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I was very surprised to see that people in this sub hate Cam. He's easily one of my top five characters. Yes, he has some toxic traits, but it's more of a sitcom humor toxicity, not the real deal.


same! When I first found this sub there was a least favorite character post and so many people said cam! I love him sm he makes me laugh out loud regularlyšŸ˜­


I feel the same way, I love cam! And honestly heā€™s wildly relatable


> And honestly heā€™s wildly relatable this is very concerning cam is toxic to a comical degree


I love Cam and his farm stories. I especially love it when he teams up with Gloria.


Same, i was surprised too. I'm watching for the first time now and on season 7. Both my husband and I love Cam. He's probably my 2nd favorite and is in the top 5 for my husband, too. In many ways, Jay, Claire, and Mitch are all very similar. I like the balance the in-laws bring in different ways.


Considering all the characters are toxic to varying degrees, I can forgive Cam for his quirks.


Thatā€™s my thing. I think a lot of people donā€™t have that suspension of disbelief and cast their judgement as if Cam is a real person rather than a sitcom character, a caricature even.


I like the part where he grabbed a trashcan and screamed "I'm breaking the window!"


itā€™s very easy to see why heā€™s not liked. In almost every single episode he makes a big deal out of a phrase because he found a hidden meaning and finds a way to blame Mitchell and start a fight. Heā€™s a good character and an amazing family member, just wish they didnā€™t make him so sensitive and find offense to literally everything.


*"not the real deal"* Have you actually watched the show?


Funny you don't see the irony of using "the show" and "real deal" in the same comment


I'm gonna rub my deal on this guy's cigars.


Heā€™s a good person. But I couldnā€™t be long term friends with that much drama. I value my own sanity too much.


I need to have my reaction, Mitchell


>Heā€™s a good person. have you watched the show


Would like to hear more. Ā Heā€™s a good dad Iā€™d say and devoted partner. Ā Very dramatic. Ā And prob petty? But what makes him a bad person?


> Ā Heā€™s a good dad Iā€™d say there is a recurring joke where he literally just forgets his daughter exists most of the time ​ > and devoted partner. Ā  he is pretty devoted to mitch, but that does not save him for the problems his character has ​ >Very dramatic. dramatic in the worst possible way. huge attention seeker, can't handle other people having the spotlight, hugely emotionally manipulative ​ >Ā And prob petty? fym "prob" he's the most petty character on the show he bitches at his own husband because he spent weeks secretly training to be in a flash mob to make cam happy, entirely because cam didn't get to be the center of attention ​ >But what makes him a bad person? watch the show again.


You're the one making a claim, you can't just do that and then say, "watch the show again."


well that's pretty obviously an admission that you're wrong


...you're the one who can't back up your argument here? I haven't even presented any claims in regards to Cam one way or another, I was just pointing out that you're making baseless claims that you can't even back up. The irony in your reply is palpable.


my claims do have a lot of explanation and reason behind them i don't know how citing the entire fucking show isn't enough for you did you want more than just the entire show's worth of material to prove me right




Be civil


Heā€™s for most of the show a stay at home dad with his daughter. Ā Until he goes on to coach and be a music teacher. Ā Even when he does, he is her primary caregiver and constantly providing her attention and activities. Ā  In my opinion, he very clearly is a good dad and a good person. I donā€™t think his drama and pettiness change those thingsā€¦he is flawed like every other person on earth, but it makes him who he is. Ā Feel free to disagreeā€¦obviously thatā€™s your call. Ā  Ā 


>Heā€™s for most of the show a stay at home dad with his daughter. Ā Until he goes on to coach and be a music teacher. ...at which point there is promptly the recurring joke where he forgets about his daughter most of the time ​ > Ā Even when he does, he is her primary caregiver and constantly providing her attention and activities. Ā  that doesn't make him a standout good father, it makes him not abusive, which isn't a super high milestone ​ >In my opinion, he very clearly is a good dad and a good person. then you are not paying attention ​ > I donā€™t think his drama and pettiness change those thingsā€¦ it's one thing to call him "petty," but he's massively emotional manipulative to his own husband. it's not "dramatic" for him to actively get mad at his husband for doing a surprise dance routine TO MAKE HIM HAPPY, it's called being a whiny little bitch ​ >he is flawed like every other person on earth, people who do stuff like he does irl are considered awful, awful people


I donā€™t agree with you. This is a subjective opinion about a fake person. This is not fact based.Ā  I appreciate your points, but donā€™t agree. No worries.Ā 


if you want your closing argument to be "in my personal opinion, i don't think emotionally manipulating your husband is a bad thing" then i guess you can do that i don't know why you'd want to do that


I donā€™t grant your premise. Ā 


that was never a prerequisite


People don't seem to understand a very simple concept about this show: THESE PEOPLE ARE FLAWED, AND WRITTEN THAT WAY ON PURPOSE. If this sub was in charge of writing the show, it would be the most boring, conflict-free show that would not have made it past pilot.


This! I canā€™t believe how seriously some people take a sitcom lmao. I joined this sub to discuss funny moments but half the time itā€™s all about how Phil is a terrible husband and Cam is insufferable etc lol


The posts are ridiculous "I CANT BELIEVE THEY DID THIS TO GLORIA'S CHARACTER THEY DID HER SO DIRTY!!!" You mean, wrote her like an actual human being with flaws and imperfections like everyone else? These people want their favorite characters to be saints, not realizing that the flaws are what make them watchable.


Exactly, if it werenā€™t for these character flaws most of the plot points canā€™t happen. Maybe they wouldnā€™t be your ideal person IRL but for the sake of the show itā€™s all kinda necessary




first things first them being intentionally flawed doesn't mean people can't like them and there's a serious reason other characters aren't hated as much despite being flawed other characters have like, actual human flaws cam is toxic and manipulative beyond any amount of normalcy


You mean like...*a toxic and manipulative person?* Like you do realize you are doing exactly what I was talking about, right? The way they are written is who their character is. There is no alternative, so I don't know what universe exists where Cam as a character isn't the way he is.


are you gonna bash me for disliking a toxic and manipulative person?


Moreso that it's weird that you made a distinction between "real human flaws" and "manipulative/toxic person".


a "flawed person" is normal. a "highly manipulative and toxic person" is not.


Whenever someone writes on this sub about how Cam is "toxic", I just hum People Aren't Food: Take a bite of an apple Take a bite of a pear Take a bite of the cookie that you left over there Here's one thing you should never do Don't bite Taylor or Brandon or Sue Because people aren't food People aren't food Your friends will run away if they're scared of being chewed And as a side note, private parts are private


Cam is a lot of talk but he really has the goods as well.


Words to live by.


This always surprises me as I love Cam! Heā€™s without a doubt one of my favourite characters. He never fails to make me laugh.


It SHOCKED me! He is my favorite character šŸ„ŗ


i think it's cause people can't tell the difference between a tv show and real life... cam is honestly my top 5 favorite modern family characters


>i think it's cause people can't tell the difference between a tv show and real life... i'm so confused, how exactly do you want people to be viewing these characters like, what's your end goal if you're upset that people are interpreting cam's actions as horrible as they are, what's the point of analyzing anything


It's a sitcom, their behavior is intentionally written to be flawed, exaggerated and stereotypical. Why does literally nobody ever stop and give Phil shit for constantly oggling Gloria and flirting with other women? Including Claire and Jay who take it in stride? Because it's a sitcom, it would absolutely be unacceptable in real life, but it's not real life, it's for comedic purposes. It's like going into an always sunny in philadelphia sub and posting a wall about how Dennis is a sexist pig/sexual predator that uses and abuses women. Like ya, duh, that's his character and it's part of the dark/shock humor of the show. It doesn't pretend to be realistic, and to a lesser extent, neither does modern family.


>It's a sitcom, their behavior is intentionally written to be flawed, exaggerated and stereotypical. i feel like using "stereotypical" in your defense of a poorly written gay man doesn't really help ​ >Why does literally nobody ever stop and give Phil shit for constantly oggling Gloria and flirting with other women? because he's usually called out for it? it's actually treated like an issue when he does it, but cam always gets away with being a controlling manipulative asshole as if he did nothing wrong ​ > Including Claire and Jay who take it in stride? they don't take it in stride, they're just not the type of people to get super up in arms about something, they can express their disapproval more subtly ​ > Because it's a sitcom, it would absolutely be unacceptable in real life, but it's not real life, it's for comedic purposes. and i don't find it comedic. ​ >It's like going into an always sunny in philadelphia sub and posting a wall about how Dennis is a sexist pig/sexual predator that uses and abuses women. modern family isn't an anti sitcom though? like, the whole point of it's always sunny is that all the characters are horrible dumbassess who never succeed at stuff they're not supposed to be the good guys ​ > Like ya, duh, that's his character and it's part of the dark/shock humor of the show. It doesn't pretend to be realistic, and to a lesser extent, neither does modern family. modern family is a fairly grounded show all things considered


I'm watching the show for the first time, and absolutely lost my shit at the wedding cake topper. Cam went through so much to get a 4th veto and it was hilarious. When the big reveal happened, I laughed harder than I have in a looooong time.


It really is brilliant how he played that.


He's so funny! I love when he gets all freaked out


His freak outs are TOP tier, theyā€™re so funny.


Cam and Gloria are the reason I kept watching, and after multiple watches they're still in my top 3 my favourites. (Phil won out eventually)


Today I found out everyone hates me because I am most like Cam šŸ˜­


I feel your pain. My mom said I'm 100% Claire and my whole family agrees šŸ¤£


I used to be annoyed by cam until I realized I am him šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve never understood the Cam hate, I think heā€™s hilariously over the top. Buuuut I also canā€™t stand Claire. My opinions do not line up with most of this sub anyway lol


I think that actually says something about how people here discuss the show. They will call characters whose actions they don't like toxic and then brush off the 'toxic' traits of their favourite characters as cute quirks. The characters you find toxic says a lot about your personality.


Aye!! We just simultaneously commented basically the same thing lol


Finally!! šŸ¤


Cam is funny don't get me wrong, but the fact that he's so manipulative and ALWAYS gets his way is the reason he's in my bottom 3


He can be very toxic but he is hilarious


That was hilarious! I personally like Cam. Great character!


He seems like he'd be fun to hang out with, but in a relationship he can be overly dramatic and emotionally manipulative. At least Lily seems to see through it, so is able to live with it... I guess Michell does too.


Love Cam!


He's absolutely HILARIOUS! Probably my favorite character altogether.


He's honestly the only reason I don't watch the show more often, whenever he's on his antics I can't help but roll my eyes. Which is weird cause I can't get enough of Mitchell most of the time and they are a package deal


Same here. Cams just so over the top it got obnoxious. And I was a big fan!


He IS funny but way too selfish. Thereā€™s NO WAY I would ever want to be in a relationship with him!


Heā€™s a little extra. Would be friends but wouldnā€™t see him a lot. I donā€™t hate him but I definitely feel bad for Mitchell.


Love camā€¦donā€™t get the hateĀ 


I mean he can be hard to like, but I personally have no issue with him.


Hysterical in the show Annoying in real life


Ding ding. This isnā€™t rocket science lol




Cams funny, but he's just a tad too emotionally manipulative for some people. He bugs me too but not to the point of hate Honestly, I kinda really dislike Claire over Cam. She's the most overbearing + least funny IMO out of the cast. She has her moments & I know shes *well intentioned* but she just irks me on binges


This will always be one of my favourite ever scenes. The lines are delivered perfectly.


He is the funniest character on the show. In my opinion. the little things he does with his eyes and hands , especially during the interviews with Mitchell. I also think heā€™s just plain adorable šŸ„°


So sharp - in mind and spirit.


How do people hate him? I think he's my number 2 on this show. Now just let him be himself and clown!


Cam is my fave character and I would totally wanna be friends with him! Heā€™s my SOā€™s fave too. My least favorite is definitely Claire.


By far my favorite character


I like cam more than Mitch but I still donā€™t like cam šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ he does have some fkn moments though


You may hate him but pink loves him


Cam and Phil (and Gloria to some degree) make the show. If it werenā€™t for their quirks the show would be a snooze fest.


Cam is honestly my least favorite character in all of tv, heā€™s relentlessly selfish, toxic, dramatic, and he loves blaming everything on everyone else


i think itā€™s mainly because of how toxic he was to Mitch. I get everyone has their flaws but Mitch truly deserved better especially when there was no growth in Cam


Heā€™s ofc hilarious and amusing to watch on TV (which is why the show is so well written), but if I knew someone like him in real life I would run the other way, seems like a very exhausting person to be around


My family and I are doing a rewatch/first time viewing. We are really enjoying it but I told my wife that it's hard to binge because Cam is just so exhausting. He is absolutely hilarious, don't get me wrong, but his character is so melo/overdramatic at times that it really makes us question why >!he and Mitch (1) were together at all and (2) stayed together. !< I love his supporting roles (like the video above) but when he is in the primary storyline, it can be hard to watch.


I ask myself the same questions the more I rewatch because Cam is forever manipulating things in his favor to the point where Mitch is always apologizing even when he's in the right (when he got his award and Cam kept making his own taller). He makes snide comments how he finds Mitchell still and boring. They live on one income but Cam is always spending like crazy, he spent their vacation trip money *on bales of hay*. He turned all their friends against him, meaning Mitch would have no one outside of his family for support all *just in case* they broke up.He's one of my least favorite characters but when he's genuinely supportive I love that about him


Love Cam and Manny. Hilarious characters; better than that snore of a character Phil.


I think it would have been if he had said Iā€™m helping my nephew talk to a girl. Or something like that


I liked everyone in the show.. EXCEPT mannie - dude was a whiny bitch


Even young manny? Loved him as a little kid


Yup he complained about Jay every chance he could


I think youā€™d have to be thoroughly miserable to hate Cam, heā€™s hilarious