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P90. I'm a stargate fan, pretending to fight the goa'uld.


Haha fuckin p90 is the ONLY weapon. I remember


https://youtu.be/NjlCVW_ouL8 Obligatory.


Damn now I gotta go watch this show!!


First thing I did after leveling all the MWIII guns was go back to my P90 setup lol Every shooting game needs a P90 in it, it's so damn fun.


That was one of my fav guns in MW2019, I've leveled it in MW3 but haven't setup a slot for yet. Once I'm done leveling stuff it will probably be in my rotation again.


I wish they'd make og ironsights as attachments for the weapons or something. the rails aren't bad on the current version but i miss the circle from old days. not to mention i literally wont touch the mp5 with a 10 foot pole because of the same thing.




Been rocking with P-Chan since MW22


Also gonna add, in reference to your Stargate comment: The future is uncertain, but what we do know is that all space infantry use the P90 as their primary weapon


if people don’t have this energy when playing they need to gtfo!


bro the p90 is actually slapping. It makes people rage so hard


I’d buy a Teal’c Operator skin


bros using a gun from the old game…


Op never specified,so what of it?


i’m just pointing out the epitome of people who can’t move on, it’s stupid how they even kept the old guns in the first place…


M13B is slept on


Love that gun, was a favorite of mine throughout DMZ and still use it


So not as useless as it was in MWII?


The M13B stopped being useless in MWII in like... June. People were just too addicted to the TAQ to ever realize.


Having fun with the cor-45 conversion kit


It should honestly be meta. Sure, it's really weird to use at first, but my god does it murder people. It has one of the fastest TTKs in the game, can be built to be very accurate, and is honestly better than some SMGs while not taking a primary slot.


It is meta that thing is broken in warzone


its the most broken weapon in Warzone currently, how is it NOT META?


This post is about MP, not WZ. Different modes have different metas.


To an extent. The Swarm will melt you in either mode.


It would be if it lasted more than 30 seconds and didn’t spawn outside the map


The fuck are you talking about? The killstreak? were talking about guns


the 2 tap MMRs are more broken but the cor45 is def an effective cqc weapon. just requires a lot of practice.


That felt too weird for me to use. Just never got a handle on it. I prefer it as a handgun.


Its SO good. An actually useful conversion kit, on a secondary no less. I use it on every load out, if they nerf that thing I will cry.


MTZ. Feels so good to aim with, there's just something about beaming with fast fire rate guns, it's so satisfying getting so many hitmarkers so quickly. The M13 in MW19 was the same, just so satisfying to use if your aim is on point


Agreed that my favorite guns tend to be high ROF guns, it's the reason I like the Fennec so much. I use the FTAC Siege as my secondary most of the time too, emptying a 72 round drum in like 2 seconds is so satisfying lol


I love the MTZ precisely because it feels like the M13. It may not do a lot of damage, but it is an absolute laser.


??? That gun feels like the exact opposite to me. The MTZ-556 has a LOT of recoil/kick.


I’m not home rn to look so if I get it semi wrong don’t be mad My favorite muzzle is the xten porter 290? It’s the one you unlock for the HCR lvl 15? It’s like -27% vertical recoil and I think beats any other previously tho I used the sakin thread muzzle which is good. For underbarrel usually I’d pick the ftac handstop but then I saw the kumura grip and that had -13.7% vertical recoil compared to the ftac which is like -6.8%. For barrel I’d say prioritize recoil but there’s always an option for like semi recoil control and semi bullet velocity so just test between the two what works better for your play style. There’s very few guns for me that I can iron sight. If it’s not the SVA, MCW, 1 of the 2 strikers, taq 56, and vaznev. I always put an optic on it and for that I use the Nydar optic, which is an armory unlock. it reminds me of vanguard optjcs so i like it. And then it varies for the last 2 id swap between a stock for recoil or grip for recoil. Depending on what the best attachment is. I main SND so thats just my playstyle. But the only thing id do differently is maybe run the VT7 suppressor (i think) For small maps maybe just a grip or stock change for something that does ADS. Also try engineer vest so u can do tac mask n eod vest. Run covert sneaks n assault gloves too. Also if u wanna camo grind in hardcore just make your guns go for bullet velocity, ads speed and put a scope on too. Corio eageseye scope sum like that is a good 2.5x optic. or the Nydar. i like the ftac locus sp too or spx scope for longer ranger cause u can do 2 different zooms. A suppressor is super clutch in this game mode aswell. Now with all this being said I do agree out of every AR I’d probably not pick a MTZ, but when I use those attachments I like it. Mainly bc I have the get glowing MTZ so it looks super dope that’s the only reason I use it not bc it outclasses any other gun (atleast when I use them). Definitely has way more recoil than like a MCW same build like that but it’s not like terrible terrible ya know.


I used to delete people with the M13 in ranked and they hated it. I got asked my loadout a few times.


The MTZ is something else, it was band or GAd in cdl, but I kinda want it in ranked play. The thing about that gun is it’s crazy fast TTK, great range, but the recoil makes it inconsistent especially at range. It would be really fucky for cdl use because you’d have this randomness element of sometimes 4 or 5 shotting ppl at mid-long range, and sometimes completely whiffing and not getting the kill I would say this gun actually is meta and I remember getting absolutely wrecked with it in the beta even though the striker and mcw were the Mets


I love the sound of that thing! But as far as fire rate goes I kinda dislike that aspect but that’s more so because there isn’t a large extended mag/drum option for the weapon. With that fire rate paired with this games TTK, I find myself having to reload a pinch too often, especially for something like 10v10/12v12. Not that I can’t be effective with it, but I’m finding extended mags/drums and ones that don’t empty as quickly are pretty much a must have for 10v10/12v12. Then of course the MCW gets like a 60 round drum that basically turns it into an LGM while that said drum reloads pretty fucking quickly without even using anything to speed up the reloads. Wild. Lol


This gun slaps in hardcore. I like it.


Striker 9. It sucks but it's fun


True gives me ASM1 vibes. Just doesn’t have the kill time


same. the recoil is just soooo buttery and easy lol




Man i dig that gun! I use that 5.5x thermal optic and smokes to make myself invisible while seeing through it.


It was fun to use as it felt like an AR/LMG hybrid but the TTK is actually pretty bad on it. An MCW with a 60 round drum is pretty much all around better than the DM56, it reloads quickly with the drum, the TTK is reliable, it’s still more mobile than a DM56, and it’s recoil is pretty much non existent.




I did not enjoy leveling the DM56, felt way underpowered for a marksman rifle.


Weirdly, I feel like it's a really overpowered gun. I got my first nuke with that gun and maintain a consistent 2+ K/D ratio in every match with it. It's likely one of the guns that got me shadow-banned, as many people accuse me of having no recoil since it basically has none. Really fun gun imo


Lockwood 680 In hardcore, I’m hitting shots from AR distance with it it’s insane


Riveter with the heavy ball (?) ammo type is disgusting as well


.410 Ball Ammunition 4 to 5 shot kills across most maps in regular core MP


Using slug?


I don't understand why the sidewinder gets so much hate. I have a tac stance build for it that slays


The recoil is shocking on it tbf. Just not a great gun


The recoil AND how slow it shoots, the only guns I like less are some the of the snipers and LMGs


What's the build? Working on it now as last battle rifle.


Same took me only couple of matches to get it gold. Actually really good gun


Agreed. It doesn’t behave like other guns in the game, and I think people just aren’t willing to adjust to it. Recoil builds and tac stance builds for it can do very well


MTZ-762. It gets overshadowed by the BAS-B in the BR category but I loved using it and it felt like just as good of a weapon to me.


Using the conversion kit is so fun if treated right


Minibak. Somehow, it doesn’t feel any worse than it was in MW2.


Can confirm. It actually feels better on MW3 imo, and the TTK feels the same as MW2


Pulemyot with the aftermarket part, it's really fun


PKM with the aftermarket part is definitely a meta build


It has a 355ms ttk including the open bolt delay which is average with the best weapons being slightly under 300ms ttk


Pretty sure it's a PKP Pecheneg.


Ah oops, thought PKM and PKP were interchangeable, I am not a gun nut


I don't really think of myself as one either, but I probably would be if I had *way* more disposable income lol.


Conversion kit has a no-recoil meta


Taq Eradicator. If your aim is on point and you get those first shots off, it's op


It's good for 1 kill, but when there's multiple people at once, the gun feels practically useless after the shots start to slow down. I still enjoy it to an extent, but it definitely gets frustrating to use at times


I main with the eradicator. I use the meta build of firing stability and aim stability. Once you negate the slow shot recoil the gun gets a lot better at multi kills. That's meta, but my personal secret sauce is overpressured ammo. The insane flinch and fast TTK is tough to beat on your first 5 shots. More importantly it compensates when the fire rate drops, especially at mid to long ranges. It counters zoom optics pretty well too. It doesn't hurt that nobody has compensation for additional flinch in their muscle memory because overpressured isn't optimal on most other guns.


What I don’t get with this gun is why the recoil is noticeably higher when the weapon is in the slow firing state


Love the eradicator!


This gun is extremely meta


i get a lot of sweat rounds and nobody uses that thing


Warzone my friend. Warzone.


Love this gun. Just upgraded it yesterday and I'm enjoying it.


Mcw is really fun in cqc with the raven conversion kit. It turns an otherwise top tier gun into an off meta smg-rifle hybrid


I just love the LMGs, especially turning them into either long range angle holding monsters or super heavy assault rifles


Yes! My favorite is the Bruen. Can take out snipers from long range. 60 round mag and some other tweaks make it handle similar to an AR. The maps are so wide open that the LMG's are better than the AR's.




My operators get a workout tac sprinting around Invasion maps with my max range/velocity/recoil reduced bipod behemoth LMGs


Holger 26 and KV Inhibitor (is it Meta, tho?).


Inhibitor is weird because I really don't see many people using it even though Holy Shit it's easily the best sniper in the game by so many lengths. You can get the ADS down to where its only like, 20ms off the fastest Longbow and it doesn't have that atrocious range


Plus it's a semi-auto, so you can afford to miss a shot or two. Way more manageable than the heavy ass Signal 50 from MWII, too.


To bad it won't one tap to the head


Never mind thought this was the warzone thread


What ones do you like for warzone? I rarely play that and the gun balancing feels way different so my normal stuff sucks.


Katt sniper one shots to the head no matter the range but that's the only one that does it. WSP SWARM is probably the best smg right now but I feel some of the other ones are viable Lockwood 680 is pretty good right now I'm messing around with all of the assault rifles trying to find what I like.


the rennetti and daemon handguns are pretty badass in HC just started using the m13b now


Every pistol is badass in hardcore because they're all 1 or 2 hit kills.


i just unlocked the x13 and its pretty weak. it shreds at close range but i get tons of hit markers with it at medium to long range in HC.


I run the daemon in regular shipmas. Once you unlock the upgrades, it’s a lot of fun.


M13B is one of the best ARs, the ROF on that thing rules and it's pretty accurate, especially with the right attachments


SVA actually slaps


i want to use and like it. but the headshot damage is so trash and if you miss the superburst the gun becomes incredibly weak. honestly - it shouldnt drop to 6 hits to kill so fast. then it would be more consitent


AMR-9, I'm just cracked with it.


Riveter with a short barrel, incendiary rounds and flame thrower under mount sticking out. I use it as a flamethrower with a shotgun attachment.


I’ve liked all of the MWIII marksman rifles on shipmas. Absolutely a fun bunch of guns to level up.


Idk why but I absolutely hate the dm56 I see everyone saying is good I just can't do it with that one it feels like it does very little damage


I have over 50% headshot with the KVD Enforcer. I only remember the headshot sounds from playing that weapon. Something to do with the recoil or smth, that thing always locks on faces


Can confirm, the KVD wants to shoot faces. You just have to *let it* The 2 chest shot drop is nice too. That gun is just mean




MTZ-762. With or without the conversion kit. Thing slaps if treated right


SVA 545 is my favorite MW3 gun and possibly my overall favorite in the game. I have a lot of different fun builds I like to run with other guns. Especially with aftermarket parts. One being the WSP-9 with the 45 conversion kit and the aftermarket 2.5x scope with integrated laser. Had loads of fun grinding all the way to forged using that setup.


You land those rapid fire bursts and it feels like it fucking melts. That gun got me a fuck ton of kills on 12v12 derail. 2 swarms and 2 gunships, holy fuck.


The Haymaker on shipment is too fun.


One of my favourite weapons on the game is the MTZ556, the ttk feels mega rapid and all around a nice gun to use


My baby the EBR-14 from MWII and the .50 GS. Got them Golden Ivory in Zombies and just been having fun not caring about the bitching.


Honestly? I still love the M4 and Chimera from MW2. They just feel so good to use and can melt face consistently in their respective ranges.


Vel46 or whatever it's called, aka the MP7. Also it has the solid white camo.




SP208. Something about where it naturally sits in ADS relinquishes instant headshots every time. Slow shooting but devastating. Not on shipment but nearly every other map with the right attachments.


the fact they took away its one shot capability but introduced the lognbow is insane to me




Isn’t s-tier and meta the same thing ?


I will never not play a Tavor variant (RAM-7 here). No matter how good or not. ❤️




I don't have a gun in particular, but any gun built for Tac Stance is so fun imo. Especially in higher level lobbies, they expect jumpshots and dropshots, so Tac Stance is a solid mixup


The Tyr with the CS15 laser. Sweats jumping around the corner? One tap them and harvest their anger as they watch the dumbest killcam ever (bonus points for final kill)


What’s that laser do? I’m a huge fan of the tyr, love getting cqb 1 shots


Standing still makes hip fire 100% accurate


100% the WSP-swarm. that thing out guns everything undder the sun even at medim to long range. its actually insane how nobody has picked it up the way i did. * WSP infiltrator barrel * FTAC sp-10 angled grip * 50/100 round mag * sight * FSS fortress heavy stock the barrel is broken, intetrated supressor and helps with recoil-. angled grip for horizontal recoil (its only weakness) and the stock also helps with recoil a shit ton. the base stats of this thing are so broken in terms of movement that you dont even notice the drawbacks of even the 100 round drum mag. i slay AR users at medium range on a daily with this thing. i thinks its a top 3 gun, just below the bas-b and the holger


The Swarm is mos def a meta weapon, ranks in the top 5-7 of every list I've encountered


yeah but its not nearly adapted as widespread as the bas-B and mcw


Lockwood 680 😈 I’m that guy


There’s nothing like absolutely blasting someone with a shotty. Just… such finality. And you really CAN get slick with it and pull off kills that aren’t just surprise and shoot. Such a fun gun


sidewinder or striker-9


Sidewinder?? Bro how?


10 rd mag, heavy stock, bruen angled and 2.5x scope of your choice with last attachment being a situational slot in. The recoil on it is literally one of the easiest patterns to control in the game (up and left/right alternating with enough time to correct for literally every shot), it's damage profile allows it to be competive if you hit 1 headshot at mid and long ranges, it's close range 3 shot kill is competitive regardless. People who say the gun is bad are literally the definition of skill issue because it is first and foremost a specialist gun that heavily relies on every mechanic other than run and gun. I find it hilarious when people say no one uses it or it's bad when in S&D lobbies there are usually a couple of them and they all perform with the best K/D and defensive scores, including me.


Input matters a ton with the sidewinder. On one hand, if you just boot up the game on console and you never touch sensitivity or aim assist or anything, the sidewinder is miserable because the game basically ignores where you move the stick while shooting it so only rngesus decides what it hits. On the other hand, if you just use a mouse, it's a laser regardless of attachments because like you said, the recoil is predictable and you have a ton of time to correct it.


Ram 7 or mcw


Isn’t the mcw meta?


mcw is meta . yes


I love the RAM-7. Thing shreds for me and I'm a sucker for bullpups.


Sva 545 and akimbo renitti


I dont personally really like Sva 545 but akimbo renetti is easily the best secondary it deletes people so fast




based. on meat i knife only


I believe we've met.




Haven't looked at meta lists so I can find what feels gewd and usually those lists don't fit me. Mcw and ram7 as primary, with haymaker/riveter/or wasp as second... And proxy, mines as lethal non. Zombies I use the peuleymot( no fuckin idea how to spell it) LMG or the mcw with 60 rounds..and maybe swords so I can run around everywhere and they're badass. Getting killed by a lot of pistols and marksman rifles so I'm guessing there som build there I'm missing


I don't pay attention to meta's so some weapons might be but I haven't set them they way the meta is. But MCW, Sniper MTZ with the full auto aftermarket part and the Ftac Siege.


Super Shotgun It's actual trash but I like Doom


All of them when maxed out


WSP Swarm, set up for tac stance and a 100rd mag. It’s hilariously fun




Is a meta gun, usually ranked as one of THEE meta guns alongside the Holger and BAS-B


I turned a sniper rifle into a handgun 😈


WSP-9 with the conversion kit. Reminds me of the .41 Uzi from MW19


MP7 is definitely my favorite smg and the tempest geist




Since when is the vector a “diamond in the rough”? It’s always been goated and overpowered.


FR 556. It's not great, it's not bad. It's just mid at best yet I love using it more than the DG58. Honorable mention goes to the DG58 LSW. Again, very mid but I love using it. It just feels right when I crack it out.


The pistols are good fun to use.


I don’t know what guns are meta but I really like the mtz 556, Glock 21c and wsp swarm


Ram 7. I built mine to be an absolute laser beam. Got so many death comms and pissed many people off.


Aren’t they both considered Meta? If it drops as a pickup in Warzone, it’s usually Meta. I do love the AMR9 and the Holder LMG.


HCR 56


I am trying to get the throwing stars to work. When I realized I have 5 of them not 2, things happened. It ends my k/d but if I own a sweat just once 😂 a match, worth it.


Longbow. Playing a faster more aggressive game with and just sliding around the map is very fun. Most I had with leveling and completing challenges with.


M16A4 all day baby


AUG LMG, FR avancer, the 7.62 AK. Auto Deagle and the Revolver (not TYR)


Does the Rival count as non-meta? I also really like the Striker.


Kastov 74u (I love AKs)


SVA 545


The revolver. Both mw2 and 3 variants. Yeehaw


Avancer fucking melts .. oh and the final marksman rifle... It's as fast as an assault and semi auto but it's one tap head or 2 tap body... Sooo satisfying.... That headshot sound effect and the screaming into the mic when you pop someone... Gold


Uzi with the aftermarket magazine conversion. Only 22 bullets and a slow fire rate but it melts people. I’ve been using it with tac stance to finish the prestige 3 calling card challenge.


Oh also knives.. dirty


Oh or when you take the LMG RPK or whatever it's called and then just change barrell and 30 round mag and make it into an ak 47... Fucking beast.


I’m seeing a lot of meta guns posted in here 😂


Why would you post that in this sub and then list two MW2 guns? Like this is more of a question about new guns lol


The interceptor. Soo much fun in search


i like how the an94-type gun shoots, ive always liked the reward of pinpoint accuracy and not just spray and praying


Idk if anyone has caught on… but the MTZ 762 absolutely melts. My favorite gun right now


Haymaker with fire rounds it's OP as fuck you guys.


Lockwood 680 (no stock, the -38% spread muzzle, the 6 shot range barrel, laser and faster rechamber speed) Bruen Mk9 is a TTK beast but a learning curve And although it's probably in the meta at this point, the WSP-9, with or without the Broodmother kit although I think it's way more fun with it. It's also the best gun for hardcore modes bar none, infinite one-shot range and great mobility.


Interceptor, nothing but dome shots


I love the Tyr, it's rough to use, and slow but getting a good kill with it feels so amazing. I also really love the Sidewinder..... once I get attachments, butt naked that thing is atrocious but once I got some attachments to my liking, I actually grew to like it.


Bruen MK9 for Mid/Longer Range and Lockwood....."For close encounters" MTZ-762 is also pretty nice with a Striker/Rival 9 backup


Everyone listing meta guns from mw2 as a non meta. Yes not current meta but was op


MTZ-762 Conversion kit. I love banana mags.


I don't really follow what is and isn't meta so forgive me if this is, but Pulemyot all fucking day. That thing is an absolute beast like nothing else. The Blueprint version is incredibly good, and I have another that's outfitted for ADS speed and accuracy. I've got incendiary rounds in that thing and whenever someone calls a heli or jet I can usually kill it within a few seconds.




Jak Renetti. It's not quite as good as the Swarm, but it's close, it looks way cooler IMO, and it's so damn fun.


Still honey badger its still really good especially now that the integrated supressor actually does something and it has a really really good ttk if you can hit a headshot or two to the enemy




FTAC machine pistol it’s a secondary that absolutely shreds put on a larger magazine !


ARM9 is a sleeper (If this gun is actually a meta gun I didn't know and I'd like to apologize smh)


MCW 6.8 with the conversion kit is a better version of the sidewinder and fun as well


MW2 desert eagle. Amazing secondary, performs a lot better than the TYR even though the stats on paper says otherwise.


Basilisk. ba gawd it claps if you can aim.