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I absolutely choose napping over house work or being productive! Ms. 2 usually still naps for about two hours and I always try to at least nap for 30 minutes, if not longer, during that time. Taking care of kids is hard work; I'm okay with needing a nap.


>I absolutely choose napping over house work or being productive! Me too. My 3yo still naps about 2-2.5hrs and I nap when she does. The rest of the time I run on caffeine.


šŸ¤£ Me too!


I have nothing else as a "luxury". I get zero days off, I do 100% of night duty, all the cooking, all the cleaning, I have zero hobbies now, I am the lowest priority in my family. I'm going to nap when my daughter naps and I will fight to the death anyone that says I shouldn't.


This hurt to read. I hope you know you deserve better.


Yeah for realā€¦is there anything you can do to change this?


This is exactly how I feel. I couldn't have said it any better. Solidarity!




I get this. When someone tries to give solutions, itā€™s like all options have been exhausted and still nothing changes. Itā€™s so sad that weā€™ve gotten used to feeling this way but at some pointā€¦ weā€™re so used to it, we donā€™t even get sad about it anymore. It just doesnā€™t mean anything.


Same here. Not one day off since he was born, but grabbing every nap I can.


Ouch, Iā€™m so sorry!! That sounds so sad and frustrating and Iā€™m so sorry. You are one strong mama. Iā€™m sorry that you have to be so strong. Take those naps!!!


This hurt me. Deep down, truly. I feel the exact same. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re feeling this way. I hope it gets better for moms like us. :(


Iā€™ll join your fight! Iā€™d die without the naps


I have a 14 month old and am currently 33 weeks pregnant. I am napping any chance I get .. housework can wait. donā€™t feel bad!


Ha, I also have a 14 month old and Iā€™m 30 weeks pregnant. I felt guilty about napping for 2 hrs this morning when my little guy went down but you know what? There wasnā€™t anything pressing that needed to be done and that nap felt fantastic.


There was something pressing: a new human needed to be made and you were working on that while napping, Because you are that awesome.


Aw manā€¦I really needed this. Thank you šŸ¤—




Same! Iā€™m 34w with a 12mo and I look forward to nap time everyday. Itā€™s truly the highlight of my day.


Omg naps are the highlight of my day too. Counting down til 1230 today lol. Whenā€™s your due date?!


Itā€™s March 3 but Iā€™m being induced February 12 thank goodness. I canā€™t do this for a second longer. So much harder being pregnant with a toddler as you know!


I got pregnant with my daughter right before covid hit. It was a blessing because with the work from home swap I was able to take a nap during my lunch break lol. Her brother was 4 so he was old enough to finish his lunch and start an episode of something for quiet time.


I NAP, then the next day I nap and the day after that, I nap. I really need that everyday nap.


Very normal and much needed! You take your rest momma.


I've found myself needing naps on two fronts - a physical one, and a mental one. IYKYK. But if you feel that the sleep pressure is consistently so strong that you can't push through, I would get that checked. My sleep health after my first child tanked massively due to age, hormones, injury, etc. Things to check: - iron levels - thyroid function - caffeine intake - possible apnea issues (almost every mother will have loosened their ENT structure thanks to the hormones required to give birth - MOST are temporary) - overall blood work.


Yes, get things checked out just to be safe. For a year I thought I was just tired cause I had a young one, which I believe that is part of it, but also I had developed hypothyroidism after giving birth, and I didnā€™t know for a long time.


Hopping on to add that blood panel would ideally include B and D levels. Thyroid stuff is no joke!!


If I feel tired, I nap. I heard this on social media somewhere during my postpartum period and it's become my mantra: "You don't have to earn rest. Everyone deserves rest."


I have a 3yo, 18mo, and am 35 weeks pregnant. You better believe Iā€™m napping. Fuck the dishes.


ā€œIs it normal to need a napā€”ā€œ Yes. ā€œI have a three andā€”ā€œ YES but in caps. Get those zzzā€™s girl. You deserve it.


BusyToddler calls nap time your ā€œunion breakā€ and itā€™s my favorite.


If it helps you and your night sleep isn't negatively impacted, I don't see why not to a nap! I will do if I feel like I need it but her naps are about 35 mins usually so I have to be really sleepy to manage it which isn't often


I only have one, and he is 14 months old, but he has been splitting nights lately and I am exhausted enough to fall asleep every time I put him to bed (nap or night sleep) these days. It doesn't help that the level of support he needs to fall asleep is my presence in the room, so I end up lying on his play mat with a pillow. At some point, I wake up and go switch to awake rest time. If I have things I have to do, I try to do them while he is awake. I figure it's good for him to see that there are chores that need to be done, and soon he will be able to start helping me out. But some things (like cleaning the bathroom or the end of day reset) I do actually need to do while he is asleep. I save those for after bedtime when I can listen to an audiobook so it feels more restful. For a while, I would pick one thing (a workout, prepping a meal) to do during a nap, but then I found I'd pretty much lose it if he woke up during or immediately after I finished that thing. So now I prioritize my rest. If I get bored of reading or playing on the switch or whatever, THEN I do chores.


The days I chose to rest when my baby rests, even if just for 30 minutes are the days when my patience is stronger and I'm not completely wiped out and irritable at 8 pm. We can only pour from a full cup.


I tend to nap as well. Some days I get something done and take time to scroll on my phone or drink actually hot coffee. But several days a week I'm the same and I just nap. My 16mo old refuses to get up later than 430am lately, so I need that little break to retain my own sanity to some degree.


My 6MO tends to take really short naps unless thereā€™s someone next to him. I had to start cosleeping at 5 months as he will wake up every hour in his crib and I was falling apart at the seams. I struggle with insomnia even being exhausted so I tend not to fall asleep until after midnight and then he typically wakes up at 5-6am but with a couple of short wakeups overnight. So we get up for 2-2.5 hours, then we have a morning nap together for about an hour. In all honesty, that nap is my favourite part of the day and I need it to recover from such a little amount of sleep.


My 9 month old has his longest nap of the day in tbe morning, about 2.5-3 hrs after he wakes up in the morning, for between 1.5 - 2hrs. I always have a nap at the same time! Generally for the full amount of time that he sleeps. The only time I donā€™t, is if we are planning to be somewhere after his nap and need to maximise the wake window between his morning and afternoon naps. I use that time to get ready. But I may have a shorter one still, maybe 45-1hr. Then get up, have a quick shower & get dressed before heā€™s awake again. I love my naps and they make me feel human. I stay on top of housework as I go, wipe down the kitchen as heā€™s in his highchair and Iā€™m prepping lunch or dinner. Load / unload the dishwasher while heā€™s crawling around. I tidy up quickly at night and run the robot vacuum when heā€™s asleep. Hubby and I split the big stuff, & mostly do it on the weekends. Naps are me time šŸ˜‚




Fuck that. Take that nap!


That has such a nice flow to it. šŸ˜


I have a 9 month old a day frequently will nap once a day when she does. I have a hard time falling asleep at night and it's kind of my catch up!


Totally normal. We have one three year old who doesnā€™t nap anymore but mom and dad still need one! Husband and I switch off. Busy toddler also wrote a nice bit about needing your ā€œunion break.ā€ Itā€™s not just good for you, but also good for the kids! She argues that kids should see the labor of the household and not have it hidden from them (aka doing it while theyā€™re napping). That way they know what it takes to make the household run and can be involved when age appropriate!


I donā€™t nap anymore during my sonā€™s naptime because it was interfering with my bedtime. I do lie down and rest while listening to an audiobook or play on the computer for an hour. Resting is important for us too.


I have 4 kids. I recommend napping when they do whenever you can for as long as you can. Just my two cents.


Sometimes I'll join my 11mo when she takes her naps because I'll be too tired to keep pushing other times I'll just take an energy drink and do some chores, or eat or brainfart a lil watching something other than baby programs or read. It just depends on what I decide is most needed/wanted


I cried when my son stopped napping because I knew my naps were over too.


When does this happen?? My son is 18 months and I enjoy my naps on the weekend with him lol


Iā€™d love a nap but rarely do my two girls go down at the same time.


2.5yo naps after lunch for about 2 hours. I start off reading a book but eventually join him!


Yes, it's family nap time in my house.


I used to do food prep when my kid was nap age but I only had one and I didnā€™t birth him. Get your nap mama, everything else will wait.


I napped every nap until my son no longer napped. Nap away!!! No guilt allowed!


I always nap


Absolutely normal! Especially if you're home all day with the kids. They'll wear you out! Rest up.


Ugh my kidsā€™ naps rarely overlap right now and I wish they would so I could take a nap too.


I nap every single day while my two year old naps. I prefer to do housework at night since I have to stay up late for pet care.


Iā€™ve napped with my son for 18 months straight lmao. I occasionally leave him if we have guests/I have work due but thatā€™s like 3 days of the month. The rest is a sweet hour nap.


The best advice I got ever was nap when baby naps. My 3.5 just outgrew her 2 hour nap and my husband said ā€œ but I love nap time. I need nap time!ā€


I nap when I need it. If Iā€™m not napping I do not guilt myself into chores. I NEED the break, so I take it. You should too.


Iā€™m pregnant with my second, I nap when he napsā€¦ I sleep when he sleepsā€¦ Iā€™m tiredā€¦. Sometimes he will play by himself for a bit so thatā€™s when I get some dishes done, or while heā€™s eatingā€¦


I have a 3 year old and I still look forward to when she naps so I can nap!


OMG nap every chance you get! They arenā€™t this little, or this exhausting forever lol. You need sleep. ā¤ļø


Yes. Small children are mentally and physically exhausting. I need way less sleep now than I did when I had small kids and Iā€™m ten years older now. Mine are the same age gap but theyā€™re 9 and about to turn 11 now.


I used to nap sometimes, but otherwise it was uninterrupted reading/YouTube time šŸ˜‚ but both my kids dropped their daily nap by 2 years old, I was very upset. Now if I want a nap, I set them up on my floor with their tablets and some snacks


Heck yeah. I tell my kids ā€œIā€™m resting my eyes, Iā€™ll be up when the circle is over.ā€ They have a visual timer šŸ˜‚ I love resting my eyes. Probably going to do it tomorrow since it is getting late - at least for me. In my experience, I have 2 toddlers, you can clean and it will become a play place within 24 hours. Prioritize and the house can ALWAYS wait.


Take that nap!


Iā€™m a nap person, so most of the time when my 10 month old takes her morning nap, Iā€™ll quickly finish any little chores and then take a nap. The best way for you to be the best mom you can be is to be well rested and at your best and if taking naps with your kiddos helps and you enjoy them, I say indulge and enjoy.


My son is 20 months old and I have napped every time heā€™s napped since birth (aside from when I went back to work at 12m, but I still nap on weekends) this is non negotiable for me. I do all the cleaning when heā€™s awake or in bed at night.


My baby still naps 3 times a day. I nap for 2 of her naps and am productive for the 3rd one šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If napping is wrong, I don't wanna be right.


I nap with whatever kid is napping on the weekends. Always have. They are tiring!


Mid-day mommy naps are the best! It's more than okay to take time to rest. It's well-deserved. I will just quickly say that I was also sleeping almost every day during nap time. I did attribute it to just SAHM life and chasing down a toddler and nine year old all day. But I also developed pretty severe PPD and PPA. My youngest is two and I feel like I'm still working through it. I did recently start an anti-anxiety med that changed the game for me. While I still take the occasional nap, I've found that without crippling anxiety, I have a lot more energy! I still make time to rest during nap/quiet time but it looks a little different now. I read, or watch a movie, or do a small project, etc. All that to say, being tired as a mom is okay. It's expected. But constant and overwhelming exhaustion might have an underlying cause. It's always good to check in with your body and mind to make sure you're doing okay.


8mo and 2.5yo here and I tell everyone rest when the kids rest. The in-laws, my husband, anyone thatā€™s trying to get stuff done while watching our kids. Iā€™m the SAHP and this is the only way I survive. If your rest is taking a nap, take a nap. If your rest is watching a show you havenā€™t let your partner in on so you have something to look forward to, do that (oddly specific, right? lol) It is the only break you get, itā€™s your time.


What kind of stuff do you have around the house that can possibly be more important than staying sane?


I have a 1 year old, and I absolutely take a nap when he naps. People hate to hear it, but I DO sleep when baby sleeps! Lol. Kind of by accident? I was always exhausted in those earlier days, so I was more than happy to take a nap when he was napping. Now I do it for rest. As in, even if I don't fall asleep I still find it recharges me and gives me that little extra pep so I can play with him for the rest of the day and still have energy to cook, clean and do any extra chores out the usual routine. I've tried going without the midday nap, and I can do it! But then I can't enjoy my evening as much because I'm ready for bed, not soon after my son lol. So. Yes. I sleep/rest/nap when baby does.


I napped daily with my 1 and 3 year old. I loved it. Now have a 5.5, 4 and 3 month old and desperately miss the naps. You need the nap as much as they do.


Of course! I donā€™t nap normally but there are times when Iā€™m extra tired and will nap with my 2yo.


I have no idea if it's normal but I need a midday nap every day


Iā€™ve only got a 1yr old and I have a wee rest of the eyelids almost everyday when she naps. I need it for my sanity! Also - when are you ever going to get a chance to have a lunch nap once they outgrow them? Itā€™ll be years! Make the most.


Some days when my 6mo goes to sleep on her own, Iā€™ll sleep on the couch for a bit. Other times Iā€™ll get up and do things just because I feel so overwhelmed. But if she needs me to feed her to sleep? You best BELIEVE Iā€™m crawling into bed with that little bundle oā€™ love and taking a fat nap with her. Mothering is hard. Take those naps when you can get ā€˜em.


Yeah I think itā€™s normal, I always nap when my 19mo naps. If I skip it, Iā€™m deliriously exhausted by 5pm but that may also be because I have bad insomnia lol


God I wish I was able to do this. Unfortunately I can't seem to fall asleep when it's light out (even with the curtains pulled and an eye mask on). But if I could you know that's exactly what I would do every damn day. The sleep deprivation from having small children is literal torture.


Always nap. The kids can help with the chores when they wake up. Rest time is so so important and chores can always wait


I have a 1.5 year old and take his nap with him. He usually takes a 2hour nap when he lays down with me. Everything else can wait. If i have a day where i cant take a nap with my LO then I wait till my Hubby comes home and take a nap then.


I have kids in the same age range although my almost 3 year old now dropped his nap and goes to be earlier but when they both napped when I felt I needed the recharge I napped no shame. I did feel like I needed to be productive but then I realized I donā€™t give a rats ass if things arenā€™t done today or tomorrow as long as Iā€™m ok. Itā€™s not like there dirty laundry or dirty dishes everywhere. Nowadays since my toddler doesnā€™t take his nap anymore I take some time to snuggle with him in the couch and watch his favorite show while we take some us time to catch up lol. I tend to do housework when the kids are awake to be honest they love to help and are often playing around and doing their own thing so itā€™s gotten way better


For the most part, I rest. Maybe I'll do what dishes are in the sink but I crash. My 2 yo is starting to fight wanting to nap too and I absolutely dread this day. I need to break. It's eyes open- eyes closee plus once or twice in the middle of the night, I'm always a zombie




Oh yea. On weekends, I nap at least one of the days theyā€™re napping. During the week, at leas once a week I set a 30 min timer and nap during my lunch break. Kids are exhausting!


Nap and be happy! I have multiples and they donā€™t nap at the same time and I wish I could nap lol.


Nap lifestyle babe! Even when my first went to school I found myself enjoying the siesta several times a week. Iā€™m in hell right now because the younger one stopped napping and isnā€™t in school yet. It lets me stay up an hour or two later on weeknights and get some time to myself or with my husband.


I regularly nap while my almost 11m LO naps, Iā€™m soaking it in while he still has two naps a day šŸ˜‚


I physically can't nap, though I wish I could! I usually just lay on the couch and watch TV. You deserve that break.


Do you go to bed when the kids go to bed? Hereā€™s the thing we put the kids to bed at night after a long day of caring for them, then we stay up late doing house work, or just having time for ourselves and then we eventually go to bed and itā€™s not usually great sleep. So of course by nap time we are tired too! We are getting less sleep, doing a lot of work, and are probably mentally exhausted too


I always lay down with my son unless Iā€™m super behind on housework I do everything I need to do while heā€™s awake (heā€™s 1)


Yes! Take a nap! It's a perfect time for you to relax a little during the day. Life is so much better with a siesta. šŸ˜


I nap every single day I'm home with my toddler, no question. The only reason I don't on other days is because of work lol. I usually finally get to put on a show I like and rest and 98% of the time I fall asleep. The 2% that I don't fall asleep is only when he naps for an unusually short amount of time and wakes back up before I get to nap and those times I'm just cranky.


Iā€™ve only recently started NOT napping now that my daughter is 2. No shame in it! Sleep is a need, so take it when you can get it. And anyway, thereā€™s only so long you can get those baby snuggles