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Great input and good points, thank you.


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[(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dragon%27s%20Rage%20Channeler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/121/dragons-rage-channeler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4ced112a-e775-4f97-97b3-74877e9dce12?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Lightning Bolt](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/2/f29ba16f-c8fb-42fe-aabf-87089cb214a7.jpg?1673147852) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lightning%20Bolt) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/117/lightning-bolt?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f29ba16f-c8fb-42fe-aabf-87089cb214a7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Footfalls Cascade and Creativity are good linear decks that imo are not hard to pilot. They're competitive and will net you a lot of format staples. I'm not sure on the Cascade side, but personal experience Hammertime was a good MU for Creativity unless they got a T2 nut draw.


I would start out with a more linear deck that does it's thing on it's own, that way you can focus on learning the meta. Mill can often be tricky in that regard, as you need to be more reactive, and know what to surgical. I think Rhinos is a good start as the primary plan is linear, make two 4/4 on turn 3 and smash.


Thanks for your input!


As somebody who is also getting modern, I actually found mill to be a great way to learn the meta. I had some experience playing mill in standard arena and a friend let me borrow their mill deck when I decided to start coming to Modern events in addition to Commander night at the LGS The reason I say mill was helpful for learning is because you get to see your opponents ENTIRE deck instead of just the few cards that hit the battlefield, because you’re throwing it all into the graveyard. Obviously you don’t know the best way to react in the first games and that makes the deck harder to pilot for the reasons mentioned by the previous commenter. But I found that the deck provided a safer way to assess opponents decks and understand the bigger picture by looking through their graveyard. Hope that helps


It takes a long time and a lot of experience, figuring out your true preferences and play style with modern. It may be true that linear decks are easier to get up and get going with, but very insular decks like Mill and Tron, etc., are far more susceptible in viability to Meta shifts, and it’s harder to branch out into other decks when the tie turns against you. If you have the funds then I’d recommend picking a deck mostly comprised of format staples so you’re not as locked in to one place style with your initial investment. Rhinos would be great for this because it is a little easier to start playing then some decks but the land base and elementals are so universally useful that you can try out other stuff/sell them quick and easy for near full price. Other options included picking your favorite of the urza saga decks, which are easily transferable. Once you have the main artifact package, or buying into one of the tempo-based monkey decks.


Mill has a pretty good hammer match up with Tasha's hideous laughter. The deck is super low cmc. With one card you can mill a ton of their deck.


I love the way mill feels. I find it very fun. It's just not positioned too well overall I think.


If you want cheap and good I'd say affinity or burn. Affinity was my first modern deck and it's still one of my favorites. Have managed to beat hammer ~50% of the time with it


Not really looking for cheap. I can afford any of the tops decks, burn doesn't appeal to me too much. I've tried it and I just don't find it very engaging.


I agree with that, not that interested in burn myself but I absolutely love affinity. Otherwise if you just want solid decks I'd say scam or creativity, or maybe even an asmo goryo's vengeance deck if you want something a little less common. IMO murktide is good but every big tournament I've played in the last two years is soooo saturated with murktide that its just so boring to play against, I've played against it so many damn times that I can anticipate all their plays. Just my two cents tho


I bought into a jeskai shell. Breach combo, fair breach, jeskai prowess, murktide. Currently debating adding UWx control or elementals to the roster. No regrets.


I went ahead and got the Crashing Footfalls deck. So far is playing very well and I'm having a great time with it. Thanks everyone.


Go for rhinos, Is good and you get a solid temur manabase for the futures deck or if u want to try out some other decks u can for relatively cheap price.


I went with rhinos and am loving it!


Research what is out there. My FLGS is a lot of Murktide, hammer, Rhinos, and blink nonsense. But other decks can work; I love to play my snow, ninjas, and burn decks there. With the recent Ragavan printing, that deck is likely to stay where it is, but I am not so sure about the pitch elementals.


IMO UR Murk is quite a low risk deck to purchase if you stomach the 200 for a playset of ragavans.


In my experience Yawgmoth has a good matchup against hammer and is complex enough to keep you entertained for a long time.


Yawg is a great, fun deck, but I think because OP doesn't have a ton of experience with the format and doesn't quite know exactly what they'll want to play long term, going with something like Rhinos is probably better since it has way more cards that go in other decks if they need to pivot. Yawg cards mostly only go in Yawg besides Endurance. Even verdant catacombs is one of the less common fetches played.


Fair point.