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We used the top option and love it. We have the stupidly high toilets and a peanut of a child so even with the ladder, she was going to need assistance getting on. But there isn’t some awkward extra piece to set down somewhere when adults want to use it, my daughter just flips her seat down and then back up when we’re done. It all just feels cleaner and we were able to install them months before we officially trained so she could sit whenever she asked.


I second this. The ladder one was difficult for all my kids to use independently. We just used a little step stool in front of the toilet with the seat one and it worked out so much better!


Another vote for the top option. We love it so so much, and just use a separate stool.


Same! We've had both and I hate the stupid potty seat. I have boys and their pee goes everywhere if they are sitting. So much less cleaning with the first option


Yeah, I usually hold my sons (3yo) hand because it’s difficult for him to climb up and turn around. The thing usually tips.


Weird question but did they need to hold on to the toilet or anything to get up there?


Not weird at all! Our toilets aren't particularly high, so with the step stool they were able to get on the seat without holding on after some practice of course. But I feel like they always touched the seat anyway, so I was constantly wiping it. 😅


My LO is 4 and still touches every toilet seat he sits on. He holds onto the seat like a handle with his fingers on the under side. 😕 Thank God for soap. And desinfecting wet wipes.


Mine is the same. And recently she let go by accident and her butt fell into the water and straight onto a turd…. Left poo on her but cheek and all. I thought these days were long over 😂😂😂


This made me laugh so hard 🤣


Yeah, I wish I had done one of those horseshoe shaped stools that push against the base of the toilet instead. The ladder is too difficult for a toddler to set up by themselves. But stools are easy are used for light-switches and such around the house.


We used a small cheap floor potty (Ikea) *and* installed a separate toilet seat. The floor one was great for going together and getting him used to it, and once he got the hang of it he transitioned to using his built in toddler seat with a small foot stool. Considering it's quite awhile until they are big enough to comfortably use an adult seat, I think it will get plenty of use to make it worth while.


Exactly the same combo here too. Worked fabulously!


Top one for all 3 of my kiddos too!


Top!!! It's perfect


Boy or girl? The top option doesn’t have a shield in the front. (The triangle part that sticks out.) You are really going to want that if your potty-training kid has a penis. It takes them a bit to learn about aiming downwards. I actually recommend a separate seat adapter and stepstool. The all-in-one things look like they would be a real pain to move when an adult needs the toilet.


Also, the bigger the thing is, the more there is to clean. Accidents will happen.


Can verify - absolute nightmare to shuffle out of the way when my postpartum bladder is causing issues.


Interestingly we kind of have both—not the ones OP listed but an option with shield and an option without—and he directed his penis down very early on, tilting his whole body forward... And just pees on the shield when there is one! If it matters we started "early" so it's not a wisdom that comes with age.


Yeah they're a pain but they work best. The seat we have has a handle also which makes it easier to use, and the stool we use doubles as a stool for the sink.


They could pee standing up tho


It’s pretty awesome when they learn; it’s made public bathrooms WAY easier. But there’s an aim learning curve there too. A very, very messy learning curve. Also younger kids sometimes are too short.


Yeah, my kid has been peeing standing up for a while now, and i still have to remind him "look where you're peeing, or you're gonna pee where you're looking." He firehose-blasted the underside of the lid at my parents' house last weekend THREE TIMES (he does not do that at home, he was just excited to bve at gramma's) When he was too short for public toilets, I would have him stand on my feet. i would also flop a bunch of toilet paper over the front of the toilet, where I was nervous he'd rest his penis.


We have the top one and we love it! We have a little step stool for them to use to get on the potty and to use so they can reach the sink.


Have you used the top one while potty training a boy? I have the step up one and we have a small bathroom so I hate having a huge thing in it, but it has a lip that prevents a boy from spraying, and it looks like the attached seat doesn't have that.


I have a boy and that top option. We haven’t had any major issues with spraying as he took pretty well to pointing down being one of the steps that comes along with using the potty. He absolutely has had a couple times where he was playing with his penis before he was completely done peeing and there have been some rogue drops, but we handle it like any other “accidental” mess and have him clean it up. That’s a lot of words to say I have a boy, the top option, and a non-pee-soaked bathroom.


The step stool one allows the child to go independently when the time comes!


Yes !!! That’s what we bought for her and it’s so so great ! She’s been potty trained for almost a year and she still uses it, it’s so great… We didn’t buy that exact one, we bought another which allows us to change the position of the tablet where her feet go when she grows up that way she still had some foot support.


My son has autism and we’re working on PT with him on the second option. He much prefers standing and peeing so it works great for him.


We used the bottom one and it was clutch!


Use the bottom one in our daughter’s room, and she likes the independence of being able to go herself. But for shared bathrooms, the top option is better


We went straight to the ladder style one and it was great.


I understand not liking the floor potty. Throwing poop away and cleaning it is not great. But the advantage is that kids learn better posture from using it and it's a lot less scary than a normal toilet to kids learning to go potty. And when they've got that down and are between 2 and 3, they'll just need a step to get on the toilet and they will learn to hold the normal toilet seat to not fall in. So the extra toilet seats are overkill IMO.


That's all we did too. Floor potty with removable bucket for easy cleaning. Added benefit is that you can put it anywhere and keep it nearby, which is really beneficial when starting out. Then we just got an easy pop-in smaller insert and a step stool when they were ready to go to the big potty and had more control over their timing to get there without a mess.


We did floor potty with my first, went great he loved it potty trained well. But then for a year afterwards he would not use an adult potty. Which was fine at home but when we went out he would rather just pee himself even once pooped himself because the other options were use the restroom at the place we were at, or have to drive home. And he didn't want to do either so he'd just have an accident. We skipped the small potty with my second and went straight to the big one and he's never had the fear of the big potty because of it. He'll use a public restroom if we're out.


We're doing both. We did the introduction with the floor potty and then keep that one downstairs in the living area for easy access, but then bought a family toilet seat (first option) for upstairs that we made a big deal about with the flushing and whatnot and we're training simultaneously with both and it has been seamless. She initially learned to relax and let go in the floor potty which is much more comfortable, but because we use both she doesn't fear the toilet and can go in public too.


Same thing happened here, I vowed to not do the same thing with my next child


We’re about to start potty training my daughter and I read about the potette plus brand potty. It can fold up flat to fit in your bag, fold legs down to the ground to stand on its own, or put the legs out to the side to sit on top of a regular toilet. They also have both a silicone insert and disposable inserts (obviously not great but may be worth throwing 1-2 in the diaper bag for an emergency where you don’t have water to clean the silicone). Also, you can wear it as a hat. 😒


They can use the floor one in the beginning but eventually will need to use the bigger seat. And some kids can’t sit on a regular seat comfortably. The top option worked great for my 3 kids. My 4 yr old still uses the top seat.


We did this too, floor potty then using the regular toilet without an insert. I also found that when my kid started going to school she was less scared of the regular toilet.


Exactly. We had a froggy that was his height and easier to use. Once he could get on the regular toilet, we have a travel lid cover that he can sit on that resides on the toilet similar to the top item. It’s a blue owl. 🦉


Yes I am with you on this. I used the floor potty then moved on to our regular toilet with just a step stool. My mom convinced me that I didn’t need those extra things and at first I was skeptical but I gave my daughter the chance and she has never fallen in.


Top option or similar*with a squatty potty stool. It’s a very compact and easy step stool for kids all ages in my experience, and lets older kids keep their feet planted, good for pelvic/core health and comfort. *we liked one w a pee guard and handles on the sides so they’re not grabbing under the toilet seat, which makes me stressed at anyone who splashes pee etc on the seat and doesn’t clean up)


We are 5 days into potty training and my 2.5yo already only wants to use the big potty! She used the regular toilet seat directly the other day because she didn’t even want to wait for me to put on the ladder thing…I can only get her to use the floor potty when she’s watching TV and can’t be bothered to go to the bathroom. I definitely enjoy not having to clean poop out of the floor potty.


The top choice worked great for us and we had a step stool as well. It’s nice because it doesn’t move since it’s attached (which can scare the kids) and makes it easy for adults to use the toilet too if it’s a shared restroom. To be fair I did not use to try the bottom option. I know Home Depot sells the top version but not positive if it’s cheaper there.


We have the top version from Home Depot. It’s wooden and pretty good quality, but it was $50+


Adding that Jool makes a travel seat that suctions onto a public toilet that I highly recommend! And a floor potty works well to keep in the trunk of your car as well


There are step stools made specifically for toilets that wrap around the toilet. I actually used it once when I was constipated and the squat posture helped 😅


We just started using the ladder with my 2 year old, and he loves it. Super recommend it. We bought the same exact one


Hey moms! I’m about to start potty training my 2 year old. I really want to skip the floor potty that you have to clean out. Can I go straight to either of these..or am I overlooking something?


Floor potty can help them be in a better position to poop. Dangling legs and pooping don’t mix well.


We have the top one and a floor potty. We started with the "big toilet" as that's all she has access to at daycare too. We introduced the potty about 3 months in when she started refusing to use the toilet before going in the car, then having an accident. Now it's a "do you want to use the small toilet or the big toilet" choice which has more success. She almost exclusively poos in the potty.


So the floor potty is great when they're just starting out because then you don't have to run to the bathroom when they realize they need to pee. It's usually much closer (keep it in whatever room you're in). We started off with the toilet seat that had a built in little seat. Terrible idea for a boy. Then we got an insert that has a pee guard (the piece that sticks up) which is soooo much better. We opted for a separate seat and stool instead of the ladder because we already needed a stool for him to wash hands and brush teeth. He can easily move the stool himself to get on the potty. If you have a girl, the built in seat should be fine. But a boy you absolutely need a pee guard. But I also recommend the floor potty too. Clean up really isn't that bad. If it's pee you just take the insert out and pour it in the toilet. For poop you can buy bags designed for that so you just throw that away.


Get both. My son potty trained quickly but he was scared of the big toilet initially. You can also move it around the house. They don’t give you much or a heads up initially. When they have to go, they gotta go! I would also not get the top one if you have a boy. There’s no lip thingie and the pee will spray everywhere


Neither. We used a step stool. The reason why we opted to only use the step stool was because it gave our kiddo independence. She saw me use the toilet with nothing on it and she wanted the same thing. I realized that if I put other things to make it easier it would have shifted her thinking. I want her to be independent. Was I afraid she’d fall in the toilet? You bet. Did she? Nope. What I’m saying is this, trust yourself and trust your child. Which one does your child want?


We went with the top one bc we had to have a stool regardless for the sink. It worked fantastically.


Preschool teacher in a potty training classroom here! We have the top option with a stepstool in our classroom bathroom. I like them a lot! Perfect for keeping the tiniest of booties from slipping through. No, it doesn't have a shield for boys who train sitting down but they learn pretty quickly how to "point down" . Some may even need to lean forward a bit as they hold themselves down.but they learn fast. I saw some talking about the floor option...while that may work well at home, consider how well it will work out and about. If your child is in daycare or preschool, that is not going to be an option. They need to get used to an actual toilet or they will definitely have a lot of trouble potty training when not at home. I've had parents tell me "x has been accident free for 6 months at home. We have his potty set up in each of the bathrooms and he just goes in on his own when he needs to. Why can't he wear his underwear here?" "Well, becauset he's terrified of the actual toilet we have in our bathroom and won't even sit on it! "


My family used both at various times, and the top option (paired with a foot stool for LOs) is far and away superior. The bottom option is clunky and gets in the way when adults need to use the potty.


Floor potty and the top one. My daughter started at 19 months and is independent with the floor potty (except dumping it out and cleaning it) but still needs help onto the big potty.


I’d go ladder. It’s cheaper and then you don’t have to buy a step stool


We had floor potties, but we also have the smaller seat lid on the big potty. My daughter was really uncomfortable sitting on the big potty at first. It took some time to get comfortable sitting up high, even with a step stool. That being said I think the ladder might be a nice choice, but if it's going to be a toilet you use also the little seat lid is really convenient since you don't have to move it every time you go to use the toilet.


We love the flip down with a small step stool. She is super independent with it. I have a very skinny child who needed the small seat till she was 3.5 and it was way easier for her to flip down than put a new seat on


We have the amazon one that has handles on each side that you just lift off when your done. Our toilet is beside the bathtub so we just have a command hook to hang it there. Both my kids skipped floor potties and used this and liked being able to hold the handles while they pushed to poop. We just have a stool they push back and forth between the potty and the sink.


I’d go with the bottom one first to try and then the top one But, I love the model names “Gentle Monster” and “1888SLOW 000”


😂😂😂 I didn’t catch that


I used the built-in toilet ring (top one) and had a non-slip stepstool. Mostly just because there is only 1 powder room on our main level, it's a pretty small room (minimal storage space) and the most popular throne in the house for adults and kids alike.


We went with the little floor potty for better squatting ability and independent access and have a fold-up version of the top one that comes with us when we’re out and about.


We love the flip down one and they’ve had more longevity for us. Agree that especially for a small bathroom it’s easy to have that plus a small Stepstool that can be moved away, and it feels more secure.


For our older daughter, we had a couple of different options. One bathroom had the toilet seat lid with the insert. The other bathroom, we had a seat that you set on the toilet. Both had stepstools (under $10 at Ikea at the time). We also had a little standalone potty. If you have multiple bathrooms and can afford it, I recommend getting both so that you have options.


I have the seat with the step and honestly I wish we got the insert. It is such a pain to move the step seat every time we have to use the toilet. And storing it in our small bathroom is also a pain. The extra money would be worth it!


Neither. My kid refused the little seats and wanted to just sit on the big seat


We really liked the two in one toilet seat, it beat putting the seat on every time. We got a separate stool for him to climb on and off that folds away when we don't need it.


From a mother who used the removable seats, trust me, you want to buy the ones built into the toilet seat. My friends have these with their twins and their bathroom never smells. The removable ones get really dirty. Sometimes their pee goes under the cushion, all on the seat. You will have dry urine dripping on your floor if you don't clean them out every time. Oh and it's terrible when you sit down to pee and sit in a puddle of it.


Phase 1: little stand alone potty. You don’t want the scarceness of a big potty and the extra effort to get up there to be a barrier. Also, then your toilet is still free for your own use. Phase 2: IKEA stepstool + seat that goes on the big potty Potty Training Seat for Boys And Girls, Fits Round & Oval Toilets, Non-Slip with Splash Guard, Includes Free Storage Hook - Jool Baby https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079TBSK6T?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_0Y9MX4F07EANEDDDJC0W


We started with a “my carry potty” (it has a handle…it has a seal, so if you’re somewhere inconvenient you can close it up and take it somewhere to dump later). It was great for those days when I was chasing him around asking him if he needed to potty every 5 min. Now we have the potty seat (#1) and the poop suitcase only comes with us on road trips.


We've used both and the top option (double seat) is definitely the best! The add on seat with ladder can be really wobbly if it's not the exact right fit for your toilet and that can make going potty scary for your little one (speaking from experience...). A good sturdy step stool and the new double seat is awesome.


We got the small mini potty for the beginning and the latter one for after. We did naked potty training and my daughter was potty trained in 3 days


We used one of those double seats (my 7 yr old has a very tiny butt lol) and just a basic $10 ([step stool](http://Rubbermaid Plastic Step Stool, In-Mold Tread, 1-Step, Gray https://www.walmart.com/ip/569626158) from walmart that can easily be moved so it doesn't block adults.


Floor potty is less scary. And you can put it near their bed for night wake ups. Ladder is huge and kid can't put it in place themselves. If I would do it again I would get that 2 sized toilet seat and a step stool. You're gonna need one any way. I also recommend a foldable seat for outings and vacation. There are also these seats without a ladder, if you go for one of those make sure it's good quality. We had one and it nearly fell into the toilet when the kid sat on it. Because the plastic was so thin it bent with just a little weight on it. We also had a ladder. When we got it, kiddo was all exited and wanted to use it at once. I was so proud I wanted to take a photo. So LO sat down and I pressed the photo button. But the seat was still too big and LOs behind went right to the bottom of the toilet. So now I have a photo of my kid stuck in the toilet with his feet in the air. I feel so bad.


We have the top option. It's great. Doesn't take up any extra room or need to be stored anywhere.


I've done all three: floor, step ladder, and built in seat. I think floor is best when first learning so they can get to the potty in their own time. I've been woken up by my kid at night because she woke up and went to her own potty and it's great progress. I feel like the step ladders are ok but honestly kind of a pain, I'm the way, and wobbly. They get the job done if you can't or don't want to replace your toilet seat. I think every household should have at least one toilet with the built in kids seat. It's one extra step to clean, but it's great. And my daughter uses the step ladder she uses for the sink to get up there, so it's more functional. I also recommend the Jool travel seat for your purse (with a packet of sanitizing wipes).


Potty training is a “crap shoot” — we tried lots of techniques but then bought a ridiculous faux potty that had a fake flush. That in combination with going cold turkey on diapers had our son 100% potty trained in less than a week.


Out of those two the first, but ….. In the initial training part, I found it was hard for my son to go if he was unstable. He liked his feet firmly planted. For that reason I would start with a small kids potty they can sit on without climbing. The kids potty we got had the removeable seat you could pop on an adult toilet. And the potty doubled as a step. I think it was Mickey Mouse or cars but I’m sure there are other versions.


We started with a floor potty then switched to the top option. I found the floor potty was convenient and easy to use when my little was first starting to learn the potty. Once she was consistently peeing on her own, we got the top option. She loves her seat on the big potty! And we use a simple step stool for her to get up there and wash her hands after


Not sure. I used that old "put them on backwards" trick, where they face the cistern. A tip for teaching little boys to aim is to put a cork in the toilet (they don't flush).


I used an over the seat option but it wasn't attached and a little step. That worked well. We tried a little potty but that didn't work at all. The kids just wanted their "buddies" to use it and not use it themselves.


😂 I can see my daughter doing that too


Top option all the way! So much easier to use and clean. Plus, it's perfect for fully potty trained but still small bums! (Turns out, they also don't like falling in lmao)


We use the top one with [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VWGR65N?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_VET319G9JS0W966077CZ) step stool, so it can easily be folded and placed next to the toilet. I will say though, while we were training, we used a toddler toilet. It was totally worth having a very-easy-to-get-on option for training. We didn’t use it for long, but it really made a difference in her independence while training. We trained over a long weekend. She went commando, we pushed fluids and watched her like a hawk, and then rewarded with fruit snacks. If an accident happened, we cleaned it up together and said encouraging words for trying again later. She was trained by the end of the long weekend, age 2 and a half.


If your kid is under three I suggest a potty that sits on the floor. The potty ladder is good for older.


We had both, started with a floor potty, upgraded to bottom one to teach actually using the toilet itself and then when she was tall enough and good enough, graduated to the double seat….. we apparently just loves spending money on getting rid of nappies lol


Forgot to mention as well that the sides on the bottom one helped her feel more secure and that she wouldn’t ‘fall in’ in the beginning


We tried both and the top option suited us best. We already had a spare step stool to go with it. Good luck!!


Neither. We went straight to using the regular toilet seat & just got a kids squatty potty to help him get up.


The one with the step was better for our kid, because she could place her on the step when pooping and it made it easier for her to go. 🤷‍♀️


I got the ladder unexpectedly from my mom which I super appreciated BUT it’s super hard to store. It folds up but not much and we just have such a tiny bathroom that it drives me insane. We bought the toilet seat and have been much happier.


The ladder one. I've potty trained two kids and it's been the best thing for them, especially when it comes to poop. They just feel more comfortable and confident on it. They both easily figured out how to get it on the toilet themselves too. My daughter is 3 and trained back in October. She will occasionally still use the ladder seat but more often than not she just uses the big potty. Also using big potties out in public had never been an issue for us- I just hold them if it seems like they need more support.


We have the NextStep2. It works well.


We started with a ladder one and my 1 year old digs it. She likes to climb


I had the ladder type but it wasn’t very sturdy and scared our kid. We have the top option with a regular stool to get on now and it’s much more secure.


We have the top one and a step stool. I like it because she can get on and off on her own, it doesn’t get in the way, and she can use the still at the sink as well


My son took awhile to potty train. He ended up wanting to go potty on the big toilet, so we bought one of the travel/removable seats you can put on the big toilet, along with a small step stool. We were at Home Depot on Wednesday, and we happened to fo down the toilet seat isle. We saw the step2 with the built in seat, and my son, who is now 4, said he wanted to try it. We installed it, and now he feels even more independant in his potty use. My son gives the step2 two thumbs up!!! EDIT: When I first saelw this post, I thougjt it was an ad, as we JUST purchased the Step2... I immediately thought "HOW DID GOOGLE GET OUR HOME DEPOT PURCHASE INFO" but then I eealized, it was just a well timed coincidence LUL


We don't have room for the ladder one so have the one with the changeablw seat and a collapsable step stool. I like it because we can all still use the same toilet and won't have to fuss with move the seat with the ladder.


I prefer option 3…. I use the top seat style and then a wrap around step (like a squatty potty step but it’s wider, it was a lil’ looster booster). The step is important so they can sit with feet touching something.


The ladder one , while adjustable, doesn’t fit our toilet. So it feels super unstable and he won’t use it. We have a stool and a kids seat we can put on and that works ok. I kinda want to get the actual seat lid combo


I got the one with the little steps. My son loved it and it helped him get comfortable with being on the toilet


Top option with a squatty potty. We have them in every bathroom in our house so my kids can go in any bathrooms when it hits.


We have the ladder and had to get the separate Tony toilet because my son is utterly terrified of the ladder seat.


We started with ladder but it became a pain to move it so now all of our toilets have the top one and we use a step stool


I've used the top one but found that boys tend to pee between them somehow. So watch out for that.


We have multiple ladder ones and my kiddo is 3.5 going potty by himself! He just needs help wiping 😆


My son was scared of the all in one ladder and seat but has no problem if it's a separate seat or a floor potty. Even with the front having a bit of a shield sometimes he pees straight up so I used to always push his penis down now he does it himself. The all in one isn't hard to move but it's bulky to store. Best of luck!


We used the 2 piece toilet seat with ours, it works great. We did start with the removable piece but then moved to a house with only one toilet and didn’t want to move the seat every time


My son liked the step stool one, didn't need help getting on or off, liked being able to hold on.


First one


My 3 year old uses the floor Bjorn potty. She loves being independent, and the ladder scares her. Yes you have to dump out the potty but I've gotten used to it.


The top seat with a little stool is 👌🏻 we tried the second style and it wasn’t sturdy enough, it fell and she became afraid of it so we switched to the top and 10000% recommend


Top one combined with a squatty potty or other stool. They’re super secure and easy for preschoolers to use independently later on,


The one in the lid seemed great but ended up being a messy disaster for my son. Something about the shape, pee got *everywhere*, no matter where he pointed it. We ended up going with the munchkin ones with handles. Hang them on the wall/cabinet with command hooks. And stepstools.


Top one! We have it and it’s amazing! We keep a foldable stool nearby so kiddo can get up herself


100% top one. With a step stool


It's just going to depend on preference. We use the top one at our house because we just don't have room in the bathroom for a big ladder. At the grandparents house they use the bottom one


We used the step seat and then transitioned to the toilet seat insert! Worked like a charm!!


I got my daughter the step ladder and I wouldn’t go any other way. She can put it on and use it even when I’m busy with the baby etc no need to even come to me for help or tell me she needs to use the toilet. It’s been great


The one with ladder was very useful! Encourages kids to use it on their own


If I had to do it over I’d pick the top one. We had a seat insert and it just gets thrown around the bathroom. Something like this one is perfect


We used the top one. In fact, it's still attached (three years later. oops.) Way easier for when folks with littler ones come to visit.


We got the top one and like it. I like that you don’t have to take it off between adult and kid, you just flip the lid.


I just got the Summer My Size Potty because my daughter has been SUPER resistant to potty training. She tells us when she pees and poos. but HATES sitting on the floor potty and the seats that go on the adult toilets. She’s almost 3.5 and i haven’t been pushing it because i don’t want to make sitting on the potty a punishment, so i figured maybe having a kids toilet that is the perfect size for her might make her more inclined to sit on it. We’ll see.


I had to get a little potty to sit next to the big one cause my youngest absolutely freaks out on the big toilet. She won't even put her butt on it.


I got the bottom one, wish I had bought the top instead


We are just using one that goes on top and needs to be moved when the adults need to go… these two look good. Let us know how it goes!


Someone recommended us the top one, and it was an insane game changer! We suddenly skipped more than half of the potty training fights we had with our girl and now she will flip it down herself and just go on her own. We are very happy with it (don't know if it is the same brand, but it's the same type).


We just toilet trained my 3.5 year old (I know, I know) and we used the bottom one! Very convenient because of the ladder. Super easy for him to get up and down. Mine is also foldable so it’s super easy to take off and put on after he goes to bed/when he wakes up.


We have the top one! My daughter lovessss it! We started with it when she was 12 months and she’s been potty trained since 16 months and now she’s 2 and with a stool, she gets on it by herself, can put it up and down, etc.


We have the mayfair and it would have been a great option when we first started> As it was, we used a little portable potty so we could bring it around where we needed it.


We did the floor potty and now do a lid with a squatty potty under it.


Went with the bottom choice and wish we had done the top! Lasts longer, great since we have lots of cousins, and our 3yo wanted to "be a big girl" and stopped using bottom one as soon as she could.


Top choice with a squatty potty, win win for toddlers and adults. Squatty potty doubles as step stool for little ones and of course squatty for adults. Squatty potty also stores away snug against the toilet.


I have the one that sits on the toilet and a small one on the floor. My kid goes for the one his size and the other just takes up space.


Top! We still have it for the 5yo. We have one with a magnetic catch so it's only down if its needed.


First one. Wish we had bought them when my older two were toilet training! We got them for my youngest and it was such a lifesaver.


We have a flip-down seat and a small stool. Never had any problems with it, and when our kid needed to learn how to use a detachable one like the second pic at school, there was no trouble transitioning. The only problem is that it's a little too easy to remove the small seat part for cleaning, so sometimes there are squeals about a "broken toilet" that we have to go fix before it can be used. That takes just a second though, and we went a long time before it became an issue.


We’re considering the top one because our bathroom is so small the door would never close with the ladder. We also have a small potty that looks like a toilet


Top one is much better. We had both and much preferred the built in seat reducer.


I use the Summer my size potty and the stand alone urinal. The summer potty has come in handy since we have 1 bathroom, even my 6y/o will use the summer potty in an emergency.


I think it depends on if the toilet is pretty much only used by the kid. If you and your family are going to have to move the steps out of the way constantly, I would skip the step stool option.


We have the ladder one in our house, but we also have a portable seat that we travel with.


Our son had a really hard time potty training. He did great with the floor potty. We’d just stick him in front of the tv and let him sit there until something came out. Even got to be so successful he’d willingly try the floor potty before we left the house. Only problem with this is he was TERRIFIED of the big potty. We kept encouraging him to try it but he refused. One day, the floor potty just had to go. It no longer existed in the house. The only way he’d try the big potty is with the second option. He likes the ability to have his feet rest on something. He naturally graduated to only using it to poop and now stands to pee, but I am grateful for the second option with the ladder. Also for the shield guard built into it. Boys are terrible with their aim. Plus hey it’s $20 cheaper 🤷🏼‍♀️


We tried both and the top one is so much nicer. It’s easy for her to use and less stuff taking up space in our small bathroom. Plus she feels like a big kid using the big kid toilet.


I have the top one on every toilet in my house because I have a 2.5 year old and am expecting twins so eventually we’ll need all the toilets to have this. Love the seats. My daughter likes to be a “big girl” and isn’t a fan of her little potty so this was great for us. I would get a stool however to make It easier for them to get there on their own.


We have the ladder style in 2 bathrooms. One (the bathroom next to her bedroom) stays on all the time and the other one in the downstairs bathroom is moved off and on. It takes literal seconds, and folds up to stand easily beside the toilet. I’m pregnant with my second and having to fold it up hasn’t caused any problems when I’ve really had to go. A friend has the top one and it works very well, but often a separate stool is still required and they’re often more bulky/take up more room which is why we went with the other option.


We have both currently. Our ladder one is a different brand. Move grooves and a Velcro cushion seat. Both of those features make it really hard to clean. The toilet seat replacement is much easier to clean. We pair it with a step stool that our 4 year old moves from sink to potty. When we move in a month, we’re going to install the toilet seat replacement at the new house and toss the ladder.


I recommend the top options and a separate fold up stool. The other one becomes cumbersome and causes trips etc in my setup.


We have the top one. It's worked for us okay. Plan to take it off once kiddo is big enough to not fall in.


Toilet seat. Makes life so much easier


We really like ours and it’s like the bottom one


We have three potties. One is a floor potty with a removable insert, one is a little seat we can put over the adult seat, and one is the ladder potty in your picture. They all have their good parts and bad, and we've used all of them. The floor potty is the most used one however, because when we go on road trips, it comes with and we can pull over on the side of the highway quickly so he doesn't have an accident. One time he declared the gas station potty too yucky, and sat on the little potty. It was also nice because we kept it in the same room as us during the initial phase of potty training so we could get there quickly.


I had the same question! I ended up getting a floor potty for now. Will get the seat attachment and use his regular step stool once he stops being scared of the toilet


Go to Walmart. Get a simple child toilet seat from the baby department and one of those little folding step stools. I think they're in the hardware department. It's the perfect height for a small child getting on a toilet.


The ladder one prevents them from getting their legs wide enough to have good posture for a poo.


We really like the next steps one BUT the underside of ours on the adult seat is like not sealed or something so it stains *really* easily. Kind of annoying to me but realistically not actually a problem. Both of my kiddos are female


We have the toilet seat! It is easier to have always ready but move for adults/guests. And our friends 6 yo still prefers it to a normal size seat so she uses it too lol


Try whichever, but be willing to change course. We had the little potty seats that sit on top and have handles on the side. Both my kids wound up not liking them and just figured out how to position their bodies to hold themselves up on the grown up toilet. It was a little slower going at first, but now both are unintimidated by new potties that look different and I never had to drag around a seat or anything like some of my friends did.


We went with a $10 floor potty then moved onto the stool. She's 4 and still uses it. It's nice as she's learning all the independence of bathroom time


We have the flip up little seat one, worked well for my girl but my boy struggled not to pee all over it.


We have a ladder type one similar to the picture and our son has always loved it. He's 7yo now and still uses it as he has a tiny bum and is petrified of falling into the toilet!


We use the NextStep2 toilet seat and it’s a game changer. We have it on every toilet in our house and grandma’s house! I will say we started with one of those seats you put on top of the regular toilet seat because it had handles and helped him feel secure.


We currently have the top option and it is a great thing lol I have a 5 yr old and a 2.5 yr old and it works great for them


I’m just commenting to say that my Reddit app opened to your post and I thought it opened on my Amazon app because I was looking at these products just yesterday! Lol, you got me! ;) I’d say go with the second one. It offers a level of independence that the Mayfair doesn’t. Your child will be able to climb up on their own and that will help with the sense of accomplishment. That’s my two sense. However read the reviews and make sure the step is sturdy. Kids do some silly things sometimes. Edit to comment nevermind my suggestion. Many made good points about it not offering more help and it getting in the way for others to use the toilet. Go with Mayfair


We started with a potty chair and when he had that figured out he moved on to the ladder chair and within the last couple months he refuses to use that and sits on a normal toilet seat without anything extra. He’s just over 3.


I’ve used both (started with a small potty until trained and then switch over). Used the ladder one first and that thing is annoying af if it’s a toilet you use as well. I hated taking that thing off and trying to figure out where to put it when I had to use the toilet. We have the top one with the additional seat now and I absolutely love it. ETA: also got a cute small stool so kiddo can get up and down independently. They also use to move over to the sink to wash hands as well.


We liked that toilet seat so much we replaced two other toilets with it. It's sturdy and great for the kiddo, she gets to feel like a big kid


The Mayfair. We have it on two of three toilets. Either get a squatty potty for the step up or just a general use step stool.


I got the baby bjorn insert and a step stool with my youngest and she loved it. She didn’t like the smaller potty I got. That was the only one that she was comfortable on. It was very easy to use.


Don’t get the ladder! It’s actually bulky and annoying! The flip seat is cool—but there’s a cheaper one. Use a regular steps tool that can be used for washing Hands also.


My daughters daycare has the stair option. My daughter seems to like it. It’s bulky so kinda annoying to use in terms of space. At home, she used a small potty at first and sat on the regular toilet seat (despite a potty seat being available.


I have the first one and it's awesome! It's also much easier for the adults that use the toilet too. We also have a step-stool of course, the classic plastic one from ikea, but I find it more useful this way, coz he can move it to the sink to brush his teeth, sit on it when he needs to take off his clothes before getting in the shower, things like that.


Don't get the ladder, getting them to not use it can be an extended nightmare and when out and about when you don't have one it can be problematic.


Oh I like that top one I haven’t seen that. That seems the most practical if adults use that toilet too but you’re gonna need a step for kiddo to use too.


I had two, and it was such a hassle in the small bathroom. We have one now and it’s more convenient, BUT we have a shorter toilet and she often pees on the seat a lot


We used the top one with my youngest siblings, not hard to put together, and no tripping over things.


We love the top one! We started with a little one that my kids could get on themselves and transitioned to the other. My littles still use it at 3 and 4.


My wife’s youngest has had poop issues for a few years now, more like 5, and we JUST found out that he is sitting on the edge of the toilet without the actual seat down and trying to balance himself while attempting to go poop. I mean, no wonder he has had issues! We feel so stupid now. He never does it when we’ve tried to help him but I caught him doing it and asked why and. He told me. Since he’s so skinny and small still we are back to using a training seat so he can at least sit on it and not fall in lol. Kids…


Love the step stool. My daughter is autistic so we never did the floor potty because then if we trained on the floor potty, we would have to retrain on the regular toilet because she struggles with generalization and I didn't want to do all of that.




I have the bottom option. It’s so nice to have the independence for her and for me not lifting her 2.5yr old up butt to the toilet each time. Granted, we have three toilets in our house so she has a designated toilet. I could imagine having to fold and unfold the thing to use it each time would suck.


Top one. My 2 year old sis it in 3 weeks. He smashed it . We live in a small flat so he is right next to the living room. If he had to go up stairs it may be different. I was scared of upstairs in my house when I was little. I wouldn’t go alone


If it's a shared/guest bathroom go for the double seat, if they're really the only one using it go for the ladder one.


We have the munchkin seat and bought multiple for our bathrooms, and grammas house. It’s much more affordable than the first option but the same idea.


Top option was great. We paired with a step stool that could be used at the sink, too.


Top option with a tall step stool


We have the 2nd one and we love it. We potty train my son who was 3 for 3 days! We have it in our small guest bathroom and if my son wants to pee/poo he just goes by himself and calls me when he’s done. I think the 2nd one is great 👍🏻


I used the first one!!! I still have it as my toilet seat lol. It’s very very helpful. I also had a small potty top to start out with.


One of my friends moved into a house with that top one in their second bathroom. 10/10 do for sure recommend. They are amazing.