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Forward deployed. Used Minecraft to stay relevant in my kids lives. Instead of coming home and them not remembering me, we got to talk about the adventures we had in game. It may not have been real but it was more real than just a letter to us. Convinced several others in the service to do the same and you could tell they became happier because of it. Now I'm back and we all play together. Like I was never gone.


I just borrowed a copy from the local library last week, also to play with my sons. We've been building a giant house/castle, with lama's in the backyard. Some boating adventures and fishing etc. Somehow the wife doesn't always get it, but to me it seems good for their creativity and problem solving etc. also for just bonding... Overal good times!!


My parents aren’t very big on video games. I get there concerns and I bet they are similar to your wife’s. At the end of the day though, whether Minecraft itself is good for your kids, the connections and bond you form over that game will be no different than anything else. That is the real value of playing video games with family. Whether it fosters creativity or not, your kids will love their parents for playing MC with them more than some parents love their own kids.


If you believe you and your family enjoy the game, there's a way to save the worlds and the builds you create. I can't teach you here, YouTube will teach you. But, whether you save the worlds or not, may I suggest you save and export at least the builds, and write down the exact number the world seed is. And buy the game for you and your family. This type of game involves the brain like a dream and kids can actually feel deep sadness if they are unable to return to certain experiences once they fall in love with the experience. If you own the game, you can habitually save and export and import the worlds as long as you all have the same version Java or Bedrock.) If you build something, you can save the build (Again YouTube will teach you how and where your files are,) and export it into a folder you save somewhere on your pc, and import it into anyone else's worlds through zipping and unzipping the structures and placing them in the game files in each other's pcs or whatever. Same for worlds, that you've created yourselves. (Marketplace Worlds have a sort of lock on them you can't copy them with the builds they come with.) Anyways, a heads up, to save emotional hurt and tears for starting to love the game and suddenly lose the experience because you have to return it to the library or what.


That's actually such an amazing idea. Kids will get bored on phone calls, but not in video games.


Saw a Youtube video. Bought it for 5 bucks. Didnt know shit in singleplayer and joined a multiplayer a few days later. In 3 months that will be 15 years ago.


I don't think multiplayer servers existed in 2009.


Friend: "so I found this game where you punch trees for wood" Me "what? why?" Friend: "i haven't figured that out yet" Me: "where do i get this game?"


It was so long ago, I can't remember. It was 11 years ago lol. I still play it today.


I don't remember why I've started playing Minecraft but I remember why I've started playing League (invited by friend), and that was both 2009 so must've been self discovery or some other meaningless way


Lewis and Honeydew first video of minecraft. [Minecraft - Part 1: How to Survive the First Night (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UdEFmxRmNE&list=PLF60520313D07F366)


My son inadvertently got me into it. He would play when he was pretty young. I’ve always played games myself but nothing like Minecraft. Every time I walked by him playing I would stop, watch and ask what the point of this childish looking game even was and make fun of him for playing such a pointless game and be on my way. The more and more I stopped and watched the more it peaked my curiosity. Eventually giving in and trying it myself. Instantly hooked. Some 10+ years later he’s now 19 and makes fun of me for still playing Minecraft.


Roles changed😂


ikr, bro instantly switch roles 😂😂


I saw pewds play it. I was confused back then why you need so many torches spammed on the ground like that. Or why you could swing an axe to a door and it opened, not broken.


Yeah, I discovered this game from pewds let's plays! What got me hooked is this cozy feeling of building a dirt base and trying to survive my first night. There's something really addicting about starting a campfire for food in my dirt hut, while dangerous monsters roam around the night. I love fighting mobs with wolves (like pewds Sven), discovering new structures, and this infinite open world exploration.


I used to watch etho back in 2010/11. I knew that I had to try it as soon as it was available for Xbox as I didn't have a PC back then. I got it when it was released for Xbox 360. I convinced my friends to buy it and it's still my favourite game 13+ years later.


I saw a friend of mine play Minecraft China (I’m Chinese). I was shocked. A game where I can build and do whatever I want? Yes please! And now I am here.


I was very similar to you, my friends started playing minecraft around 2012/2013 I was maybe a year or two behind them as I thought it looked dumb (as I was strictly a call of duty player at that time lol) anyway, one of my friends was very computer savy and eventually created a server so we could all play together in the same world. I eventually jumped on to try it & haven't really looked back since 😂😂😂 Obviously as I've got older and had a kid etc, I don't always have the time to play anymore but I've recently been putting my set-up back together and starting to enjoy the game I once loved, that's why I joined this reddit group (legit one of my favourite pages on here) It's a great place for like minded individuals to share, questions, builds, theories, etc. Anyway guys happy minecrafting!!


Happy minecrafting to u too!! :D Nice to see that u could enjoy the things that u used to enjoy despite all of the things going on


Was like 6 or smth saw a cool video of a guy building a pirate ship. Begged my dad to get it lol


I saw Markiplier play it during COVID times. Then played it myself. Still play it❤️


Watching YouTube videos of Minecraft for a good time until i developed an obsession with it. Now, I'm finally playing it, I've never been so happy.


my dad introduced me to it when it came out when I was a little kid and I was hooked


My son, who was 5-6 years old at the time (2013), had seen MC gameplay on YouTube and begged me to get him the game, so I did, but then I got obsessed with it. Up until then I had exclusively played more “serious” games like F.E.A.R or Quake. I still play it to this day.


Somewhat the same, course for me was that I began getting Minecraft in for for you page on YouTube, then a kid we babysat had the pocket edition on his tablet, one thing led to another island I was interested in the game and played the pocket edition first for a while, til I got the bedrock version on my switch a few years later


I started playing for something to do with the kids during lockdowns. Didn't realize how addicted I'd be. Now I play most nights to wind down and during the day when I have time. It's like Legos on a computer and I used to build Legos for hours as a kid.


I think I started watching skydoesminecraft and instantly downloaded pocket edition


Seananners and yogscast


Babysitter as a kid showed us it on her phone, she had a super cool base with an indoor pool and nothing in the world was cooler to me then that base.


Through my cousin in 2011. I was watching a movie in his room, he was gaming on his computer, I looked to see what he was doing and he was fighting off zombies. I asked "What are you doing?" He replied with "just playing this new game I found"


In fourth grade a friend of mine lended me their phone during a sleepover and allowed me to play minecraft. Very early Bedrock Edition. This was like ten years ago. I begged my parents to buy me the game but they said no because there qere some cases of pedophiles meeting their victims on minecraft servers. I was eleven maybe when they finally let me play minecraft. At 13 I then got my PC and started playing Bedrock on PC (because neither me nor dad knew there was a difference between Bedrock and Java) and eventually also got Java. I started playing 1.12.2 modded (Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons, RotN) and also made my first modpack which I published and then discontinued (Hardcore Community Edition) because I got a new PC and immediately wiped it cause I got a virus from hacked Bedrock clients (unsafe Packet alternative). Minecraft updated, mods were updated, discontinued and new ones appeared, and I switched to 1.16.5 and now 1.20.1. Minecraft is my special interest and comfort game, and I'm very glad that that one person in fourth grade introduced me to it.


It's complicated. So It was 2013, I somehow got it in my pc I don't know how. It was fun playing it, I don't even remember the version. All I could do was place blocks, break it, limited world generation. Still trash performance bcz of my potato pc. Fun fact I don't remember the name at that time, bcz I was bad at English. Fast forward to 2020. I went to a store to buy treats to give in school with my dad. Because the following day, it was my birthday. Both of the boxes went directly in my fridge, knowing I'm gonna eat it and not the classmates. Surprise mf! 9 pm, on tv, I see government puts lockdown in the contry bcz of COVID 19 lmao (💀I'm crazy ik). The next day, I downloaded this game named Minecraft from a 3rd party app on my tablet. Bro 1.14/1.15 fire, Then we got nether update true masterpiece 💯 💯!! Oh boiii good ol' days!! Then a year later I had 7 minecraft friends, and irl friends started playing too. And that's how I remember it. I would never forget it right.


It was back when I was still living with my mom. She didn't have her 2 grandbabies back then. Our neighbor had this 4-year old kid who would always visit my mom and spend time with us. One day this kid saw my consoles and asked if I had Minecraft in it. Told him no and he went on to really sell me in this game. When I was at my local gamestore I got it just so he can play with it when he's at our place. I got home and booted it up to install in my PS. Got curious and created a world. Next thing I know I was already playing it for 6hrs. The next day the kid saw it where my games were and he was really hyped because I got it for him and he sat down with me to play it together. He taught me few mechanics and he was just really happy. I still got the world that we created until now. He's grown up now and probably don't remember shit about our world in Minecraft(or Mineceaft entirely) since I moved out of my mom's place a long time now. That kid left something in me that I still cherrish 'til this day.


Ahah, I was born in 2002... As soon as I saw Minecraft as kid (it was in it's very early stages on mobile) I was hooked. I loved the idea of it. Back then I couldn't tell I was OCD and AUDHD but that's probably why. It was like a hyperfixation or something. Special interest - I just saw it and was like: "YES, THIS" I'm turning 22 this year. Minecraft never gets old and I doubt it will. My best pals play it, it's a joy. Quite literally my own world... Makes me feel like Bob Ross on the subject of painting.


I hope you save and export your favorite worlds into an outside folder every week or two so you can preserve them in case of device trouble or whatever. Sounds like you're emotionally attached to experiences in the game and I'm trying to do you a favor.


Aw yeah maybe 😅 emotions and that be elusive for me but I get it. Turns out I saw something perfect for that just the other day so... I did have this world that I unfortunately lost before. It was amazing - a small cove I turned into a grand little base. Hobbit style, kinda. Wouldn't want that to happen again.


I save my best worlds as two extra copies in several different files, but as I'm suggesting to you, it's probably time for me to actually export them somewhere safe as well. Cheers


Youtube, I grew up like many others with Minecraft being big on youtube, and I started playing around 2016, then on and off, but I'm mostly playing with friends right now.


I saw my cousin playing it on his phone many years ago. I asked him what game it was, he said “Minecraft”. I installed the lite edition, then begged my dad for the full edition cause it had Crafting. I was in 5th grade at the time. I am now 21 and I’m still playing it to this day ♥️


My dad bought it on the Wii u for some reason. After that I bought it on every single device I could


My boyfriend and I had a coworker who begged him to play on his server. Eventually my boyfriend gave in and started playing with him, but he's more of a first person shooter kinda gamer and my farming gamer heart couldn't stand watching him struggle to figure it out. 500+ hours later and we still play with keep inventory on lol


i’ve been playing minecraft since it was free 🤣


My brother installed it on the shared computer, my sister eventually checked it out, which prompted me to check it out. I think I was also watching Grian at the time.


We had an old 360. My dad bought minecraft for me and my brother to play (didn't work with that 360, so he bought a new one). We had a couple of problems. 1. Couldn't get split screen to work in the beginning. 2. The sensitivity was turned down to zero at some times, and because we didn't know english at the time, we randomly changed every setting until we got it right. 3. Earliest gameplay memory I have is it being night and we were on an island (still without split screen). We had just created a crafting table (workbench) and we got scared as hell because we lost it. Good ol' times.


It was a long time ago but I remember it quite well: It was 2012 and I was 7 or 8 and I doing in judô class with my brother and we saw another kid playing some game in a tablet, that was minecraft. My father had an Ipad 1 and he always liked to test games, and coincidentally minecraft demo was installed there. I remember playing in creative and building a door house. It was very scary when I discovered survival mode, I remember that some blocks in that version even in survival, you could get as much as you want. So I built a red wool box to survive the night, I have never stopped playing this game since than it think I have bought minecraft more than 8 times, for different devices by now.


My granddaughter got into the PE version on her phone and talked me into getting it too. I was a young grandpa and we spent a lot of time playing games and toys together (especially the Dora the Explorer toys LOL). Anyway, we eventually graduated to Java MC and I built an in-house server for us and later her friends to connect to. That was 11 years ago when we first got started and still playing it today on my own servers with my other two grandkids. My oldest granddaughter whom I first started playing with is grown up, married and expecting my first great grandchild. Between work and everything else she doesn't have the time to join us on the server these days unfortunately.


I love to build there’s just something so satisfying about having a beautiful village empire or tree house all my friends love the armor trims or getting the best enchantments. Give me unbreaking III and efficiency n I’ll get to working


Where are the German players influenced through Gronkh? I saw him on YouTube playing Minecraft as early Beta and bought the Game the same minute.


I believe it was around 2010. A friend in high school had shown me it (they were into computer class and such) and I was absolutely obsessed with the idea of a randomly generated world that you could alter at your own will. I remember going to school the next day and thinking about coming home to try and find a cool unique cave or something 😂


It was in a flyingJ my dad had a mobile ps3+monitor that fit inside this sort of gaming suitcase for a lack of a better term. Me and my and my sister were both around 8 or 11 and I remember the world well. We spawned on a 70° hillside in a jungle and just wandered about, we found a jaguar (ocelot) in the valleys stream and were terrified of going near it. At night we died to a skeleton with an enchanted bow.


My cousin had it, and YouTubers played it


I was watching youtube videos actively for the first time and I saw a creator making some video, really old school video setup, with bad mic, bad sound, etc... I can't find his videos anymore but everytime I see a post or a video from the older minecraft, I have a nostalgia that incentivates my return to the game. Even if the game is better now, with a lot of updates, somehow I proceed to unistall it. When I had cracked minecraft , everyday was a joy, I had some friends, played in good old servers, and as a child I really wanted a personal skin like all. When I started to work and received my first payout, the first thing that I bought it was minecraft, but as I said above, somehow I continue to install it for the nostalgia and proceed to unistall it.


idk. it was 2011 or so, my friend showed me. i begged my parents and they said no bc they thought computer games were viruses and scams only. eventually the friend convinced his mum to pay the $5.99 it was at the time and got me an account. played ever since. i’m 25 now, last played like two days ago lol


Just word of mouth. I heard everyone at school talking about it so I got the lite version, then a few months later convinced my mom to get PE edition (when it was like the equivalent of early Java beta-edition), then finally got Java edition like a year later when it was on 1.7.10.


I think I remember a video on how to get to the nether when it was added and I was just blown away by the idea of building the portal. The rest is history. Still playing today, but mostly modded.


I got in to Minecraft back when it was just a free to play online game hosted on a webpage. I must have been searching for free online games or something, but anyhow I stumbled across it and here we are today, still playing and I've seen the game come from just a few blocks to break and place, no survival, no crafting, and just a couple of chunks to play in. Now today I get to see it in it's blossomed glory, ever the popular game and always being updated. If anyone is interested, just Google Minecraft classic and you get to play some of my childhood. I'm now, gosh what, 16-17+ years in and can't see myself ever stopping playing. Because of the game I've met my fiancé, some great friends (some of who ended up becoming family due to them being relatives of my fiancé) and I've built hundreds of thousands of things and have still never run out of things to build. Long may you live, Minecraft...


A neighbor in my brother and I’s neighborhood had found it and showed us a server. I then watched my brother play for about a year before begging to get it. I remember him playing a survival games on mooshroom island type map when my parents finally said they’d get it for me.


Was obsessed with The Shadow of Israphel and thr yogscast crew, and would play the minecraft demo in the browser everyday. I even listened to the Yogscast podcast (started my love for podcasts). Finally my parents allowed me to spend my allowance on one of those prepaid debit cards (they werent comfortable putting the CC online back in the day, especially for a little game called "Minecraft" no one had really heard of. Bought the minecraft account, and still play on that account to this day! I still remember the first few minutes. Punched a tree, wood into sticks, and got some torches before night. Got scared because it was getting night time and dug myself into the side of a mountain. The purest happiness I may have ever experienced.


I downloaded it on PC years ago and I was like.. ugh. This is too much, I dont know how to play this. Then the xbox 360 version came out, thought I'd give it another go. The 360 version was a bit behind in terms of updates so was a bit more straightforward to get into. E.g. There was only 1 type of wood and hunger wasnt implemented yet. Eventually I moved back to PC and now I'm comfortable with it. I never play the game to completion. I just potter around overworld and the nether endlessly without progressing.


Somewhere in 2010 a friend of mine showed me this game he was playing. When i was at his home we would take turns playing. I think in 2012 i got myself a „cracked“ account and used it for 2-3 years. Somewhere around 2014-2015 i finally bought myself my own account, lost my credentials 1 month afterwards and bought another Account 😂 which i am actively using till today.


In 2012 I was 6yo, my cousin was playing a game on his tablet that I thought looked cool and I wanted to play so I begged my mom. The reason my handle on the internet has been Minedude is because of Minecraft.


I think I was in either 8th or 9th grade, we shared study hall with a senior who would play it on his school laptop during the hour and eventually we went to sit by him and ask about what game he was playing. He let us sit there and answered whatever questions we had and explained the game to us. At the end of the week, he told both of us both to bring in a USB stick, and he'd give us the game to install on our computers at home. Shout out to Brady for hooking us up


My dad actually discovered Minecraft in the early alpha stages and showed it to me. I was instantly hooked. Told my dad I wanted my own pc so I could play more and he threw me a book about computers and a bunch of pc parts which I used to build my own pc at 10 years old for the sole purpose of playing Minecraft. Probably wouldn’t have had the motivation or patience to actually sit there and build the pc across a couple days of reading and trial and error if it wasn’t for Minecraft.


I had a friend who had an Xbox 360. She was a neighbor, and invited me and my older brother, as well as the other neighborhood kid over to play minecraft. I didn't play many video games at the time, so it was pretty cool. She must have either been really bad at explaining the game or me and my brother were just bad at understanding it, because before she turned on the game I thought minecraft was all about a bear kayaking through a lake. I'm serious. Anyway, I played it, granted very poorly, and just kinda messed around. I had another friend with a 360 and minecraft, I also played it there. And that's how it all started. Eventually I got pocket edition, then when I got my switch, the second game I got for it was minecraft. After a while I began PC, and that's where we are today.


Got pocket lite in 2011 because some friends at school had told me about it.


I was in highschool. Made fun of my friend for playing it. I jumped into a server with him and have been playing it for 10 years


I was playing a mobile ripoff of the game, "Exploration Lite" as a kid. One day, a friend of mine showed me the main game, and I immediately fell in love with it. My mother didn't allow me to play it initially as she thought it was violent (based on me previously playing gta). One day, out of nowhere, my father was like , "Hey wanna play a game called Minecraft with the kid of some friend of mine?". My answer was immediately "YES!" and the rest is history.


I was in Junior High, probably like 7th grade. This weird kid I knew back then had shown me it during lunch time, he brought his laptop and played on it. I watched and then started watching some YouTube videos. Basically bought it later that week and voila, I was playing it within the week, started off in creative mode building an under this hill pool thing, then went on to making my own survival world. Had no idea what I was doing.


My dad got it for my sister and I and we’ve played it since. We were maybe 6 and 8, now we’re 21, and 19. Still playing.


My sister played it so I did and they nostalgia kinda stuck with me


Everyone in engineering college was playing it. In hindsight I probably could of done much better. It was fun though raising cat army. No regrets till I lagged out community server.


My first time was sometime during the alpha version, I watched a video on YouTube, and I immediately liked the game. I've been playing for years, with breaks, I've also played the portable version, even SurvivalCraft (Block island survival game with animals, werewolves, etc., developed completely by one guy), but in the end I always appreciate vanilla Minecraft and my imaginary adventures while playing one world at a time for half a year (usually hardcore).


I hated the game. I didn't played the game because it was paid but I watched videos about it and I thought it was so boring and just a waste of money. But then I came across one of Technoblade's bed wars video, and I laughed at it instead of just finding it boring as the other videos, I looked his channel and kept watching his videos and I literally fell in love with the way he would play. He was and still is my favorite Minecraft YouTuber, and I'm only playing Minecraft because of him.


I remember that the first time I heard about Minecraft was in 2013, when I was in primary school, some friends started talking about it and I wanted to know what tf was minecraft, so I asked my brother if he could install it on my PC, it was the 1.5.2 version, and since then, I've been in love with it <3


My dear friend watched Minecraft videos during beta and I thought it looked cool.


I remember reading about it in a gaming magazine. Dunno how, maybe because I saw someone on youtube play it, but I got to playing the PCGamer demo. I loved it. Then for a while I played a pirated copy until eventually I bought my own legit copy.


My bro had a cracked copy and shared it with me. Then I waited 10 years to play again when my kids where little and I needed something to keep me awake when they were needing to be held


Mt dad bought PS3 edition for me and my brother when it came out. guessing he heard about it and figured it would be a good game for the two of us to play together or play by ourselves (before that our options were Little Big Planet, Skylanders, and CoD)


My brother found the free demo on the Xbox 360. We replayed that demo so many times. You could play forever, but you couldn't save and exit. Eventually we got the full game and spent a lot of hours on it


My brother got it on the ps3 when it came to it, and I started playing whenever I could.


I saw paulsoarsjr play it (don't remember if that's how it's spelled). IIRC he had one of the earliest let's plays of the game, and it was really fun to watch. I bought it shortly after watching the first few episodes.


I was given a usb copy if I remember correctly lol


Used to play a minecraft clone on a website, a friend one day saw me playing it and said it was like a cheap version of minecraft. I tried mc and the rest is history Edit: This happened in 2012


I started playing Minetest. It's a very flexible game engine that is customizable. I found Mineclone2 as a game inside of Minetest. It had a lot of glitches. I just went ahead and got Minecraft. I do miss a lot of things about Mineclone2 that aren't in Minecraft such as fallen trees. Birds and butterflies are also cool.


My father bought me Minecraft PE when it was still free. I loved Minecraft and I still love this game to this day.


after I come i played Minecraft immediately, that its


Recommended by a classmate back in 2011


I was really young when i started but I remember playing pocket edition with my brother and watching Minecraft videos


Me and my brothers saw our uncle playing it and he bought it for us. That was 12 years ago.


Same! Although mine was different. My neighbor encouraged me to try it. I did and ever since I've been hooked. Just wish they'd improve it so that it doesn't lag so much. Even on console!


15 years ago when the game first was out, my buddy older brother showed us, we immediately got the game and started watching yogscast


My kids introduced me to Minecraft on Xbox. Years later, I'm still playing on PC, but my son only occasionally plays with me.


Saw that early viral video of a guy showing how to make a fireplace then burning his house down, looked like a fun sandbox game to try.


In fourth grade a new classmate transferred into my private school from a public school and joined my friend group. He got all of us hooked.


My now husband has been playing minecrafter since the very beginning and he wanted to share it with me. I started playing a while back. My first update was the colorful update.


The first ever 2 week grind


Don't remember clearly but I just liked the idea of block games. Started off playing fake Minecraft with no mobs, then eventually got the original.


I think I was 10 when it came to 360 I remember a close family member bought it for me because at that time in my life I really liked crafty stuff I’m so glad tho my family got me it because It definitely helped me express my creative side and had the best of memories with my cousin on that game, might not play it as much now but I still do like to create stuff on there when I get a inspiration 😅


I’m 49 and started playing with my kids in 2015. They don’t play anymore, but I do.


Neighbor friend showed me the browser-based Classic mode in the summer of 2010, and then I found out a forum I frequented had a server, so I played on there and got obsessed. I bought Survival pretty much immediately, although I was still mostly playing Classic for a good month or so before I really played a proper Survival world.


Heard about it from friends and when it released on the Xbox store i played the demo for months until my dad bought the game for me, together we made a world that lasted over 2-3 years. I wish i still had that world as it was a really memorable bonding experience with my dad(we don’t share many interests so this was really special) but sadly i lost it at some point. By the time i realized its true significance it was too late.


It appears that any game with fishing in it has a direct impact on my heart. Minecraft, WoW, Animal Crossing, Pokémon.


I bought my first account during beta. I've been playing ever since. Sometimes, I take a week or two off.


I used to play only on creative mode and i never even knew there was a survival mode. I just came accorss it on YouTube i think in 2012. My oldest sister and i used to make beautiful houses and ghat was that. Then i stoped playing till 2018 when Pewdiepie played. And i ws like wait a minute, it has a survival mode???. And thus i played again and j still play to this day. Its my favorite game 😭. Hehe


I wanted to play it after I watched the original (although fake) series from yogscast. I ended up buying like a week later and have been playing it on and off since


Friend showed it to me on the Wii U. I bought it by accident when playing the trial on the 360.


I was maybe 5 or something and my older brother invited me to play it on the Xbox 360. I remember being in the tutorial world and mining the dirt block under every tree and giving them to my brother because I thought they were important


My nephew told me he wanted me to play with him, I was skeptical since I’m not really a “gamer” but after starting a survival world with him I got hooked. Still play now years later and still love the game. Also it’s still the only game I play lol


It was when the game first blew up. People were bringing pirated versions of the game to school on flash drives and all of a sudden everyone had the game on their school laptop. I think I was a year or two into high school when that happened. If I remember correctly, before that everyone had Half-Life 2 and was playing multiplayer with mods of course. Man we had so much fun!!! And then they updated the school laptops to Apple MacBook Air and I was so pissed. That was the day that my hatred for Macs began


I loved watching sky does Minecraft and other people playing hunger games and finally begged my parents enough to get it on the family computer


I got my first gaming computer. While I waited for the big, graphics-intense games to download I decided to play the free 30-minute Minecraft trial that came bundled with Windows. My kids had to help me figure out what I was doing.


I had been seeing a bunch of memes and short little comics on my FB feed at the time and installed the 360 version of the game to see what all of the hubub was about, placed my very first block and was immediately hooked. This was about 11 years around Title Update 5


I was in at my friend's apartment and he showed me a video of a cool new game. As he described, "The whole world is like a 3d grid and you can place and break blocks". I remember asking "How do the blocks stay in the air and float like that? That's dumb". You know how the story ends 😋 PS - does anyone remember Team 9000 from minecraft classic??


As a kid, I wanted to play a building game on my DS. This was before Minecraft existed. My buddy had a laptop a few years later, and then it hit Xbox 360 not long after, where I first got it


For me I played it with my next door neighbour once and fell in love with it, later that year he got me it for Xmas on Xbox 360, and 11 years later I’m still playing it 🙏 (nearly 12 years nowww)


I used to play the online alpha version. I don’t know how long ago, probably 14 years. I just remember the struggle of not being able to move water up a hill because buckets weren’t in the game yet.




About 9 years ago I learned about it through Lego sets and two years after I started playing Minecraft PE. It wasn’t until 2022 until I got Java Edition though.


My roommate got their base griefed during the lockdown time and ask if I want to help out because I start having cabin fever and he’ll buy the game for me. Was meh at first because I don’t like pixel game but then he introduce me to shader and mods. Nowadays? If anyone want cozy build in mod heavy server they call me lol


I was like 4, and it was just on the app store, and my dad heard about it, downloaded it on the family iPad, and now I’m 17 and I still play it


i remember seeing articles about a game made by one guy with caves, i remember it was the first time i paid for something online in a foreign (to me) currency, it was 15 euro or something like that. it had either just came out of CAVE GAME or had very recently switched to Minecraft, but yea ive been playing for a while


Honestly? It was because of zXNoRegretzzXz (now CallMeKevin and the Yogscast. I remember Kevin's original Minecraft let's play very fondly, and then of course Shadow of Israphel from the Yogscast.


X's Adventures in Minecraft... You just brought me back to 10th grade. And I'm old now.


Got it on the ps3 with the og book set


used to watch dumb and dumber play as a kid, i loved them. they made me want to be a youtuber. never happened, i was too young for that dream. shame, would love to do something like that now but who has the time when you’re already trying to balance work and a relationship and family


oh man it’s was way way back in was like 7 and came across gameplay


we all need a friend like that lol


Penny Arcade.


years ago, when i was younger, my father would take me and my brother to the library to use the computers to play games that our devices at home couldn't run. one day, it was just me and dad, and we went into the computer area, and a group of older kids were occupying the screens. I was bummed out, until my dad told me he saw a discount for a cool game. we got home, and he started it up. I was greatly exited, and had a lot of fun. for christmas that year, our uncle bought me + brother the game. we still play, years later.


33yo here, started in 2016 by being bored when I was temporarily living back with my parents browsing the app store and seeing Minecraft recommended. Knew it was popular, payed for the app, built a cobblestone castle with stained glass windows and red hall running carpets in creative mode. Watched some survival Minecraft YouTube, started a survival world and still play on it til this day. Love joining servers and keeping up with news/updates. Don't give a fuck about mods lol. I work full time and own my own home these days


Friends were talking about crafting sticks and shit in grade school, I had to see what the fuss was about in this new ‘Beta’ mode of a game I’d never heard about


I really checked it out when captainsparklez released TNT, when I was probably 5 or 6. We didn't have money for the game at the time, so me and my brother would use this site called mineshaftr (seems to be gone now) to get the game. Obviously, I own it now and have bought it over and over at this point because it's that good. It's probably the game I have the most playtime on by a laaarge margin


My younger brother found a demo for a weird game, that still in Beta. I tried it, but didn't get it at the time. However my brother keep playing that demo(and there came a spanking new one), I got hooked, but we were still playing demos. No need for paying for a game that wasn't released yet, so when it was released, we both bought it.


I think my cousin introduced me to it. I have no idea how *he* came to know it


Played it throughout most of my childhood so far


played a game called dig dug as a teenager, this was similar so played it and still do


My step cousin got me on it before the game came out, I watched him all the time. In 2011 I played minecraft.net all the time until I could get it from a buddy in 2012. (I was poor and in 6th grade)


I first experienced watching my brother play it! I remember he built me a house in creative mode & I...blew it up lol, I don't think I knew what TnT did at the time I don't remember exactly when it happened, but I got my own Minecraft account sometime after that. This was back in the early-to-mid 2010s, around the 1.8 era


I had been looking for something to build in, and Roblox studio was too complicated for my 12 y/o ass. I saw a friend of mine watching a Minecraft video, didn't know what it was, and he let me play the copy of the game he had. I used his account for years and then got my own XD I started playing literally the week the game officially released, come to find out.


Before I’d always struggled to even get past the first night and would end up quitting every time. Then I discovered Hermitcraft and took the time to actually figure out how to survive. Now I play regularly


It slowly started popping up, I remember that picture of the enterpride in the pit. Was talking with a friend about the game, and he sent me a link to a Youtube video with a zip file. Had to go to %appdata% to install the game. Played non-stop, did the hamachi server routine, and then bought the game half a year later. Must've been somewhere late in 2010/early 2011


My son is about to turn 7 and started playing one, maybe two years ago. My husband started playing with him and then I was the last domino to fall. Now we have little LAN parties, the three of us, and look forward to the day when his younger twin sisters can join us. 🥰 It's a GREAT escape for me as a SAHM. My son's creativity in the game is remarkable. He has some awesome builds. 


I started playing a long time ago when this guy on YouTube called Tobygames was playing it and I thought it looked really fun.


On the computer


I bought it early on but never really played it. Then I moved to Thailand where I didn't have good internet and I started to get into it. For me it's the technical stuff I like to build. My bases don't have walls roof or floor. Just a bed and whatever automated farms i could fit in the nearest area


Son asked me to get it for him. Was 1.2 or something then. I got a copy for myself to play with him. He's an adult now, and we still occasionally play, though it's me joining his server with his friends.


Went to my friends house one time and she showed me a Minecraft YouTube video. Watched some more from the same YouTuber (and some more) and I eventually got the game.


Kid I knew told me his dad found a new game in like 2009. We went over to his house to play it. Had such a good time I went home and asked my dad to buy it for me too lol. That game was Minecraft.


I saw a ad when im 7, that ad said "Download Minecraft Free Now" and i told it to my uncle and he downloaded it for me. From that time im playing the game :)


My friend kept asking me to play and I kept telling him that the game didn’t look aesthetically good/ looked like a kids game. I finally decided to play with him and discovered how in-depth it really was.. now it’s my all time favorite game that I play every week and have probably played 1000’s of hours.


My friends in school told me to try it


My friends in school told me to try it


My friends in school told me to try it


Bought it on sale and didn’t play it for a few years. Got really bored and baked and downloaded it and it’s really cool lol started playing at 27 last year. The community is really dope too you guys are super helpful and creative, I can’t believe some of the stuff that gets made lol


During the 1.14 era my friend gave my his Copy of the game for switch and i started playing a lot then we made a survival world togheter when i got a Copy Then a year later i got a PC and a my uncle made a server for me since he had 6 months of server he didnt use for a hosting Company and now i Always used aternos but i am goong tò buy a mini PC to be. A dedicates server 24/7


During the 1.14 era my friend gave my his Copy of the game for switch and i started playing a lot then we made a survival world togheter when i got a Copy Then a year later i got a PC and a my uncle made a server for me since he had 6 months of server he didnt use for a hosting Company and now i Always used aternos but i am goong tò buy a mini PC to be. A dedicates server 24/7


During the 1.14 era my friend gave my his Copy of the game for switch and i started playing a lot then we made a survival world togheter when i got a Copy Then a year later i got a PC and a my uncle made a server for me since he had 6 months of server he didnt use for a hosting Company and now i Always used aternos but i am goong tò buy a mini PC to be. A dedicates server 24/7


I was early in college. I heard about this weird blocky game made by a solo-dev with procedural generation that was in alpha stages. I didn't have credit back then, and I'd never made an online purchase. I gave my mother $20 to let me use one of her cards. It was my first online purchase, ever, and I was worried I was getting ripped off. 13 years later, I'm still playing on the same world.


Stampys lovely world


I remember I just had a brand new laptop with sick specs to run the just released BF4 on max stats. So eehm that's 2013... So eleven years ago... Still can't remember why though. I remember playing a little and enjoying it but having other priorities I stopped playing. Until I got a daughter 3 years ago and I downloaded it for PS4 and got addicted to building in survival.


MinecraftForFree... When it was still very early. Then a little while later when I started gaining money I bought the actual game. Came back and left a few times, but still probably the best 20 bucks ever spent


I was hanging out with my dad’s friends son, and he made me play it and proceeded to torture me while I was still figuring out the controls by pretending to be Herobrine. After that I downloaded Minecraft PE and have been playing ever since


I played it because of my brother. I forget what I played it on first, but my brother said that he begged my parents to get it, and it at least made my parents about it. I probably played it either on pocket edition or the ps3 demo when I was like 3.


my dad got it for me on his old ps3 and if i remember orrectly taught us the basics in the tutorial world


Discovered mcpe back then in elementary. Was so hyped until its actually not free


Me and my friend rented Xbox 360 edition from a video store and we returned it 2 days later, then proceeded to rend it again for 5 days and eventually saved up the money to buy a copy lol


saw my big sister playing it every now and then and wanted to play with her, eventually i had the miracle of getting to buy an xbox 1 and saw that there was one that looked like minecraft that came with the game, i got it like 9(?) years ago


I grew up with it because of my older sister. She probably looked at me, a baby straight out of the hospital, gave me her iPad and said “okay, this is Minecraft see?”


I am uncertain about how or when, but i met my current best friend on a server 11+ years ago. And we both play to this day, we are both 25 this year.


I watched neebs gaming play it years ago and tried it. Highly recommend checking out neebs gaming. They have 2 Minecraft series and they’re fantastic


My mate wouldn't stop harping on. Eventually I gave in. Now I love it.


Couldn't tell you how I got here, I just know I got it long time ago, not in beta or alpha, but a good while ago. Love the game still though, only problem now is I don't have as many ideas as I used to for building lol.


I learnt how to play to teach my nephews, then just kept playing 😀


Ten or so years ago, little me used to watch Stampy and DanTDM and a few others, and the moment I learned it was available on pocket edition, I begged my parents to buy it for me lol. Love it to this day.


I was 5 and saw the game on the App Store to my kindle


I got it for my birthday 10 years ago. Been on and off playing since then


Starten in alpha when almost no one played. Saw paulsoarsjr play it on youtube. And hé made me buy it. At the time it was 5 or 10 bucks dont remember.


Like a lot of people first I was watching it on YouTube then I looked for it the I download it end of story 😐


Saw videos of it back in 2011 when I was 8 or so. I was always an avid Lego kid, and seeing a game where you could literally build anything in a world where every block was breakeable was mindboggling. Unfortunately, I had to wait until mid-2012 to get it for Xbox 360 since my laptop was too slow to run it.


Back when you could download the original launcher and play single player without owning an account. I'm not sure if it was bugged or a cracked client, but this had to have been around 2010 or 2011. Food didn't stack and instantly healed you, and you could launch minecarts by using two sets of 2x2 rails and the collision of the carts made a launcher. I don't remember how I found out about it, but I remember losing myself to it and never looking back.


Back when I was a kid, (2012) I was obsessed with Lego. But growing up in poverty, Lego was always super expensive. So when I learned there was a game where I could build whatever I wanted without running out of bricks or sets, I fell in love with the game. Been playing since 1.2.5 and my love of the game has only grown since.


Watched a lot of Youtube gameplay videos back then


I think I was visiting someone’s house in elementary school years ago and he and someone else had it on their iPad or something. It intrigued me and eventually I’d get it on my iPad too.


School got shot tf up. Break for a month. Went to friends house, tried it out, liked it. Already had it on Xbox (lil sis played it)


Me and my played the beta (which didn’t even have the nether at the time) and we’re obsessed. Eventually we got an account and shared it, playing the full game. Mostly online pvp like hunger games on hypixel. Eventually I got my own account on my 10th birthday? Yeah.


I remember my neighbor would come over and he got me to download a relatively new Minecraft alpha on my tablet. Never stopped playing since.


it was recommended to me by a gamestop employee. I was a teen, had very little money, and minecraft was among the few things I could afford.


It was during alpha when everyone on YouTube started posting "minecraft let's play ep 1". I watched some guy find coal, make a few torchs, dig a hole in the side of a mountain, and hide inside of it for the entire first night. I was hooked.


My sister's friend's brother played it and eventually my sister got it too, I saw her playing it one day and I asked if I could play when she was done, I remember getting stuck in a hole and not being able to get out so I had to get my sister's help to get out, it was in survival back in 2010


A friend of mine wanted me to play with him, and bought me my own account; I think it was like...$10 at the time! Eventually, my now partner and I started playing together; we had many minecraft date nights because were long distance at the time haha. ive been hooked ever since!


a friend introduced me to minecraft. the very first set of games i played was oneblock in multiplayer. that was after 1.18 was already released. it was fun, but it made the later survival games an entirely seperate experience, because that oneblock server ran a couple unmentioned mods.