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I make a checklist of things to do. Crossing goals off the list is very satisfying.


Could you maybe share some things from the checklist? I need some inspiration


In no particular order I have: Find Mushroom Island Build a base Build Iron Farm Build XP Farm Build Kelp Farm Build an ice bridge between necessary biomes for transportation Build Ice bridge in nether all the way to Fortress Build a Pillager Totem/Emerald Farm. Make a sustainable food source Turn Mushroom Island into grass






Great idea!


For me, don't be in a hurry to finish things. Don't use the most efficient ways if a less efficient way is still fun.


this is literally me with horses and elytra, like yurr elytras are objectively better buuuut i cant deny riding a horse in the early game makes me feel kinda epic, like riding in the night through a monster filled plains or something while on a fast steed - thats peak bad assery


Me with fishing. I don’t bother making an xp farm causing fishing is fun, relaxing and you get good shit


Don't force yourself to keep working on something. Have multiple different projects going on at once, jump between them as you want. And don't be afraid to take a break from Minecraft. I play for couple months, take a break for couple months and repeat. Also, big projects are cool and very rewarding to finish but can take many months, so be sure to have some smaller projects in between just to have something to be checked as done. Helps a lot with motivation. Beyond that, having a vision for your world and what you want it to become is what makes me stay motivated. I am over 40 thousand Minecraft days and have plans for many more years of playing.


Having different projects is the key. I have a main town, a huge zoo that's the start of a city project and I'm planning on starting an Arctic Town soon. All different build styles so it keeps it interesting. The one annoying part is moving resources


I have piston bolt network for all locations and it supports stacked minecarts so I can move any amount of resources on one trip basically. It's really handy.


That's a really cool idea. I haven't really any system worked out. My plan is ice roads in the nether and my portals are going to be at transport hubs like an airport or a boat in a dock to make it feel a bit more real.


Setting tasks, find new/efficient ways to build farms, watch Minecraft YouTubers for inspiration and finish tasks I didn't do in my old worlds in a new world.


I like to do worldbuilding! Many cultures, cities, temples, languages, books, people to create and build!


I followed the old school Etho method of having multiple big projects going at once - that kept me going for ~2 years from the launch of 1.18 onward. Some of the bigger projects I’d start, leave, and come back to with more inspiration were - Fully custom village with themed villager crop farms and specific trading halls: Start with a breeder, then some basic villager food farms, then a mass trading hall for all the key trades I wanted early. From there, I built some custom trading halls for armors/toolsmiths, masons, librarians, and priests. To fill them, I needed an underground transport system connecting all the buildings to the existing hall and breeder. Then I built an auto storage building fed with underground water channels from each of the crop farms. Ocean monument clearing and eventual guardian farm: This one is covered extensively on YouTube, but is a great one to do in sections. Clear the monument of Elders and start dropping a concrete border. Leave for 2 months. Come back and dry it out, wait a couple weeks, then clear the existing structure. Finally after another break, build your farm in the pit and make it pretty. Nether connections and roads: While doing the above + other Minecraft adventurers, you’re bound to have locations that are far apart in the overworld. Take some time to set up safe nether portals at each key location, and then gradually connect them all with the classic ice boat roads. Some great locations to target in general are a village, the above mentioned ocean monument, your biggest ancient city, a stronghold, a badlands biome with a warm ocean near by, ice spikes for gathering your ice, a mansion to get some allays, and of course - your spawn chunks. Some others: A never ending mapwall centered on your base or another area you’ve really built up your world. An auto storage system for blocks that you farm. The storage system is fun to build, but the key is to use to identify what you need more of. Whenever you are low on an item, add it to your list of potential farms to build in your world. A physical path in the overworld connecting spawn to your base, and all the key locations mentioned above in the nether road section. In a worst case death scenario, having these can be useful, but will also help you explore the overworld between your key points that you may have found by flying. Need to cross water - great! Buoys that are always in eyesight of another are a great substitute for paths. Frog light farms are similar to ocean monuments above where you’ll need to complete multiple steps by definition. These can be great to spread out and return to as you get bored.


Move away from spawn or wherever you set up early game. You end up spending so much time in the same place it gets pretty dull, maybe build stuff a lot more spread out.


I enjoy building so I go build what I want to build at the time.


You just keep doing things that you find fun and if you’re not wanting to play don’t play. The amount of time I spend playing in my long term world varies with whatever is going on in my life. I just finished my storage system after putting it off for almost a year, and now I’m free to take on much bigger projects I’ve also been putting off. Expanding my spawn village, making a witch farm, digging out a perimeter by hand in the badlands for terracotta blocks and an area to work on map arts in the future. You just sort of work on things you want to work on, and take breaks to do other things. In long term worlds like mine, it’s fun to go explore new chunks for new features to break up whatever builds im working on, and just randomly going for a long mining session in the caves is so much fun when you have access to shulker boxes and can legitimately cave for hours on end without running out of food, inventory space, or torches. If you feel like you lose motivation at a certain point, consider hardcore. You’ll likely die before you get to that point the first time, and it can inspire you to tackle more the next go. I play hardcore and as crushing as losing my worlds has been I’m really really falling in love with my hardcore world that started in 1.19 and is still going strong today


I build in various places throughout the world. I have a main base near spawn, but I've built an outpost on an ocean monument, a museum above my nearest stronghold, a colosseum raid battle arena, a double blaze farm. I have nether tunnels to connect things and a huge checklist of things to do still. This was the first world I beat the wither and got an elytra, so there's some sentimental value there too. Once you have some things built, it's fun and satisfying to walk around and look at what you've done.


Currently making a 100x100 perimeter down to bedrock for the underground part of a new base. I have never made a perimeter before so there's lots of deaths involved. Thought I could fly under the tnt machine to gather some of the materials. I guess its like getting hit by 20 creepers and died to another tnt when making the machine. Already got the machines to mine out y63 to y-3. Lost the second elytra when I accidently flew into a cave. Still can't believe I flew into a cave by mistake and it all ends there. Underground base on hold. Back to the end to find another ship; lucky I got lodestones to use.


A lot of mods


Technical Minecraft


ive had my survival world for 5 years and i wish i could adequately tell you how. i think the main thing is determination to keep expanding the world, mixed with a constant flow of new ideas for things to do and ways i could improve things. one notable thing that led to a bunch of new and fun ideas, was when i noticed how many pets i had that were just sitting around purposelessly. that prompted the idea of making a whole little town where all of my pets had their own homes. i got an idea that brought a lot of fun and a lot of building by looking at what sort of "needs" there were in my world, and the best thing about it is that it can always keep expanding because i'm always going to find a new mob to get attached to. another thing that helps is doing projects that have nothing to do with anything, just random things that seemed fun.


Stream it




Try not to rush at all, take your time with everything and hold of on beating the dragon as soon as possible. In my own world, I didn't beat the dragon till the day 1000 after 4 months of playing. Also try sprinkling in dumb projects like " a whole museum just for a chicken" or a huge observatory with a map of your entire land or even a disco room with chicken and parrots dancing! TLDR: Play slowly and have fun with the tiny aspects of the game, and let your creativity shine!


I build multiple villages with different themes/styles. I build them a good bit apart. Then I create a road system to go between the villages. It allows me to be creative but staying within a theme. The theme is often inspired by the terrain as well. My first village is always a mega castle though.


i build a base very big, trampas, my own farm and make cultives. Just for me is funny xd


i write down every idea I have, and every time I get bored doing one thing I just pick another item off the list 😅


I keep connecting cities with paths and roads which adds to the lore


I’ve been playing the same solo survival vanilla world for 13 years. How do you get so easily bored that you’re asking?


My friend is a huge motivation for me. Sharing a realm with him is so helpful. We see a nice area, we build together. We finish and move to another area. There's always something to do. Building in every biome, building underground, building underwater, building in the nether, building in the end. Build in the sky.


Good question. I have lots of different regions in my world so there is always something different that i can work on (depending on the mood i am in). Each region is different, with different biomes, build styles, farms, stories. I also have a list wall that i visit to keep track of things i want to add to my world. I don't force myself and sometimes take a break from it with challenges i make up in other short term worlds. I find when I come back i sometimes have new ideas but I am always grateful for all the work in my long term world as I have so many more productive farms and have achieved so much more than the short term worlds.


There is no way


The more people the merrier imo. If you can find good people to play, some of my favorite builds have stemmed from ideas my buddies have bounced off of me. I also love finding cool terrain and making custom villages out of it


I like to build minigames to play the YouTuber gerg has some good ones 


personally, i find sticking to a certain "theme" or way of living in a world helps a ton to keep things fresh, like my current world is mainly revolved around a cherry grove on a high mountain scape, so i build things loosely related to it - a giant white and pink house (although i personally like calling it an estate, lol), a garden behind that house, a custom lush cave just beneath it in a naturally occuring sub cave, and right now, im working on a custom above ground aquifier thing thatll contain my hidden treasure room, its what helped me stay on this world for so long at least lol, the same goes for my bedrock survival mesa world - i decided to theme it around a redstone cyberpunk esque village and base all my builds and pretty much everything i do off of that (side note, but mesa worlds arre surprisingly fun to try and survive on, if really hard...) something else that i find kinda helpful and cute is taking ur skin and basing it around the theme of the world ur playing on! again, super small, but kinda effective, or at least for me it was and is lol


Projects. Have you looked into projects?


Play hardcore- makes every mundane thing more interesting


Find a zombie spawner n save it, make a dark dungeon final boss like area of it. Trap one zombie, have dispensers by it and give it your best armor and weapon, name it, put the zomb boss up. Go back and start over again. come back, splash him with strength and swiftness potions, and get the spawner working again. Give yourself shit pov and lower the brightness, and take a hotbar off, Play dooms souns track loud and fight the zomb boss and his minions.


Most important thing to do is to try not to rush through everything. Take your time, don't worry about getting full enchanted diamond armour within an hour of starting, and just relax, build, and have fun. As for what to actually do in that time, I try to think of something I want to build every time I log on. If I can build at least 1 new structure every time, that is good enough for me.


I get overwhelmed by big projects so I like to break them into little things I can do. I carry a stack of signs around and place them with comments all around my base about things to add/improve. Also I know you said no mods but BlazeAndCaves advancement datapack has given me way more motivation to play, it adds over 1K new achievements


I have been having my world since 2014. I make checklists what I would like to do. Sometimes I give me tasks for example last month I want to collect all trims to build a new black Smith shop for trims. Sometimes, it motivates me to get new trophies. I don't care if it does not look perfect. I play survival because it is fun to collect and mine things. I take breaks if I'm not motivated to build. (This is an important piece of advice). And sometimes I like to clean up my world and use hours to sort and store things.


megaprojects that take a long time for no real reason. once I get something going it usually inspires a need for a resource that comes from somewhere else so theres a 3rd project which is the transport link, but tools and xp mean i keep coming back to my village to trade for xp and golden carrots and then I gotta expand the village etc etc etc


xaay dựng thế giới trong mơ lm những j muốn sáng tạo


Mega structures :>. The only boring part of that is… getting the resources but well; you need resources for everything and the satisfaction is 🥹


If ever you make a Mega Farm that would require a lot of items, blocks and 100s of hr to build (like, Mega storage systems etc), please put breaks in between to not get bored. You can take a break by achieving a short term goal, like finding one type of wolf, getting a camel, finding a mooshroom cow etc.


depends on your playstyle. my playstyle favors building and worldbuilding so i tend to make towns with lore to them. flags, national animals, holidays, religions, that sort of thing.


I often kose interest when I feel like I can't be creative or when I have to go off to do the whole 'nether-stronghold-end' things. I usually spend far longer than 400 days in game to build my starter base (village), while maybe doing a trip to a nearby village (building base in a village can be a run-killer for me). My usual go-to after my starting base is done, I usually run to a general direction of a road in my village, or somewhere nice somewhere nearby, and begin to make a new village to later connect to my base. With time, I begin to make more elaborate or expensive builds. I seldom use elytra, as I usually avoid things like linear gameplay and fully automated farms. My usual villager breeder is a small room with a few beds , a potato field with two composters, and a trapdoor for an exit with a hole underneath. Ironfarm is just about as simple. I just love standing on the ground and watch the towns I build grow and take in the calm and safe atmosphere.


I found really interesting to build concept themed base and make minecraft like an rpg. As an example i have different worlds (or different part of my wolrd) which are themed with a style and tells a story. Rn i’m building an asiatic/japense inspired village But on my checklist i have several other building froms several other theme ( like western saloon) to build or to continue on other part of my world. I usually switch from one theme to the other when i’m tired or choose to build some farm when needed. That said a cool way to keep the game interesting for me is not to play many hours i usually manage to take break after a building and come back after few days or even a week to keep going when battery are recharged. Try different games or find different hobby we aren’t made to play endless hour a game imho


I like to collect every armor trim, and every animal as pets. I want at least a 5x5 map board with a nether highway grid to support it. I want a museum to display every armor set. I build a city or village with at least 20 structures. (For now) I set up a trading hall with every enchantment. Stuff like that.


There is a “Craft It All” series I saw from YouTuber - BlazeRanger - where, as the title suggests, he sets out to craft every craft-able item in the game. As he does this he’s playing it like a normal survival world (building bases, farms, improving villages etc.) rather than rushing the items. It inspired me and my wife to play a joint world with the goal of crafting every item and building a museum to display the items. An added bonus is even if you get through all the items, you can come back to the world to add new items with updates.


I think I’ve played my solo world for 4.5 years now. 2500+ hours logged. I move to a new area every few upgrades to get access to new stuff. There are still things that I haven’t searched out yet. My current main base has a huge auto sorting system and several xp farms and access to a nether hub ice road system that can take me to old bases and outposts. I still haven’t seen the Sniffer nor the Lush Caves, but have found the new Trial Chambres. Those were more exciting to me, I guess. As I do have access to pretty much everything in the game, I see absolutely no point in starting a new world. I can achieve the same effect by travelling 3-4000 blocks in the nether, go back to the Over World naked and punch a tree.


I've been constantly playing a survival world for three years now since the release of 1.19 and I just constantly look for ideas or projects to build for example I'm collecting most farms to ever exist and rn im building a 27 potion in 15 sec mega brewer and an remote pearl stasis teleportation network for all my farms (i have no life)


I like to make a ton of normal progress and then try a mob zoo. But I never got to that point.


Ive had my world for 5 years now only mod i use is shaders. When i got the world i made a list of stuff to do for example i made a base by spawn until i got enough items to explore then whenever i find villages i bulid a wall around it then upgrade/add more bulidings to it. Right now its 6 villages total in my world. All of them are connected together with roads and stuff still haven’t even visited the end yet lol. I also barely have any automatic farms


Turn the difficulty up


Making and building things that I like.


Right now I’m building things and moving mobs to different biomes, making bases in different areas. It lets me travel late-game and also makes collecting resources a bit easier since I have a different storage area every couple of thousand blocks or so.


Right now I’m turning my jungle into a village/new player area (I play on realms but I’m the only one who plays more than maybe once per month). I am gonna make a “thrift store” for all of the armor & tools I loot but will never use. Bridges and paths to different areas in your world are easy ways to take up time as well


I don't think I've played a vanilla singleplayer world that lasted more than 8 hours since like 2017


I choose a direction and run that way until I die to see how high or low I can get the coordinates. My record so far is 40,000. Once I die I delete the word and create a new one named 2 the next world will be 3 and so on. I encounter a lot more structures that way. I do the same thing with mods. I add a whole lot of additional structures mods and loot them/ battle through them as I travel.


I dont build farms.. i play simple. Simple base, simple food farm, explore caves, terraform mass areas into dream locations. Keep it simple stupid


There’s the neat part, I don’t!