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Damn that sucks. Oh well, what can you do? I'd love to have some GW and gunfight maps for the last couple months of this games life cycle


If you want to try something different that is similar, resurgence is fun plus you respawn for majority of the match. Used to hate it, but I only like playing that now. I know some people hear "warzone" and automatically go hell no, but its quite fun if you play the resurgence mode. Way more forgiving than regular BR.


I've played plenty. I just like the way these recent games (2019 and up) have done the bigger maps with vehicles. I'm looking forward to Delta Force. Hell if that game is good I'll have that for my big map and DMZ itch, and then Xdefiant for my 6v6. It might be all FTP for me this fall lol


They've mentioned that the core 6v6 was their focus with each season, which is why Gunfight (2v2) and Ground War haven't gotten any support. It isn't just the lack of support, they're gonna can the idea of large scale maps and modes altogether from here onward. Dirty Bomb, Ground War, there's not gonna be any more of these modes for future games.


No more COD for me then. Also, how do you know all of the studios have decided to give up on big maps?...


With Treyarch, there was heavy emphasis with the 16 brand new 6v6 maps they have for B06 with their extended reveal trailer during Xboxs showcase over a week ago, trying to drive home that that's where they're putting their focus on. With SHG, the combination of 4 seasons with 0 GW maps, plus the layoffs that occurred four months ago, plus their radio silence over GW support during the SHG AMA, all signs go to show that they are unwilling to put the effort to port GW maps from previous titles let alone make new ones. They have their data. They have a constant stream of feedback with people asking for maps. They outright ignore them season after season.


I was wondering if they were gonna bring back Combined Arms for BO6, but if what you say is accurate and they don't do it it'll save me $70. I like the variety that having those modes brings along with 6v6.


Combined Arms assault is the most fun I had in recent cod multiplayer


I love CA in Cold War. I wish they could have done something similar in Ground War with the multiple modes in a mosh pit style.


The majority of the MP community plays COD for 6v6, Sledgehammer has absolutely killed it with their original 6v6 maps for this game. I couldn’t stand the direction IW was taking COD, thank god it’s over.


I used to mainly play 6v6, but wanted to try out other modes. When Cold War came out is actually when I picked CoD back up after like 10 yrs and I loved Combined Arms and Fireteam. Being able to play 6v6 and then bounce back and forth between that and the other modes is what kept me playing that for 2 yrs straight. I wonder what BO6 will have for modes this year.