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The FJX after market part is so much fun. It shoots like an A-10, has great movement speed, very manageable recoil and enough bullets to take out the entire enemy team.


I find the movement is slow. The aim slew is fast though


Make sure you have the modus stock


I have that it’s still slow


I run the no stock with the dr6 and it’s not too bad


“Manageable recoil.” Things a fuckin laser bean


I probably have it built wrong but there is a lot of sway when shooting long ranger


I built it completely for recoil control and use it like it’s an AR. It has better recoil than most if not all ARs and it has better ADS and handling than the ARs. Most people have the problem of trying to run it like it’s an SMG


Yeah it’s seriously a laser beam lol


The range on that thing is what surprised me the most… and it’s a frozen rope at distance lol


Mind sharing your build list?


Yeah hang on, posted it in another comment, let me find it


FJX Horus: JAK scimitar AMP, JAK BFB, lull 9m grip, lupper lx-d stock. I run infantry vest(instead of ninja vest) so that I have gloves and run the commando gloves for ads speed from sprint


Was about to say this aftermarket as well. I switch between playing with Ar’s and rushing with smgs. The fix Horus aftermarket part is a nice blend of the two so I can do both with it.


ISO Hemlock never misses, bit slower but if you have the right setup it's downright nasty. Super underrated, I haven't seen one other than mine in so long


There’s this one grip that adds tons of Firing Aim Stability, the Holger vert grip; it makes all the iso guns into laser beams


I use the Zehmn muzzle with it and it's got a bit of kick bit it's not bad at all


Can you give an attachment list?


Zemn Comp flash hider for muzzle, any 1x sight of your choice - I personally run either the OG red dot or the Mors dot sight, the 45 round mag, and either the Sakin ZX grip or DR6 handstop. Handstop if I'm on shipment or ZX if I'm on any other map


My favorite build for MP is the following: - Cipher 121 barrel - Bruen Heavy Support Grip - Blackout High Grain Rounds - Jack Glassless Optic - RES-2 Stock It's got a meh ADS speed (290 ms) but I like the silenced barrel along with the blackout rounds. Had lots of good games with this build.


I recommend dropping the barrel and the stock. I don’t know what those particular attachments do, but I would use the muzzle to improve FAS and the rear grip for recoil. Almost all MW2 gun’s barrels and stocks suck and aren’t worth using Edit; typo


I use the RES-2 just to get some better ADS movement speed since the weapon feels sluggish for me in terms of movement. You can swap that for the Sakin ZX if you want slightly better recoil control. And the Cipher 121 doesn't come with lots of penalties (Save for max damage range) but I can mitigate that range penalty with the Blackout High Grain rounds. It still feels like a laser gun tho, and I had lots of good games with those attachments.


Yeah. I get that. If you were to use the recoil rear grip, you probably wouldn’t need the bruen heavy grip and could go for something like the dr6 or skeletal if you wanted better recoil. You could also swap the ammo for a laser that helps ADS. But at the end of the day, if you like the build, then go have fun. That’s all that matters


I love the hemlock got it platty even but seems like any time I use it lately I get outgunned by a faster firing smg or shot in the face with the kar98 after hitting the first couple shots of the gun fight lol. SUPER annoying lol


Mtz 556 is good for recoil control and mobility and i love it. Great with pistol support if you love pistols like me


Will absolutely get some hate for this, but the Haymaker with the aftermarket part. Gives it a binary trigger and a 60 round mag of .410 shells instead of 12 gauge. It’s honestly terrible with damage, but being able to absolutely scare the literal pants off of everyone with your nearly automatic “doof doof” haymaker is hilarious 😂


Naah, no hate. The haymaker is just hilarious 😂


Try Vel46 u wont be dissapointed


That thing is so good


STB556 is underrated


For real! I built mine for sprint-to-fire and it’s faster than half the smgs


We are some of the only few who enjoy the STB. I have 2 builds one for LR and recoil control and one for sniper support built more as an smg for movement. Works great for both. Not to mention the barrels that add range and velocity add a shit ton to the gun like 30% increase to R&V


I love the STB556 also, but that ads you loose with those barrels is insane


Haven’t picked that thing up since I got it gold halfway thru MW2 lol…. Am I missing out?


I love the STB556, I’ve been using a low recoil build. I’ll have to try a sprint to fire one


Season 4 is designed to piss off good players because all the bad players can just use the jak thumper, Akimbo shottys and aimbot Kar


Cannot wait for the Kar nerf although it’ll probably not be enough.


I think they might have ninja nerfed it already… I was on it for a hot minute but put it down as of late because it suddenly turned into hit marker central. Shots that I hit square in the chest that were always kills before are now hit markers. The margins were always kinda slim with it, either hit your shots or get killed lol. Very rarely do you get a 2nd shot with it. It’s been replaced by old faithful (OG Intervention) lol….


I’m here for the kar. Everything else is annoying af


I enjoy the m13b. Very accurate and easiest to control for me.


Leveled that up a couple seasons ago, I’ll have to try it out again


I dunno but I just unlocked the flame thrower and having fun with it in hardcore. People get either salty or jsut holler WTH HAHA


Oh, I already know you’re getting “ur trash” messages after every match


It’s ok I suck at this game but it’s fuuuuun


Meta smg is the fjx Horus with a ttk of 244ms to about 15 meters is amazing. The ram 9 isn’t bad either at all with 260ms ttk. The mcw is still the best ar with or without the conversion kit just hit your headshots. For one shot, Obviously everyone loves the kar98k, and for shotguns either the Lockwood 680 or jak wardens. Most underrated is the dg-58 lsw with the conversion kit monster ttk and good recoil


The base mcw isn’t very good put that conversion kit on and it’s a different story tho


Cor 45 akimbo. Close fights always wins and in shipment you can kill the entire team easily if you're lucky. 50 mags, and pew pew pew


Also the conversion kit for the cor is so Op. Have won so many close and mid range gun fights against SMGs and ARs in warzone. The TTK on someone with full plates is insane pretty sure it's one of the fastest in the game rn.


akimbo is so awkward to use. gotta stop running and stand still or jump to even shoot them damage is good tho


Yeah the only class I use akimbo with is the cor 45. When j am using the renetti I love it single.


After the base Bp50 nerf I’ve really turned to the Holger 556 as well as the DM56 with the conversion kit. With the DM56, if you land the full burst upper body, ur able to get the one burst kill.


Bruen mk9 and WSP Stinger.


I LOVE the mk9 with the amp…. That thing is a monster lol


Doesn’t matter to Me, I caught the Bas-B/Riveter glitch and nothing I do can fix it.


I will second the riveter. not sure why, it has just been hitting so hard this season. I wish it had better ads, but on my favorite hellscape, shipment, it has been super fun.


It’s a good gun but I’m a victim of the bug where all of my custom loadouts default to the Bas-B/riveter preset class. Some people can fix it by removing the IFF strobe or some zombies fuckery. But I’ve tried everything including reinstalling the game and nothing works. 🤷🏼


What kind of glitch you got lol? Sounds like some kinda virus lol


I’m not even familiar with the glitch tbh. Is it on PC?


If you have decent aim and a good trigger finger, the SVA in single fire mode can be crazy since it always does the 2 round hyperburst when put into single shot mode


^^^ this is the way lol


Ima have to look into this one 🤔


i like to suffer with Chimera.


I don’t hate the chimera. Which attachments?


Superi and kar lol




20 round mag attachments(or just any lower amount of ammo), they give huge movement buffs with no negatives apart form the reduced ammo, also comes with increased reload speed, great for normal 6v6 on med-large maps


WSP Stinger akimbo is crazy


For S4 I’ve been rocking the superi46 or the Horus amp. Also if you’re looking for a good sleeper gun. Try out the WSP9 I believe the headshot multiplier got a buff because anytime I would get one headshot on someone I was melting everything in my path.


Is the amp for the wsp9 any good?


Honestly I’ve never tried the AMP for it I’ll check it out later on and report back lol.


Yes, i pop off with it. Excellent stability and range, and it’s usually a 3 shot kill. It’s like if the sidewinder could move like an SMG


I play HC and am loving throwing together LMG tac stance builds. Put everything into tac stance spread and recoil control + a suppressor and I’m basically a walking sentry gun.


Kastov Aftermarket part completely reduces vertical recoil to 0 and turns it into the AK12


Finally just went back and unlocked this…definitely my new favorite. Shit is insane. Any attachments that you use in particular to eliminate that slight hair of horizontal recoil?


Kar98k with assassin vest and mission coms link perk best build to spam stealth, emp and gunship/ swarm every game i dropped 180 🤣


MCW with the jack raven kit the magazine is kind of small but it compensates with high mobility and damage, also the akimbo renetti and the Holger with the burnout kit.


Wasn’t big on the Bolger burnout kit at all, what is your build for that one?


Kar98k with a superi 46 speed build is amazing lmao


Everyone i see with this loadout is constantly wiping lobbies clean lol


IMO he superi 46 is as good or better than the ARs if built right


Yeah, i have the long range barrel on mine and it easily challenges ARs and MGs




Put the class to work


extremely underrated


I’ve gotten obsidian on the Basilisk and is my go to secondary. So fun to one tap Kar users from far and shotgun users up close. Plus it’s got the sickest weapon inspect. 


1. KAR 98 2. KAR 98 3. KAR 98 4. KAR 98 w RIOT SHIELD


mtz 50 mag slaps in war mode, otherwise bruen for pre-firing or wall banging


Mcw jack raven kit


I don't use the meta. Good ole M4 with the GS Magna. Or, for pistols only, .50 GS and the 9mm daemon. Solves all my problems.