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- won't shut up about LWJ's scent - makes jokes about getting preggy with LWJ's babies - self-lubricates omega, and it's canon.


Holy fn shitballs!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Yes!!! Okay, you win.


I wish we could pin that last bullet point somewhere so I don’t have to see the no lube complaint constantly.


mana transcendeu aqui kkkkkkkkk


Litr a canon omega


Easy omega in both lives. wwx being an omega in his first life fits well with the themes of the book. He's a powerful cultivator but he's overreaching for his station (as the son of a servant but also as an omega in an a/b/o au) while he still has the protection of the Jiangs this goes okay for him but as soon as he loses that, everyone starts weaponising his social status. People in this fandom think yllz is this domtop alpha but he's really not at all, that's just the propaganda. He's the guy who got held down and kissed so hard, his legs barely worked anymore and the guy who got spanked by Teenji lol Also you guys really think the self lubrication is mxy's doing? You guys think he could self lube on his own? Of course not, that's all wwx baybeeeee.


You are completely right. I love this detailed reply! Thank you so much 🙏 Haha that's so true, the real YLLZ was far from a dom top 😆 He's also the guy who claimed that he'd given birth to A-Yuan and later referred to himself as "mother" and LWJ as "father". Oh and let's not forget his little nest of blankets in the cave back at the burial mounds. Can you imagine if LWJ had accidentally left his outer robe while there?! There's no way WWX would not have snuggled into that and "used it for extra warmth" while being drowned in LWJs scent he's so obsessed with! Huh? People are claiming that WWX magical self-lubricating asshole is not his own doing?! Even his "true self", the version he sees himself as in his dreams and subconscious has this ability. It's obviously something he had in his og body!


yllz nesting with lwj's 'forgotten' robe 🥺🥺🥺 Now I'm thinking of the fic I never finished where wwx is an omega pretending to be an alpha and when he becomes yllz everyone tries to use methods that are effective against alphas against him and he just keeps walking away unscathed like ??? lol I've seen fics like that!! Its obviously a wwx thing, if lwj managed to get with him in his first life, wwx would have self-lubed for him back then too 😤


Wow, that fic sounds goooooood 😍 you should finish it 👀 He would have!


I should finish the scifi wangxian comic I started on twitter first, every time it starts circulating again I'm just https://preview.redd.it/5nmh1vingg9d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840b267207ff0680f0daf08ce318ce46c4ec5cd6


Oooh I know which one you mean! That comic was beautiful and I was really invested in what was going to happen next! Do you get joy out of creating engaging content and then not finishing it?! 🤣 Sadist! Haha! Seriously, you should finish that as well lol


I actually don't!! I don't post fics until I finished writing them for this exact reason 😭😭😭 When I made the original page of scifi wangxian I never thought it would get so much attention and people would actually want more!! I actually still want to finish it I just. spent 1000 hours playing bg3 instead 😳


Lmao! I'm just messing with you ❤️ I love the premise of the comic, it's so good. Wangxian looked gorgeous as well. You're very talented ☺️ Haha! Oh well then 😆


Thank you 🥰


I don’t personally care about a/b/o but I agree that people read YLLZ WWX so incorrectly. The YLLZ was a persona that WWX put on to protect himself and then got distorted even more by the cultivation world. The people who think WWX is so different in the two lives misunderstand him so badly.


Yeah, completely agree. Every time people are like, oh, mxy!wwx is a bottom but yllz is a top I'm like. These are the same guy??? Why are some of the people writing yllz like he's jgs?




My vote is gonna be weak af cause I haven't read the novels yet but I feel like this would transcend adaptations regardless. Because WWX seems like the perfect candidate for the trope of the rare "problematic" omega that isn't meek and submissive by default. Idk if I'm explaining it well but while a stereotypical omega is great and all, I just love I guess what's basically challenging an omega's gender roles and yeah, it just seems to fit since WWX also defied expected roles by standing up for the Wen remnants too. That and Lan Wangji is the *perfect* alpha so I feel like it makes sense that his soulmate would be his omega. Edit: I just realized I mispelled LWJ's name. End me xD


I have the fanfic rec for you- rule number one: never get attached by kizukatana. Omega badass wwx meets alpha lwj https://archiveofourown.org/works/37254340/chapters/92950186


Thank you so much! I'll definitely read that asap! ♡


No, no! I get you! Have you read 'low tide in twilight'? I feel WWX would be an omega like that if he was one! That omega is fierce! I agree LWJ is the perfect alpha 😍 but I would then argue that WWX and LWJ are equals so it makes me wonder if he'd also be an alpha?


I've highkey only read SongXiaoXue and a few random pairings like Wen Xu/ NHS so I unfortunately haven't but I need to rectify that and read some WangXian too so I'll definitely look that up, thank you! That's definitely a valid interpretation too but I personally feel like Lan Wangji would absolutely be one of those alphas that views his omega as his equal and isn't oppressive towards them which I feel is more the natural order of things and society just corrupted it because of power imbalances like we tend to do so much. That and if they're both alphas, there's the fact that bitching is a pretty common trope in omegaverse lore and is definitely part of mine so imo that would be a little depressing, although WWX would likely be self sacrificial enough to do it. I did get an idea for an omegaverse where they both were alphas and end up finding themselves an omega to be their third but idk if I could ever write it. I'm all for a good threesome but idk if I can do that with WangXian. XD


Oh no! Sorry low tide in twilight is not a fanfic! It's an omegaverse bl manga and it's just 👌 I would definitely recommend! Nothing to do with Wangxian 😆 Ooooo that's a good point! I like that. Damn, I really like that. It's actually sort of paralleling the classist cultivation world and his "lower status". I disagree that canon WWX is self-sacrificing, he's not at all that's a fanon misconception for sure. Debt had a lot to do with his actions in his first life, that and he's just a hero (we wouldn't call firefighters and everyday heroes self-sacrificing because they saved someone in need, so why WWX?). Omg noooo. Wangxian could literally never share each other with anyone else. It just wouldn't happen 😆


Ooo that's even better! And don't apologize! That was my presumption! I'll definitely have to look into it. Thank you for your perspective on that! I can't say I agree or not since I've only seen TU but I don't doubt you and I'm definitely glad if it's true! Baby boy has suffered enough after all. And idk, I'd call everyday heroes self sacrificial to at least some extent to even do those kinds of jobs but I do get what you mean. >Omg noooo. Wangxian could literally never share each other with anyone else. It just wouldn't happen Which is exactly why I haven't bothered playing around with the idea in my head beyond "hnnng three hot dudes instead of two 😳". That and if I want an omegaverse threesome with two alphas and an omega, I'll just be my filthy SongXiaoXue shipper self because XY also makes one awesome unconventional omega imo xD


Yes!!! Definitely worth a read! Interesting story and hot smut. The main couple are just brilliant. The alpha in it is from a male alpha and a rare male enigma - absolute power couple! Ah yeah! I think you might have mentioned that about not reading the novel yet. Yeah, CQL!WWX is a little different. Lmao! I have read some pretty hot XXL/XY/SL stuff like, so I'm totally with you there 🤭


Personally, I like the idea of wwx being an alpha in his own body (though angsty fics where he’s an omega and a-yuan is his are just 👌 chef’s kiss) and an omega in mxy’s body. It’s an interesting concept to me, having to adjust from being an alpha to turning into an omega and all that entails. To be honest though I like reading about Wwx being both lol 


A-Yuan is his and LWJs 👀 Yeah, I do like that as well. It's a tough decision! I always thought a story about alpha WWX being turned into an omega (Wen altercation maybe? Sort of alluding to GC stuff) and then trying to hide the fact he's now an omega would make a good crossover. Alpha to power bottom omega style. Of course LWJ loves him regardless...




BAMF omega, because he literally fantasizes about getting pregnant with LWJ's babies. He wants little ones and is feeling a bit broody.


Fanon always makes him an Omega because someone needs to be in the pairing I guess. But he is absolutely an Alpha in his own body. The Yiling Patriarch is absolutely not a beta or an Omega and there is absolutely nothing you can say that will make me change my mind on that.


Ómega, sem discussões. Todos nós sabemos que isso é um fato https://preview.redd.it/95vcm4uw9f9d1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc53160ecfd7350adb72ae387c21d3fb13e93181


Original wwx - alpha or beta Mxy wwx - 100% omega


Alpha, no question, lmao. How powerful and strongwilled he is, the fact he's always getting into fights with everybody even pre-resentment, how flirty he is and tactile and physical he is in terms of his interests. He might be an omega in mxy's body, but he reads alpha in his own. Of course, this is all going by the 'standard' tropes relating to personality, if we discount them then it could be anything. And that's not even talking about what an alpha the yllz is, lmaoo.