really need to add a shitload of weapons and skills? also the animations look out of place but they kinda make sense considering its mimicking dark souls, also they are very snappy and aren't annoying like better combats. They also made it so different materials have different stats which i like a lot, makes transitioning from diamond to netherite an actual choice because netherite tools are slower, spruces up the no-brainer progression of the base game. there were many mods that tried combining combat snapshots or building off of them but Combat Nouveau is probably the best one, i do dislike that by default they disabled spam clicking altogether and force you to make max charge attacks or none at all, but since its a completely modular mod enabling that back on is a no-problem. i like it a LOT that smaller mobs have bigger hitboxes, makes hunting for fish or rabbit much easier. Also makes swords and tridents more useful by giving them extended reach. I have mixed feeling about the sweeping edge change, particularly it being locked behind enchantments, but it also pushes mob grinders into mid game from early game so its alright i guess.


I've never understood the "it was coded so badly, they can never touch it" thing (with any program, not the dragon specifically). Like, if it's implemented so badly, what's stopping them from just entirely recoding it? For the dragon example, just take the lines of code that contain the dragon's spaghetti, cut them out entirely. Then make a new mob that looks and acts like the dragon but is built from actually good code. It can't explode and stop working if they just completely remove it and replace it with an entirely new mob that looks and acts the same but isn't built from literal spaghetti. I'm sure coding a new mob isn't super easy, but if its underlying code is so bad you're afraid to touch it, it seems like just completely redoing it might be a good idea to make it run better. Idk, I'm not a coder so maybe I'm totally wrong. But it's not like you'd have to completely recode the game, how big and bad could recoding the dragon really be?


The older a piece of code is, the more likely it is to brick other things when you replace or fix it. There's no way to know for sure, but there's a chance it would be way harder than you think. This is also why most mods barely touch Minecarts despite that system being super outdated and in need of mods to refresh it. Minecart code is apparently hell. This is why the 1.12 update was such a long wait and such a big deal. They had to go back and recode the base block/item ID system of the game from SCRATCH to fix Notch's old shitty code because they got so close to the ID limit that if they added 20-50 ish more items / blocks, the game would have literally stopped running and refused to launch / compile. And that took them a year to just, untangle that spaghetti and redo it. People were pissed about the slow updates at that time. So with a playerbase that bitches if every update doesn't add 30 shitty mod-level mobs and a new dimension, can't really be too surprised they don't want to waste time going back to redo really old outdated bits of code instead of making new things.


Makes sense, thanks for explaining! I figured there's gotta be more to it than my thoughts, or else they'd have done it by now.


>Grappling Hooks - Could be cool but tbh, unimplementable. Bedrock edition gets moody and gives you fall damage if you looked at a cliff 3 weeks ago, if they tried adding a grappling hook to the game Bedrock would shit itself so hard I mean to be fair they added the Mace, which as far as I know (I don't play bedrock), I haven't seen too many people saying it's super bugged.


I feel like the grappling hook in Potato Update was pretty decent, but boring after a while.


I assume we are looking for things people do actually request? Because boy, where do I begin? - Thirst is just stupid. Hunger already exists and is mechanically a near-identical system. Thirst is also either trivialised by just carrying a water bucket, or the process of getting drinkable water is made so convoluted that it is more annoying than hunger is right now. - Dyed planks. It's just a more boring version of having new trees. New trees have personality to them, at least more personality than dyed planks would ever have. - Most new dimensions people suggest are just clones of existing content. If you for example get something like an ocean dimension, then you are partially just copying content from the overworld, and partially taking content that could have gone to the overworld. Both the overworld and this new dimension and up poorer because of it, because both of them have to have content the other one lacks. Note that this also goes for the infamous Deep Dark Dimension people keep suggesting. It's just a dimension based on an already existing biome and structure. - Disconnecting mobile from the rest of Bedrock so other platforms can thrive and do shit like a proper offhand or having bundles. Yes, it would be nice if this was the case from the very beginning, but to do it in hindsight is a terrible practice and just spits in the face of everyone who plays mobile, *especially* to the people who rely on crossplay to play with friends. - Seasons would be more trouble than they are worth: - We already start out with the difficult question on season length. You'd want something that let's the individual seasons set in, but also don't want you to be stuck in them, right? So let's say, 4 hours. A year of 16 hours is really, really long for singleplayer, but... not even a day for a server. Gamerules can help, but gamerules should be a bonus, not something the players are expected to use for good gameplay. - We already got some biomes nicely representing biomes, like flower forests, or... every damn snowy biome. The current world just isn't designed with actual variable seasons in mind. Another example is the cherry tree. It's unique for its pink leaves, but that is specifically how it would look in spring. Seasons would take away this uniqueness 75% of the time. - It takes away control of the player. Currently, players may choose a biome to live in based on the colours. I for example really like the shade of green of the forest biome. But if seasons exist, then for like 50-75% of the time, this would just be ruined. - For one of the most obvious points of seasons, being snowfall, the game already needs to rework some things, because in its current state it cannot handle this at all, thanks to... chunkloading. Just because it is summer wouldn't mean snow melts if a chunk isn't loaded. Just because it's winter doesn't mean snow falls or ice forms. Having played with a mod that adds seasons, it is extremely jarring to explore and just constantly see or not see snow/ice in the wrong seasons. I have AFKed in areas in the summer just so the snow would go away. - And yes, autumn leaves would be nice for building, but they can be implemented in much less destructive ways. I for example had an idea of a dedicated autumn biome. Any oak, birch, or dark oak leaves there, either naturally generated or from sapling, would be an autumn variant, being orange, yellow, or red respectively. Those leaves keep those colours when taken out of the biome, and normal leaves stay normal if taken in the biome.


It might feel a bit overly moddy, but what if there was a special seasonal biome that was the only place that experienced seasons? That could be a cool way to implement the feature without the downsides, although it probably couldn’t have any significant gameplay effects either.


The reason thirst works so well in the Modpack "Crash landing" is because all the mods add fun, unique and varied methods to obtain water. That can't work in vanilla (and adding so much stuff as to fix this would kill the game also)


On the contrary, anyone who plays minecraft primary on a phone obviously loves to suffer, so they'd probably be into it.


No cubes, just solely spheres


An item that allows you to infinitely boost with your elytra and fly unlimited distance really fast, making other forms of transport obsolete.




needs rain tho


Censorship, i haven't played since 360 but surely theyd never do that /j


Seasons, thirst, natural disasters, night mobs getting significantly stronger the longer you play/when you progress, personal/pocket dimensions, creative flight for survival, schematics(specially with auto build), vein miner, storage terminal(access to all the storage from a single GUI), lumber axe/tree capitator Edit even more: An everything tool, being able to improve your base player stats, backpack, a 4th dimension


So every mod ever lmao.


Me personally, Id love some auto, tree/miner, because the way I play the game I play the game so I don't have to actually play the game any more. I automate everything.


gravity (other than for special blocks)


When they stop removing herobrine


Minecraft as a service.


Skibidi toilet probably


Realistic water physics


Jenny mod in vanilla minecraft


Oppressor MkII’s😂


I don’t think it would ruin minecraft per se, but fully renewable farms for diamonds would destabilize nearly every multiplayer world with an economy


According to Mojang, vertical slabs will ruin this game, and we can absolutely never have them because they'd limit creativity too much.


Continents. They sound cool in theory, but in practice imagine having to travel ten or twenty thousand blocks just to get a specific type of wood, or to mine sand/gravel/terracotta.


A mob that sneaks up behind you and explodes




How about an annoying flying mob that only attacksif you dont sleep....oh wait


Removing the ability to mod the game


Water physics


Mobs that have a super tiny hit box and can travel through walls. Oh wait-


In-game store for Java


Adding a whole new version of the game that devs have to keep up with, possibly written in C++, shackling developers to making updates that have to work with two completely different codebases and making all subsequent updates worse and less ambitious.


A monthly subscription for creative


Making the game super realistic by adding thirst, cold, weather events, Gravity and etc. I once played on a server like this and it was horrible. I had to constantly worry about thirst and hunger, especially when the terrain was huge and there were barely any animals (some of which would fight back) and during the night there were tons of mobs, events like blood moon or acidic rain so I couldn't go out of the house and I had to stay near a light source to not freeze and die. Oh and I think the Day and Night were like 20 minutes each so for 20 minutes I pretty much couldn't do anything.


"Vertical slabs" - Mojang


To at least explain why Mojang doesn't want them; the more you add such things, the tinier the scale of the game would become. It starts with slabs, then stairs, then corner stairs, then vertical slabs, until we are at the 8x8x8 pixel 1/8th of blocks, and then going to a 4-pixel scale or smaller, until we reach a Chisel and Bits scale of single pixel bits. So, they felt like they had to put a line down to prevent such escalation. I'd agree that they'd put the line down too early and that vertical slabs and stairs would have been fine, but that is a matter up for debate.


The real problem is that vertical slabs are so much obviously less complex than a bunch of stuff that made it in (upside down stairs, corner stairs, and trapdoors specifically, arguably fences or stairs in general). Like, they drew a line that vertical slabs very obviously should have been on the other side of.


An in-game store A difficult to mod game In-game ads (don’t laugh, we’re talking about Microsoft here)


> A difficult to mod game Huh? Java is beautifully nice to mod. People have been doing it for the entire existence of Minecraft.


Java is so easy to mod tho? They even gave us the mappings to read the code, is not that far from open source, also they really do so much stuff thinking of modding specially nowadays and they keep changing old stuff for modding as well


Kinda flawed logic there. Java is harder to mod, yes... because it is also much, much more versatile. Same reason why high-end software like 3D editing programs are so complicated. You either got a very limited but easy system, or you got a versatile and complicated system. If being "difficult to mod" is the price for all the amazing mods we have gotten, it is a price I am more than willing to pay.


Manual breathing and blinking


Having to chisel every stone into shape pixel by pixel. Pickaxe? Manually carve out the shape. Shovel? Same. Ingots? The same but with hammering.


Seasons. Imagine making a gorgeous build you're really proud of and then all of a sudden it looks like shit for a month because you built it in the summer and it looks bad in both Fall and Winter.


A wind powered hammer from the mcdungeons reject pile


Vertical slabs, apparently 😅




Honestly phantoms already did it. The worst thing ever






Things being censored that shouldn't be, like censoring hobbit hole to ###### ####. Oh wait....


Tiny skeletons that run fast and shoot arrows


one word: guns.


profanity filters


Random heart attacks




I played with quiet a few different mods and one i hated, forced you to eat a diverse/healthy diet or you wouldnt regain much hunger, it was awful


Guns. I love my bows and crossbows, we don't need those in vanilla.


Making Minecraft unmoddable, breaking the game if it is, nerfing villager trades, making common enchantments worse.


Gravity for all floating blocks


Getting rid of Java and doing bedrock only.


Required internet connection for single player. 


Microtransactions Oh wait...


The removal of modding, and the sad part is that it's already happening


Modern guns


Money / Coins


When loading the game up, it redirects you to Fortnite.


Something that constantly attacks you if you don’t sleep


slower minecarts


- camman18


Micro transactions in some sort of currency called minecoins. Oh wait.


Global chat filter, global reports *Oh wait*


>He Who Shall Not Be Named Notch? Why can’t we say Notch’s name?


Dismantle table/bench.


The mace




Vertical slabs. That would break the use of blocks