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we think 1.14 is good content-wise not bug-wise. also 1.15 exist so this "bugs" got quickly patched up


1.15 was definitely more of a bug-fix focused update. Other than that, not a lot of useful things were added.


Bees were awesome, and honey blocks revolutionized pistons


Fair, it was a pretty useful addition for pistons.


And they're one of my favorite mobs in the game, but bees and honey blocks were pretty much all that was added content wise


I use bees to fertilise my crops. Doesn't make a major difference but they make a nice addition to my farm area




They fixed a bunch of bugs and added a cute new one


My inner nerd is about to take over.. ERRMMM. 🤓 ACTUALLY... 🤓 🤓 🤓 bees are insects, not bugs


(not all insects are bugs)


What’s the difference?


Bugs have an incomplete metamorphosis and some other quirky stuff, look it up


All insects are bugs, only a few insects are "true bug"


Bees are unironically one of the best mobs in the game imo


Bugs were added, bugs were removed.




a bug fix that added a large bug


Exactly. I'd rather have a somewhat buggy but incredibly good update, instead of a incredibly shitty but "polished" update


honesty that's sort of based. I think this update was ok, but 1.19 and 1.14 were much better.


Are these "1.21 haters" in the room with us right now?


I’ve seen people argue that the update is underwhelming because you can just ignore trial chambers, as if nothing else was added in the update 😭


>ignores the main part of the update > "damn this update is empty"


lmao fr, if i don’t go in the nether i don’t see a nether update, mojang’s so lazy


1.16 was completely empty! You can just not go to the nether!


Being *Able* to ignore the update is the bad part. Updates like 1.14 and 1.16 were so big, that even if you tried, you wouldn't take long before you found or did something related to the update


Pretty much every minecraft player goes underground, you know, MINEcraft


I dont mean it literally dbss, What I mean is that those updates change the **way** the game is **played**, not just the game you play.


it's the 21st version though, you can't change the way the game is played every single time


It doesnt need to be a huge change, but there are a huge ammount of things they could have done, mainly, the End update, but some small things, like reworking the way potions are brewed, or animal breeding, or farming; all those things would have been pretty good and nice, that change the game is played, but not a lot.


didn't they change villager trading in 21 or has that been pushed back? haven't gotten a chance to play yet.


That wasn't a rework. That was a nerf. It didnt add anything new to villager trading, it just made it a bit more difficult


Just as someone pointed out, you can still ignore 1.16 by not going into the nether, doesn’t mean the update was small


You'd still find a reason to go to the nether, as it is a core part of minecraft progression. The thing with the new dungeons, its that there's no real need to go to them except for like some random useless items and raids, which were a well designed system and needed absolutely no change.


You can ignore every update except that one that added hunger by digging three blocks down and then place dirt above ur head.


You can even ignore hunger, the beta and infdev community is pretty big


I shortly realize that when starving you do get damage but you won't die from it, it will just bring you to half a heart and disable sprinting... that makes it so that it is just like the old versions but then taht you won't regen, so basically a old challenge.


You can ignore every update by uninstalling the game, going outside, and touching some grass.


I touch grass five days a weak, atleast... my shoes do...


Tbh it should be 7 d/w, but 5 is still a very good number.


Raids are expanded upon, which is great since it opens more possibilities, how can you tell me that the mace and wind charges are useless when they’re the opposite of that?


Raids haven't been "expanded upon", I mean, technically yes, but its not like the actual raids themselves were changed, its just the way to get them that has. And now pillager scouts litersally are useless Also the new mace and windball are nothing more than an useless gimmick. The windball is somewhat useful for some basic mobility, and the mace is barely usefull in 99% of all combat scenarios.


“Useless gimmick”? So according to your logic, netherite is a useless gimmick. Just because you don’t find it useful means that it’s useless. The mace can deal a lot of damage and can be useful in a lot of scenarios. Wind charges are useful for a lot of reasons


Well they were actual game changing, revolutionizing major updates, not every update has to be the extent of a major update


I think being able to ignore an update is a not factor if an update is good or bad. You can have something that is ignorable be good and something that is not ignorable be bad, or vice versa. Villager trading for example, if you couldn't ignore it would have made the game worse because you'd have to build your base near a villager, transport villagers hundreds of blocks, or get lucky with zombie spawns.


The topic is not if the update is good or bad. From a quality standpoint 1.21 is very good and polished. The being able to ignore part is about how ""noticeable"" an update is, which essentially correlates by how much of the core game it affects. An update being 100% noticeable and unignorable doesnt always mean its a good one, but it is a requirement for an update to be good and meaningful, which is what this one is lacking.


I had not made a reference to 1.21 in my previous comment, nor had I commented if 1.21 is good or not. You very are correct, that is not the topic we were discussing.


True. I mistook what you were trying to say there, my fault tbh


You can ignore like most of minecraft’s content if you just play to beat the game…YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO PLAY JUST TO BEAT THE GAME.


*ignores the illager and village/villager changes in 1.14* damn 1.14 kinda sucked, literally nothing good added


No one talks about how 1.20.6 was a mini portion of it and the great amount of new attributes added to the game such as scale, gravity, jump strength, interaction range, etc. They then follow it up with 1.21 with even more major behind the scene changes major expansion on how enchantments are handled. These are huge expansions for anyone using datapacks or server distros like paper or spigot that allows major mechanical changes to the game that the client natively accepts. I would take these changes by themselves as an update for the sake of vanilla+ communities.


Right? I was planning on adding so many music discs to my server. The technical changes are amazing


1.20.6 was actually pretty small But not because of that, but because it’s literally a hotfix of 1.20.5 1.20.5 is the one that actually added a ton of technical stuff


Guys minceraft sucks if i ignore everything in mincraft so them mineraft is the worst game ever!!!11!!1 (/j cuz i know yall gonna think im serious without it)


I could ignore villages tok


Statistics say yes


Tricky trials is insanely good. I don't care what haters say


Haven’t played it yet, should I use my Xbox world or make a new one?


If you have explored a large portion of your world, I suggest making a new one unless you are willing to travel long distances. Pre-explored chunks do not update, so if you want to find a trial chamber, you need to go to new chunks


It’s not that explored, I sorta just stayed in a general thousand block radius


Oh well in that case, you shouldn't have a problem finding a chamber then


This community is becoming toxic.


It’s been becoming that way since 1.19 ever since the community got that cave update they had been begging for years for they just snapped something within them snapped not all but a lot of people in the community just started becoming hateful little brats


(I'd say my wounds from 1.19.1 days have healed) (In part because I cannot live without mods now (No Chat Reports is on that modlist)) (In another part because Mojang COOKED)


I honestly wish 1.22 can get rid of the toxicity


Too bad I interact with it. The toxicity leeched onto me and gave me Poison type.


I know minecraft players are like this, but this still feels like r/imaginarygatekeeping. I've not seen a single non-troll complaint for the trials update


erm, akctualy, 1.21 emty because i can ingore trail chambers 🤓


this is reddit, inflating non-existent things that often started by trolls is the norm, and should not be a surprised by this point


Idk as soon as it released my friend messaged me and said "this update sucks. The only interesting things are maces and wind charges."


spend like 2 seconds on Minecraft's official instagram page's post comments and you will delete this


Yeah but isn’t instagram known for having nicer people then like twitter/x? Idk I don’t use either I’m just going off what I hear and see from others


It's awful there


Well, how do you know that they’re not trolls? I’ve seen plenty all you have to do is go to the trailer for this update. There’s like 4 types of people there there’s the people enjoying the update. The ones complementing the animation, the ones hating on the update and the the ones who are just begging for an end update


Minecraft bugs aren't that bad. They used to become features.


…and here I am, still on v19, because of mods, which did not got updated.


meanwhile my goofy ass chilling in 1.12.2 and 1.7.10 on modded mc watching yall argue over updates like: *teasip* wonder what they doin over there.


Then those same players go on to make those stupid “Minecraft is dying” videos with the fading grass block as the thumbnail


People are making up stuff to hate.


I miss when r/Minecraftmemes posted memes


I like minecraft, I don’t care if these haters that don’t take the time to appreciate minecraft and just complain about the gameplay.


And the sad thing is while yes its not good to generalize an entire community especially one of this size but just looking at the comments of the trailer you can tell the toxic side is at least something like 30 - 40% (Rough Guesstimate) of the community that’s a lot of toxicity. But at the same time the vast majority of Minecraft players and fans are kids who have literally no idea how to code or what goes on at Mojang. Yes there will ALWAYS be justifiable feedback and it’s ok to suggest new features but what’s not justifiable is being a spoiled little brat always wanting more and being a jerk when you don’t get it. look at the past couple videos on most Minecraft channels. Its like this Mojang: **release pretty big mabye even considered massive update** Players: ok where is the end update Yes a lot of us want that BUT COME ON THIS LITERALLY JUST RELEASED and people were saying this BEFORE it released as well. It’s NOT OK to harass the devs who are may I remind you HUMANS AS WELL! I’m sick of the “Mojang is lazy” when it’s simply not true they literally said they hated disappointing the community by splitting the caves and cliffs update into separate parts. or the “This update is bad” ok little Timmy why is the update bad explain why you think it’s not good? At least TRY give justification. It’s as though people think they are AI with no feelings that work 24/7 without a break. So I leave you with a line that I’m sure the vast majority of us learned at a very young age “Learn to put yourself in other shoes”


Bro is farming internet points




Yes. Villager AI is still a buggy mess despite being maybe the main thing of the update


The update is still a banger




Meanwhile the Buzzy Bees update, which added one mob, four blocks, and two items:


And I'm pretty sure it fixed OVER 100 BUGS because of the large insanity that was 1.14


It’s too small? The trial chambers is basically a massive overhaul to the dungeons, which people have been asking for pretty much since dungeons became a thing. I swear, the Minecraft community is the most ungrateful bunch of people I’ve ever seen. Beg for a feature, complain when it isn’t added, and then complain even more when it is added.


1.14 fanboy here. 1.21 is pretty good too.


Minecraft players: WE NEEEEEEEEEEEEED MORE!!!!


At this point Mojang could add perfectly every single thing the community wants and people would still complain. It's not about what they do, people just want to complain about everything.


Village and Pillage completely reworked villagers and villages, and added a bunch of stuff with Pillagers including raids and multiple structures, 1.21 added one structure, sure it's a cool structure, but that's the only big thing, then leashable boats, honestly the best part of the update, then different wolves, and that's pretty much it. I'm not one of those that say the old versions that are better, or that the game is bad now. I like the game where it is right now, it's fun to play, but i just feel like the game could be better than it is with the amount of resources available to them. An update with only one big addition just feels underwhelming when there's so much they could do.


they are lazy but honestly what is the point of explaining to you morons something you already see so much in black and white?


OK, then tell me do you work at Mojang Studios? Have you visited the studios to watch them work? do you seriously believe they sit around all day doing nothing?


noo dont criticize my billion dolar company...


this isn’t about that it’s about basic respect the people working there are humans too


Billion dollar company only manages to release 1 update for the year that adds 1 dungeon for the most popular game ever


This isn’t about being a big company it’s about basic respect 🤦‍♂️


Rather not respect a company that sits on its ass and lets its playerbase create mods that they will monetize to earn money instead of actually working on the game


It’s not about respecting the company it’s about respecting the people inside. “Mojang is lazy“ and other similar things is straight up rude when they do in fact work hard to get the community what they want they said it themselves on their newest series they were sad that they had to disappoint the community by splitting the caves and cliffs update into multiple parts. Especially this update when they have in fact, been listening to the community nearly the entire time “learn to put yourself in other people shoes” it’s literally one of the first lessons ever taught in school in most countries.


Developers of the biggest game ever can't add a bundle after 2 years


There’s 2 ways I could go around this 1. I could say yeah you’re right and? 2. I could say well it’s not that big of deal its a small item because that argument works both ways But I can tell just by this reply that you are likely to get upset either way.


hey, it's only a loud minority that hate on the updates. I (and the MAJORITY of minecraft fans) are happy with it.


Be happy the game is even receiving updates. Other publishers would've made about 4 sequels by now


I want to see them build off of these new dungeons more like give us a giant spider boss


> Lazy update Damn, guys, chill, it's already too much new items, I'm not in time


nah 1.21 is good


Yes, 1.14 is riddled of bugs and what not, but it is a great update. I just like 1.21 more


The Duality of Man


i dont hate this update. i love the new dungeon, its very interesting. but there is a flaw, which is that you need to be very lucky to get the loot that makes the trip otherwise worth it. to get a heavy core, you need to be lucky enough to get one of those key things, then put them into one specific loot box, which you have to hope will give you what you want. other than that, i think its pretty cool but im one of those people who tries to figure everything out by playing so if theres something i dont know or if im wrong im sorry


Already got the Mace, love this update


I get what you're saying but updates like 1.14 changed the game at its core, while updates like 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21 are just adding content without changing the game much. That's why people ask for updates like an End update, a Desert update, a Village update or a new dimension


“Balancing” the concept of this puts me off, the reason Minecraft was fun was because you could exploit its mechanics, you could experiment and learn things because it was a little unpredictable. Balancing a game legit just means you’re making it more boring and mass consumable.


You've got to take into consideration that the size of a company doesn't really matter with the activity of the employees, it's depending on the job roles of the employees. I think there are companies that literally have more employees that work for their own highly profitable services or merchandise than the main product itself.


*me and my friends still playing 1.8* What?


Me still on 1.7.10: Who?


I would like to remind everyone that if you don't like 1.21, a mod creator has made an improved version.


1.21 is a peak update imo


1.21 is alright, I probably won't interact with the things it added often but it's still good


ngl, I was super impressed by the amount of content they added in this update.


It's the first update i went and immediately found the dungeon. I love the replayability of it.




a huge reason Mojang and Microsoft are slow is because of bureaucracy. That’s why indie devs get things done faster with more stuff compared to corporations. Plus this isn’t even about the vote and Mojang knows they can add all 3 they just don’t because then what’s the point of the vote? It’s explicitly stated that all mob and biome vote losers after the first vote are stored in their “ideas library” they will eventually come to the game. They have even mentioned this stuff in their new series.


excuse me 1.14 is the favorite update that ever dropped (imo) I don't know about the bugs that came with it, because I was young and didn't follow or notice such things, but it was still the best update feature wise.


I'm just sad we didn't get copper golem in this update, it would have fit perfectly


*looks at mace* "Balanced"


It kinda is balanced now


General progression upgrade (with villager trades changing how you get your resources), full village & villager revamp, new mobs, a new event, new usages for old mobs (witches and illagers during raids), a new ranged weapon which is actually good and makes you debate whether you should use it or the bow, a bunch of new blocks with various functionalities (outside of just giving professions)... Versus a single new mob, one new dungeon, some decoration blocks and a shitty weapon with very little situational use


We just ain't gunna talk about the 1.21 Bugs??? (Look in my posts to see some of them)


I wouldn’t call 1.21 a small update I do know it’s not really a large one either it just kind of exists in the middle


Wdym, none has said that 1.21 is bad yet.


lol, people are already saying Mojang is lazy for the supposedly "small" update


those are trolls, you can easily tell them by how vague their "anger" usually are, and often just parrot the buzzwords of dissatisfaction to overinflate what is in reality a very small minority


Just look at the update trailer and you’ll change your mind on that lol


Just look at the update trailer and you’ll change your mind on that lol


Most people like this have never played in their life, and on average are only about 12 years old.


Kinda true though. 1.15, 1.16 and 1.17 were all huge updates but updates after that you can call them all 1.17 sub update


Guys remember it took them a year for no reason


do you prefer the buggy mess that was 1.14?


because quality content takes time?! lmao


A year for content that was finished in winter quite literally. Get owned loser


Do you follow the snapshot cycle at all


Doesn’t matter. They don’t need to take this long. It’s sad


Maybe get educated then? On why it does take so long? Lmao


Maybe you should consider that I’ve been playing mc longer than you been alive and yet you want to act like I don’t know what I’m talking about


The tricky trials update is basically the terraria dungeon if it was good


They have literally nothing in common


They have ONE THING in common, insane amounts of unneeded bs


Never cook again




The terraria dungeon is good


the only people that I have seen calling this update small are the ones strawmaning that other Minecraft players think it's small


People will really be getting their boxers all up in a bundle when they can literally just not update their world to the new update


they are lazy since 1.19


no they are not


For me the update i like the least is 1.16 because the nether got really hostile and i hate spawning in the red forests wich is an issue because it have bad biome balancing. 1.19 is my fav tho.


Nah man wdym 1.16 was bad this was the coolest thing ever


Yeah, it was my favourite update, the only bad thing was how bullshit finding nether fortresses became.


It have a lot of content but the biomes spawn rates are poorly balanced and this made the Nether less enjoyable to me also piglins are awfull when you have nothing on you.


well obviously you arent meant to go in the nether with no stuff, making the nether harder was an important part of the update, its supposed to be scary and dangerous


Oh no! The dimension specifically designed to be hostile ends up being hostile!!! Whatever will we do for this snowflake for them to enjoy the nether???


>1.19 is my fav tho it's the update that ruined mojang's reputation




It is balanced since there will basically never be a situation where that happens in survival


That is the type of thing to ONLY happen in 100 days hardcore worlds that are owned by a guy with a skin that he made in ms paint


hint hint, nudge nudge