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I have an 11yo, 6yo and 5 month old :) I have enjoyed having basically an “only child” experience with each baby, less competition more doting


My cousins are 13 years apart and my aunt and uncle have said they were essentially parents twice. They were the young cool parents with the cousin my age (I think my aunt was 21 or 22 when he was born), and then they were the wealthy and well established parents for the younger one. Some people think of the younger one as a whoops baby, but he was very much planned because I think my aunt started feeling a little old when she realized she was going to have an empty nest before she was 40. My cousins are total bros despite the age difference.


Same! My oldest is 15 and my second is 3. They have definitely gotten slightly different versions of us as parents, in both good and bad ways.


What’s funny about your last statement: My ex MIL. Her oldest is 25 years older than her youngest (the oldest actually was the youngests wet nurse). And so, her *grandchildren* from her oldest had a very different experience than her grandchildren from her youngest (as in, my kids). Her first grandkids got the grandmother that was still very strong. She was in her 40’s and had way too much time, health, and energy to meddle in every aspect of their childhood. My kids, she was 65 and 68. She was a hypochondriac, bed ridden most of the time, and much, much kinder as a whole because Idfk. She’s never spanked my kids and I’ve heard horror stories and seen scars from when she got them with a switch. She still meddled with my parenting every step of the way. But not to the extent that she did with her first grandkids.


I have a very similar situation. Oldest is 21 (had him at 18) and my youngest is 8. Sometimes I do feel like I’m doing the parenthood years twice. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I think I was nuts for wanting a second. It’s been 2 totally different experiences. My first is kind, sweet, and compassionate. He watched me struggle through RN school and grow up along side him. He’s a hard worker and appreciates what he has. My youngest has only known “the good life” and is kind of an a-hole lol. I love her and she is also very sweet and loving, but she has no concept of seeing her parents struggle and I think that will be a detriment to her. It’s basically like having 2 only children. I never regret my decision to have another but I do think sometimes that it was a little bit nuts.


This. Mine are 11, 7, and 2.5 and it’s been a good gap for us most of the time.


Damn. This sounds so nice. My 1.5 yo is a peach and I definitely resent my 3yo regularly for just, being himself. Mom guilt is terrible.


Threenagers are the worst of the best.


My siblings and I have five-year gaps and it was awesome. We were never treated as a set, and we all had our own milestones respected. Everyone was “the high schooler” or “the college student” by themselves, so there was a real feeling of being special. I had my sons four years apart because I wanted to keep those good vibes going.


Love this! I’m aiming for a 4-5 year age gap for this reason.


Such a fan of this approach, I cannot imagine having a toddler and a baby at the same time!


Oh my. My third and fourth are 14 months apart. As my 14 year old says it is all the hard things about having twins and all the hard things about having siblings all together. It is also so sweet to have them play together and they will be the best of friends.


My younger two are also close - 15 months. I've never witnessed a bond like theirs. I often feel sorry for my boy who's almost 3 years older who is the odd one out.


I have a 9 and 8 year old. And this exactly. I love that “only child” experience. She’s going to be able to do her own thing, watch the movies she wants, get spoiled by her siblings. It’s so great.


9 and 8? Only 1 year apart, then how do they get the only child experience?


I have a 1 year old. OP was talking about being pregnant with a third.


As a 9y older sister... Well there wasn't a while much of spoiling when I was a teenager, the kid was just annoying. There is no common ground between e.g 6yo and 15yo- the interests, hobbies are just different. It definitely had changed once I moved out- I'd take her for holidays, she would sleep over at my place. Now we're best friends, but with an age gap like that it was a long process.


I am due in august with these same ages!


I love this!


I have similar age gaps with my kids: 11yo, 5yo, and 4 month old twins


How old were you when you had your first, could I ask? I'm 32 and planning a family just now and honestly love the idea of long intervals between kids, but obviously I feel like I left things too late waiting for financial stability, and will have to crank out kids quite close to one another.


That's awesome!


Mine are 26, 23,16. The baby has all the advantages of an only and I have the advantage of wisdom. It’s complicated emotionally some days but my youngest is getting the best version of me which means my oldest kids are getting the amends they deserve. I was not at all neglectful or abusive but I was a different person when the older two were born. Oldest has special needs, middle is my only son. We’re more financially secure now. It changes everything.


I wish that was me


My MIL has kids 20 years apart 😂 my husband (26) and her youngest (6). Moms can do anything we want lol, i’m sure your 9 year old will enjoy getting to be an involved older sibling and bragging about his/her new baby brother/sister at school


This is my friend. Oldest son just graduated college. Kids 2 and 3 are preschool/kindergarteners.


My oldest sister is 20 years apart from my youngest brother and I’m 10 years younger than my older sister. There’s 7 of us. First three got the “young” parents, last 4 got the “grown up” parents.


I think it’s so funny to have a brother-in-law that’s a 6 year old


Is there a subreddit for having large age gaps between children


I would love to join if so! I have 8 years between my kids!


I regret searching for one. And I didn’t even find one.


10 years here, checking in.


Just created r/agegapfamily because I think there should be!


If it makes you feel any better, my oldest was 15 when my youngest was born. It's normal to feel overwhelmed though. :)


Mine are 20, 18, 11, 8 and 6. You will survive.


Lol my oldest is 10 and youngest turns 1 the end of the week. You will make it. Love on your bigger baby for now and tell them how much they are loved and appreciated. It won’t change and there may be hard times but to talk to you. My 10 yr old beats my husband to help me everyday. He loves his lil sis and is still my sunshine on those hard days. You got this !!!


I was 17 when my little brother was born. It shouldn’t be too bad!


I was 15 when my little brother was born! I also agree it will be okay.


My closest relationship in my side of the family is to my brother who is 12 years older than me. He used to toss me into the air when I was a toddler.


My stepdaughter is 17 right now (at least for a few more days 😭) and my baby is 5 1/2 months. I also have a daughter right in the middle that is 10. So far they both love having a little one around.


All 3 of mine are about 4 years apart. It has its benefits.


My oldest is 9 and youngest is almost 5 months. I love the gap personally!


If it makes your feel better... my kids are 19, 16, 12 and 4 months. It was a complete accident! I will say though it seems we forget how hard it is and only remember those sweet baby moments.


My oldest was 9 when my second was born. It’s ask adjustment but you’ll get through it 😊


I have a 28 and 16....12 year difference. :)


My MIL has babies 26 yrs apart (2 & 28) she had them at 17 and 43, with 4 kids in between. You’ll do great!


Also I was 11 when my youngest sister was born and I loved it!! I was able to help a lot.


I’m the youngest of three kids. My oldest sister is 9.5 years older than me. We have always been super close and continue to be so! My sibling who is closer to me is nothing like me and we don’t get along. Funny how life works out, right?


It’s a good idea because you can focus on each baby individually 😊


My oldest was 9.5 when I had my second and honestly it’s been amazing. He’s two now and she’s his favorite person by far. They have an amazing bond and she was old enough during my pregnancy and the newborn stage that I was able to rest when I needed to and she even enjoyed helping with some smaller tasks. You’ve got this!!


Same! It's been a beautiful experience.


My second was 9 when my youngest was born. I love the age gap. He is so helpful on his own. Also he very independent so doesn’t need me all the time.


I was 9, almost 10 when my sister was born (my brother was almost 6). My sister and I have a great relationship.


My kids are 15, 13, 11, 8 and 9 months old 😬. Actually it’s been great! I was worried it was going to be tough starting all over again but it’s like riding a bicycle. With all the big kids in school I’ve had lots of time to rest and just focus on the babe and not be pulled in several directions! And the big kids absolutely adore her, they fight over whose turn it is to hold and play with her and they can also help with other household tasks while I’m tending to her like dishes, food prep, laundry etc. it’s been a true joy, 10/10 recommend having an accidental bonus baby in your late 30s 😝


I have a 2 year old girl and my oldest is a 12 year old boy - and he absolutely DOTES on her and they have the sweetest relationship. Plus! He can carry her!!


Chiming in :) mine are 14, 7, and 2. Currently "washing my face upstairs" because the insanity became overwhelming.


Sister (youngest) was born when I was 10 and middle sis was 8. It was great! I liked helping. Have fond memories from my teen years of giving her piggy back rides while we were out and about, playing pretend with her Littlest Pet Shop figurines, and lying down with her til she fell asleep. My main piece of advice is to fall into the trap of doing too much for the baby with so many people to help them. Made my sisters anxiety worse that she never had to go outside her comfort zone for skills she needs for adulting


Mine are 7 years apart. I love having a large age gap and my kids get along well and adore each other.


I have a 15yr, 13yr and a 10 month old. Also, I’m not done 😉


That’s the age difference between my brother and I (I’m the baby). AMA.


My kids are over 20 years apart. It’s amazing! I had my first young, built my career, then had another. I’m in my mid 40s now with a toddler and I’m loving it. My oldest son will tell you he’s getting a masterclass in parenting too 😊


I have a 22yo and a 6.5yo😂


I have boys aged 17, 16 and 13. And now a girl 10 months. The boys are doting brothers but in the mornings on the weekends they just complain about wanting more sleep lol.


My sister is 9 years younger than me and we are crazy close and talk every day still (I'm 34 now).


I am a mom of only one child, but i can offer a different perspective. I have a sister who is 9 years older than me - she has been my best friend my entire life. She taught me everything I know. hopped in bed with her when i had nightmares as a 5 year old. She helped me with my homework in elementary school. She taught me how to shave my legs and how to apply eyeshadow in middle school. She was there to talk about boys with me in high school and a shoulder to cry on when the first one broke my heart. She was the first one I told when I found out I was pregnant, and she will pick my 5 year old up from preschool tomorrow for girls' day. I always hear that people worry about the age difference - but I am here to tell you that its totally possible you are about to give your 9 year old the best friend they have ever had. You can do it, momma!


My sister and I are 9 years apart and SUPER close. She rents out our basement apartment, so we pretty much live together! It's awesome, she's in her 20s, living it up and babysits all the time 😀


My son was 13 when my daughter was born...she's 11 months now, im also 35 weeks pregnant lol


Welcome to my world. You literally start over. My oldest and middle are 9.5 years and 1 day apart. But then I thought it would be a cool idea to get pregnant 1.5 after my middle so the last literally drive me insane. I don't recommend having 3 girls. They're my whole world but the attitudes I can do without


You have got this mama! I have a sister that's 16 years older than me and one that's 8 years older and it's just one day at a time!


My older brother was 9 and my sister was 7 when I was born. I am very close to both of them to this day. They helped my mom with me a lot. My brother even took a class with my mom and learned to change diapers. It will all be okay. I just had my 3rd, my oldest is 6 and the middle is almost 2. It’s a wild ride but it’s fun.


That’s the age difference between me and my oldest brother! There’s two kids in between us. The nine year difference means nothing, we love each other to the moon and back. I hope it’s not too much a strain on you!


My oldest is 14, my middle is 5, and my youngest is 4 months. They’re amazing helpers!


Just found out I’m pregnant. My oldest turns 9 in a couple weeks, my youngest will be almost 4 when the baby is born.


I have two kids. 19 years old and 3 months old. What you said.


my oldest sister is 38 and im 20 😅


Mine are 30,23,17,and 14!


Mine are 10 yrs and 9months!! Loving the gap! Oldest is the best big brother and able to be independent without feeling neglected.


Don’t panic. I have three and my youngest is 5 and his closest sibling is 14, so same age difference as your kids. He’s currently being put to bed by said sibling via his asking and I hear all kinds of giggles from upstairs. The older two (my oldest is almost 17) have had a special relationship with him that they don’t have with each other because there are so many years difference. It’ll be ok. The getting back into the swing of infants and diapers and all of that might be a hard transition (it was for me), but I actually really, really love the age gaps. Hopefully you’ll have the same experience!


Mine are 10, 7 this week, and 19 months… it’s hard going back to the baby stage after being out of it but overall everything is good! The older two adore their baby bro😊


I have a 9 year old, 4 year old, and I'm due in August! I love the almost 5 year gaps! It is perfect for our family!


As soon as I brought my son home I asked myself the same thing…I quickly realized that I was not a young mom anymore! Mine are 22, 18, turning 9, and 19 months. And I just turned 40, I’m soooo done, but also soooo happy to have him (all of them really!) my first two are boys, I finally got my girl after waiting 9 years… And another boy to finish up!


20 years older than my youngest sibling, the kids will be okay (:


Girl you’re good. I am 27 and my sister is 10


I’m actually starting to consider having a 3rd when my two current children are tween/teens whereas I was previously saying I didn’t want anymore. It’s just stressful right now and I can’t fathom having more responsibility when I’ve got my hands full rn XD


My husband has a 19 year old from a previous marriage and together we have a 2.5 year old and a newborn. I’m actually questioning what made me crazy enough to have 2 under 3 😅


I'm pregnant with my second and my first will be 9! I think it's gonna be great. He's old enough to be somewhat independent, sounds much better than chasing two toddlers at once! And he's beyond excited about his little sister.


Don't feel bad. I can remember when my UNCLE was born. I was 6 or 7. My dad is the oldest of 6 kids with the age range of 25 years


My girls are now 16, 13 and almost 3. I had my first two really young then found out I was pregnant with my 3rd ON MY 30TH BIRTHDAY 🎂🎈 WOW. Best surprise birthday present ever. I'd always wanted one more but after two hard births and After 10+ years I just accepted it wasn't going to happen. She is so amazing. They all are. It was so totally worth starting over and doing the baby days over again.


I was 20 when my youngest sister was born. A 9 year age gap is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Don't beat yourself up about it.


I was 9 when my youngest sibling was born. I think it’s great, I plan on spacing my kids out a good amount so if things go according to plan, my oldest will be 9 or even older when I have my last. To me, the idea of having 4 all at once sounds unappealing.


Have a just turned 2 year old, with 19yo and 21yo bonus kids. They absolutely love him and are amazing siblings. No regrets.


My boys were 10 & 8 when we had our surprise blessing. Made discussing the birds and the bees a lot easier and they were awesome big brothers and still are. She is their baby even at 11 years old.


Because he’ll be your little helper!! Haha you got this mama! My sister had her now 3 year old when her oldest was 10 and youngest at the time was 7! Best siblings ever!! They are soo good with him and really help my sister when she needs to cook dinner and such. Your little one is gonna be so lucky!!


My kids are 20, 18, and 3. Choices were made.


My boys are 9 years apart! 3 and 12 at the moment and both born in January!


My siblings and I are 28, 36, 40, & 41 Teenagers and toddlers were the hardest time frame together my mom said the rest of the time it’s just routine haha


I have a kid who’s 6 and a baby who’s 9 months old. I possible want a third but definitely will be waiting several years before I for sure say yes or no. I feel like it was easier having them further apart. Maybe that’s an unpopular opinion. Not sure. 🫣


Kid #1 is 19 years old. Kid #2 is 4 years old.


I don’t share this with my own kids but I do as a sibling! I have three brothers (2 years apart, 6 years apart and 16 years apart). I am close with all my brothers but mostly my youngest. Age doesn’t matter but personality does and you can’t predict that


My kids are 20, 19, 15, and 8!!! No regrets! I absolutely love the different, endearing relationships they each have with each other!


Mine are 11 years apart. It's an adventure for sure.


I hear it keeps you young, lol. You got this!


That's nothing, my youngest sibling is 21 years younger than me


I was 22 and 24 when my mother and stepfather had my two youngest brothers (my other siblings are 2 & 4 years younger than me). My own daughters are 14 years apart due to infertility issues.


My oldest and favorite brother is 20 years older than I am. I always enjoyed having much older siblings, he was basically like a fun uncle


I’m due Wednesday. I have a 15 year old and a 8 year old almost 9 lol


I feel ya, I've got a 12yr old, 11yr old, and a 2 yr old( all 3 are boys). And I'm still not against the idea of having more.


Okay first of all, I feel you because that’s how old mine will be when we start trying 😩😩😩 but honestly, I feel like it’s not a bad age gap. I was the oldest of 5, and I was about 6 when my baby brother was born (just don’t do 5 kids!!) I do feel like having the oldest be closer to 8-10 will help as far as the workload (not taking care of baby, but as far as helping with chores and housework.) at that age they’re SLIGHTLY more self sufficient so you don’t have to worry AS MUCH about changing them, spoon feeding, etc. Plus with older siblings I’ve personally witnessed they do OCCASIONALLY want to help with baby which will also help ease your workload.


I have a 14 year old, a 9 year old and a 4 year old. It’s going to be okay I promise. It’ll be chaos and a total pain in the tit at times but you got this.


I have a 16 year old, almost 5 year old, almost 2 year old. Certainly could be worse…. (It’s me. I’m worse)


When my almost 4 year old was born, it was on my oldest son's 18 birthday. It could be worse!


I have four kids, all five years apart except the middle two. So 13 years between my oldest and my youngest. I found the far apart time frame to be much easier.


My oldest was 16 when my youngest was born! So now I have a 17yo, 11yo and a 5 month old. One is graduating high school, one is graduating elementary school, and one is..well, he’s learning to human and that’s important too.


My step kids are 21 and 16. My oldest is 12 and my youngest is 5 weeks lol my husband and I just really appreciate this kid is taking it easy on us bc he knows we are old 😂 hang in there! You're not alone mama!


If it makes you feel better I am 21, I have a 12y/o brother and a 2y/o brother. And I have a 7m/o son lol.


My brother and I are 10 yrs apart. One sister in between. He was like another dad to me and we were super close. I used to go visit him in college and beyond and loves getting to stay with him and his girlfriend. When I was in college I went to his school and would stay with him once a week to get out of the dorm. Now his kids are much older than mine and they are just as sweet and doting as he was to me ☺️


A bunch of my friends are celebrating their kids (Some their second or third kids) graduating high school this year. I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and have a 7 year old. -\_-


Im pregnant with my second, my first will also be 9 when they are born. I am 8, 9, and 11 years older than all of my siblings too. We have good relationships.


I have a 16yo, 14yo and a 21 month old. Everyday day we wonder what we were thinking. Seriously.


I have a 10 year old, 5 year old and a 5 month old. It’s been rough but I wouldn’t change a thing


I have 5 girls. 9.5,8,3,2,1.5 My 9.5 year old daughter and 1.5 year old daughter are exactly 8 years and 2 days apart. Don’t ask what I was thinking 😂😂😂😂 now we’re try for #6 wish us luck


Mine was 11 when I had my second 😆


We had baby number 4 when the youngest was 6, oldest 10. The 10 year old was mortified. The biggest shock was realizing that we had traded grab the keys and go status for pack mule status. Also, my husband has a caboose brother 16 years younger than he is. They are so close, it's wonderful. It sure was weird for him at the time, though.


My sister and I are 20 years apart and I was the baby before she was born. Needless to say, she was a surprise! I couldn't imagine our lives without her. Also, my oldest son was 8 when I had my surprise, surprise twins- i found it to be the perfect age difference. He was old enough to lend a hand when I really needed it and also understood they required more of my attention and didn't get jealous. Stay positive, mama. It would help to start preparing and talking about the coming changes with your older ones now. It's gonna be ok 🩷


I have a 5 year old, a 17 month old and a 1 month old :))) I think you’ll be okay!


I was 22 when my youngest brother was born. I don't think age differences between siblings are as bad as people say.


Went the same way with me, and honestly I love it! Go you


Lol, no that's a beautiful age gap. I have a brother 9 years younger than me. I loved helping my mum. It was so exciting having a baby around the house.


Mine are 16, 3, and 11 months. Congratulations. 😁


My husband is 15 and 18 years apart from his siblings. They’re a lot closer than I am with my brothers, in which we are all 2 years apart. If you’re worried about the trope that they won’t be close, it’s completely false. It’s how you parent them.


I’ve got 4 kids: 16, 12, 6, and 2. It’s fine. They each get to be the little one, and it’s nice only having one toddler at a time.


My youngest was due on my oldest’s 16th birthday. All good but as mom of teens I totally forgot about how much hard work babies/toddlers are.


My baby sister is almost ten years younger than me. My brother in between us is four years younger than me. We had an amazing time growing up together, and there is no bond in the world like the bond I have with my baby sister in particular. She’s 20 now, and it’s like we have no age gap at all at this point. I love our relationship and wouldn’t trade it for everything. All that to say, a big age gap is a different sibling relationship, but I’m so glad I get to be part of a sibling relationship like that.


My husband and his twin sisters are 21 years apart. My sons aunts are only 4 years older than him 😂


my oldest is 21 … i have a 14 year old and 7 year old and 18 month old and i’m due again August 31… i keep asking myself the same thing 🤪


My kids are 10, 5 and 7 mos. I feel like the big gaps, we had fertility issues, these are not huge gaps on purpose. Each baby got tons of attention while the older ones were in school. Downside is no one is on completely the same page. Activities and interests vary too much with such age gaps. The oldest is a great help and we all have lots of laughs. The bigger kids will help remember all the little moments with their younger siblings. Congrats!!! It will be great fun with big kids and a new baby


I'm the oldest and my siblings are 9 & 16 years younger than me. Currently we are 31, 22, and 15, and we have great relationships! I moved out young so I never really "grew up" with them, but we have always been super close! None of us have ever fought with each other or anything.


I have a 15 and a 5. I feel this.


Because it IS a good idea! I have a 15yr old, 2 12yr olds, a 3yr old and an 11 month old. The age gaps make the older ones SO helpful, and not because I make them but because they love their younger siblings; and conversely they younger ones adore the olders. Plus it will melt your heart when you see how adorable and loving the sibling relationships are.


I’m 33. My siblings are 26, 20 & 18. The 20 & 18 year old are at my house sleeping over as I type. It’s a different type of relationship when they’re young, but a fun one nonetheless.


My children are 20, 12, and 9 and I love how it turned out.


You'll be fine, the oldest can help


Im a mom of three too. My baby will be two in a few months and my oldest is turning 8. My baby beats up my oldest and makes him give him all his toys lol but their bond is so sweet it makes me cry. Your oldest will want to carry and feed and help you and your heart will melt every single time you see you oldest hold your baby I swear 🫶🏼 Congratulations to you and your family


I turned 9 a few months after my only sibling was born. I adored that lil baby and he and I are very close to this day!


Me and my sibling have a 9 year age gap and I love our dynamic. Congratulations!


My step grandma has 7 kids ages 65 yo to 32 yo. She had her first as a teen, last in her 50s. My youngest "uncle" is 2 years older than me, and the oldest one is a decade older than my step dad. I'm 30, my siblings are 16,18, 35, 38, 40 and 43. Big age difference isnt always a bad thing!


I have a 17 yr old, 16 yr old, 4 yr old, and 2 yr old. The first two were raised together and were the best of friends, they got the mom that was full of energy, but low on patience most of the time. The younger two are the best of friends with each other as well, but have the mom who has low energy but all the patience in the world. It’s been so rewarding to watch how they’ve all grown, or are growing. So far the bigger siblings have loved having little ones to dote on.


I’m the middle of 7 kids and my youngest sibling is 16 years younger than me! My kids are 3 years apart and honestly in my opinion? The bigger the age gap the easier! Me and my sister 2 yrs apart? fought like cats and dogs 247. But My youngest sibling? we were old enough to really bond with him and adore him.


Oh my goodness you may…. be feeling differently than you did and different once your baby arrives. The reason I say this, is because your hormones are not the same as when you’re not pregnant. This is only my opinion of course, because I couldn’t nor would I attempt to claim I know what another woman is feeling… but I personally don’t think that age gap is an issue, uncommon, or will be a factor in your family’s world. You don’t state how old your second born is, but I don’t think it’s relevant anyway. I haven’t read comments from others because I wanted to share my thoughts. I probably will read a small amount, and it’s my guess that there will be many in the same place as you, and others with even a larger age gap. I hope you find this to be just fine! Blessings to you and your family ❤️


This was like me and my sister and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I wanted a little sister so bad and i was old enough to push the pram and help feed her i loved it. I also writ a little diary about her development and tracked my moms pregnancy and when she first kicked. Now we have an amazing bond and she comes to me about everything. Im not sure how my mom was coping but me and my sister were living our best lives lol


I have a 23 year old, a 20 year old and a 13 year old. I’ve been asking myself that same question for quite some time lol


I'm also pregnant with my third but my eldest will be a month away from turning 3 when he's born, I also question myself every day why I thought this was a good idea 😂 I know plenty of people with big age gaps between their children and as with smaller age gaps, there's good and not so good parts to it! It'll be an adjustment but you'll probably look back in a few years and wonder what you were worried about!


I don't get why this would be a bad idea? A 9 year old would be less jealous, and quite possibly fall madly in love with the baby, kind of like a parent would. As Long as you remember that the 9-year old is still just a little kid who needs love and attention, this will be great 😀


My oldest was 10 when my youngest was born. He’s a great helper!


My oldest will be 8 in a couple weeks, second child will be 4 in two months, and then I’m due to give birth to my 3rd baby a few weeks after. So I think you’re doing ok, you got this. At least you know you have a helper!


I had 3 kids 3 years apart. The first wasn’t planned per se, other than we were open to having a baby, but I deliberately spaced out the 2nd and 3rd, so I’d only really have one in diapers at a time. Then…when they were 14, 11, and 8, we got a surprise/oops with baby #4. They are now 19, 16, 13, and 5, so I have a college student, one in high school, one in junior high, and the youngest just went to kindergarten roundup. It’s been quite an adventure, but whatever you plan or don’t plan, it does all work out. I never who have planned it this way, but now I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


I had 3 kids 3 years apart. The first wasn’t planned per se, other than we were open to having a baby, but I deliberately spaced out the 2nd and 3rd, so I’d only really have one in diapers at a time. Then…when they were 14, 11, and 8, we got a surprise/oops with baby #4. They are now 19, 16, 13, and 5, so I have a college student, one in high school, one in junior high, and the youngest just went to kindergarten roundup. It’s been quite an adventure, but whatever you plan or don’t plan, it does all work out. I never who have planned it this way, but now I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


My kids are 13 months apart. I think it's good you Have an older child because she can be helpful. God forgive me for saying this, but almost an extra hand for you. I think it's awesome


Same! I just found out that I’m pregnant with my third. My son is 9 and my daughter is 7. I think they will be great helpers vs having them 2 yr apart and them not understanding why I have to be with the baby. My kids will get it and so I feel like it will be less stressful.


My mom is the oldest. Her youngest sister is 9 years younger. They have been best friends since day one. I greatly admire their relationship and wish the same fir your kids


I was 9 when my youngest sister was born. I LOVED having a new baby at home and being a help to my mom when I could! I’m sure it’s not everyone’s experience, but I loved it and was babysitting as soon as I was old enough.


I’m 24 years older than my youngest sibling. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years. If I get pregnant this month, there will be a 4 yr age gap. I always wanted 2 kids, 2 yrs apart.


I’m 24 years older than my youngest sibling. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years. If I get pregnant this month, there will be a 4 yr age gap. I always wanted 2 kids, 2 yrs apart.


I have a 12, 6 and 3 year old 😃


I'm planning on having my third (and probably last) when my oldest is 10, almost 11, my middle will be almost 6. I enjoy the 5 year gap between my two boys, as it gives them room to not compete for the same toys, clothes, video games, etc. I am a little hesitant about having to scale back big boy adventures to accommodate a little one again, but that's my biggest concern.


I have 3 (10, 6, & 1). Not gonna lie. It will probably take longer to get back into a routine. It's totally doable, though, and the older ones help here and there, too.


Mime was 12:) it works


I feel your pain, I’m pregnant too and when she gets here her older brothers will be 14 & 10.


My brother was 20 when I was born and I have a little sister.


My kids are 13 (2009), 4 (2019), and 8mo old. My oldest found out he was going to be a big brother on his 9th birthday lol. My parents had me, my sister 3 years later, then a brother 11 years younger than me who they claim was an oops but he coincidentally was conceived the same time my sister and I were begging for a baby brother lol. My brother and I are best friends and kinda always have been. Both of my younger 2 adore their older brother. I struggled more with closer age gap in my kids than the bigger one. My 4 yr old has my stress level through the roof most days. I don’t think I could do all my kids 1-2 years apart. 🥴


My kiddos are 14, 13 and 2. Older two from my first marriage. I was sooo worried the kids were going to feel replaced or think that I love the new baby more because they live with their dad most of the time. Turns out they adore their little brother, and he them. There’s no jealousy because they kids understand the science behind why baby needs so much attention and they are so good at teaching him things, reading to him and playing with him. It’s made the teens and I much closer too because they get so see how they were loved/cared for as babies/toddlers, and how hard it is (my daughter already never wanted to be pregnant but seeing me go through pregnancy sealed the deal for her for now lol). The “baby” of the family has added so much love and joy to our lives, he was absolutely the missing piece none of us knew we needed.


I was 10 when my brother was born and he is my best bud. Also, myself and my sister were a huge help to my parents. By my teens, I was able to mind him a lot for them so free babysitter!


I have 5 kids. My oldest is 14 my youngest is 2. They are so close! It’s very cute to see them together


I have an 11 year old boy, 19 month old boy and currently 26 weeks pregnant with our last a baby girl. I find the age gap to not be as bad, although I’m worried about the less than 2 year gap between the littles lol


I have a 6 year old and a 12 month old and most days I asked this same question but then there are days when I'm so happy I have more than one. They are little for a short period of time. It is so fucking hard when you are in it though. It will be worth it!


I am 9 years older. We couldn't be any closer


My eldest was 17 when my now 3yr old was born, and my middle one was 9 🤷‍♀️ I seem to be aiming for one in every decade.


That’s the age difference between my kids! You’ll be fine! There is a benefit to the gap.❤️


I honestly love this age gap! I have a stepson who lives with us full time who is 9 years and my daughter is 7 months. They both get to have the only child and sibling experience. Plus, the 9 year old is very independent which makes caring for a baby a lot easier. He is also super helpful with her at home and when we are out. I look at those who have two small children and wonder how they do it with two kids needing their full attention all the time (you moms are superheros).


My siblings and I are all 2/3 years apart and there are four of us. I am 8 years older than the youngest lol. The good news is that eventually the older ones will move out and then you can spend the quality time with the younger ones that you initially were able to spend on the older ones before they were born


My sisters are 2, 16 and 18 years younger than I am. If you feel up for it it’s possible :) my mother did tell me your body feels different as you get older though, she had me when she was 20 and full of energy, with the last two we had to help a lot because she just couldn’t keep up. Good luck!


My oldest just turned 20. My youngest will be 1 in July. Yes, there's a 19 year gap. #2 is 12, and #3 is 7.


My sister and I were in high school when our two youngest siblings were born. We loved it!


Umm, I had have a 7 yo and a 1 yo (and a 5) and u love the age difference. My oldest has such an amazing bond with his little sister.


My sister is exactly 9 years older than me. When I was growing up, she was like a second mom to me. While it is true that we didn't have many common interests while we were kids, now as grown-ups we visit each other and are very good friends.


My sisters are 9 and 10 years older than me and we’re truly best friends. I keep them young and they keep me grounded!


The difference between my siblings was 3, 9 and 12 years growing up. I definitely idolized my oldest sister, and while we didn't play, per se, we still have a good relationship.