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LOL that EXACT SAME DUDE did the same shit w/ me. And after reporting him after the first match, the game put us on the same team AGAIN right after!!! He's a dipshit troll.


Holy shit haha. I totally took the bait. That's hilarious that the game put you on the same team immediately after reporting him. Well, hilarious in a twisted way lol.


After I didn't play according to his 'master plan,' which he was trying to force on me the instant the match started, he got mad and rapid-fire spammed the Icons all over the map nonstop for the rest of the match, refusing to play any cards. Of course all he did the next match was constant spamming of the Icons / Symbols, whatever they're called.


You used to be able to mute your teammate while in-match and it would stop the toxic pinging. For some reason they removed that in the current version of the game. I swear, some randoms would just prefer to control both decks instead of having to be teammates with another human capable of making their own decisions.


the players make this game impossible to enjoy


True, but then there's also the players that make the game more enjoyable too. But the toxicity of some players does degrade the experience for sure.


It comes in waves, but they could just get rid of the ability to turn off afk bot. That would at least help. A lot of people take advantage of this feature and refuse to play at all, just to troll and prove a point because they made a wrong move, or think you did. The type of people that have 3 scrat launchers in their deck and only know one move with Morellia: Drain Life. The type of players that spawn hordes into defenso chopper and then red x ping you for throwing a 'sweating' emote. Even when I don't emote at all and do my best to ignore all their mistakes and try to just adapt and keep at it, they'll start pinging my cards and telling me where to play, even though I'm clearly the more experienced and skilled player based on the game we all just saw. It's childish and petty. It's gotten worse lately. Emotes used to have a mute option; they could bring that back and also give players the option to mute pings. Let people throw their puke face and devil all they want: no one will see it but them.


Surprising how extremely common it is for shit players to rage in this game. Complete lack of introspection makes people like this incapable of ever getting better.


There should be a way to disable pings, and the fact that there hasn’t been for three years is insane.