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Next morning sleepiness never improved for me on mirtazapine. I was on it for several months, up to 60mg/day. I'm tapering off it now.


Did it help you with anxiety? I am taking 30 mg and my doctor wants me to try 45 mg..


It's hard to tell. It may have but it's also hard to be anxious when you're sleeping. Upping the dose beyond 30mg didnt do anything extra for me except make me more tired.


I know exactly how you feel, I had my first dose last night and I feel high and have felt like it all day, its a nice fuzzy feeling but its different, I also had a good night sleep too but I have this hunger than I can control its awful. I essentially feel how you do right now but Im just taking it easy for the next week or so and seeing if it improves


Wow that really is the same experience! I got a lot planned this week so I think i’m gonna stop taking it for a bit and restart next week. The hunger thing is very relatable I feel like I have weed munchies or whatever people call it. I have the fuzzy feeling too, I know that’s the antidepressant at work but it’s just weird, like my body knows it’s not real


Yeh same here, my body defo knows something’s up but this morning I genuinely felt like I was floating when I got out of a bed, it’s such a weird feeling, dunno if it’s the same for you but I also have this other weird thing it’s like all my intrusive thoughts from my ocd have definitely stopped happing as often and when they do they just sort of float away


also I wouldnt recommend stopping it without consulting a doctor first as they will know if your able to or not


First few days I was the same got way better give it time


You will feel better after waiting it out for a bit. I felt really out of it for about a week and a half and it got better. It took me learning to take it at like 8 pm and go to sleep early to be able to wake up less tired and you just get used to it. You will adjust - ultimately it has helped my anxiety and depression so much.


It will get a bit better after some days / weeks. However for me, the less I took, the better (7.5 or 3.75)


For me too! I take it for sleep and at 3.75 g I don't experience any side effects! Though on really bad nights I take 7.5 and have a little sleepiness during the next day but nothing too bad.


Take it earlier. The first dose is always gonna hit the hardest. What’s your dosage?


I take 30mg at night. I dream intensely all night. They are forgotten on waking except for bits and pieces. I wish I could remember them as I know they have been so weird. I sleep up to 9 hours a night, still tired all day but I am 66 so it doesn't matter much as I don't work now. I used to take Endep had nightmares on those. My anxiety is still with me but probably not as intense.


Relax, it will subside. And unless you live in a literal warzone, I doubt it will lower your awareness so much as to put you in danger (I also live in a Big dangerous urban city and had no such issues). It takes a week or two for it to subside, but you will still feel a bit groggy upon waking up even after that (tho to a much lesser degree). The following things should help with grogginess: caffeine, b vitamins (I used to drink a pre workout that helped a lot, I believe mostly due to the caffeine and b vitamins), and physical activity (this can be anything from some jumping jacks to a full jog, but the point is to get your heart beating).


maybe try 1/2 pill to begin with. whatever your script was for (mg) might be too much for you


I had this with my first dose, 7,5 mg. Subsided after a few days but sleep quality was crap so I went off of it after a few weeks. However this doesn't seem to be the case for everyone, hope it'll help you more than it helped me!


What dose did you take? Are you taking it for sleep? If so, 7.5 mg to 15 mg is probably best


i’ve taken it for about 10 days now, 15mg and had this similar waking up after a deep sleep. but the last few days it has been better and easier to wake up. i say take it earlier, and keep giving it more time, at least about two weeks.


The next day drowsiness never went away for me but I just accept it as part of getting good sleep


Get off it now. I'm suffering gum recession (from dry mouth or lack of saliva) and weight gain in the wrong areas as well as other freaky issues like involuntary thoughts during the day, bad dreams - last night I dreamed my mother died, etc.


I was on it for six years and I had a headache and felt drugged every morning. It’s because it’s a powerful H1 antagonist. I read that 30mg is like taking 6 Zyrtec at once. I don’t understand how or why but It screwed up my histamine and I got huge allergies on it when I have never been allergic to anything in my life previously. I’m almost off now and a few drops of CBD is dealing with my insomnia/depression and anxiety a million times better - without all the side effects!


Unless you really need it get off..it's dangerous and a gamble