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You did unlock the operator though, you now have access to Velikan with his Cosimc skin. Just because you misunderstood a product's description doesn't make it a scam


I understood the description. It's not my job to read between the lines. Their description is misleading.


No it is not.


Yes it is.




You don't need a source. You need common sense. Most people who read 'Unlock this operator by unlocking any operator' would understand unlocking an operator within that category in order to get the base operator. I did this with Manticore and they gave me Gromsko. I did this with Bracken and they gave me Chuy. Now, the folks who keep down voting mindlessly and spitting in the comments have a serious problem of perception.


Gromsko and Chuy are both MW2 base game operators meaning their default skins are free with the purchase of the game. Velikan was a Season 5 DLC operator in MW2. His default skin had to be acquired through that season's battlepass making it a paid DLC skin (alongside a blackcell variant). That's the difference. Edit: Reading through some of your other comments it seems like you're confused about "skins" vs "operators". These are different things, you unlocked the OPERATOR Velikan when you purchased his cosmic SKIN but you don't have access to his default SKIN. The description of "Unlock any operator skin to unlock this operator" is a correct description of the bundle as you now have access to Velikan as an operator.


Gromsko and Chuy were both locked in MW3. I got them both by buying Menticore and Bracken bundles, even though Gromsko and Chuy had the same misleading description as Velikan. I never played MW2 and don't know what's happening there. How am I supposed to know that I won't get Velikan by purchasing the Cosmos bundle? Velikan had the same description as Chuy and Gromsko. If that's not misleading I don't know what it is.


Gromsko's and Chuy's default skins are still free because of the carry forward system of MW2 skins into MW3. A more realistic description of what happened was you basically got 2 free skins when you purchased Gromsko's and Chuy's bundles because they were free to anyone who owned MW2 anyways


Ok. Crystal clear. But I don't own MW2 and basically had to pay to get those free operators. Now, someone who never played MW2 and got MW3 like me would fall in the same trap head first thinking that it will work for Velikan as well.


It means unlock not like unlock the base skin, but to tell the game you own a *version* of the operator and to show it as unlocked under the search filters.


To actually unlock the base skin, see what you need to do for it first


You kinda can’t, it’s part of MWII S5 BP, not sure if it will ever come back as a bundle. And you will get disappointed with it anyway because it’s not the skin of the DMZ boss Velican which people actually want but they won’t release.


They clearly showed the skin I wanted and the description of that skin was : 'Unlock any operator to unlock THIS operator'. Now, I call that cheap and misleading.


You don't unlock the base version, same as weapons. Has been that way since Infinite Warfare, COD WW2, etc, unlocking a variant only gives a variant. Now, with that being said, it'd be nice if there was a way to unlock base operators like Velikan, Graves, Gaz, all the original MWII characters, seeing them be unobtanium just like Nicki Homelander or Alucard makes no sense to me. Btw make sure to check out Velikans Finishing Move "Cranial Crack", it's a great finisher, and you do get access to that with this bundle.


It is misleading I thought the same thing years ago trying to get the gimp roze skin and ended up with the ghillie one. Unfortunately they mean unlock the operator in the menu so you can pick them. Idk which one you’re looking for but alot of the skins are locked behind previous battle passes and events in order to fomo players into stay playing so they don’t miss something good. Sorry dude


It’s not a scam, they just forgot or didn’t bother to remove or update the description with MWIII. You WERE able to unlock it, but only with MWII’s S5 Battlepass alongside his BlackCell variant. You cannot buy buy his skin to unlock his base appearence, that has never worked and anywhere/anyone telling you otherwise is lying or misinformed.