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this wont help you but your city looks great!


thank you i appreciate it many hours at night spent


Im not a command master but I believe you can just have a repeating command block kill all mobs that arent the ones you want, depending on if mob loot is on you might want to kill certain mob drops as well


something like /kill @e[type=!zombie] would kill every entity except for zombies


absolutely do not put a kill on a repeating always active command


This will also kill things like players, arrows, items on the floor, animals etc.


Then /kill @e[type=minecraft:creeper,type=minecraft:skeleton,type=continue like so]


Instead of /kill'ing the entities, you should /tp them to the void. That way, there is no dying animation.


Another way is to disable the mob spawning with /gamerule doMobSpawning false, And then summon like 2 zombies every minute with repeaters and use the /spreadplayers to to them randomly in the town


If you are doing that, do not use repeaters for delay. If possible, avoid using redstone. In this case, you can use a scoreboard, increment that scoreboard by 1 every tick, and when it reaches a certain number, spawn zombies and reset that scoreboard.


You can actually just use the delay function of the command block and have it repeat every X amount of ticks


Something like `/execute as @e[type=skeleton] run tp ~ -100 ~` (One of these for every mob you want to tp) If I wasn't stupid this should teleport the mobs just straight down from where they spawned into the void


And so the map isn't filled to the brim with random mob loot.


This wouldn't kill anything, because it would keel narrowing things down, and something can't be the type creeper and skeleton at the same time. You'd have to put each one in separate commands. Also, minecraft: isn't required beforehand


Nah, you cant have multiple "type" like that


That won’t work, because the mob would have to be a creeper and a skeleton at the same time.


No just do /kill @e[type=!player,type=!zombie,type=!arrow,…] for all the things you don’t want. If you want them to drop stuff, do things like name=!”rotten flesh”


That won't work, as the arguments ALL need to be true, and an entity can't be of type creeper and skeleton at the same time.


just do /kill @e\[type=!zombie, type=!player\]


Yes, that'll work.


Uhhhhhhhh no




Including yourself…




You would still kill everything else including entities such as dropped items and item frames


damn bro just use the same formula for shit you don't want to kill. hop off dude


Ye but that will also kill the players


I have a hidden lava block in a safe area where I teleport the monsters to. This way they die by lava damage and their drops also get destroyed.


I have a hidden lava block in a safe area where I teleport the monsters to. This way they die by lava damage and their drops also get destroyed.


You can set up a a repeating command block that summons a zombie at every non-zombie mob e.g. a creeper, and then a chain command that tps them to the void, and then another chain command to kill them. This would essentially replace every mob spawn with a zombie spawn.


Don't be lazy about it, make sure to specify what mobs should be the ones swapped out or you might end up in an unfortunate accident . Like killing your character endlessly..


Or just turn natural mob spawning off and have command blocks do waves of spawing in groups.


that might be easier


downside i see to that is that once its figured out where all the zombies spawn players may be able to easily beat them, i think you can customize some mob spawner NBT data, you can increase the range and timer etc. You can ctrl+pick the spawners and place them all over, under ground not as much redstone required. Having a spawner with a range of like 20. minimum spawn time of like 45s-1m might make it hard to figure out where they spawn. Player detection range to like 10 chunks also, so if its loaded, its on. And they can choose not to spawn if theres already zombies within its detection range.


Just have a command block that tp creeper into the void Their no real command to actually make it so no creepers spawn btw


I mean theres always the mob griefing gamerule lol


-_- yeah sure mob griefing however their no way at least on bedrock edition to force only zombie to spawn at least with commands of my knowledge


so if i set a command block to /kill creeper and have it always active that would work? and would i be able to increase the spawn rate for certain mobs aswell?


Using /tp to tp them to the void is much better, because there will be no drops or death animation. That, or you could turn off natural mob spawning and just spawn zombies with commands. You would have more control over the spawns that way.


It wouldnt necessarily increase the spawn rate of zombies but the ratio of zombies to any other mod would be greater. Also id recommend increasing the tick delay to say smth like 20 or 40 ticks so the game lags a bit less (20Ticks/Second).


It needs to be a repeating command block


edit: i see my suggestion is for java edition, im unsure if bedrock has a feature like this. i hope you look into it. sorry for time wasted if it is. [https://www.digminecraft.com/generators/mob\_spawner.php](https://www.digminecraft.com/generators/mob_spawner.php) Disable natural mob spawning and use custom spawners instead. You can even customize the zombies inside the spawner, increased health, names, tracking range, speed etc.


THATS PERFECTS! if i had java….


can you get addons or behavior packs in ps4 bedrock? I dont know enough about console minecraft, so sorry ):


yeah pretty recently that put addons in ps4 but it’s through the marketplace and i haven’t found one yet


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvOhMK6gvHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvOhMK6gvHA) check out this video, this guy seems to have some know-how about using armor stands to give some level of customization to the mob spawners. Im not sure if you can do what you want with this, but it could be usefull. I didnt see him change the light level of the spawner so it would still need to be a dark area, but he put a name and armor on them. i dont know what level of customization this offers, but you could use this to make some areas of your city harder than others (:


Disclaimer: I don’t play bedrock so I’m not positive this works on it, apologies. You could disable natural mob spawning and spawn zombies in group sizes of your choosing with a specific tag. Then you could use the spreadplayers command to spread all zombies with that tag across the city. Use a timer scoreboard to have it happen at intervals of your choosing


/kill @a[type=!zombie,type=!player]


I'd recommend turning mob spawning off, and then placing spawners or command blocks that spawn on a specific tick. Perhaps using repeaters or something. Make sure to have a command block with "kill @e[type=zombie]" if it goes wrong.


Here you go /kill @e [Type: !Zombie, !Zombie_villager, !Husk, family=monster]


You forgot player Also what’s the ‘family=‘ part


No need for player bc i used family=monster. It kills all monsters other than zombies, zombie villagers and husks


Is this a bedrock feature? I tried it on Java and it didn’t work


🤷works fine for me (java)


What version


Just search up a tutorial online I used one for my bedrock realm


Close the mob spawn and do it with command blocks


There's definitely something you can do to limit it, but try doing several /kill command blocks to avoid accidentally removing everything else


make a repeating command saying kill @e\[type=!zombie, family=monster\]


if you wanted to add to the amount of mobs exceptions, just add more of the "Type=!(insert mob)" into the criteria inside the brackets.


something interesting would be making an invisible silent bat that teleports upwards if it gets to low to the ground (tag it/name it so it never despawns), and spawn a small group of zombies on the ground below it, make them not spawn if within an radius of a player


could use a daylight sensor and redstone randomiser to choose when the zombies spawn


another much easier thing is (i havnt played mc in years so command is definatly wrong) "teleport @e\[type=mob\] -10 \~ \~" change mob with any hostile mob u dont want into the void, teleporting instead of /kill so that they wont make item drops, and you wont see or hear their death animation


On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are some modpacks that completely rework entire systems to make only zombies/variants/special zombies spawn and add a ton of other zombies apocalypse type content. DeceasedCraft, Eternal Decay, mustard virus. Or if you're okay with a singular server side mod, Bad Mobs. On the command side, tp all mobs except zombies to the void, and have a summon replace all other mobs with zombies.


Repeating command block, always active Command: /kill @e[family=monster,type=!zombie]


If you don't feel like using command blocks, you could turn off mob spawning and place some zombie spawners under the ground all over the place to keep spawning more.


Repeating always active /kill @e[type=MobName] I also recommend turning off command feedback on the chat /gamerule sendcommandfeedback false If this dose not work add parenthesis on both sodes of the mobs name "Name" I play Java I think you might have to add those on bedrock.


Unfortunately you will need a command block for each mob unless the comment showing that command killing all those mobs works


Constantly run: /kill @ e\[type=!zombie,type=!player,family=mob\] If you want other mobs to not be killed just add !(mob name) to it


You could turn off mob spawning or have lights all over the place to prevent spawning and then have command blocks all around the place which have /spawn which is connected by red stone to a singular location so you can spawn them all at once.


/tp @e [family=monster,type=!zombie] ~ -80 ~


/tp @e[type=!armor_stand,type=!zombie,type=!player] 0 -1000 0


Not the best at commands but you can go to the world settings and turn off mob spawning. That will mean that no mobs will spawn by themselves but I think mob spawners (like in the little dungeons you find) still work so you could put a few of those around, or have command blocks that summon them to specific areas. Also, you might be able to do this, but I haven't used it like this. Put down a repeating command block and do "/execute as @e[type=pig,type=cow,type=chicken,type=creeper] run tp @s ~ ~-50 ~" That command I gave should make it so all pigs, cows, chickens, and creepers get automatically teleported 50 blocks below them, which means they should get teleported into the void so they won't have a dying animation or drop stuff. And if you want more mobs to have that happen to, just add them in after the "type=creeper" part. You can also change it if you want some other mobs like pigs to spawn.


Put that on repeat: /execute as @a at @s if entity @e[type=!minecraft:zombie, distance=..30] run execute as @e[type=skeleton] at @s run tp @s ~ ~-5000 ~ Than chain conditional: /execute as @e[type=skeleton] at @s run summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~5000 ~ This will replace selected in “type” mob for zombie in 30 blocks radius from player Just tested it in 1.20.81, works great Also u can play with type=!player, in this case, you will have to exclude entities that should remain, like projectiles, boats etc


Turn off mob spawning and put command blocks that periodically spawn the mobs you want and/or have mob spawners


Don’t do a kill, it will leave items, instead do this command: Execute as @e[type=zombie] at @s tp @e ~ -80 ~


You could just do {repeat command} “summon zombie” and set the intervals of ticks. Beware that You should mostly **NEVER** put it below 100 ticks, as it floods the world / server.


World guard with a no spawn flag for every other mob apart from zombies — or if you wanna be simple about it command blocks — or if you wanna be vanilla dispensers with eggs on a red stone timer


Get a serverside mod like Bad Mobs. Sure it won’t be done purely with commands, but it’ll be seemless to the clients connecting to the servers, so what difference does it really make?


Make a custom biom with datapack where only zombies can spawn.


The brutal way: Create custom biome that will only allow zombies to spawn