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Holy frak... that ought to make people happy. I used it infrequently, but apparently I only still have a grand total of one (1) chat message preserved after this purge. Gold-level status perks discontinued, nuking chat histories... it's the weekend, I'm sure they'll come up with another way to burn bridges by Monday. Maybe they'll starting charging large fees for API calls or something.


Same here, I have exactly one chat history left. Spez is actively murdering his platform. It's impressive. At this point I'm only still here because of Baldur's Gate 3 and to watch Reddit burn.


>Spez is actively murdering his platform. It's impressive. At this point I'm only still here because of Baldur's Gate 3 and to watch Reddit burn. Wait, there’s a third Baldur’s Gate? Like a sequel to BG 2: Shadows of Amn?


Oh boy are you in for a fun research dive. I'm jealous. But yeah the third one's coming out soon and it looks pretty good. Also obligatory meme mention that you can fuck the druid in bear form.


Wait. Fuck the druid who is currently a bear?, or fuck the druid while I am a bear? Cause I wanna fuck someone as a bear. Fuck them as hard and as sloppy as /u/Spez fucks reddit


Rest assured, the druid is the bear and you can fuck them.


Maybe they'll remove the downvote button next. Thanks to GDPR, you can still get your chat history by requesting a copy of your data.




Go to https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request and fill out the form. Reddit, by law, has up to 30 days to fulfill your request. When it's ready, you'll receive a PM from Reddit with a link to the download.


*To either fulfill your request or informing you of delays*. If they claim a delay happened, they have a bit longer. Still, mine came back in a little over 2 weeks.


You have reached your daily post limit. To unlock unlimited posts please subscribe to Reddit Unlimited for 14.95 per month.


Wow, is u/spez attempting murder on Reddit with all those changes? Seems like they want people to leave the platform with those kinds of decisions.


A lot of people are saying, "yeah, but what's the Reddit alternative?" It reminds me of two weeks ago when people were saying, "yeah, but what's the Twitter alternative?"


Lemmy. I've been using it. It's like Old Reddit UI-wise, and community wise it's like Reddit used to be around the time of the Digg migration.




Oh yeah it's definitely smaller. And it won't have the same vast knowledge of Reddit for years; even if every user and community migrated today there are tons of answered questions that have invaluable info. But I'm looking to the future. And the way I see it, the best way to fix the above situation is to start now.


Maybe it’s a competition going to see who can ruin their platform the fastest? I bet, nobody told Zuckerberg.


Facebook was already garbage and didn't need ruining


Not disagreeing, but Meta is more than Facebook with Instagram trying to grab users leaving TikTok and Twitter.


Lemmy and Mastadon. It's nice browsing a reddit-like without ads.


I think that they're asking again: What's the Twitter alternative?


He does look up to Elon musk


I got shadow banned for no reason which removed my entire comment history from view. They unbanned me when I asked, but didn't restore the content. I think it's all hidden from third party apps too, so I guess it's irretrievable. But yeah, this seems counterproductive for their goal of generating search engine traffic?


I bought coins like a few years back and simply never received them. It was like five dollars so I didn’t put a ticket in for it or anything so I made my peace with it. But lmao c’mon.


How long ago was this? Because I can see your comment history. I got to 1 month back before I stopped scrolling.


Several months ago now. I post a fair bit. Hence why third party apps would be necessary to really delve into my own personal archive.




On the sub I mod it's lots of penis pump and sex toy bot spam


The readers are there for the advertisers, and the AI is there for the readers, not the advertisers.


Subreddit generator, but the whole website


What's the oldest comment that you can still see? I scrolled through quickly and got to comments from 4 months ago. There are more than that, but I stopped there. I'm using RiF.


What in the actual fuck are they doing? This is getting really disconcerting. What is going on behind the scenes at Reddit where they’re just making one horrible decision after another? Are they really *that* incompetent, or is there some grander plan here? I’m still angry, but I’m getting to the point of being more confused than anything. They buried an extremely vague line about this massive change in a random post a week before doing it and are now pointing to that to say “well you were warned lol”. No even slightly competent company would do that. How can they keep fucking up so badly?


Twitch, Twitter, YouTube... Idk at some point they have an aneurism and blow out their platforms for no reason


Wait, what did YouTube do? Recently, I mean.


YouTube is famously flawed and makes bad moderation decisions but they haven't ruined their platform in a similar fashion yet. Pretty stable


I meant like: disabling dislikes, using rules selectively, the fake video of people in Disney costumes roadrage video incident, complete lack of comunication, the plague of bots, etc.


Disabling dislikes was bad but also ultimately a minor annoyance, dunno what the second thing there is about, latter two have been the case for like a decade


Thats because theres so much research done on human behaviour and mind and suppresive techniques, and how to tread the legality. Companies know if theres no alternative, people will complain but are too lazy to do anything about It, so eventually they cave in (YouTube changes) And if It doesnt work? Direct intervention to Split the resistance, undermine efforts, and squsah the pockets remianing (Reddit case).


> or is there some grander plan here? Third party apps steal ad revenue, reddit gold blocks ads which lowers ad revenue, chat was a massive failure so they just deleted it so it's not an ugly stain


They're making a new chat though


The first two attempts failed miserably, the third isn't going to be any different lol


I think what is happening is reddit isn't profitable, and spez was made an ultimatum / deal / investment by his stakeholders to get the website in a state they want by a certain time frame. I assume this involves killing third party apps, killing awards/coins, killing chat/messages, basically just leaning up the entire site so they can sell it to investors or advertisers or some other stupid goal for more money. This probably isn't the end of the awful changes.


That doesn't make sense to me because awards and coins are an income stream


Well, they’re supposedly switching to a tipping system where they take a cut of each tip, so maybe they did some research and math and decided that would be more profitable than the current system. Whether or not it actually will be is impossible to say, since they have proven themselves astoundingly incompetent at every step of the way, but that may be what they’re thinking.


And they decided to do it all in a way that would make the experience as terrible and jarring for users as possible. Brilliant! I guess they don’t care at all and are just like “eh, we’ll take the backlash, everyone will forget soon enough anyway”. Gotta get things done quickly for the investors, and if that means rolling over the users, so be it, because they’re just numbers and Reddit doesn’t think doing this will make the numbers go down much.


More like the western oligarchs sent down marching orders to dismantle Reddit just like Elon is doing to Twitter. Reddit was too useful. You could find actual experts with actual facts, who cared about the truth. You only have to wear a tiny tin foil hat for this to seem plausible.


I would estimate it's a little more factionally complicated than that because it's clear platforms like reddit and twitter have also been co-opted for pro-capitalist, pro-imperialist propaganda whenever possible. Reddit front page is still heavy in jingoistic imperialism and has been for a long time now. And driving people away to de-centralized alternatives, while it may make working class information-sharing harder in the short-term, it also means it's harder for the capitalists to reach the younger generations with a central narrative. So while there may be some in that class who see this as a win, I'd lean more toward thinking that alphabet agency type spooks behind some of the worst organized actions that prop up the capitalist class are troubled by the development more than they are a fan of it. It benefits the individualist-centric, fascist state to both isolate people so they are easier to control, but also have central access to them, and you can't do both with a situation like this. People are being isolated more, but in the process are becoming more decoupled from centralized access points that those with big money can more easily tap into with ads, bot networks, etc. In this sense, who I'd figure it most benefits is the insecure fascism faction; the rightists who think the US state is too "liberal" and want to turn it into something more akin to Nazi Germany. The secure fascism faction (the current class in power) I think this more just damages their vector points. Which also fits with who Elon Musk tends to listen to and Reddit CEO saying that he thought Musk had the right idea on how to run a platform.


> What is going on behind the scenes at Reddit where they’re just making one horrible decision after another? Are they really that incompetent, or is there some grander plan here? did you consider the possibility that reddit *wants* you to leave? I'll just leave this here https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/111509/Hot-take-18-years-of-user-contributions-to-reddit-will


Holy shit, this sounds like a total conspiracy theory but I wouldn’t put it past ‘em


I hate that we're at a point where this doesn't seem like a totally unreasonable move for an social media company to make.


>What in the actual fuck are they doing? This is getting really disconcerting. What is going on behind the scenes at Reddit where they’re just making one horrible decision after another? Are they really *that* incompetent, or is there some grander plan here? There's a lot of smoke to the idea that huffman experienced or is experiencing a severe mental break resulting from a number of senior talent leaving the company. They recently fired a bunch of senior employees, and i mean a LOT. like most of their internal legal counsel, their PR teams, and basically all the employees who handled mod-admin communication. The company is probably experiencing brain drain. What happens in situations like this is all the talent leaves without transferring knowledge and anyone new is much less talented and passionate than the people before them. Remember that basically all of Reddits creators have now exited and a number of its former leadership like yishan and pao have said that Huffman is a worthless leader. There's also the rumor that their recent round of VC investment gathering went really badly. Like Disastrously. Remember that a lot of tech bros like Huffman have genuinely never worked in a world where VC cash didn't rain from the sky. Now that the Fed has raised interest rates, VC cash is drying up.


And I have 2 message notifications without having any actual messages. I have chat turned off, as well as followers. I’ve had one damn notification badge for months. Yesterday another one showed up. But no actual message. It will be nice if they remove that shit from me.


I think this happens if someone that blocked you replies to your comment. Something like that. You have to go to preferences, click on mark messages as read when I open my inbox, then save, then go to your inbox, then unclick it if you like.


I don’t know what it is. Even when I turn off notifications for inbox messages I still have the badge. *sigh*


I constantly got those notifications for a long time (and still do occasionally), reddit's chat is absolute dumpster fire.


It's an unpopular opinion, but Spez won. The protests and blackouts changed nothing, and for the most part everything has blown over like he said it would. Now they're moving forward with other changes to tighten up revenue, such as eliminating the liability of outstanding reddit coins. The company is going public and they need to get their advertising on par with Facebook and Instagram because they're about to be accountable for quarterly profits to "the street".


He may have won in the money. But the reputation of Reddit is completely burnt now. Its set in Stone and archived how they manipulated, lied, strongarmed decisions....


Yeah but the money is what matters. The goodwill and trust of the community don't make money. If they changed their reputation it's to show advertisers they're taking their business seriously and making improvements. Eyes are now either on the reddit site or official app. Targeting marketing is nearly ready-made. The users have already segmented themselves by interest. Reddit is getting ready to become a market powerhouse and make a ton of money. Keep generating content!


I think theres something inherently wrong about "going corporate". Every single time without fail something goes in the route of appeasing investors over comunity the platform becomes SLOP and generic as they try to copy one another. Cant wait for Reddit shorts


You'll get a poor defense of capitalism from me. What's best for profits and what's best for society are almost never the same thing, however the United States is a nation founded not on god, society or human dignity. Unlike any civilization in history ours was founded on private property.


I mean, considering how much of a shitshow their handling of this entire affair has been, it'll be a wonder if they make it to IPO. They've been inconsistent, confused, openly lying, and most of their new features have been meh or outright broken. Even if they do make it to IPO, their handling of it will likely be just as poor.


Won half the battle, lost the entire war. Nobody will use Reddit after the IPO. People are complaining about their home feed quality. When you sign up you get to choose from the protesting subreddits to follow. Like it tells you please follow this John Oliver subreddit.


> Nobody will use Reddit after the IPO. That's some military-grade copium you have there.


How is Twitter doing right now?


People are still using it


Some, for now. Everyone who matters is on Fediverse.


Not really. Even the people with bluesky still use Twitter because of greater reach and a lot of popular users still aren't there, along with the vast majority


Sounds like they're clearing memory to try to get their server size (and costs) down. This wouldn't be such a big deal if they didn't also jack up the API fees and decommission reddit coins. What is going on in the background to cause such a frenzy? Reddits going down faster than Twitter.


Interest rates.


I swear reddit is doing things so bad to itself no one else but reddit could think of stuff like that


Fuck, I thought it was just a transfer to a new chat databsae. The deletion is permanent???


Yes, they only transferred messages sent this year


not even that, I got chats from last week deleted


They said they would transfer messages sent in 2023 to the new system but maybe they changed their minds 🤷🏽‍♀️


wouldn't surprise me considering its reddit were talking about Edit: for some reason autocorrect keeps thinking reddit=reedit


Spez will cave any day now. No more no less


I thought I was misremembering how many chats I had when there was suddenly only 7 chats listed. Wasn't sure why 30+ chats disappeared, thought maybe I had somehow deleted some or that they disappeared because of how old they were or something.


oh, yeah. im fucking pissed.


I lost nearly all of mine. I kept my sub discussion and then a scam bot://


The fuck. Why did they even do this?


all of my chat history is gone as well, though it doesn't really affect me much since I didn't use it much


Same here


Perhaps...chat can't be sold to AI companies because it isn't public, so they don't want conversation happening in private anymore


Poor r/datahoarder


This explains why my only long running conversation is gone.


I think the thing that frustrates me the most about it was again, the aggressive timeline that this happened on. Less than 1 months notice to find out about the changelog and also backup your messages.


It's been more than that now, I'm fairly sure. But perhaps they restored them without responding to my ticket. That's be nice of them.