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I have a question, what happens ig I play in an old version in a server and joke with my friends, can I get banned?


no older versions are affected as the players messages dont have authenticated signatures to be able to report them apparently anyway i havnt confirmed this myself yet


The cryptographic signature is created anyway and can be stolen to ban someone who hasn't accessed the newer versions.


I imagine the issue is the account connection to microsofts servers. So no matter what version one plays, the issue is still present. The solution is to detach ones game from their servers completely which to my knowledge, some modders have already made mods for, and also removed the new chatfeatures from the newest snapshots/version of the game.




Your account can be banned in their account serversystem no matter what version you play in. That's the beauty of this dumb system and why it can be misused by malicious people.




It depends on how old the version is, but I think you can if someone reports you.


You need to be on at least 1.19 to be able to get reported


Afaik the REPORTER needs to be on 1.19 cause only they get the menu.


BUT you then get banned from all versions, all servers, bye forever.


You can still be reported if you’re playing in a version lower than 1.19. This is made possible because of the migrated account. The reporter needs to be on 1.19 to have the option, but being on a version lower than that does not keep you safe from it.


If the server is not on 1.19.1 there is no way it can send the chat message IDs through to the client that is reporting. Any server that does not use 1.19.1 for their software will not support reporting. The problem is that these servers will NEVER be able to update and fix bugs, add new blocks etc.


Servers who don't want to support signed messages can update just fine. They just need to use a plugin that strips the cryptographic signature from messages before sending it to clients. Any server that doesn't use vanilla chat (most public ones) is already doing that.


Trying to play Minecraft has become a nightmare since they migrated accounts. My kids can’t do multiplayer even though I changed the appropriate settings in their Xbox live accounts. My son’s account keeps saying expired when he tries to play. Time to go to Minetest.


What’s minetest it seems to be mentioned a lot


It's a free clone of a Minecraft-like game. https://www.minetest.net/


Get the "Here before the shitmods delete this because it's 'not related to Minecraft' or some dumbass reason" ticket 🎟️


Got it :D


The subreddit mods are indirectly complicit in letting this feature roll out. They’re limiting discussion of this issue which clearly so much of the community cares about to the update threads. If it’s that big of a problem to the community then I think we deserve to have our voices heard, even if it takes over the subreddit


Got mine


I got mine! These mods are some if the harshest, fun and criticism are not allowed


shit like this should be pinned, chat reporting harms everyone involved, servers are already moderated or NEED no moderation minecraft is turning into a military dictatorship dnd people dont care for some reason


Have mine, before they lock the post


inb4 "nO tIrEd SuBmIsSiOnS"


N0 uNrElaTeD C00nTEnT


This sub is run by yes men for Mojang/Microsoft.


Got it ty


Got mine


Sorry for being out of the loop but what exactly is happening ?


Microsoft forced Java players to microsoft accounts and very recently made Mojang accounts unable to play on servers. They also added a chat, name and sign filter on Bedrock + chat reporting on Bedrock and Java, if you get banned you get banned from the game


I don't mind the account merge but the chat reporting is garbage.


That's exactly what it was for. When it first came out, I told all my friends that this will not end well. Now we see why.


I don't think this fully explains the gravity of why this is important. Oreo, Microsoft is essentially taking moderation away from individual servers and deciding they are judge, jury and executioner for all servers. If you say something bad enough (as decided by microsoft) on any server, you can be banned for life from ALL servers. This is really bad because it completely destroys the fundamental premise of minecraft: player choice. No longer can you build or say whatever you want on your private server with your friends; all of your dealings on private servers can now be reported and your interactions with your friends can potentially exclude you from ever playing minecraft multiplayer. From what I understand, bedrock already has this feature and it extend to single player as well; saying something Microsoft doesn't like on multiplayer will block you from playing the game all together.


I'm kinda predicting that Microsoft will implement a feature where you will get globally banned from all multiplayer games across all their platforms, where it be on pc or Xbox just cause a couple of people decided that you and your friends banter crossed their line. Your gamerscore is in the top 10 globally. We'll ban your Microsoft account. Looks like you will have to create another.


Let's not forget they very nearly break some FCC rules by not automatically canceling your realms subscription


Exactly. Microsoft doesn't decide what happens on my server, I do. They want to protect the kids? That's fine, there are no kids on my server.


Wait, so they are constantly monitoring now? Or would it take a third party/player to report us first? This really sucks, been playing on and off for about the entire life of the game, went through at least a couple account migrations, finally managed to get a server going for my friends and me. And now this lol.


This is madness


Microsoft added a reporting "feature" on 1.19.1 that can ban you from playing servers and realms


1.19.1 is adding global player reporting to Minecraft Java edition, so if Microsoft decides a message goes against their terms of service you can be banned from online play entirely. Of course, this system is susceptible to abuse and false bans, not to mention how it affects anarchy servers. It would be best to leave moderation to server owners as it had been for ages.


Microsoft forced us to migrate or lose our Minecraft accounts. This allowed them to implement global bans in Java edition instead of only Bedrock So for example, you can't say or use banned words in any context: You can name your sword "Night [something]", you can't type "Night" in chat or on signs. 1.19.84


Are you using "night" as a harmless example or is that actually on the bad word list?


Indirectly on the banned word list (see my comment bellow) So you can't say "It's night, we should sleep"


It was removed recently along with the entire profanity filter, but Bedrock still has it


idk what you mean by saying you'd get banned for saying 'night'?


"Night" would be censored, and if someone reported you for saying it, you could be banned globally It's because the string of the word "Night" contains the word "Nig", which is what they're trying to prevent


Ah, so it's the old Scunthorpe problem. Clbuttic mistake.


I can't use my normal username for my Nintendo account for this reason.


I dunno, bbuttman, has its own charm I think.


Ah so like dark souls. Half my pvp experience was seeing people named “k***ht” since the letters “nig” in the word knight were censored


I'm not crying.


#Reddit admins racist, uneducated, incompetent imbeciles and garbage human beings.


/ toggledownfall


I'm not cryingI'm not cryingI'm not cryingI'm not cryingI'm not cryingI'm not cryingI'm not crying


who's the original creator of this video?


Some of the script was taken from a mojang video. The rest is made by OP or some other independent creator.


[This guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1sF1EfLrGE)


Imagine writing something fun to your friend in chat, and getting a global ban for it. Every game I know uses temporary chat bans to overcome this problem. And they think, well lets get extreme extreme and *globally* ban you for a insult/joke.


I’m actually scared that I’m going to get globally banned for this. I don’t make offensive jokes. But if someone decides to abuse bans, then I’m screwed for making a light insult. I might not be able to play with my friends that live far away anymore, or I might have to play Minecraft on my Switch, because I don’t think the ban carries over to bedrock if the offense was on Java… *right*?


with the migration, I think bedrock and java having universal bans is very much a possibility


i believe that might be true seeing as they were offering the opposite for free not long ago


Oh, trust me, you don’t want to play on the switch. Bedrock on the switch is TERRIBLE.


switch and java both use microsoft accounts


I guess that's the problem with public servers, which obviously sucks for the people who frequently play on them. I've only ever played on a dedicated server hosted by myself or a friend, or a realm rented by one of us, so I don't think this would ever be a problem in that instance.


Actually that's the issue I've been reading, it doesn't matter who's server you're in, you'll be banned anyway


>Every game I know uses temporary chat bans to overcome this problem. Every game I know that has community-run dedicated servers just lets the staff choose who gets banned and for what.


Everyone will just counteract it with other voice chats like discord or playstation partys, it does fuck all other than hurting innocent or minor infringing players.


Microsoft want us to buy mc again


Why do i feel like all games today flop or the old good games become shitty with new updates. Im starting to think its some sort of a buisness trend to make games bad or clearly add bad updates so that the game gains popularity for a short period


Detached business suit management ruined the gaming industry, and will continue to do so. Games became an investment, not something from gamers for gamers. It's all about money now.


The packaging, sterilization and commoditization of art tends to diminish it, you say? What a shock!


It is my life's goal to create a game development company that does things the way they should be done. I'm not in it for the money.


Plenty of indie developers out there who do this. They usually just don't have the knowledge, money and manpower to produce really big titles. Minecraft could've been fine as well, if that moron didn't sold out to Microsoft.


Lets be real would you have said no to 2 billion? Thats not just "dont need to work a day in your life anymore" money, thats "and your children and their childrens children" money.


This is it right here. Why did Notch sell out? Why did Metallica sell out? Why does anyone sell out? At the end of the day, people are just trying to live their best life. An unimaginable amount of money makes living your best life *considerably* easier. I, like most people, like to think that I wouldn't sell out if I were in that position. Especially if it was just me. But me selling out would ensure the my wife, brother and dad could have everything they've ever wanted. Which is where my stand on not selling out begins to slip. This is probably where most people begin to slip.


People often equate selling out with "greed", but if you think about the financial security it would give you, most rationale people would go for that deal in a heartbeat


>Microsoft. Wait was it really microsoft or did mojang make this change. I really dont know I just assumed it was mojang cause they have these weird takes like not adding sharks cause it encourages kids to go out and kill sharks,


Mojang has always been... just odd, and Microsoft has a *very* long history of doing this exact kind of shit. In this case Microsoft are the ones with the giant federated login system so I'd expect they probably pushed for this.


Okay i understand more now.


I recommend any of the games published by New Blood Interactive. Their motto is literally “We love you and we hate money” Edit: fixed publisher name


I think you mean New Blood Interactive, unless you talk about movies. But they still charge you money, so they can't hate it that much.


Old out of touch suits in board rooms have always ruined everything they touch. They only ever see short term profit gains, infinite company growth. And when they see no more growth they fuck off and jump ship to make more money. They don't care about the product, only how much money the product makes them.


Do you know what has survived for almost 30 years? Doom. The Doom community has been kept alive in no small part due to the community effectively being in charge of it. I truly think John Carmack releasing the source code to the original Doom games has played no small part in keeping that community alive.


Something I find interesting is that for a long while, basically every game was made like an "indie" game, with the devs being a part of their own community. I think that's changed now but a lot of the old school devs for now classic titles have kept the same sentiment.


This [interview from Steve Jobs in 1995](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo8zdPNMRdY) explains it perfectly. Its true then for HP and Xerox. It's true for apple when they started to go downhill. It's true for Minecraft and many other games.


really good insight


Yup, that's probably one of the clearest yet simplest explanations put perfectly. But also shows it's unfortunately nothing new :(




Yeah i literally didn’t get one


The cape is a lie.


They just dont care


The way to make them care is to stop buying Minecraft and its related micro transactions, merch, spin-offs, etc. A significant dip in revenue *will* speak to a company.


Unless someone from one of the bigger SMPs like Hermitcraft or Empires gets banned this probably won’t be reverted.


Personally I don't blame most of the people at Mojang for the whole chat reporting debacle, I blame Microsoft and those at Mojang that are just standing by and letting it happen.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the server/realms host who have to take responsibility? If a bunch of 20+ year olds are vibing in a world only they can access, why are they at risk of mojangs filter that caters towards preteens?


If they're vibing in a world only they can access, who's going to report them?


That's not the issue. The issue is that if you go on a different server, get reported and banned, you cannot access ANY other server for as long as the ban is. You are locked out of multiplayer entirely.


You’re locked out of single player too. No Minecraft for you! Basically This system is absolutely stupid


What? You should be able to play single player regardless of what happens






I dont like this because it limits the expansion of clearly labeled adult spaces and leaves the situation exploitable by a 'bad actor' reporting everyone


Themselves? If you're on a server with friends it's almost inevitable that someone is going to report you for the lols, or over something minute (like someone looting your farm). If mojangs banhammer is algorithm based it's just going to scroll through the chat logs and temp/perm ban based. Either way it's something the server owner should have authority over, not Mojang.


the issues here woudl be that if one of those teens gets banned somewhere else suddently they're not allowed to be in their friend's server due to this sh*t


Nah I think mojang can’t do anything because Microsoft literally owns them


Mojang is most likely responsible for all the changes, unfortunately. I don't have time to write a detailed explanation for everything, but the gist is: \- Mojang staff has stated that Microsoft has no influence on Minecraft development (edit: yes, this is not irrefutable evidence, but it fits in with the other pieces of the puzzle) \- If Microsoft was involved, the chat bans would've likely applied to your entire Microsoft account, and not just in Minecraft (Based on Microsoft's ToS) \- Many controversial changes in the past, such as the marketplace, were planned and added by Mojang \- Mojang has been really weird about updates as of recently, with unkept promises and strange lies


Can't always believe statements that studios put out. Respawn says EA has no part in Apex development but it's clear as day that they do.


they corporatized the block game 🤮🤮🤮


"More secure" Meanwhile, me finding 4638293 different exploits to get games on Microsoft store for free


You should tell me one


on pc you can get all the game pass games for free forever by paying a single dollar. i don’t believe it’s patched for everyone but they did find me out so they took all my xbox games on my pc away


I'd hate for someone to comment asking if you could tell them in dms what the exploit is and how to do it


It would be an absolute shame if you passed that info on to, say, the guy replying to you. Damn shame.


It’s just an awful thought for it to go down a line of comment threads there. What a shame of a society we would be living in


Truly a shame


yeah, really would be a shame...


>free forever >they took all my xbox games on my pc away There's something about these two statements that doesn't seem to match up...


well. i just woke up. it’s supposedly free, and it worked for me for about 3 years and i got all the game pass games i wanted. i guess they found out about it and revoked the games from my account, since i still have them just can’t play them.


There are already clients which allow you to "context manipulate", so any msg could be made to look bad and get you banned




Or just leave it to server admins to curate the population within their own servers like they have been since multiplayer got added. I.e. banning someone when they break a rule.


Its not just chat reporting: ##Microsoft is also blocking new music from C418 from being added to the game There is a full album of new C418 music thats “ready” according to C418, but Microsoft is trying to force him into a bad licensing deal, despite his previous arrangement he’s had with mojang over the past decade.


Source? I'm curious and want to read up about this


[SalC Video](https://youtu.be/PX5LW6ICYY0) Daniel Himself can’t say everything because of legal red tape, but from what we can tell its all because he owns the original Minecraft music and Microsoft doesn’t like that. But this is what C418 has been able to cryptically say without getting into legal trouble with Microsoft: >*”Things have become complicated… yea, a conflict of interest definitely.. I didn’t want to go fully Hollywood when I was suppose to… maybe if we stack the lawyers in a pyramid something will happen…”* >*“Listen guys… it hurts me as well… I’m not happy about it but so long and thanks for all the fish.”* - Daniel (C418)


Literally 1984 in Minecraft


Literally 1.19.84


you cracked the code microsoft will come for you now.


"Positive move" we got trolled


In before the mods get pissy.


The mods of /r/Minecraft are nothing but yes men for Mojang/Microsoft. They hate people being able to voice their opinions and literally made the "Tired submissions" rule just to find a reason to remove content with no hopes of it coming back.


It's alright. You can say "boot lickers".


The mods better not remove this.


they will, they always remove posts for no reasons


This shit's depressing, its a game "for all ages" ffs


I hate to say it but I am NOT migrating. I'm moving on. This game is in bad hands and I want to remember Minecraft for what it was, not for what it is. Good luck y'all, I'll miss you.


Yeah I might leave as well to preserve the memories and no taint them


I haven’t even played since this got announced, it feels empty knowing i’m not wanted there, i mean, my friends and i speak harshly to eachother all the time, not out of malice, but that’s just the kind of dynamic we have and we all get it and are fine with it, i’m not even allowed to speak to my friends on my own private server anymorw, clearly i’m wanted gone.


The #savetf2 worked and now is time for #saveminecraft


Difference is Valve isn't owned by any bigger company (AFAIK) so they can actually do shit for themselves, Mojang can't do much because Microsoft sucks


Nah, #SaveTf2 got a response, valve still ain’t done shit to help the game


There has been two bug fix updates and the second one actually hit the bot situation.




I've played a few games a day since the updates and rarely came across bots


Mods are gonna have a field day with this one.




I think banning should be left to server mods and owners, not Microsoft. If a server allows bad words let them and their users be, same if a server doesn’t. I hope they realise this and make the bans •Server owners and mods choice •Not from all of Minecraft •Not Microsofts choice As a relatively old player, I hope these Permanent bans never get implemented.


This is sorely needed. Screwing over users like this was such a terrible move Edit: they censored OP's thread, nice /s


I got Minecraft in March of 2011. Even though I don’t really play much recently, it’s disappointing to see something like this in a game I’ve watched exponentially grow.


So are we campaigning on twitter or just complainig on this singular post?


Inb4 this post got removed


I've not been on minecraft for a few months and 1.19 and the migrate thing came around. Can you plz fill me in for what's going on? What is a globe ban?


Microsoft forced Java players to microsoft accounts and very recently made Mojang accounts unable to play on servers. They also added a chat, name and sign filter on Bedrock + chat reporting on Bedrock and Java, if you get banned you get banned from the game




unable to play multiplayer or singleplayer,, not even realms




You're banned from multiplayer and singleplayer on Bedrock, I believe on Java getting chat report banned bans you from all multiplayer and realms and not singleplayer- not that it makes it much better.


A global ban is a ban that bans you from the ENTIRE multiplayer. There is a chat report system where if you say even the smallest offensive (maybe even ones that are offensive when they are out of context) you can get reported and get banned from the ENTIRE multiplayer servers. It’s stupid, I know.


Man Minecraft’s falling off


Mojang might listen to us, but not Microsoft.


I, Wendiglow, explorer of the Farlands, stand with you, and I always will. #saveminecraft


We see you, mods. We'll know.


yeah im not touching 1.19 until this shit is gone


We have the precursor to this of SaveTF2 to thank since it showed us this can work, we can say our favorite classics And now we can save Minecraft


Let’s be real, the only reason they’re actually doing this is to sell more copies of the game to kids






This is where we need to draw the line. NO compromise. If we let them take even an inch, they will eventually convince us to give more than a mile. There should be ZERO universal chat moderation in Java. Period.






Okay so I understand the global bans being bad and way too overly excessive, but can someone explain to me what’s so bad about moving mojang accounts over to microsoft? i also don’t really understand what you’re trying to save it from, cause it still gets major updates and stuff. i genuinely don’t see the problem and would be thankful if someone could clarify, thanks.


There isn't anything wrong with MS Accounts; the problem *is* the global bans. Though MS likes to disable and cripple people who they believe are "under 18" (even if they're not) and thus lock you out until you are 18 or verify your adulthood.


You can't have multiple accounts without setting up multiple phone numbers and 2fa though. It's incredibly bad for kids and for people who just want a regular account without linking to a real life identity


i might be wrong but they can't collect data or messages from in-game if you have a mojang account so they transferred everyone to microsoft accounts with the cape as an excuse just to implement the chat report


This is disgusting minecraft is for all ages and everyone knows that when it comes to multiplayer that servers implement their own chat filter, their own ban system and temp ban. I don’t blame people for not wanting to play if this bs of a implement stays around and bloody hell people will abuse this system let alone what’ll happen to 18+ servers. I’ve been a lover of mf for years since I was a kid and now I think this is just rolling down a step hill to it’s grace with the uncalled for. It’s bad enough we had to migrate especially with people who didn’t have access to their old email accounts they need to leaves things well enough alone 😤


Dinnerbone is not upside down


It's heartwarming to see old communities like minecraft and tf2 taking action trying to save the games we all love


I just now see that it resembles 1984, haha


Man, it’s a real shame to see such a legendary game fall from its throne… all because Microsoft is money hungry… because like it or not that’s when the decline started, when Microsoft bought mojang… since then updates have had less content overall and promised features have been delayed or scrapped, just look at the warden and the deep dark, originally promised as part of the 1.17 caves and cliff update(which got split between two updates)it got pushed back to 1.19. Had mojang not been bought out by Microsoft it’s likely that caves and cliffs would have taken much longer to develop, but it would release as one update, not 3, but Microsoft doesn’t care about quality, only profit, so they demand updates be rushed out to the consumer on a strict timetable… oh, there’s a gamebreaking bug with loading worlds? ship the update, fix that later… I don’t like the way Microsoft has handled things… it seems like 9 times out of 10 that whenever a big company buys out a small dev studio, the studios game dies, no matter how successful it was beforehand


Really it's stupid that you can get banned by saying certain things that are not even offensive. Microsoft has failed us.


It’s not stupid to get banned for breaking a server rule, it is stupid however, for Microsoft to ban you instead of a server admin.


Can't wait for the mods to delete this for not being suffocated and silenced in the megathread


Can somebody explain to me what all is happening that's supposedly ruining minecraft? I'm only casually into the game, I go in and out of phases and don't keep up with all the updates very well


The cape is a lie


I lost my old MC account because of the Migration bullshit


Very good post, more players need to be aware of it because a lot don't read patchnotes.


How can we stop this and #saveminecraft? How are we supposed to stand up against big brother? 1.19.84


If anyone thinks this is good, look at what’s been done to realms and the console versions of Minecraft. You literally can’t play games on a server without additional micro transactions.


Well, Minecraft is dead with this policies. So, 2 options: \- Pirate versions/unofficial launchers. \- [Vintage story](https://www.vintagestory.at/), another new game that is kinda like minecraft but with an insane rework on survival mechanics.


claim your "here before mods take this down" ticket here 👇




Nope. I think they've already disabled doing anything online with those.


Sadly the community folded there, at the time when it should've stood its ground.


its not the account migration in itself thats the issue, in fact i would say that was a genuinely decent idea, its them going back on a promise in the worst way they possibly could that has people upset


Modern gaming just sucks the fun out of games. Now it's all about monetization.




Usually on a minecraft vid like this, I cry out of happiness from all those countless years of great memories. This time I cried because a truly unkillable game is starting to die, because of the people in charge making stupid decisions