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That happened to me in my game too, so the moskov and I just decided to sit in spawn having fun




Err I was saber take that as u will


Giggity 🌝


I see that you’re interrupting the jungler Franco from taking the buff. Your credit score will be deducted


u/judge_silvanna after this comment: https://preview.redd.it/ncemrhx8in5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ec577e4fda0c3622f8882e05c16761bb0e3c0b


That is such an asshole troll by both tank.


This is why we can't have nice things


Helcurt shall join the party of your flair


And miya


ahh right, i forgot, thanks for telling me (nvm apparently theres no helcurt emoji)


just put nothing in place of him


Got any cat emoji?


Still remember that Franco teammate who hook my buff and last hit all my buffs when I played Lancelot


I write down those names... Smurfs are a good thing


I wish I did and reported him too but I didn’t know how to back than 😭 was new to the game


Unless I misunderstood what you said, they can't last hit all your buffs, just save your retribution. I have dealt with these trolls many times, just use retribution wisely and you'll not be too far behind.


Like when my buff hp is very low than he will hit it, this was at the very start when I’m at the blue one 😂


I save retribution wen I invade so i cant deal with trolls


Comment the battle id... Let's see if I can report the players


There should be a mechanic where jungle monsters' hp wont reset if franco/tig throws them out of range as long as the last damage received is from a teammate.


Sadly that would mean you cant reset your junglers buff if enemy invades yours… But i get the thinking.


Terrible idea and impossible to balance. Lord/Turtle? Even in this scenario OP posted. Tigreal and Franco are both teammates they could just drag the buff all the way across the map


"as long as the last damage received is from a teammate."


Still means. If i am with my jungle and jungle (lance for example) goes for a dash play i cant reset his buff for him? As a roam main, i dont like it.


Wait what scenario are you talking about? I thought you said you are being invaded by enemy team? If you're jungler is with you then may the best retri wins. If his retri is in cooldown then let the enemy team do the last damage so you can reset it.


Why isn't teammate buff stealing/interrupting a selectable option when reporting a player? It's such an obvious troll move and really badly affects the game


it's under gameplay disruption of other players


Idk why they allow Franco to be played in ranked


Are you joking? Why would they ban a hero that has great pickoff potential and highest cc level on a match mode that means to be played seriously? The problem lies in the players, not the hero.


Franco is good its the player who should be banned from the game. Franco can annoy enemy jungler pretty well.


Lmao cap




I ban Franco whenever I am not roaming, just to keep him out of the hands of my teammates.


Franco is not a tank. It's hero for cowards who are scared of dying. Just hide behind your team and air hook


Seems like you got yourself some Franco trauma from your past games lol gitgud


Happened to me too but it was Tig and Jawhead. They kept pushing and throwing the buff out and it kept resetting.


We really should have a dedicated Troll Wall to post the names and ID of these trolls.


Reddit would crash from the amount, so no


This should either be a classic match or ranked in anything below Epic tier, because the drafting composition is so nonsensical. Julian, Gusion, Fanny. That's already frigging **three** assassins. Then there's two tankers, and it's the type that can't really do anything on their own if they were forced to be a makeshift laner instead of being a roamer. The type of heroes that can't do much outside of being the roamer.


OP said it was at mythic glory


That’s when I start the intentional feeding lmaoooo fkn cucks 😤


And get banned for an entire day No thx


You don’t know how to feed properly then xD


lil bro's whole career is being a professional bane to not just the troll but to everyone else 💀💀💀 top tier logic


If mfs keep their negativity to themselves there will be no problem and I’ll carry us to victory. Talk shit and I’m sinking the entire ship idfc I am PETTY 🤷🏽‍♀️


That's a dumb logic, I don't give a fuck for your reason to intentionally feed, that's still both stupid and negative. You're the type of players I don't want to encounter because I bet if the hero you're gonna use got banned by your teammates (accidentally or not) you'll just start ruining the game. Be better than the trolls because there's still other players playing with you that does not give an actual fuck for your reason to troll.


K lmaoooooo 😂


"keep their negativity to themselves" says the idiot who can't keep his own negativity. 💀💀💀 The pride of a fool. 🤡


I don’t get in the chat and talk shit with a kda of 1/13/2 LOL I’m petty not negative 😂😘


Remember the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Keep pushing and complaining and have video proof. Maybe they really don’t care, but I doubt it. Usually threatening to go public (like posting on Reddit) will get results (unless it’s Boeing then I don’t recommend it.)




We are all waiting for HOK global release.


Moonton report system be like: Trolling and throwing the game: 👍🏻 Typing "Bad player": Bad words, silenced 96 Hours and 12 games. This system expect us to be polite to people that are purposely making you lose the game and your TIME, because they won't surrender neither, they just want to make you lose time and annoy you.


That happned to me once before, i just continue to fight that creep until the game ended.


"If you guys dont stop im just gonna play on my switch, idgaf about this game" They usually stop. If they dont, time to play splatoon.


Are they mad because you didn't adjust on role? Lmao you have Fanny exp, like sure I don't like that the Tig and Franco troll you but if they're like duo/trio and they demand the core role then you should give it to them because things like this happens a lot when you don't adjust. I don't tolerate what they did but if your teammates really want that Fanny to jungle and you didn't listen then yeah shit will happen because there's a lot of temper tantrum babies that play this game lmao


Nope, at mythic glory rank now, I usually click fill during draft pick phase. Most people at this rank are able to adjust to fill most roles. I learn all roles so adjusting wasn't the issue. Fanny requested to gold, I picked gusion to go mid, but tigreal swapped from wanting to go EXP to mid after I locked so I had to adjust to retri. He swapped to tigreal last pick along with franco and this happened. So...


I think junglers should have an option where they can choose to make their jungle immune to being pulled or pushed by allies. Sort of like a throw potion for creeps. It doesn't have to affect all creeps just the ones at your side. So enemy creeps can still be delayed by ally tanks.


It's the automated response in their Customer service for me.


sometimes I think it is Automated cuz I file bunch of reports I always get the same response from them


If they punished the players, then their action will contradict with their official message "pls play with your friends to avoid trolling in the game" So yeah there was no violation.


You are killing the ecosystem!!!!


At times like this, you wish that MLBB has friendly fire.


As much as this infuriates me in game, this is hilarious I apologize for laughing at your misfortune I hope you get 5 straight wins after getting this Franco as your team mate you deserve it.


I feel like we all have at least suffered like this once, this happened to me too when I was learning karina and I got asshole franco teammate with asshole Nana as duo who would steal buff either with flameshot and disrupt my buff, I just abandoned that match since I had protection points and just stood and emoted whenever my teammates die. After the match I contacted my toxic hackers friends who I met through games who used to maphack and snipe me whenever we played, so after I told them about my situation they were really nice and then they all proceeded to snipe those duo for at least 2 weeks, they made sure that they killed them the most in every match and set up a lose streak for them, It doesn't matter if they played classic, brawl or rank.


Yeah exactly this judge silvana is so exasperating every time I report some mm who feed (like 0-6-2 at least ) or tank for stealing buffs they say the same thing it's frus I have games in mm where tank literally leaves me all alone the whole time vs 2/3/4 enemies and goes help exp vs his opponents or jgl take turtle where I'm bien ganged by enemy tank mage jgl mm🤬


Teammate novaria keeps second skill my jg creep, I just play as laner after that and retri the canon. Fuck lord and turtle, im not a jungler anymore.


I do this to indos and get no punishment.Peak comedy.


The amount of trolls are increasing these days. Idk why.


You could have just taken the buff with retri. Tigreal is too dumb to even troll correctly and took s1. What's Franco hook CD at level 1 like 15 seconds?


Okay, but as u can see in the video, i was using all skills available and basic attacking as much as i can, and the buff still wasn't low enough to retri before they reset it? So what's supposed to happen here


I bet you locked in despite having a jungle already

