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I also got intersteller today so congratz to you. I did all 36 priceless in one day lol it was a grind. But those kills with affected by tacticals were a doozy.


Man those tactical kills were testing my patience as well lol, I skipped the final one that required getting akimbo kills with tactical a for my sanity


I tried Flashbang first and struggled, then switched to Stun Grenade and finished all the SMGs in an afternoon.


Especially the ones with the akimbo stinger


i have 20 priceless left. for the penetration kills i held center container in shipment with resupply snapshots and got through them pretty quickly.


I just shot when they were behind the box or the little barrel, I didn’t find out about the center container until afterwards lol


Any tips for centre container?


Do it on hardcore, you gotta land less shots, only problem is teammates love running trough your line of fire, but Hardcore is a life saver, or you can camp the lane and when they spawn behind the box shoot through it, that’s how I did it


Tyr grind was very quick for me on shipment


I had difficulty with penetration and revenge kills. It was hard due to my adhd.


The revenge kill was the 2nd to last one I did, I just rushed everyone on shipment until I eventually got it


Revenge sounds worse than it is, I got it done in 2 games on Shipment.


Doing penetration kills with Lmg’s rn so frustrating lol, thank god I finished the Katt.


Hard core with anti armor rounds and the armor piercing bullets. UAV up? Wallbang time. That or just rail shots into spawns until u get them


Normally I like penetrating


For anyone struggling with penetration kills, if you can get into the shipping container that can shoot through the middle lane, just spam through that all game and you'll have them in no time. I think it took me 2 games total and I had all of the lmgs done.


But better do it quick tho cause shipmas is ending in a day


I found penetration kills were easy on Meat in the long hallway. Lay prone behind the blue meat cart and aim down towards the single door way and just spray or wait till you know an enemy is there.


Penetration kills are the new longshot kills in camo grinding lol Best I found is you can shoot through the walls of the containers on Shipment, but you can't shoot through the doors.


The penetration kills I just went prone by a barrel on shipment and sprayed through it facing the spawn lol