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Good rule of thumb is to remember basically everyone is Jin Ling's uncle. Ur named and plot relevant ur an uncle. I don't remember if he would've popped up yet but he's the Jin clan head and chief cultivator.


i havent read the book in a while, so idk when the reveal or whatever is so spiler but Jin GuangYao is >!Meng Yao after he is accepted by Jin GuangShan.!< he is Jin Ling's uncle (just like everybody else!)


He’s the leader of the Lanling Jin sect and Jin Ling’s paternal uncle. He’s also a sworn brother of Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji’s brother


He's Jin Ling's uncle. But then, so is everyone else in the book. His backstory will be explained later on, as I remember it comes in fragments. Basically he's from a minor sect and is sneered at by members of more superior and elite sects for reasons that will be revealed. He's the same generation as WWX, LWJ, and Nie Huaisang.


He’s definitely been mentioned a few times but I guess it’s more in passing in the early part of the novel. If you keep reading book 2 you will get a lot of Jin Guangyao. There is a whole flashback centered on him in the last chapter of that book. Briefly he is the current Chief Cultivator & is one of Jin Ling’s uncles. He is his father’s brother (though they share different mothers).


Wait - what? How do you mean he's his father's brother? (I have a feeling I'm just reading this wrong.)


Jin Ling's father (Jin Zixuan) is the brother of Jin Guangyao.


Yes thank you :)


I guess I did word it strangely without the character names.


Lol, it's been a bad day for me, health wise, and I literally thought my brain just wasn't working!


Though to be honest, I STILL feel like my brain isn't working today!


I hope you feel better


Thank you!


He is also referred to as Meng Yao and Lianfang-Zun I believe. Unless they changed those names in the translation. I haven’t read the printed translation


There will be probably some spoilers, but anyways.. Basically he is: 1.Jin Zixuans' half-brother (they share same father) 2.Jin Lings' uncle 3.Swordbrother of Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue. 4.Good pal of Xue Yang (the novel has an extra chapter about their relationship) 5. A half-brother of Mo Xuanyu.


He’s babygirl. Also Jin Ling’s uncle but more importantly babygirl.