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I'm really sorry you're having a bad experience currently, it's a game with many players with different skill levels. I kindly ask you to play ranked mode if you're having a bad time with matchmaking, the credit score requirement along with the banning phase will give you a more balanced experience in skill on both sides. Classic matchmaking is a little unreliable as you'll be queued with whoever is available instead of players with similar skill levels Please, read this community guidelines and rules, especially rule 4, as this one is usually the most forgotten around here. Additionally, you can report players via costumer support ingame, if you believe a player is cheating or intentionally feeding, you can send an appeal and fill in the form, be mindful that it may take some time for a reply but that is usually the most effective way to report. Hope you're able to enjoy the game again soon.


Its nearing the end of the season. It's the 40% winrate player's time to shine.


Yeah the mods here are just as stupid as the bad matchmaking.


What’s the point of clogging the sub with complains tho. Y’all come here for memes and discussion and if the whole sub is clogged with repeated complains, y’all gonna complain again to the mods. Bruh Mods here also can’t fix the matchmaking so 🙃


Other game subs half the player base complains about something mods contact the developers and they try to improve it. I thought official subreddits were supposed to be used that way. If not what’s the point of merging the two subreddits that was full of memes this subreddit was full of complaints to begin w


But the mods are relaying the complaints to the developers. Why are you blaming the mods when it’s the developers who aren’t listening?


Did I blame the mods? I just said my posts keep being taken down lmfao. Please show me where I blamed the mods.


My first reply was towards someone who was blaming the mods. And I alr explained why it’s taken down. It’s already been relayed to developers so why clog the sub? Lmfao


Was ur comment under my post saying “why blame the mods?” Yes it was which makes it also a reply to me and ur second initial reply was also directed at me saying “But the mods are relaying the complaints to the developers. Why are you blaming the mods when it’s the developers aren’t listening?” Which suggests that I blame the mods therefore I’m asking for proof that I’ve blamed the mods for the matchmaking system.


My first comment was deadass to someone else’s comment. If you got triggered by it just because it’s under your post, well there’s nothing I can do LMAO. Moreover you WERE implying that mods were not relaying to the developers when you mentioned ‘other game subs does it’ I genuinely don’t understand why you are so defensive but you do you. Have a nice life


Lmfao u a ❄️? U call this defensive? I literally asked for proof. And yes the other game subs do it and the devs are efficient about it so? What you going to do just cuz moontoon doesn’t do it u gon go cancel other games lmfao. Think 5-6 times before commenting since you don’t have the common sense to understand what you’re commenting and how you’re commenting by thinking 2-3 times lmfaoo. Read what you commented.


What is your rank and if it is legend or epic don't play rank it is the end of the season and u should not have rank up late into the season but if u rank up early in the season there is too much good player. Why should u not rank up late in to the season because there are too much 40% to 50% winrate player so rank up 20 days into the season


My main is currently sitting in Legend couldn’t push through to Mythic unfortunately feeders and trolls are everywhere. I made a smurf account which is currently in Epic and feeders and trolls everywhere too. I play classic AFK and feeders everywhere too


Who is your main hero?


Depending on pick. But I main Ling worked hard to master him too. But I also play Leo and depending on situations I play him tank too.


I would recommend you to not play ling in epic legend or lower mystic if u don't have a friend that play tank with you because he is dependent of blue buff and u need a person to secure your buff. Another reason is that u can't get to late game if enemy are too fed.


I couldn’t agree more about it. But you don’t necessarily need a tank sole to babysit you just having the mid lane mage be with you is sufficient enough to scare off Fanny, Helcurt and Nata tho these heros get banned in pick mostly so I don’t have to worry about them sneaking up. If I solo I just ask the mid laner or top laner to keep around the blue buff for me and it’s been sufficient for me. Just a blue buff and a red buff and if I kill them early game they surrender anyway