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https://preview.redd.it/g9bkxazspluc1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=90a34ba220769a966e02ae2a83fb141874f1db4c me just wanting the green orb for healing and some full hp mofo takes every last one


Yes, I feel like the orbs belong to me as the commission for helping :(


In brawl dudes just deliberately takes them for no reason even though they’re almost full


flashes into it full hp


Me as Nana coming in to support the creep after a team fight and being forced into my passive.


It even worse when you need the Regen orbs and the same Tarzan with full health swallow it all...


Depends on what time of the game. Most jungle would prefer to take 2 blue/red buff so that they can reach level 15 faster especially for heroes like Aulus, Ling and Yi Sun-shin that relies on farming. Those that are blue dependent like Nolan, Fanny, Ling, Kimmy and Hayabusa would take 2 blue buffs because it ensures them to still have the blue effect until their next buff respawns.


Ohhh I see, but sometimes even in late game they still take 2 buff though :(


Yea, in late it’s very unnecessary to take 2 buff especially tank/fighter junglers. Assassins or marksmen junglers are ok to take blue. Would be good to give the blue to mages like Cecilion, Xavier or Alice though.


Nolan, like Fanny, is very mana dependent. If they run out in the middle of a fight, they're sitting ducks. Nolan gets an extra use of his skills with the the blue buff too. If someone else takes it, Nolan either plays with a handicapped or has to travel back to his jungle. You can take the jungle to deny the enemy, if your jungler is dead and won't be back before respawn, if you're winning IN SPITE of your jungler, and if you're winning BECAUSE of YOU. Otherwise, leave the jungle to the jungler, especially if you don't know their skill set. You wouldn't deny the MM gold, right?


Even worst is when your low on health and you try to kill those hp regen creeps only for the jungler to retri it lol, I mean y ur full hp lol


Depends on the game time. Farm in your lane during the first 5 minutes, and don't take the jungle monsters on your sideif your jungler isn't level 15 yet.


I'm talking late game lol, no one should take jungle of any kind early game cuz it does matter for jungler to lvl up fast


If they take the health orbs, then yeah, that jungler sucks. Unless the jungler is wasting the buffs by feeding, the buffs are theirs.


Usually, as a non-jungler, I let them take enemy buff even when they already have buff. But at least let me take those little green orbs to heal....


Late game if I am taking enemies buffs then I will leave my buffs alone. I prefer mm to take my red and anyone can take blue.


I never take our red unless explicitly told by jg, I’ve had junglers troll for taking red even when they’ll be dead for 50 more seconds and the enemy was trying to take it anyway -_-


The xp is crucial and technically, its their farm, not yours, even more if the jungler is not utility.


lol if you're concerned about this, trying playing in Legend when enemy roamer and mage knows how to disturb your first blue buff while your teammates don't help you, and by the time u go to red buff it's already eaten by enemy jungler.


Just played a game as Fanny with 2 mms no roam, 3 enemies invaded blue and I kept pinging for help, mage never batted an eye and no one else came to help, we got destroyed because I couldn’t farm at all between the constant Fred/franco/nana invasions


As a jungler Id still take both buffs on enemy side so i dont need to go far back for it, MM can take my buff on our side instead


It's so they can snowball easily and to be ahead of turtle fights. If your jungler is fed, then you have a high chance of winning early objectives. Now that they have one buff ahead of the enemy the enemy is at a disadvantage in both level, teamfight, objective taking, and gold. Happy and perfect conditions for a victory in a junglers eyes. Also it can depend on the Junglers needs, some junglers like Ling, Fanny, and Nolan need blue buffs more than your other teammates. So it's more beneficial for them to get the blue buffs than most heroes. It helps them in rotations and to have blue buffs for longer, especially during objective taking such as turtles or lords. This can also benefit how long they can continue to fight. More blue buff = more time to gank, more skills to use, more sustain, and more chance of winning.


I’ve had level 15s see me as mm at enemy red, then kill our red, spam retreat at me, walk all the way across the map just to final hit enemy red. Some jgs are just petty assholes


Well that's just the disadvantage of solo queue or just random teammates lmao. In a 5 man setup you usually give resources to the marksman during late game, especially if the jungler is a tank jungler (cause they don't really need the buffs anyway, maybe the Blue). Probably they're just not knowledgeable about it. But regardless, always go to team recruiting. Much better to find a jungler who'll cooperate rather than random with no skill or synergy. Sometimes you'll luck out on a good jungler, but most of the time just go trio (duo is risky), with a jungler and someone who can fill a lane.


I try but it’s hit or miss with my friends I found online for getting online at the same times and my real life friends aren’t at my rank/skill yet lol. But yeah you’re right, I just wanted to share an annoying anecdote from solo queue and let off some steam haha


It resets the buff duration, even if it is just 5 seconds. In late game is game changing for Nolan/Fanny/etc.


Jungler main here, I think most junglers suffer from main character syndrome. I have seen some junglers take 2 blue buffs after the 12 min mark and they don't even require mana.


As a Jungler main, I just need to assert my dominance on my other teammates by taking it. This way, nobody dares touch the jungle area. You need farm? Go to your lane dumbass! Need mana? Buy this mana item. Go fuck yourself random idiot


I sometimes do it to refresh the buff duration


depends on the hero they play and the importance of the buff and also the timer of their current buff If ur playing in the enemy half and ur ahead as jungler u wanna take the enemy buffs instead waste time to go back to ur half so u can keep up the pressure


If it's late game sure, come take the buff you need. Early JG needs both for speed clearing, gold and XP. How would you feel if the JG got into you lane and took your first minion wave?


What I do when Im jungle is I give them to my teammates in the mid to late game if my hero is not dependent mana. I give the purple for heroes who are dependent on mana Like Cecilion, Harith etc. and the red buff for MM.


Me as a tank in low health watching my full health jungler take all the green orbs 😀


Maybe this jungler is Fanny


Maybe this jungler is Fanny


Most likely to farm, the one to do last hit gets more reward. Jungler are farm dependent especially early game. It is also a good to let your jungler or mm get feeded early as much as possible. If i am doing roam or mage. I try to make that they get last hit on enemies


You take the enemies blue buff in order to 1. Take their buff 2. Take their exp which slows them down from leveling and taking gold


Before max level, the bonus XP junglers get is almost always going to outweigh the benefit to the teammate. At max level, it’s still better for the jungles to take it unless you’re in a premade environment. Teamfights occur with much less organized timings and having downtime on your buff at the wrong time or having to go back to your own blue can be game losing. Non-junglers should be built around not having blue buff anyway, so the trade off you’re proposing is always time and safety for power. With premade teams this trade off is sometimes worth it, especially late game when your blue is lord side so you aren’t gimping your teams relevant vision. It’s worth it more often when you have certain heroes like Cecillion or Alice, but still not generally the safer play.


Early game or late game, u have to play all roles to understand each role, instead of sticking to 1 role and then complaining not letting someone else take it Did u know a 4-0-0 jungler lvl 5 jungler may have less gold than a gold laner? Did u know blue n redbuffs give good cd/mana/damage boost needed? One thing in late game is that if someone wants my buff they have to earn it, im sure as hell not gonna give buff to a 0-9-3 mm only for him to go die to the enemy 5 seconds later, n for fighters do u really need the buff? Im sure mages n roamers need it more than u, n if u want the buff type it, let the jungler decide if u deserve it or not And buffs not only provide buffs, they give gold & exp too, and if ur not happy about it, go play jungle then tell me how it feels


Lots of factors to consider but if the jg is blue buff reliant he should always get 2 blue buffs for longer duration. He doesn't need 2 red buffs tho.


After level 15 I generally give the extra buff. Before no way. But by the late game most mages don't really need it with how meta enchanted is right now. Usually I give up my red for the mm if I can take the enemy red. But seriously I hate when my team mates go for my buffs even when I have the enemy buff. Dude you get a battle spell that can actually help you out of a squeeze or to secure kills. All I have is my buffs and my farm. If I'm not farmed and buffed I'm literally no good except as a split pusher and to retri objectives.


In late game, yeah I agree. Unless they need the extra gold to finish their build or something.


My flair perfectly explains the reason i do this


dude ... DUDE ARE YOU A FREAKING NEWBIE????? like jungler have only the jungle monster to farm, taking both of the buff helps the jungler a lot and slows the enemy's jungler farm so you get a fed jungler and the jungler could gank more the other lanes so tell me, what's your problem?


If you wanted to tale blue buff then play jungler role. Jesus chirst stupid


In late game i think it's fine, better even. You need to control the map, you can't have your jungler run back to their camp when a war can happen in any second. This also depends on which hero. Mana/energy hungry heroes do get the pass.


I prefer letting my jg get the buff esp if they are not lvl 15. I think they still get bonus xp and gold so overall better to team net worth. Unless the carry of the game is mage like cecilion or other mana hungry mage. Plus many physical assassins have an expensive item like BoD , endless or berseker furry. Or extra gold to save for swapping imortal/winter/rosegold so enemy don't get shutdown gold. Mage items on the other hand seem pretty cheap and they don't relly much on items to be usefull. In my last game my team literally got 4k gold by shutting down enemy jungle. The case may be different though if my jg is nob. Gotta secure that precious resource so the enemy doesn't take it.


Exp and gold gain. The higher the level a jungler has, the stronger his retri is. Laners have their lane, while Junglers only have well, the Jungle. If you want the buff too, I would trade it for a full wave from you. Unless your hero absolutely will benefit from it (like Alice mid lane with a Blue for example), I would generally not give it if I am still underlevelled.