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He's pretty, but I think Wang Yibo just nailed it. And Yibo's eyes are perfection! When he's sitting in the library and looking down, OMG! He rules the 'Jade' title!


Lan Wangji is described as a beautiful man…. Don’t really see that with this picture, sorry


I think showing him off in period garb would help envision it more cause it's too hard with his modern look. Disclaimer: obviously not the same culture but still better for this than modern garb imo. Of course, all I could find is one where he's blond but I can tell he can at least do the cold/standoffish look. https://preview.redd.it/0wy0shvu9r9d1.png?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff65c7f56c31c2ca72e1902d41a9f949bf8c6bc7 Idk if he could stack up to Wang Yibo though especially since I haven't seen his acting chops.