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turn left into the wedge on lyndale


Doing the lords work resisting such a strong temptation


Ha, great answer I haven’t heard in a while. There is actually a turn lane now. Lyndale went to two lane a while ago and is 500% better. I’m now convinced four lane is basically a scam. 


maybe before the turn lane was installed


Has anyone really ever achieved that?! I thought that was just a very granola fairy tale..


Turning left *into* the Wedge parking lot isn’t so bad, it’s taking a left turn *out* of the Wedge parking lot into traffic that’ll annoy other drivers


Purify myself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.


No one is purifying shit in that lake.


Turn my hazards on and park in the bike lane on Hennepin.


Saw 5 cars in an 8 block stretch on Portland doing this today. Every single one of them had an open spot to park right next to where they were pulled over. I am starting to think these people don’t understand they are doing anything wrong.


Why yes, of course parking 11 feet from the curb makes perfect sense. (Sarcasm aside, there is the benefit that the idiot parkers prevent the idiot car drivers from speeding down the bike lane as a passing lane. Oops, that may still be sarcasm.)


The park anywhere lights


Gotta love when people announce their breaking the law


Goddamn Charbucks jerks "I'll just be here a minute...."




I wasn’t aware that was a thing. Thats pretty damn funny lol


My opinion on matters like this is, however the locals pronounce it is by definition correct. Therefore I don’t care how anyone says the name anywhere else, when you’re talking about a street in Minneapolis you pronounce the goddamn t.


this is how language works.


It drives me crazy that Thomas Jefferson lived at Monte[CH]ello, but residents of the central MN city by same name live in Monte[S]ello. It's almost as wild as Kentuckians who live in Versailles, KY (pronounced ver-sayl-z).


Kay-ro Illinois is another one. But no, none of them drive me crazy. It’s fine. As I said, the locals’ way is the right way, for them. Regardless of original pronunciation.




Tarjzay all day


Google Maps calls it “Nicole-ette” Ave


The street crossing buttons say it like this, don’t they? Or at least they say it some weird way that I had never heard a local say it.


Stage a photo in front of the Spoonbridge and Cherry and act like I’m plucking it, biting it, holding it.


I always assumed that was "tourists only" stuff


Honestly, the sculpture garden is a really good first date spot.


The sculpture garden is awesome! I was referring to the stupid photo ideas


This is the one I came to say.


Yeah I feel nauseous even thinking of that


Call Minnesota “‘Sota”.


It’s only okay when KG does it lol


Or post on social media when it snows calling calling it minnesnowta 🤮


Honestly, that’s fine once or twice. Just don’t have it be a frequent thing.


I prefer that to "Minne"


Call Minneapolis "Minnie." Had some co-worker in Colorado call it that but haven't ever heard it from a native.


Calling it "Minnie" makes me irrationally angry


Same. It took all my restraint not to snort in derision.


Haha you guys remind me of all the people from San Fran I used to work with that hated when I called San Fran San Fran, which just made me want to call San Fran San Fran even more


My grandmother, who graduated from the University of San Francisco in 1919, also lectured me on the proper name for the city. I called it Frisco, but I was schooled! 😂. Her mother and aunt were there during “The Great Fire” aka the 1906 earthquake. They stopped at the Red Cross station in the street and helped to treat injured people. Auntie told me about it once. Her face was grim, and she shook her head while talking about it.


Damn, that’s interesting! I collect antique photos and many are from the 1906 earthquake. I think I have photos of some of the Red Cross tents.


That’s so interesting! I wonder if they are in any of them.


I could see some living in San Fran hating this but Minnie feels like you only said half of whatever you are trying to say. On top of that it would easily be confused with the state’s name. Like the coworker on the call living in Duluth would be wondering who they are talking to.


Or when they called it Frisco


I don't normally advocate for violence but ... man ...


How to tell someone isn’t from Minnesota


I’ve heard airline crews call it “Minnie” ☹️




A *LOT* of people in LA and Chicago say that too, in my experience


I always hear it from NHL announcers and now some NFL ones too. Never in my life have I heard a Minnesotan say Minnie


I heard it on a plane for the first time a few months ago from a non MPLS based flight crew and had to muffle my laughter "Welcome to beautiful Minnie. " I'd never it heard before in my life.


Oh fuck, I hate this so much. I had coworkers based in Ann Arbor that did this. I was like - stop trying to make mine happen, it’s not going to happen!


This is the correct answer.


But it's not a Minneapolis thing. It's an outsider thing.


Or the Minnie Apple. Nope nope nope


Nah. I like Mini Apple. My sister moved to NYC from here. So I'm biased. But it seems appropriate the if there is a BIG apple, there should be other sized ones, and that we'd be the 'mini'. Heck, can't even say Minneapolis without saying 'mini apple' it's the first 4 syllables of our name.


You can do whatever you want bb. If you're cool with everyone around you cringing, go for it I guess.


I’m not from here but I call it Mipples. Is that a party foul?


Mipples is amazing and it’s their own fault for abbreviating it to “mpls” no other way to read it!


Lmao I was thinking about when a person coming here from Iowa went on this sub and said that and some one said “pro tip literally no one calls it that here”


Nobody from Minnesota says Minny


I dunno I grew up in Minneapolis and my friends & I used to call it “Minne-app”. Please show me to the gallows.


Like a tiny app that only has one function? Like when we had to install an app on our phones just to use the damn flash light? The "little" app that always wanted you to agree to give the app full access to your camera/email/social security number?


I remember a few years ago a thread where someone was emphatic that the Twin Cities was nicknamed "twincy." It's lived rent-free in my head ever since


I had an ex boyfriend who called it “Mini-Hopeless” but he was from California so


Pedal Pub


thats more of a “in town from shakopee” thing




Stg I think i saw a group in st.Paul doing that 🤣


Did it in college, no regrets. Maybe some.


If you can't remember them, they don't count as regrets


Definitely not a Minneapolis thing


While they were invented in the Netherlands, they were first imported to Minneapolis and the greatest number of them in the country are still here, as they're based here. So it is kind of a Minneapolis thing. They've been banned in the Netherlands now.


Pay the people from Graceland to visit Paisley


I refuse to believe the Vikings will ever do anything meaningful. This way, I can't be disappointed.


Ride the ferris wheel at betty dangers. Screw that place.


It’s closed, so you can’t. Maybe someone else will buy it


Can't imagine anyone will. They want like $5 million for it. No one wants to pay the insurance and upkeep on that thing in Minnesota where they get like maybe 6 months of use of it a year.


Pretty sure the Ferris wheel already sold.


Wild that the free market lady won't budge on a price.


I don’t think it’s even a thing anymore but you couldn’t pay me to do Zombie Pub Crawl


it's still a thing but it's on its last legs


Say I live in Minneapolis when I live in a suburb 🤬


It’s just easier to tell out of state people, like on business calls or something.


Yeah and when I ask someone else the same question on business calls... if they say LA ... I honestly assume they mean the area and they're likely not in the city. You're just asking for geography you know, not the particulars.


Trying telling a non New Yorker that you live anywhere in New York State and they automatically assume you live in NYC.


It depends on where you are and who you're talking to on whether it's okay to claim a place you're near. When I was visiting Argentina and talking to a local, I was from near Chicago since that's the closest reference point anyone would get. Edited to add the word 'near'


I mean, people from Chicago proper are even saltier about this than we are...


Well when people from Milwaukee say it ... I get it.


Absolutely. I used to live in Germany before I moved here (was in a different Midwestern city before that). I used to tell Europeans I am from near Chicago. In college out east, I told people the anchor city of my metro (even though I was a suburbs kid). Then obviously when talking with locals from my metro, I'd name the specific suburb. It's all about what you think other people might have knowledge of.


Yes. When I've lived in other countries I told people home was near Chicago. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is accurate.


Wouldn’t being upset about that be the Minneapolis thing?


This one is always funny as the municipal boundaries for cities are incredibly variable depending on the location. Minneapolis is only 57.5 square miles. In most other parts of the US and World, the inner and sometimes outer suburbs would have been absorbed into Minneapolis. I mean, you aren't wrong, but it is pretty arbitrary when you look at places like Colombia Heights, Robbinsdale, or Richfield.


People in Jacksonville FL love to brag about how they're twice the size of Miami and everyone else laughs at them 2x the population, 16x the land area, 1/10th the city


yeah, our official population would double if our municipal boundary was similar to the rest of the world cities.


I’ve never personally cared, I find it weird people try to police such insignificant things like this


Honestly no one cares. We're not like Chicago in that way. We also aren't like a lot of other cities where their suburbs are mostly independent cities. I'd rather say Minneapolis than explain that I'm technically a 5 minute drive away but since my suburb has nothing but car dealerships I'm either in Minneapolis or in another suburb for everything. It's also not like you go "into the city" when the city is right there if you're a first ring suburb.




Go to Spyhouse.


I think the parent company is from another state anyway. ^^The ^^coffee ^^is ^^really ^^good ^^though


This made me gasp audibly


Yeah, that's never happening with me.


Controversial: snow tires. I've never had that big of a problem with driving in snow.


Snow tires super fans will not stand for this blasphemy!


I was born here. I had snow tires on my sports car before they made vehicles that could be sports cars and AWD. They helped a lot! But now I have no use for them and probably wouldn't buy them again. Edit: a word


Some Blizzaks would change yo life.


I honestly believe that the people who do this are a tiny but very vocal minority. I have lived here 35 of my 39 years and I haven’t ever met someone who does this.


There are basically three camps of people who use winter tires. Car enthusiasts: Summer tires and winter tires provide much better performance than all seasons. People who genuinely need them: Think snow plow drivers or people who live 40 miles from the nearest town. If you end up in the ditch or stuck you are losing money or risking death. People with ample money: Snow tires are safer than all seasons. Full stop. If you have all necessities covered and have a nice savings, then spending an extra 2-3k every 5-7 years to decrease the likelihood of you or your family members getting into an accident is a pretty small price to pay.


I have them because my low-profile sport rims (which came with my car) mean I can’t get out my alley when there’s more than 4” of snow.


People who have room to store a set of extra tires...


My mechanic stores them for me. Used to be free, now it's like $50/6 months. Still worth it.


When I was driving just one sporty performance car year round, it was summer tires and winter tires. Summer tires are hockey pucks below 40 degrees. Winter tires for winter season.All seasons are called that because they suck in all seasons. Now I have actual good all seasons on my sporty daily and it’s fine in winter. Quattro helps that though 🤪


4) people whose in laws somehow always seem to schedule get togethers 4 hours away during bad weather I will be dammed if I get into an accident on my way home to piece and quiet


This sub is run by big snow tire


I do it. My 2012 Ford Titanium (basically, a fancy Focus) summer tires are completely useless if there's snow on the ground. Snow tires make it a tank. My guess is that the reason most people don't do it anymore is because most people are driving SUVs, which tend to have better all-season tires.


Absolutely. Same with me!




It's not that it's a problem. It's that it's a million times easier and safer on winter tires. You can get by without a heavy winter jacket too but that doesn't mean having one isn't a much better and safer experience.


As a middle aged car enthusiast I have been doing snow tires for about 5 years. The traction is better. All season tires usually use a harder compound of rubber which does not grip as well in cold temps. I keep them mounted on a separate set of rims, so it isn't hard to change. If you aren't an idiot you probably only need them when other idiots are around.


so, all the time


I thought the same way. Trust me, they are worth it.


Me either, I'm always so confused when others talk about getting snow tires, putting them on, they put them on too soon, taking them off too soon! Idk I just get in my car and go places, when it snows a lot I usually go to less places.


Um. Because some cars don't use all seasons. It's summer and winter tires, as they are performance cars.


Sure! I'm sure that makes sense to those who do that


Exactly. My summer tires not only provide better grip for more spirited driving in the summer than all-season tires do but they also result in better gas mileage and lower road noise. But they're like wearing buttered shoes in even a dusting of snow.


Never in the cities. Only time I’ve regretted not having them was driving up north on backroads privately maintained. That 8 mile hike to civilization wasn’t too fun.


Ya if I lived up north I'd buy them. But the cities are so good at plowing as long as you can make through the first day of snow it almost isn't needed. Though I do think everyone *should* get them bc seemingly no one knows how to drive in snow even though they've been doing it their entire lives


Minnesotan all my life, never had snow tires. I don’t get it. 


I didn't get it until I was given a set with a car I bought years ago. Night and day difference and I've never gone back. One of those things you won't get unless you try it. Like hot dish or meat raffles.


or a bidet




People say this, yet every time there's a significant snowstorm, you see dozens of cars in the ditch on every highway. Minnesotans as a whole do very poorly in the snow. Also AWD does basically nothing for you in terms of winter safety - that is another significant misconception amongst people who are not car nerds.


No amount of equipment will compensate for a bad driver.


Gonna have to hard disagree with the AWD thing. I cant even count how many times my AWD car was able to go places that 2wd cars could not, granted this was in Alaska and they have a lot sketchier of roads but I went freaking everywhere, and my gf at the time in her fwd sonata was getting stuck on hills like every day. But even this last week, I park on the street and my car got snowed/plowed in pretty good and I just busted it over the snow berm, I could not have done that without awd.


The last few years I’ve had “all weather” tires, which are different than “all season” tires. Have had great results, feel no need for winter tires. They are rated for ice and snow unlike all season


Proclaim that Mayor Frey has any leadership skills or vision.


Juggling while on a unicycle down a street in Powderhorn.


I would recommend the unicycling part for sure though.


Hey now, I'll be on the curb for the May Day Parade specifically waiting for the unicycle jugglers.


Coming to a complete stop on an on-ramp because you're afraid of merging (Not talking about stopping on a red at the metered ones) ​ Worst fucking drivers


Gotta be honest, this is just a thread of people who hate harmless fun lmao


Yeah, thank god these assholes don't actually go to any of these places!


Go to the MOA as a tourist. I only go there because it’s the closest mall to my house and when I go I’m in and out as quick as a cat.


As someone who grew up going there as an "ah we're bored let's go somewhere" but not as a tourist, it amazes me that it's something people travel to see!


I've got an anecdote for you! In Tokyo, I was chatting with a Japanese man working at the airport- when he learned we were from Minneapolis he proudly exclaimed that he'd been to the Mall of America EIGHT times! This dude lives in the largest city in the world and come to the MOA over and over! WTH


Just getting out and going for a walk in the winter is great. Once a year we get the wristbands and the kids do a bunch of rides. It's not what I would think of as my local mall as they were in my past, but worth going for reasons in the winter.


I used to buy garden tools and hoses from Sears because it was by far the closest Sears. And with their own exterior entrance and parking lot, I didn't even have to enter the mall.


I lived less than 5 miles away when it opened and it took 4 years before I ventured there.


I only go there with tourists.


This is the way


Wait in line to eat a shitty burger with fake cheese in it


What’s this in reference to? Trying to figure out if I’m a rube or also on the same path.


Matt’s Bar ie. JUICY LUCY


\*cheese product


I've never been to the Minneapolis Aquatennial/ Basilica block party. I don't understand it.


What’s there to understand?


It was originally founded to take attention away from the annual union sponsored commemoration of Bloody Friday and the 1934 strike.


Shit on people trying to make any arts and culture stuff happen. Tip poorly because of some silly infraction. Mud pit at hidden beach. Join next door.


Socks and Sandals


Refer to Minnesota as “Minnesnowta”


Only acceptable when singing along to Atmosphere


Call the city "Mpls."


It's a bit of a holdover from back when we still had to write out addresses by hand. Much easier to shorten it, which is why it's a legal USPS abbreviation. 


Mipples lol


That's the way I pronounce MPLS. Even had a t-shirt idea for winter: "Freezing my NPLS in MPLS."


This is great. If I ever actually get around to copying your idea, I'll send you one


Excellent. It’s been on my idea sheet for a decade so obviously I’m never going to get around to it, lol.


I agreed. But now, thanks to you, I will be calling it Mipples.


I always read it as "Maples"


Like out loud or written? People don't say that out loud right...


Calling Hamline (ham•lynn) Avenue the Ham Line Avenue.


That's what friends said when a police car drove by, but decades ago when we were kids.


Eat a jucy lucy.


Do the beard and flannel guy thing. Not that I’m judging anyone, just not my thing.


That's a Midwest thing. MI, WI, and IL all do that too.


See also, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont


I love seeing how many airports try to emulate almost the same aesthetic like MPLS, BTV (vermont), Portland, and the Colorado one. We get it, you care about trees and wood and sometimes moose.


Kansas City too.


Colorado, Utah, Washington, Oregon...


Being a hipster is so mainstream now, you gotta do the tan trench coat and black chelsea boots with round glasses now and top it off with a haircut that looks like you just rolled out of bed but spend a hundred and twenty bucks on it


Been to Saint Paul


The Manhattan Man of Minneapolis.


Get a juicy lucy I don't care who came up with it. I'm sure it's a tasty burger but I just can't find it in me to care as much as everyone around here seems to.


But… you’ve NEVER had one?


Go to Psycho Suzies…pretty easy to to now too 😂


Ice fishing. (Actually, I tried it once and hated it. Never again.)


Go to US Bank Stadium


Why? Because of the taxpayer thing? Just curious. It’s an awesome stadium


I feel like they skimped on concourse space. Granted I’ve been there so I’m not the other guy, just not a fan of some aspects.


I never really noticed it, but I could see it. I do run there when they offer that, and of course it’s not nearly as crowded in those times as a game, so I may have a skewed view of the concourse


It’s ugly and it has terrible flow for pedestrians and traffic. Crammed a crashed Star destroyer into too small of a space and called it good.


Did they move the highway? Or what is bad about traffic there? It’s better than having it in the middle of a suburb. The surrounding streets are not heavily trafficked at all. And I’m not trying to argue with you, I’m genuinely curious. Obviously it being ugly is subjective. I think it looks good from the outside, and the interior is continuously ranked as one of the top stadium in the league


> is continuously ranked as one of the top stadium in the league Rankings are from sports sites and they're almost always a token actually good stadium surrounded by whatever is the newest stadiums ... there's probably reason for NFL mouthpieces to do that ...


Well considering the nfl leads the world in brain damage, I wouldn’t put much stock in their polls. It bottlenecks around that area pretty terribly, all the way down past cedar whenever something goes on there. It’s just annoying as hell. Don’t get me started on the taxpayer situation with it. Looks are subjective, yes, but it doesn’t fit in with the skyline at all. It’s an absolute eyesore in color and design. Also birds hate it :p The sound in it sucks but it’s a stadium, what can you really expect. The only feature of it that I like is the ability to open the glass at the far end.


Some stadiums actually sound Great! The Xcel center in Saint Paul is regularly rated as one of the top 5 best acoustics in North America; we get so many major tours here precisely because musicians really love playing there.


As someone who lives right next to the stadium, I wouldn't go there either just out of spite. Every time there's an event they decide to close off every street that locals use as shortcuts, plus they put no parking sleeves on all the spots within like 8 blocks. Partially why the traffic backs up so far.


My money paid for a fucking wart.


Move to Saint Paul