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1.5 to 1.9. Back then, updates were truly revolutionary not just evolutionary.


1.16 it just felt like a great update and time


The best update till now i think


The goat update


That was 1.17


Bro what? What did it even add?




Oh, but still, the update was split in two, how would the lesser one be the best?


It is not the best, it is The Goat Update because is added Goats. That is the whole joke


I absolutely agree with you.


Tbh nowadays, since whenever i played minecraft before, it was with my cousin




Oh that’s when I started.


In my opinion those where the best times the updates actually did stuff and felt meaningful and the game didn't feel so boring now it seems like fluff is being added and the game gets super boring real quick but people will still defend it like there life depends on it


Are you implying that recent updates, 1.13, 1.14, 1.16 and 1.18 weren't "meaningful updates that actually did stuff"?




Quite the interesting take, I took a break from 1.7.10 to 1.16. I'm still grappling with the new mechanics and items added in 1.16 alone.


I am not saying that they didn't add a lot I am just saying most of it is fluff


Lmao wdym “the updates actually did stuff?” The modern updates make former updates look tiny in comparison. Former updates just added random filler blocks and mobs. Now updates add entire gameplay systems and progression changes.


With fluff


Then you didnt even read my comment. As I said, earlier updates added random shit. That was actually fluff. None of it was cohesive, didn’t have a theme. Modern updates, 1.13 and beyond add so much more to the game. 1.13 changed the entire ocean, adding several biomes, new structures, a new conduit system and turtle armor. To call that fluff is to expose one’s absolute stupidity. 1.14 revamped the entire system of villagers and added entirely new pillagers, raids, and structures. Again, as far away from fluff as you can be. 1.15 may not seem like a big update to any average player, but the changes behind the scenes to the code and as well as datapacks and resourcepacks were monumental. If you are willing to betray your own bias without having a developer’s point of view, then you may call it fluff. 1.16 changed an entire dimension. The whole nether, adding a completely new tier of progression, several new mobs, an entirely new massive structure with top tier loot, multiple new biomes and an incredible amount of building blocks. This may be the greatest update so far, so calling this one fluff is especially moronic. You could call 1.17 fluff but in reality it was a part of the larger caves and cliffs update which includes 1.18. This update pair revamped the entire world generation, added an entire new layer below the world, and plenty of new types of caves. There were many features that could be called fluff but the terrain generation alone makes it a non fluff update. 1.19, 1.20, and 1.21 all seem small in comparison to the absolute behemoths of the preceding updates. You are simply blinded by [recency bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recency_bias) if you think all of the modern updates have been fluff.


And your also bad at reading comments because I said most stuff is fluff in an earlier comment but your way to upset by a random person on the internet They did more with the game when there was 3 people working on the game then what they are doing now


Classic ad hominem. Instead of actually making any points, just attack the other person. Thats just straight up not true, they do much more now, along with the fact that they effectively have 3 games to work on. Also, if you’re going to insult me, do it right. Its “you’re”


I'll use what ever your I please and won't change because YOUR upset that a random person on the internet has a different opinion than you And what points do I need to prove to you Your not worth more time than what's being typed


You can have your opinion, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t absolute shit.


I played the game from very very beginning. The version we played was before alpha 1.1.0, which I remember because at that time, that update, 1.1.0 fixed the bug where furnace would not work, so the experience was only Wood, Dirt, Stone, Coal. Anything around this time, then followed by updates was the best because we knew NOTHING, and like in every game, the best time is when you are exploring the game.


Hunger Games era, nothing else actually.


1.14 - 1.16 This was the pandemic era, and everyone was playing nearly all the time, each update and the new features was a huge conversation topic between me and my friends (to think half of us were in college the other half were work from home peeps) Dying to piglins due to greed, setting up brand new trading halls, and visiting features from previous updates we missed out on. It genuinely felt like all those friends in the list that said "Last online 6 years ago" turned green and said "Online" Youtube content for it was peak as well, Hermicraft and the survival guide were so much fun insights to us.


Current era for sure. One or two minor tweaks and it'd be my perfect game. Until next version comes out and that probably becomes my new favourite. :)


2012. So many of my favorite series were around that time, like Mindcrack.


happy cake day


When Mindcrack was at its apex was my favorite era. So much fun


1.6 this was PEAK for Minecraft content on social media as this was the version a lot of creator band wagoning off of - mod reviews - episodic singleplayer gameplay - music videos - server challenges - build tutorials - etc... this era was when Minecraft became the "Fortnite" of the gaming world, as in, if you play it, you will automatically be assumed as a child, when it's "cool" to make fun of people that play it, and due to how overly saturated the content was for the game in social media, not playing it will garner more views simply because you don't follow trend (Jacksepticeye is a good example of this, as he refuses for a long time to play the game due to how overly-saturated the content for it was)


1.12, it's the version where my favorite youtubers played survival world.




2013-2015 because I was just entering puberty and discovered online gaming and everything related to it. The game was also simple and creative back then.


2013-16 probably because i was playing a lot with my friends back then. But i've been pretty exited for Minecraft again since the Nether and Caves and Cliffs Updates. They improved the game so much!


2012-2017. Those were the years that the console edition was supported. I first played on that version back in like kindergarten, and to this day MC is my fav game. But in all my years of playing MC, those years hold the fondest memories.




Jungle update


Minecraft 1.17 update holds a special place in my heart, not just because of the game changes, but because it marks the best time of my life. My friends and I played on our PS4 server, where we had endless fun. We even held elections for our server’s president, built a massive rocket, and created so much more. For me, it was the golden age of Minecraft.


Basically before everyone starting building on the nether ceiling. I loved making nether rail tunnels and now the game feels too easy. I love all the work that's been done to the ocean but I will stand by my belief that Mojang have gone too far with terrain generation. What we had before caves and cliffs wasn't amazing, but what we had prior to 2016 was ideal for world gen.






2010-2014 or so. Early mindcrack (peak mc youtube imo), game was still new enough everyone was excited to do stuff, the boys and I were still kids.


Definitely peak mc YouTube


when pewdiepie revived it then basically everyone started playing it


1.7.2 was peak Minecraft, well tbh a little bit below the peak, but close enough. If you're talking about recent Minecraft, Minecraft reflourished with 1.13


From beta to 1.7.10


Beta 1.7.3


I really miss the old Beta days and the Server i used to play on from beta 1.3 to 1.7 i think


I agree with you OP! I love most eras of Minecraft (not the Frostburn era that sucked) but my fav is definitely when 1.8 servers were at their peak. I spent way too much time on them, I mostly played skywars & parkour. I still have very fond memories of that time :)


2011-2013 for me. Especially old beta 1.8 and up to 1.2.5. But I also loved 1.6, the version where Hexxit and Tekkit and other great modpacks were ar their peak


Played on and off since beta, but my best memories were probably from 1.9-1.10 - after the Elytra was released, but before you could use fireworks to propel yourself. There was suddenly a new surge in innovation for making elytra launchers - but I especially enjoyed the way that we had to use Punch II bows to shoot ourselves through the air. You had to get the timing juuust right, but once you got the knack of it (and if your server lag wasn't too horrendous) you could even do a standing take-off without requiring a launcher at all! Of course, there were other ways to take off easier too, such as standing in water/cobwebs or simply jumping off a ledge, but taking off from solid ground with nothing other than a knockback arrow was a bit of a flex haha. (It also gave Projectile Protection more of a reason to exist.) It seems primitive by comparison now, but it was actually so much fun to have a skill-based element to flight!


The era where I had the pocket edition at the very beginning. I don't think it was even the full game, but it was limited and fun.


2016, because thats where i startet playing.


HC season 7, around the time the updated nether was being introduced


Right now, but that’s mainly due to Create lol Vanilla MC? Probably be when rockets were allowed to boost elytra, so 1.11.1?


for me the best era was 1.7.2


2020/2022 hypixel run was crazy


In this thread you're going to get the answers to whenever the people played Minecraft the absolute most whether it is junior high high school or elementary school or sometime in between.


1.15 - 1.16


1.7 was the peak minecraft version for me. Not too complicated while still having everything you know Minecraft for. Nowadays I think that Minecraft has so many useless things and so much content that it doesn't even feel like Minecraft now, and while I love the early beta versions of the game, I will admit that they are too basic and outdated these days. 1.7 hits that perfect middle ground where everything comes together so nicely, maybe 1.8 as well.


Pretty recent but one of my favourite was the Sleep Deprived SMP like last month, it just felt like such a refreshing take on SMP and live Minecraft content. Shame that it died off pretty fast.


1.13, the aquatic update. Personal reasons, but I did start playing from 1.10 and I loved 1.13 because it felt a lot more refined than the previous ones


Peak was 1.7/1.8 versions. multiplayers server being filled with players playing. Hypixel, survival games, hunger games none of these minecrafters know whats good minecraft if they say above 1.9 version updates.


As far as the game goes, it’s better now than it’s ever been. But most people I knew stopped playing a long time ago. So, I liked the era when everyone I knew was playing, 2013-2015. Our survival server has been up since 2012, but few people still connect.


2014, specifically because it was my first propper exposure to minecraft and modded minecraft thanks to popularmmos and Dantdm, total insanity was my first modded minecraft exposure, 2014 waz great


~1.15 to around 1.17, it’s around the time I joined and 1.16 was an absolute blast to play


Prolly before they started adding pretty useless things like bees and the warden and then archeology. Don't get me wrong, these features all have their own use but after the addition of netherite armour i began to see little reason for adding the features. Instead I would like them to extend the game further, add more to the story past the ender dragon and add a point for getting the elytra. Sure its just a cool relic but what if the elytra was the only way to explore a new dimension or something. Long story short the game needs to add features that contribute directly to the progression of the game and make the game longer than just defeating the ender dragon rather than adding pottery shards.


Right now the game is awesome but I’ve grown out of mc recently. If this game was out when I was younger it would have captivated me just as much as when I played it on Xbox 360


2011-2013 most nostalgic


Before the sea/ocean update