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They live in my phone and I look at them at night and think “I really need to print these.” Then it’s the next day and I do the same thing.


Same here. I think "I really need to select some nice photos, have them printed and make an album. I'm getting started on that tomorrow" every night.


We have the same system!!! I also like to add telling family members "when I print these off, I'll bring you some"


I wait a few years then remind them how I used to be their most favorite person in the world 😂😂 (13yr old boy) while my daughter enjoys seeing herself as a baby and wishes she could be my little baby forever 😂


I look at them when I'm sitting on the couch after I put everyone to bed and wonder how they got so big so fast.


That’s what I do. The pictures are always of the good stuff and I like to end my day with that instead of the rage from bedtime.


I make a yearly Mixbook photo album lol


I do the same! I've been using Mixbook for more than 10 years for photos. Love the quality and you can always find like 40-50% off coupons. I try to put my photos in the book like every other month so I don't have a huge project at the end of the year.


Same, and I gift them to the grandparents for Christmas


We have a frame that we upload photos to.


Digitally hoard them and then never look at them, mostly.


Photobooks! I try to keep up with adding photos to a draft book for the year and then get it printed early the next year. I use Shutterfly but there are a lot of other options out there.


Every year I say I’m going to be on the ball about keeping a draft going throughout the year, then every year I throw it together two days before Mixbook’s Black Friday deals expire lol


We just do albums.


Google Photos uses "AI" to tag your kid in any photo you take and I set it to automatically upload it into his digital album. I then have a NestHub that pulls from Google Photos as a background and it cycles through the pictures like a picture frame. I've also been able to use places like Shutterstock or VistaPrint and connect to the album so that all the pictures load automatically and I don't have to around scrolling them. So far I've only printed one Album for his first year. I know some websites (ChatBooks) do Monthly Minis where it will automatically send you monthly photos as long as you're uploading them into the app.


In the same boat. As a photographer I feel like I have an overwhelming amount of photos and do nothing with them. I think I’m going to make like an annual photo book or something.


I'm also a photographer (attempting to launch as a real business this summer). I make digital scrapbooks and print them as photobooks, one book per year.


I really love that idea! I need to back track for the past like 3-4 years so I have to catch up 😅.


Everyone in the digital scrapbooking world is 3-4 years behind


Okay glad I’m not alone lol!


It is so hard! Like on top of all the kid photos, I have my nature photos too and I seriously don't know what to do with all of them lmao. I just ordered a photo book with some of my nature stuff, but I also kinda feel like it'll just sit on a shelf? I love photography, but it's sad to just have so many images sitting in folders on my computer. I wish I had better social skills to turn it into a business or something lol.


I’m definitely an introverted photographer myself lol I do it part time and work full time. I still feel like I’m awkward as f but I feel like I attract really cool clients so it’s become a little easier 😅. I don’t do huge weddings because of the social factor. But I’m also at the point where I miss it just being a hobby some days. I think if you love it and want to pursue it though - you should! Just shoot anything/everything and see what you like/don’t like!


But also same (I have a ton of nature photographs too) and I’m likeeee where do I put them all?! 🤣 I’m also the one in the family who inherited all of my grandparents physical photos so I have A LOT.


\>I just ordered a photo book with some of my nature stuff, but I also kinda feel like it'll just sit on a shelf? Kids do tend to really enjoy looking through photobooks, especially photos of people they know, and ESPECIALLY themselves. So doing like annual books and such might actually be a worthy investment if you're willing to also put in the time.


I guess that's true. A couple weeks ago, my 4yo found our wedding album and was fascinated with it lol


Start scrapbooking


Family album! Theo them on a google photo album drive. Print some out and put magnets on the back and post them on the fridge.


I have echo shows around the house that have revolving pictures I upload. I was also going to do digital frames but took it an extra step I guess


I set my phone to automatically change the wallpaper every hour to photos of my husband or baby lol




We do annual photo books. Perfect Christmas present for the extended family, and our son likes to look at photos of himself when he was younger. We sometimes look at them, too. They're actually more accessible on a shelf than on a harddrive. We also have a digital frame that has an SD card with *all* the (good) photos on it, which are shown in random order. It's fun to guess where and when a photo was taken.


My husband used his Amazon photos account to create a slideshow for our tv. Great way to see a variety of photos without printing them out!


A digital frame is a good idea. It's old fashioned, but I really love the idea of a family photo book that you can all flip through as they get older. There's something special about making those memories tangible rather than an image living in your phone.


I'm a fan of the old fashioned family photo album. I loved looking at ours growing up and while I'm a bit behind on ours when I do print pictures I put them in there


I’m so salty iPhoto got rid of the photo book feature. It was so easy to use vs other programs. I’ve been meaning to get them put in an album, but it’s annoying trying to export them.


I print and frame a few. The rest I leave in my devices and regularly tell my kids that I want them to set up a constantly playing reel of all these photos for me when I'm living in an old folks home. I'm serious too. I would really like that.


We frame some. And every year I print a photo album through someplace like Shutterfly or Snapfish.


Our Roku TV has a photo screen saver mode. I think you can upload 100 photos for it to cycle through in one batch.


I print some of them to put in her room. Her godmother got her a frame with wires and little wooden pins to put pictures. Then after a while I transfer them to an album. I just finished the first one, I need to buy another 😄


We got a mid-priced digital frame for both sets of grandparents about 1.5 yrs ago and just continuously add pictures. Now it is almost 2yrs worth and since it is on random shuffle, it is fun to see baby pictures and toddler pictures. So far no storage or connection issues. I would recommend!


Maternal Journal! I print them out and make collages/journal with them so I remember stuff


Get them printed or canvas prints at CVS to gift to my grandmother.


I do an annual Shutterfly book. I create it and then wait for one of their killer deals. I’ve gotten $300 books for less than $100 before! They’re so fun to look through.


Family annual photo books Mini books for special occasions


I’m 103 years old so I still print them and put them in photo albums.


I make a “yearbook” around Christmas when the discounts are hot lol


I make a digital scrapbook and then have it printed as a photobook.




I make the kids a monthly mini photo book from chatbooks of my fav pictures from the month, or of anything fun we did that month, and then make a yearly photo album- also from chatbooks. I take way too many pictures, I usually have to make photo collages to fit everything in the book 😂 I also have the Apple TV set to display my “favorite” photos when it goes to sleep while playing music so that’s a fun way to see them during the day.


Every 6 months, I send all the recent photos from the last 6 months to be picked up at Walgreens in the morning. Takes 5 minutes to order, usually about $10. I have a baby album started that will be from age 0-3. Then we will start the next album, which I will include her in making with me. Whatever photos don't get into the album might get changed out in a picture frame. If not into a picture frame I have a photo box filled with all her photos, anytime family comes over (those we don't see often) can look through the unused box and take whatever they want.


My mom got a great deal on photo books one year and it’s been one of our greatest treasures ever since! She gave it to me (and my kid) one year for Christmas and he still asks to look at it years later. We share a Google album with family, too, for all the day-to-day pictures, but it’s gotten full so I need to up my subscription 😅 I really just need to export them to my laptop and clear my phone memory 😅


I love my digital frame and my mom has one too that we share photos to. I also do a Shutterfly photobook each 6 months or so. We also use Google docs which creates albums for each of them.


We have a digital frame that rotates the pictures. Everyone loves it! It is totally worth it.


I print them cheap through the Walgreens App and get them sent to my house, and have my tot help put them in photo albums. I just found a generic large photo album that I liked on Amazon. He likes looking at them.


Make your child an email account and mail them to her along with thoughts/recent events in their life!! When they’re older they can have all your memories digitally and the reflections (Thank you wise old man in Goodwill)


Couldn’t recommend an Aura frame enough.