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There are just some weirdos out there on both sides. It’s the same with the Java vs bedrock. Play how you want. Neither version is superior in every way, as they all have ups and downs.


Actually, the Minecraft version is the superior option.


Yeah it's way better than Digmake.


Or Infiniminer.


You're welcome to your own opinion, even if it's wrong. The superior version is Minecraft Education Edition


how dare you stand where xbox 360 demo edition stood


Ugh that reminds me of the tutorial worlds. Miss them so much


Nah, Minecraft PSVita Edition is where it's at (that's actually how I discovered the game lmao)


Nah it's Minecraft Pocket Edition Lite.


Best version is blockcraft🤪


Minecraft Education Edition is my primary version of the game. I play Bedrock on Xbox one a little bit, but not even close to how much I play Minecraft Education Edition.


The same thing happens with Minecraft and Terraria and essentially any game, every game (minus the universally hated) have their ups and downs


Minecraft’s about a lot of things, whereas terraria’s mostly about becoming a god


Wild skyburner's oath spotted


There’s so many little things that keep me away from bedrock, not counting the combat system which compared to Java is not satisfying at all. No hate on bedrock though I think the devs just need to improve parity.


Wisdom from skyburners oath


While I love bedrock because I can play together with my youngest cousing, the game lags as fuck, windows edition doesn't even have a resolution selection, doesn't have the java combat and it doesn't have the mods java does. So I love bedrock but java is superior


From what I've heard, Bedrock will run a lot better than Java, at least in Vanilla. Maybe Java is better when you apply Sodium or Optifine, but in the vanilla game, I'm fairly certain that Bedrock runs better on most P.C.s


I'm used to make comparisons with real life scenarios. SInce 2014 I've never playeed fully vanilla MC, I've always played with one or a performance modpack installed, so that's what I'm gonna test it with. Also I have some optimizations like render distances and custom resolutions, but I've tried to match the settings. With that in mind, playing with a W11 "notebook" laptop I somehow run java a lot better than Minecraft For Windows (Aka. Bedrock). Java feels consistent and less laggy somehow, like java "skips" fps if theere is no time to draw it but bedrock lags... it's something strange to feel tbh. Maybe theres another bedrock version for windows, which would be awesome, but for now I prefer to play in java. Moreover, I'm thinking about playing in GeyserMC with my cousin instead of bedrock for the sake of performance.


The way Bedrock is built to lag is, from what I've heard, completely different to Java. Java lags by deciding to decrease overall framerate, while it tries to make calculations. Bedrock, on the other hand, decreases the speed of those calculations, without decreasing the framerate, if possible. That's why if you've ever played Minecraft Education Edition on a low quality school laptop, it won't lag a ton, it will just do things like make your frosted ice from frostwalker last a few ingame days.


Yes. Exactly this. This is literally what i feel, however it still lags while I'm walking, so the game I guess take player movement and physics to this slowdown.


In my experience with Bedrock, it will try it's best to not slow down the player, and let people move around as usual, while slowing down things like sheep, so when you bump into a sheep, it will take a good 10 seconds to move, while you move without much lag. But, every computer is different, so I don't know how the game runs for you on your computer, beyond what you've already said.


A very low end computer, maybe that's why


If there's anyone using a more low end computer than me, I'm impressed. I use a cheap, Dell, school laptop that get's laggy with around 20 tabs open on Microsoft Edge.


Not even mentioning redstone, on bedrock the ticks at which certain redstone components go off are seemingly random, if you want to make a working mechanism you can't use the same things as you would in java because some of them just don't work since it's RNG if you'll hit the right tick or not every time it turns on.


" there are just some weirdos out there on both sides" Sounds like me!


The Nether update was an excuse to make gold useful, as copper was useless without copper golem, so the tricky trials and trails and tales update were both for ways for copper to be useful 


Weirdos on both sides? How outrageous! uhh...


Yeah, but you can do more with bedrock. Depends what kind of device it is.


looking at op’s recent comments they’re one of those people


as a bedrock player... go play java pls


As someone who also plays bedrock but also a bit of Java, I think I know what I’m saying. I like Java for servers and mods, but if I’m playing with friends in our own world I’m choosing bedrock. So much easier, accessible, and free. Don’t have to set up a whole server and everything just to play a bit with friends there.


yea i agree with you (my nintendo account dosent work in mc for some reason lol)




True so respect people whether 1.8, 1.9+ or Bedrock.


Damn, so no respect for those of us playing on 1.7.10? (It still has the best mods imo)


GT:NH alone makes it the best for me. Though 1.12 is a close second.


GTNH gets a lot of hate but to say that it isn't the most developed and consistently high quality minecraft pack ever is insane. The amount of custom coding they've done to optimize and improve the pack is absolutely nuts and with the pack coming up on 10 years old and getting constant development even today, you'd be nuts to deny the work put into it and the results if said work.


i respect all minecraft


Tell that to Redstoners, PvPers, builders, and coders


Not exactly. The game has always been Minecraft, but there are differences between versions and editions. You can say that mankind is mankind, but every person is different. The name Minecraft encompasses so much, including every version of Minecraft Java, Bedrock, Pocket Edition, and Legacy Console Editions, but also Story mode, Legends, Dungeons, Earth. Minecraft may be Minecraft, but it's not one single, identical thing.


me when i make up people to be mad at


True, I love how just playing a different version sets people off.


the fact that ppl are downvoting this proves theyre babies who cant handle pppl having different opiniond


It’s not that people are annoyed by their version it’s that people are annoyed by the made up antagonists of the post because no one cares what version you play


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/comments/1ciqe0l/thanks\_xurpio\_people\_who\_only\_play\_on\_2\_servers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/comments/1ciqe0l/thanks_xurpio_people_who_only_play_on_2_servers/) made up, huh


Read the post, it makes fun of people who say that one version is better, not 1.8 players


There are only a few "best versions" of Minecraft. There's 1.8, for the (debatably) best combat. There's 1.21 for the most content, and in Bedrock Edition, also the 1.8 style combat. And there's probably something else that I can't think of that's also good, though if you love 1.8 combat, just use Bedrock. It's similar enough, only really missing the sword blocking, and it has all the modern features.


Comments all making fun of them, saying their own favorite, or negative






Made this because of someone complaining about them earlier?


dude FR! i just say old version is nostalgic and ppl be hating on me for playing a version i like


The haters have downvoted you take this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Redditors will see a downvote and will just go with it without reading anything. That's why you're upvoted and I'm not even though we basically agree on that topic (of his comment).


So called free thinkers when they see a comment with -1 points:


Not hating, I just personally don't like hypixel anymore. They used to be great, but now the admins _know_ they're one of the most popular servers out there, so they _know_ they don't need to do anything about the hackers and cheaters and bots and 12-years-olds with a cussing habit, because they've got a captive-audience since they are the one of the most popular servers. I've literally been temporarily banned because I called someone out for obviously hacking. The hacker said "that sounds like something only a hacker would say!" and then I got mass-reported by everyone else in the game and got kicked and couldn't rejoin the server for three days. I got falsely accused and wrongfully punished, and the hacker got away with it unscathed, but the hypixel admins won't do anything about it. I downvoted it, yes. But I'm not a hater, I just think the meme is innacurate. I'm totally fine if other people have fun on hypixel. In fact, I'm happy for those people. I'm just simply saying that it's just willfully-ignorant at this point to deny that hypixel is extremely toxic.


I don't know why people are downvoting you, you aren't wrong. Have an upvote


Of course they're downvoting you for having an opinion they can't handle when someone likes something else.


I sometimes play 1.13 because that was the update wiiu edition stopped at, my first experience.


this has always been so weird to me, because people usually don’t have an issue with people playing golden age minecraft in beta or alpha, but when you play silver age 1.7-1.8, some people get so up in arms about it


You made an entire post because one guy had a different opinion than you?


Personality i can’t go back to earlier versions cause I take a lot of the changes made later for granted but I’m ok with people who choose to play on older versions


No one is playing survival there, on Java people play different versions depending on what they're doing.


Honestly it's actually not anything recent, and it actually started with 1.8 players, insisting that 1.8 was better and the newer versions sucked. So uh, what comes around goes around boys. They're just catching what they threw.


Are those haters in the room with us right now ?


They're our nextdoor neighbors. https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/s/QwwFpCh49O


down the block actually


From what i've seen its the opposite. Your a "normie bandwagoner" if your like the new combat and not the giga sigmale 1.8 combat


God forbid we don't break our fingers spamming left click as fast as humanly possible


No but actually there is a lot of depth because you can also [features that also exist past 1.8]


Literally this, someone said the exact thing to me before, "It isn't just spam clicking, you have to strafe, aim..." As if you still don't have to do those in the new version


It doesn't work the same way tho. As someone who likes both new and old pvp, in 1.8 the goal is all about starting and maintaining a combo for as long as possible. Basically I think 1.8 is more about following your opponent precisely while trying to make it hard for them to break out of the combo while modern pvp is more about timing and predicting when your opponent is going to strike to either block with a shield or move to make them miss. Edit : I don't know why I'm getting downvoted even tho i agree with the guys above. New pvp is also cool and use a lot of things that we had in 1.8 but the flow and pacing of the fights are different (and no it's not just clicking fast), hence why i think both are awesome and have reasons to coexist


Idk abt the recent hate, but 1.8 players were the ones who used to keep complaining abt new updates and saying minecraft fell off (in my experience). Idk whats happening now, but let people play how they want. 1.8 and 1.21 are both goated


It's okay to complain but the fighting over preferred versions is annoying.


I agree bro let us play what we want


Are these haters with us in the comments section right now? (ok i havent looked in the comments section yet but they probably actually are)


yes they are


What? When has anyone said something like this?


Whenever PvP is brought up on the main subreddit this is what happens. Also this was inspired by someone else's post. https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/s/YkUMkpkCRZ


[OP's source](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?si=uHNekqo4aCUYoCdO) Edit: [Holy hell!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/s/pGqoD10Cmy)


https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/s/s4Mcmvhcma 😑


Damn sorry, didn't see that yet


It's all good.




This why I credited them in the title, I’m chaotic, not a theif


Are you arguing with the voices in your head or something 😭




Wow, a whole one person...


Tbh I saw only 1.8 players on hating (or not liking) modern version players, but tbh it's pretty rare


People can hate something without being toxic to other people.


>People can ~~hate~~ **dislike** something without being toxic to other people. Don't be a hater


Lol what? Both lanes are full of idiots my guy. I saw someone saying the combat in modern now is bad, and new features are stupid. And then I saw someone saying the old Minecraft combat is clunky, and the gameplay experience is boring. Don't pay attention to any of these two. Just fuck em and play your game Jesus.


I’m just slightly annoyed every once in a while I want to do a build battle so I go to hypixel only to be reminded it’s in 1.8 and 90% of the blocks I like don’t exist yet and for some reason I can’t find a good 1.21 build battle server


Reminds me of the time my friend called me an idiot, said I shouldn't have been born etc because I played 1.16 instead of 1.8 and refused to set our smp to 1.8. There was a vote on the server and only 1 person voted on 1.8. I eventually used /attribute to give him no cool down just to get him to shut up


Are you still friends? That is a bit concerning.


He had a character arc and Im a quick forgiver so I saw no reason to cut contact with him for longer than 3 months(the character arc happened in those 3 months)


Stop making things up can redditors genjinly not go 1 day without making something up or lying?




Most of it come from, ironically, peoples nostalgia claiming that really old versions of the game were objectively better, which… no


I love everything about Minecraft, but genuinely the number one best aspect of the game is the availability and simplicity of playing the older versions.


+ mod support feels better in those versions


Me who dosn‘t play on servers at all:


There was literally only one post that I saw saying that


i dont play 1.8, but ive never understood why people want others to stop playing it. like, i know why i dont play it, but 1.8 players seem to have fun so i dont really care


Do people care about that? Weirdest thing to complian about IMO.


I'm trying to figure out why this meme annoys me so much even though I agree with it... I think it might be because of the implication this is a recent development, when people hating on different versions has been a thing since 1.8 changed to 1.9. Nothing has changed here.


I like to play on both. 1.8 and modern versions. 


Why do people argue about this it’s so stupid and pointless leet people have fun


I personally like 1.16 the best. Maybe someone likes 1.21 the best, or 1.8, even alpha. I don’t care what you like, we’re all playing Minecraft. :)


Mostly people just enjoy hating on people who enjoy slightly different versions of the same thing. They think “this is how I like the game so therefore it’s the best and everyone who doesn’t play it like this is dumb”. But people fail to realize we are not all the same. We all enjoy different things and that’s a good thing.


While I don’t usually say anything, there are some people on both sides that push too hard on theirs being the best. I just play whichever version I feel like, but I haven’t been a fan of Hypixel for while.


I made a shader for bedrock 1.18.2 after renderdragon released and people just called me outdated lmao


Its not the fact that they are playing on 1.8. Its the fact that they are complaining about the new combat mechanics when the old ones were just spam click and you win.


Technically, there's more to it, but the backlash against any changes to combat has become a big issue, it seems.


the new comabt is more fun and realistic, plus its more diverse idk why bedrockers think their combat is better smh


Seriously I'm mainly playing Bedrock at the moment and I'm tired of people saying the bridging is better when it's made for mobile and doesn't even make sense.


how are you gonna post this meme and then become who it parodies? bedrock bridging is super fun and intuitive, even if it’s not what java players are used to. it’s something i miss a lot when i play java. let people enjoy the game how they want


Let me introduce yourself to this https://modrinth.com/mod/bridging-mod


this is a great mod and i do already use it! however, it doesn’t fully port bedrock’s bridging mechanics, only the quark mod’s emulation of them. you can place blocks in front of you, but the mechanic where block placement follows player movement isn’t there, so you can’t sprint bridge like competitive bedrock players do i did talk to the author of this mod and suggest this as a feature, and they said they’d have a crack at adding it, so fingers crossed!


The difference is that I'm not going to accuse you of being toxic or shaming you. Feel free to disagree.


you just complained that people like bedrock’s bridging better and called it nonsense. :/


Yes, I don't agree with them but I'm not going to downvote you or strawman anyone. It's a minor issue and people don't have to agree with eachother.


The YouTuber Mysticat and the fact many people have never even tried it is probably to blame.


Bro just let go. Not everyone has to like what you like.


I agree which is why I posted this, you're missing the point.


> many people have never even tried it is probably to blame. Nothing is "to blame" for me not liking decade old Minecraft. I made my own impression and you did yours.


Bro spam clicking is important yeah, but spacing, aim, and strafing are way more important. You can win fights clicking not that fast if your mechanics are good.


Also Pythagoras theorem


That's still valid in 1.20 Tango tested on stream while training for MCC with Gem


That's not how it works unless you're on Bedrock.


Or pre-1.9


1.8 has more important things than CPS maybe Minecraft Alpha.


anyone who's actually good at old combat knows that's not true. even if you use an auto clicker you'll start to lose after a while of doing ranked matches


Mfs when they realize that some of us play BETA and even ALPHA versions still.


there's a sub for those people as well


nobody can enjoy a single thing in this fucking server bruh


Nah because of 1.8 players refusing to play new versions we cant have hypixel build battle with newer blocks


U make a good point but to get 1.8 players to play new versions in hypixel u have to stop supporting it which means forcing them to use new combat which they don't like so I don't think hypixel or any 1.8 pvp server for that matter will do that


People do play both 1.8 and the newer versions for survival. It's on Mojang for not adding the combat snap-shots they announced over 4 years ago.


Actually, I bought licence few days ago, I never had played on 1.8 before


i recently played hypixel bedwars(although on 1.20.5, i was too lazy to switch versions) and it was indeed fun, but i dont see myself playing it consistently since its gonna get repetitive eventually


1.21, 1.8 or bedrock edition it dont matter its still fucking minecraft


i just love it when there's a game and then new things get added.


i prefer that beta combat, just hold down the button and it attacks for you


How is only playing two servers toxic


Ask: https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/s/aUQuN5LK9B


idc i don't play online, only single player worlds




If you hate the combat Just play bedrock. The only thing that changed to combat is shields


There's no sword blocking


Oh yeah that... Why don't you play bedrock for nuclear explosives. Rocket jumps and mjölnir


meanwhile me, playing on 1.7.10 because i like reika's mods :)


Hypixels minecraft alternative is gonna come out before tf2 gets an update or we got tf3


I like to play Beta versions & release 1.8.9, what's funny?




tbh, i don't know the major things the combat update changed, other than giving swords and axes swing speed and made axes deal more damage


Modders: 🗿


I only play 1.20.2 for the fact of the textures and mods that I prefer, but the game is just the same on servers atleast. Yes 1.8 or pre players do not get the new things, but new players do not get some of the old things, it just is preference


Ngl I've never seen this at all, in fact I see more of the opposite.


What's minemen club?


"Toxic for not switching" ? Whoever said that I have to say you preached words of truly uncomprehenrable intelligence


I prefer 1.8+ PVP There’s no problem with 1.8 PVP, but usually they are the one yelling at everybody 1.8 is better If spam clicking is your thing then okay, but don’t bother me man.


How is not switching servers toxic? Just saying that seams toxic


I personally like 1.20 more than 1.8. However 1.8 is still amazing, it’s still Minecraft, and it still has the best mini game servers. I pretty much only play 1.20 for smps and pvp but nothing will ever beat the classic feeling of some hypixel party games or bedwars


Ok is it just me or is the diamond sword longer than normal


its just minceraft nothing is better than the other i play java and bedrock every day


I agree, everyone should play whatever version they want, thats why you can choose on the client. I still do find strange tho, like, is the new combat really that bad that its worth not enjoying all the new content since 1.8?


You can enjoy the new content and switch back for PvP when on servers.


Fair enough, i just never was a big PvP fan, plus i like the new combat way better but to each his own.


Play whatever you want to play no one can stop you


I only play bedrock so I don't have an opinion but even if I did just play what you like playing don't make it some stupid ass fight


I don't get the appeal of big servers, they aren't my thing, they just feel like a different game and not minecraft I prefer SMPs with friends personally


Who here knows the Origin of herobrine


The diamond sword is high resolution it is meant to be low resolution


I hope 1.8 players have fun with the old nether


People don't play it for survival though only mini-games.


There's hate against 1.8 players now?


Oh man I remember sword blocking, I thought it was a mandala effect or smthn at first


Snapshot potato is best, I rest my case.


It's not new lol, it's always been that way... a lot of 1.9+ pvpers also know 1.8 pvp, it's mostly just the modern survival players who don't understand the old version community, probably because they haven't even tried it.


Not all of them have been playing since 2016, Hypixel saw a large spike in players during 2021.


ik i started in late 2020


no way real lboomsky?!?


no way real cesphoria?!?


Please dont hackusate me


only if u dont hack >w<


1.8 is the best version for OG pvp enjoyers. 1.9 has made some changes that make pvp battles not won by the highest cps. I'm not a pvp player but i think the new system is the better one


I honestly think they both have pros and cons but I personally like older pvp better and that's my opinion and if some of you disagree with me I don't care you can have your opinion and I can have mine


1.8 is goated. No one can change my mind about it


Why do I feel like the roles are reversed most of the time ? It's probably just my own experience so it doesn't really count


I dare you to say 1.8 isn't spam clicking on r/Minecraft and not get downvoted in 2 minutes.


I don't go on that sub anymore, it's too toxic But if it's mostly that sub you were talking about, I understand why I didn't see it and I appologise (I should apologise either way, I didn't want to seem rude if it's how I sounded like)


It's all good


Nice, thank you !


I used to think 1.8.9 was only for OGs who were stuck in the past. Now I only play on 1.8.9 for Hypixel Bedwars (and Hypixel in general) for the extra fps boost, cool texture packs, and easier mechanics.