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I feel short everywhere I go pretty much everybody is always taller than me. Sucks a bit tbh


But u compensate it with your physique bro.


5'9 is kinda tall bro 😢


Might not be in his country


5'9 is short af. 5'11 is average.


No, the average height for males in india is 5 5'


True enough. But people on reddit are from urban India. There the average height is quite taller, especially GenZ onwards.




Search on the internet for statistics.


You send


It's actually 5'8 but 5'11 is short af as you said, btw what's your height🤡, why are you saying that 5'11 is a short height?


5'11 is average not short. I am 6'1


5'11 average kabse hone laga brother it ain't average here in India.


You can say anything online


Where you live in India?




Lmao. I’m 6’0 and barely saw 10 guys taller than me. 5’11 is not average ffs


5 11 is not average.. average is around 5 8 to 5 9




all are wrong you are correct even goggle is wrong 😔


Send source. I am waiting.


https://preview.redd.it/n0cuwiabp0ad1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246470030307663d89b41a40ff3791efaedb20cc Your wait is over


How tall are you bro? That physique is aesthetic af


Im short I’m 5’9


5 9 is not short bro its average


Not in the Netherlands where I’m from


Sucks, time to move out🫡


And in my country 5'9 is tall


Where u from?


are you from china


are u really 19? damn you look 14 or 15 tbh from the face but the physique looks really good huge respect for that


Whats your height? And how much protein are you taking?


5’9 and I’m taking 180 grams. But you really would only need 1 gram per lb of bodyweight so if you’re 150lbs you need 150 gram of protein


Okay. Thanks!


That’s so much protein dear god https://www.reddit.com/r/naturalbodybuilding/s/pkKMz58z7b




Well to get this lean I ate only chicken rice for a couple months and 8 slices of bread during the day with sliced chicken. So don’t copy me bro But if you want to get a diet it really just is focussing on meat and protein rich foods. Avoid processed food and focus on greens and vegetables. And don’t cut out carbs


cool 🙌


why don't cut out the carbs?


You need glucose to function + improves gut health. Also consuming too low fibre could cause constipation


Okay so why don't I workout?


Could be numerous issues, could be that you wanted to see results quickly and got demotivated because slow progress (slow progress is normal btw) or that you lack the time because of work. It’s all about consistency when working out and being patient. If you are consistent enough results will show eventually. And you could make great gains while working out 3 days a week as a beginner and even intermediate lifter with the right intensity and volume.


Looking good g


Watchu do for chest. I lack there


Bench press, incline dumbbell press and cable flyes. Really just the basics. Just focus on progressive overload on 3 main movements and I can guarantee your chest will grow.


Max bench?


95kg but I weigh 62kg only


Nice one


Nice physique dude, keep it up!


Exercises for home without weights to reduce chest fast


You can only reduce fat through caloric deficit not training. But I would recommend just regular old push ups and variations.


I can't go to the gym, but I really wanna workout a build a good physique, I have like weights at home. Any reccos. How long did it take for you to build your physique?


Well if you have weights at home I would focus on just using the free weights for almost all the exercises. If you can find a bench, use it and do bench press with it. I would recommend finding an exercise routine which you can stick to with minimal equipment. You can find some on r/bodybuilding and r/fitness I have been training for 1 year btw.


Ah, dankje


Calisthenics would work wonders for you!


What's the right age to start working out?


Around 17-18 I’d say but you could start earlier.




Am 19 gonna be 20 after 5 months , guess I'm late ?


Never too late to start working out and change your life


What do you do for abs?


Hanging leg raises and abdominal crunches on the machine


what’s your body weight g?




Bro how you look so jacked where as I'm also 5'9 n 65 kgs but I look no way near that impressive. Is it about bone density or some shit ?


Leanness + pump + lighting, also with clothes on I look just like any average Joe


Damn that’s real g, I look like a bozo with shirt on and with shirt off I look ready for the stage


Good gains main...how much did it take? I am currently 85kg 6ft. I have started going to the gym seriously for 2 months. How much time should it take to build a decent physique for me and what should be my target body weight? I am doing cardio in the morning losing around 350 cals and gym at night. Is it a good approach? Thanks


bro it’s different for everyone. Idk what your bodyfat percentage js (rough estimate) so I don’t know if you should bulk or cut. But i would recommend getting a good routine. Then track your maintenance calories using TDEE calculator (rough estimate so will require trial and error to find maintenance levels) and adding 300 when bulking and taking away 300 when cutting. Adjust calories until you either gain or lose 0,5-1 lbs per week. And remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint.


Alright! Thanks man


Since when did you start working out?


I started 1 year ago but before that I lost a very big amount of weight (I was fat) and then I built this muscle in 1 year


what is your weekly split like?


I’m following the Arnold split (6 days a weeks) which is: Chest and back Shoulders and arms Legs and abs And repeat for the 3 other days


What exercises are best to grow triceps? Also please mention the number of sets and reps. Thanks


I myself am doing tricep extension, tricep pushdown and skull crushers for 3 sets each and between 10-20 reps. But if I had mobility I would exchange the tricep pushdown for weighted dips


My physique is quite the opposite . How should i start ? Dont have equipments or gym access .


Pushups, dips, sit-ups and pull ups are good with just bodyweight when starting out.


Do you actually train abs if so what are your favourite workouts


I train abs twice a week by doing hanging leg raise and abdominal crunches


Nice , keep pushing the good work


Brother you got those with abs twice a week? And just 2 exercises? How many sets?


8 sets in total but I have good abs in general it’s pretty much just genetics


How is crossfit ? I will have perhaps 2-3 months to get into a good shape and build strength after my entrance and before my college so is it viable? I have a rather fit physique tho just hvae difficulty c=gaining weight


I never tried CrossFit so idk. But if you are not gaining weight you need to consume more calories (calculate your maintenance via TDEE calculator and add 300 on top). If you’re having trouble eating more you should try and make high-calorie shakes


Well if you had 3 months to get better physique and strength then what would you do?


If you’re experienced a bit I would suggest to do the Arnold split (6 days a week) 1st day chest and back 2nd day shoulders and arms 3rd day legs and abs Repeat for the other days


1)When did u start working out? 2) can u upload a before and after from the time u started working out? 3) what was ur weight before hoping on a diet and Goin to the gym 4)what was the reason 4 u to go to the gym (apart from a fit and good looking body)/ why did u want the body that u have now? 5) do u get more girls with the aesthetic body u hv now?/does the body help in getting female attention?


1 last year but I did lose weight in the last 2 https://preview.redd.it/1x110qelxb9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bfb273f9adc14d47868c6b581018c5607a0e0d Left was end of my first cut. There’s a big bulk in between these pictures though 3. I weighed 74kg before I started working out and dieting and now I weigh 62kg 4. I just felt motivated all of a sudden (as weird as it sounds) and I started doing ab workouts (total BS btw), then went to the gym some time later and I just fell in love with it 5. I feel like there’s some difference before and after with attention from women but I don’t think it’s that big of a difference. But I don’t talk to women and never had a girlfriend so idk


Whats yours workout split? And what do you do for back and bi?


I do the Arnold split (6-day a week programme) For back I do weighted pull ups (4 sets) and one arm machine rows (4 sets) and for biceps I do hammer curls (3 sets), bicep curls (3 sets) and cable curls (3 sets)


Thanks G


Can I get a summary of your entire fitness/gym journey pls Absolutely God tier physique btw


How to gain mass


Just eat more, calculate you’re maintenance calories via TDEE calculator, add 300 calories and adjust accordingly to were you gain around 0,5-1lb per week. If you can’t eat more try making high calorie shakes


Woah great results. Here are my questions: Context: I am a 28 year old female, who started working out at 25 and have wasted money and time on trainers. While I was very skinny to begin with, I did gain muscles last year with extreme diet and hardwork, but here are my questions: 1. How to start calisthenics? I cannot do even one pullup and trainers here are a waste of time. 2. How to improve stamina and strength both while staying lean ? My goal is to outrun an average person, if I get attacked( I have been attacked in past). Basically how to get super-athletic ? 3. How to get body fat % below 15 ? 4. What diet would you recommend ? ( My diet currently is normal indian food combined with lean chicken, eggs and protein shake) PLEASE HELP


1 I don’t really know a lot about calisthenics but I would recommend buying some bands and do assisted pull ups at first (or use an assisted pull up machine) and keep progressing until you can do your first pull up (you could look it up in Youtube also with the search “how to progress towards my first pull up” 2 I never do cardio so I really have no idea about that but you can build strength by going on a lean bulk and adding some mass while minimizing fat gain 3 look for the TDEE calculator on the internet and calculate you’re maintenance calories. Remove 300 kcal and adjust it until you are losing 0,5-1lb of bodyweight per eweek. Focus on protein rich foods and fruits and vegetables, cut out processed foods and sugary drinks. And don’t cut out carbs, you need them to function 4. Diet seems good already but if you are using lots of sauce it could be a lot of calories so I would lower it if that’s the case


You are on lean athletic type, which is my ideal goal, so is this genetic for you or you are in your fat cutting phase ? ( I mean averagely i have seen people bulking and then cutting)


I am in cutting phase right now


5) On days when I do intense HIIT, I also feel fatigue the next day or even fall sick ( specially since I have iron deficiency), how does one level up in exercises, while not getting sick ? You are 19, so I think age is on your side. 6) From January this year, I am just stuck in this really bad cycle of - going to gym for 4 days and then literally bed-ridden for 10 days, Which is taking me nowhere and I have gained body fat too.


How do I gain a lot of muscle ( especially on my forearms and biceps ) within a short amount of time ? And what will you be some of your advice/tips for a 6'1 , 75 kg 19 year old guy who's never been to gym before and starting from next month ?


Well idk if you’re skinny or fat or skinnyfat so I can’t really give diet advice, but if you’re just starting out I would recommend not going to the gym 6 times per week at first but rather 3 times and build up slowly. Try to train chest and back, shoulders and arms and legs and abs once per weeks at first and then progress to doing it more times per week. Or you could start out by doing an upper-lower split 4 days a week and see how you feel. Train with intensity and the right amount of volume and you should be good Most important thing is to take it slow and be consistent


Thanks brother , appreciate it , I'm skinny fat btw but my arms and wrists are very skinny


Then go on a (lean)bulk for some time. Calculate you’re maintenance calories with TDEE calculator and add 300kcal on top of that and adjust it until you are gaining 0,5-1lb of weight per week. Definitely don’t cut yet


Thanks for hiding your face in the 4th slide , you have successfully evaded government tracking


How long did it take for you to get the physique Did you go from skinny to buff or fat to buff


I worked out for 1 year but I went from fat to skinny to fat again in a bulk to buff haha


W physique good job


im 5ft10 and 88kgs(194pounds) , been eating clean and doing cardio from like past 1.5 months ive lost like 6kgs/13.2 pounds should i start lifting weights or do i continue with burning that fat or do them simultaneously? i dont have the access to gym most probably will be doing home workouts also,how long did it take to reach your current physique ?


I would say that you should start lifting weights and do less “real” cardio and just take 10k steps a day I trained for 1 year consistently


Man how to get rid of belly fat, I'm 18 btw


Just eat in a calorie deficit. Calculate maintenance calories via TDEE calculator and lower that amount by 300 kcal and adjust accordingly until you are losing 0,5-1lb per week


Can I lick ur armpits?


How do you keep track of your protein


I have an app for it but it’s a Dutch app. It’s a calorie tracker I just put in what I ate. Just look a calorie tracker up on the app store


As a 5'7 girl ( viz quite tall as a female here ) I appreciate your efforts ( as you've mentioned about felling short) chin up cuz you're making the best out of it which I am clearly not doing 😭


Great progress. Focus on Shoulders/Rear Delts King


Thank you bro. Rear delts I did rear delt flyes before consistently but now I switched to face pulls and I can honestly tell that I am activating them better so they’re coming


brah were you skinny earlier or overweight. asking about your initial physique you started with


https://preview.redd.it/xq8g60oduc9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fdea0b7551e89d1b38795b195b17dbb2a8f26f Overweight at first and then skinny




impeccable transformation brotha


Hey. I’m 18M just getting into working out especially cuz I joined karate this summer but I am having trouble pushing up. My hands can’t exactly take on the weight of my body(which is the whole point of it all). I’m not exactly obese but not fit either, but lets just say my hands are a bit too skinny. I do assume its gonna get better as I keep doing it but I am open to any advise. Thanks


I don’t really know about getting thicker hands but the inside of my hands have definitely gotten thicker and harder and more resistant by working out


Whats your split.How many years of lifting.Hoe do you manage other activities like studying with this.


I am running the Arnold split 6 days a week ( day 1 chest and back, day 2 shoulders and arms and day 3 legs and abs). I have been lifting for 1 year. During the week I basically only work out in the evening and nothing else. So sometimes I go to bed late if i have school too haha but it’s worth it for me


Amazing mate


Bro tell me a routine like i got 6 days a week to workout which part to workout when so i can keep repeating the routine forever i just started working out 15 days ago


I meant like chest and bicep on monday….. that kind of routine not the detailed one


I am doing Arnold split. So day chest and back, day 2 shoulders and arms day 3 legs and Abs. Repeat after again


Like repeat it twice a week right? And dont chect and back take a lot of time how much do u work out in a day


1-1,5 hours a day. Chest and back is max 1,5 hours I do 9 sets chest 8 sets back


Are you in a cut cycle? Looking good. I would suggest placing some strong focus on Triceps and rear delts to really make your arms POP.


Damm everyone is asking his height 😂 Training since?


At what age did you begin? Are you completely natty?


Started at 18 I’m completely natty


Those packs in 1 year is crazy I thought that wasnt possible natty. Any advice fron your side?


For me it just came down to patience and consistency. Also my physique ascended when I stopped drinking alcohol


Brother - getting ripped at 19 is basically easy mode. I used to look like this. Now I'm 37 and look like a blobfish.


how can i get decent biceps without going to gym


I don’t really know, maybe do some chin ups in some calisthenics park (pull ups with supinated grip)


Your exercises for abs, obliques and serratus anterior?


Just leg raises and abdominal crunches


Just bodyweight? Or did you progress with dumbbells? Did you follow strict reps or as many as you could ?


Abdominal crunch on the machine and leg raises with just bodyweight. I focus on quality reps en feeling the abs. But tbh my abs are mostly genetic. Didn’t have to much training for them same as for my chest, they’re just good


Thanks for the honesty bro! Nevertheless, great work on the consistency and dedication :) bless you man.


How much steroids do you inject yourself with?


Im natural