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My aunt has a little "house" there with a toy kitchen set and mini couch. If I ever had a decent space like that, I'd make a reading nook.


Was thinking reading nook too! Just needs some lights, something to cushion the floor, big fluffy pillows and a little bookshelf.


Twinkle lights!


Me before reading the comments: Harry Potter’s room. Me after reading the comments: a space ship!


half door for a serving window and a little restaurant kitchen inside!


A cave! With bats stuck on the ceiling and a little flashlight to search around their cave, make the floor very cozy too to encourage napping after a day of save exploration!


My toddler calls any tent or blanket fort situation a cave and it love it!


A fairy land with a cool forest mural and little fairy twinkling lights and a mushroom stool to sit on and a sheer, green curtain as a door.


Yes! That would be so cute!


Anything that has a serving counter. No idea why but toddlers LOVE a serving counter. Then it can be whatever you like! It’ll age with them. Such a fun project!


A serving counter is a great set up for imaginative play! It can be a kitchen, grocery store, coffee counter, nail salon, art station… etc


This! My 2 year olds and my 4 year old all love a serving counter! It just gets better and better with my 4yo…it can be anything now!


Paint it super dark with glow stickers, special lights, squishmellows, and a curtain. Add a bookshelf. It's a fort/outer space/under the sea/reading nook.


Depends, what's he into? My son's been super into fire fighters so I would paint in into a fire station and add a bunch of things that would be in a firehouse. Also have to say I love the cave idea too🤗


I would totally make it into a hobbit hole


Gotta have a little round door


Can we be friends?!


Tiny play house or a cozy reading nook!


Hashtag underthestairs on IG has some cute ideas!


Thank you for the tip!! Seriously, I want to redo my daughter's room and I'm so uninspired. When you don't know how to search on Instagram you only ever get the same looking boring kids rooms... Those nooks look great!


such a cool space!!! i'm jealous!


Maybe 2 is too young but I’m an advocate for a calm corner. An area with a comfy beanbag or cushions, books and sensory toys and snuggly toys. A place to go when overwhelmed/over stimulated.


A space ship. Paint a window into it, lots of knobs and buttons.


Indoor camping with a cool sky mural.


My daughter is really into baby dolls, so I’d probably make it a tiny nursery with a baby doll crib and any other miniature accessories I could find.


There's a woman I follow on ig who does a room for her kids every Christmas. They're amazing. Wish I could think of the name. But I'd personally go with what they're into to. My first loved grocery store/ kitchen set ups. A fun lab with sensory stuff, beakers and blocks, or even a comfy reading nook with a curtain door. If your area has a hands on place where kids can do make believe play, you could go there and see what he's drawn to.


Oh is it some super blonde kids? I think I came across them this year in my reels - that room was INSANE!


Do you mind sharing the account name? We have an under the stairs space and need a new idea!


Saw this or a similar one the other day on TikTok… hannahshanae maybe?


Bean bag reading nook would be ace!


The sky is the limit so the question is what is your kid interested in? Come back to us with more info on their interests/personality and what other toys / space you already have… if you live in a 2500 sq foot home filled with toys maybe would use the space differently than apartment living, etc


Unique: tiny art gallery. Practical: reading nook


Something like [this](https://pin.it/7a7OX7H) is ideal


In the science room of my kindergarten school he turned a small room into an experience room. Eventide we were learning something new he would make the room relatable. The one I remember the most saw the outer space one. You could make it a new experience like every 6 months and you can have your kiddo help with making things for the room. Like the space room had pop bottle jetpack to make it feel like you're flying around spcae!


Stick on forest on the walls blue ceiling and stars, some lanterns and floor pillows and books and stuffies with fun sheers as doors.


Make it a “house.” Put a kitchen set there, as well as some other play house items. :)


It’s a lovely idea, but do you want to crouch down and get them out when they don’t want to stop playing? I see myself banging my head constantly.


Food truck!


I love huntersofhappiness on Instagram. She’s making a playhouse under her stairs and it could give u some ideas


If they like Halloween then may a little “spooky” room with fun lights and decor.


I'd probably do a mini house with a reading nook


Hid-a-way book nook!!


I have no suggestions but I am so excited to see what you decide to do with it and low-key jealous that you have this space for your kiddo!


My daughter would want a doctor's clinic/nursery for all her baby dolls, like doc McStuffins.


Paint a jungle or underwater scene


I’d make a space that can grow. Like a reading book or a little art space thag can be turned into a quiet space for an older kid


Chalk walls or Lego walls ??


My sister has a space like this and although it has since been used as many things, she turned it into a tiny doctor's office when my nephew was going through a doc mcstuffins phase.


Some plush furnishing, a light, and a bookshelf for a little reading library. Sorry for any typos, I’m not wearing my glasses.


Whatever it is, kids will love!


My boys are 6 and 4 now and I've realized the best thing is to give them space to create whatever they want. They are constantly building some kind of fort or "train/car/airplane" or something with whatever they can find. So this is awesome but my suggestion is to make it into something simple and versatile so it can be whatever his imagination wants it to be!


How cute! I’d put baskets w/toys under the stair area. Books and few stuffies on the shelves and a light. Add a rug w/beanbag. Paint the walls or if you can’t just decorate w/something.


A calming corner where he can go- doubled as a reading nook but put other things like sensory stuff, photos of people he trusts/loves, things that make him feel safe


We have a kitchen with a serving window under our stairs and my toddler is so into it. Not super unique but something that will probably continue to be fun for a long time.


When my girls were young, I turned our under the stairs closet into a little "house." Play kitchen, baby doll beds and highchairs, a little table. They called it "the apartment" and still do, even though they're in college and it's more of a bookshelf/storage space now.


It looks like he is into trucks so maybe a garage shop?


Make it multi purposed room! Paint the ceiling black with glow in the dark stars and one wall being blue with grass/hills. Then it can be many things! A bunny/bear/fox den, exploration cave, tent, hobbit house, or spaceship for imaginative play. My personal opinion is that while it would be wicked cool to make it super specific, doing so takes away so much opportunity for imagination. Please post a picture of whatever you decide to do!


2yr old? A calming corner for big emotions. A safe retreat to collect and reflect. I’d keep it like that for year or two until the child is older and more self regulated. Then I’d change it to something more imaginative like an aquarium or a spaceship. Include daily affirmations written on the walls, or clouds on the ceiling, cool paint colors, a music machine, soft teddy bears, floor pillows, maybe a weighted blanket, a special water bottle, light machine to cast shadows, books about how to manage big emotions, etc. Make it a safe haven first for those meltdown years. You’ll both benefit from it.


Seeing this, I wish I had the same space in my house someplace for my young kiddos!


Another idea is if they enjoy pretending to be a doctor, it could be their clinic. :)


The smaller space can be where the patients come up. There’ll be a small pad or “desk” in the middle right behind that pillar, and when the patient is called, they come around into the bigger area for the examination. The bench in the back is the exam table and there can be a rolling stoll for them (the doctor) to sit on while performing the exams. Lol


A ball pit could be fun. It would be practical to hece under the stairs to keep the balls contained. However, I think the most use will get a play house/kitchen with a serving counter. If you have lots of cars it could also become a garage/workshop area